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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Immigration & Refugees in 2021

Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers' Integration in European Labour Markets: A Comparative Approach on Legal Barriers and Enablers by
Refugees and Religion: Ethnographic Studies of Global Trajectories by
Museums, Refugees and Communities by Sergi, Domenico
Rsf: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences: Asian Americans and the Immigrant Integration Agenda by
Migrant Hospitalities in the Mediterranean: Encounters with Alterity in Birth and Death by
Undocumented Migrants and Their Everyday Lives: The Case of Finland by Tedeschi, Miriam, Jauhiainen, Jussi S.
Undocumented Migrants and Their Everyday Lives: The Case of Finland by Jauhiainen, Jussi S., Tedeschi, Miriam
Goodbye Britain by Beck, Tom
Ritwik Ghatak and the Cinema of PRAXIS: Culture, Aesthetics and Vision by Vahali, Diamond Oberoi
Marriage Migration and Integration by Bolognani, Marta, Ersanilli, Evelyn, Charsley, Katharine
Immigration in American History by Anderson, Kristen L.
Immigration in American History by Anderson, Kristen L.
Migrapreneurs: The Potentials for Diversifying our Diversity by Osaghae, Ephraim
Honolka Courage by Honolka, Sharon
Immigration Matters: Movements, Visions, and Strategies for a Progressive Future by
Medicalising Borders: Selection, Containment and Quarantine Since 1800 by
Afro-Asian Connections in Latin America and the Caribbean by
Twice a minority: Kosovo Circassians in the Russian Federation by Schneider, Marieta
UN Global Compacts: Governing Migrants and Refugees by Micinski, Nicholas R.
UN Global Compacts: Governing Migrants and Refugees by Micinski, Nicholas R.
Resisting Citizenship: Migrant Housing Squats Against State Enclosures by
Migrants to Amazonia: Spontaneous Colonization in the Brazilian Frontier by Lisansky, Judith
The Global Lives of German Migrants: Consequences of International Migration Across the Life Course by
Identity Strategies of Stateless Ethnic Minority Groups in Contemporary Poland by
EU Migration Management and the Social Purpose of European Integration: The Spillover of Misery by Köpping Athanasopoulos, Harald
The Global Lives of German Migrants: Consequences of International Migration Across the Life Course by
Discourse Wars in Gotham-West: A Latino Immigrant Urban Tale of Resistance & Agency by Pruyn, Marc
Being German Canadian: History, Memory, Generations by
Being German Canadian: History, Memory, Generations by
Reading the Diaries of Henry Trent: The Everyday Life of a Canadian Englishman, 1842-1898 Volume 14 by Little, J. I.
Smuggled: An illegal history of journeys to Australia by Kalman, Julie, Balint, Ruth
Kinship in the Age of Mobility and Technology: Migrant Family Mobilities in the Contemporary Global Novel by Tayeb, Lamia
Mapping Migration, Mapping Churches' Responses in Europe 'Being Church Together' by Passarelli, Alessia, Jackson, Darrell R.
Reading the Diaries of Henry Trent: The Everyday Life of a Canadian Englishman, 1842-1898 by Little, J. I.
Care Work and Medical Travel: Exploring the Emotional Dimensions of Caring on the Move by
No Longer Strangers: Transforming Evangelism with Immigrant Communities by
Port of No Return: Enemy Alien Internment in World War II New Orleans by Miller, Marilyn G.
Sexualities, Transnationalism, and Globalisation: New Perspectives by
Encounters across Difference: Tourism and Overcoming Subalternity in India by Bloch, Natalia
Global Climate Change, Population Displacement, and Public Health: The Next Wave of Migration by Palinkas, Lawrence a.
Sprache - Bildung - Geschlecht: Interdisziplinäre Ansätze in Flucht- Und Migrationskontexten by
Ten Thousand Shells and Counting: A Memoir by Mujagic, Nadija
Migration and Environmental Change in Morocco: In Search for Linkages Between Migration Aspirations and (Perceived) Environmental Changes by Hut, Elodie, Van Praag, Lore, Ou-Salah, Loubna
Migration, Urbanity and Cosmopolitanism in a Globalized World by
Migration, Urbanity and Cosmopolitanism in a Globalized World by
World as Family: A Journey of Multi-Rooted Belongings by Desai, Vishakha N.
The Transplants by Prezzolini, Giuseppe
Die Ungarnkrise 1956. Der Umgang mit der Flüchtlingskrise in Österreich: Unterschiede zwischen 1956 und 2015/2016 by Reigner, Gregor
Sociocultural and Power-Relational Dimensions of Multilingual Writing: Recommendations for Deindustrializing Writing Education by Kalan, Amir
Sociocultural and Power-Relational Dimensions of Multilingual Writing: Recommendations for Deindustrializing Writing Education by Kalan, Amir
Time and Migration by Sun, Ken Chih-Yan
Home Rule from a Transnational Perspective: The Irish Parliamentary Party and the United Irish League of America, 1901-1918 by King, Tony
Migration Culture: A Comparative Perspective by Liubiniene, Vilmante, Zičkute, Ineta, Kumpikaite -Valiūniene, Vilmante
Island of Hope: Migration and Solidarity in the Mediterranean by Carney, Megan A.
Island of Hope: Migration and Solidarity in the Mediterranean by Carney, Megan A.
Refugee Crisis in International Policy, Volume I - Legal and Social Statuses of Refugees by
Korean Wild Geese Families: Gender, Family, Social, and Legal Dynamics of Middle-Class Asian Transnational Families in North America by Lee, Se Hwa
Refugee Crisis in International Policy Volume II - Refugee Policies of The EU and European Countries by
Immigrant and Refugee Youth and Families: Research and Practice by
Visual Securitization: Humanitarian Representations and Migration Governance by Massari, Alice
(In)Toleranz in Der Einwanderungsgesellschaft?: Einstellungen Zu Migranten in Deutschland Und Europa by
Visual Securitization: Humanitarian Representations and Migration Governance by Massari, Alice
The Home Torn Apart: Pangs of Displacement and Memory of Trauma: Partition Refugees, Barak Valley Of Assam by Mousumi Choudhury
Citizenship, Nationalism and Refugeehood of Rohingyas in Southern Asia by
Educating Greek Americans: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Pathways by
Mainstreaming Versus Alienation: A Complexity Approach to the Governance of Migration and Diversity by Scholten, Peter
Diaspora of the City: Stories of Cosmopolitanism from Istanbul and Athens by Örs, İlay Romain
The Wall: The Making and Unmaking of the Turkish-Syrian Border by Aras, Ramazan
Best Buy, how not to get scammed by Hajro, Jasmin
Approaching the Bench from Inside the Immigration Court by Zimmer, William K.
Approaching the Bench from Inside the Immigration Court by Zimmer, William K.
Diaspora Entrepreneurs and Contested States by Koinova, Maria
Africa and the Diaspora: Intersectionality and Interconnections by
Externalising Migration Governance Through Civil Society: Tunisia as a Case Study by Dini, Sabine, Giusa, Caterina
Migration and Development in the Caribbean: The Unexplored Connection by Pastor, Robert
Determinants of Emigration from Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean by Diaz-Briquets, Sergio
A Brief History of Nirze Village of Gesaria by Khederian, Senekerim
My Dear Son Garabed: I Read Your Letter, I Cried, I Laughed - Kojaian Family Letters from Efkere Kayseri to America (1912-1919): I Read You by
Introduction to International Migration: Population Movements in the 21st Century by
Introduction to International Migration: Population Movements in the 21st Century by
The Door in the Nightmare: From the Russian Revolution to Pax Americana by de Roeck, Galina
Britain's Rural Muslims: Rethinking Integration by Hackett, Sarah
The Coffin Ship: Life and Death at Sea During the Great Irish Famine by McMahon, Cian T.
Syria: The Making and Unmaking of a Refuge State by Chatty, Dawn
Transmovimientos: Latinx Queer Migrations, Bodies, and Spaces by
Refusing Death: Immigrant Women and the Fight for Environmental Justice in La by Kim, Nadia Y.
Divided Peoples: Policy, Activism, and Indigenous Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Border by Leza, Christina
Refusing Death: Immigrant Women and the Fight for Environmental Justice in La by Kim, Nadia Y.
Transmovimientos: Latinx Queer Migrations, Bodies, and Spaces by
Ulster to America: The Scots-Irish Migration Experience, 1680-1830 by
Welcome Home: A Guide to Building a Home for Your Soul by Zebian, Najwa
Sociological Reflections on the Covid-19 Pandemic in India: Redefining the Normal by
The Health Status of Internal Migrants in China by
Zwischen Europäisierung Und Renationalisierung Der Freizügigkeit: Eine Finanzkrisen-Bedingte Migration Von Portugal Nach Luxemburg by Hartmann-Hirsch, Claudia, Amétépé, Fofo Senyo
Adolescents in Humanitarian Crisis: Displacement, Gender and Social Inequalities by
A Theory of Forced Labour Migration: The Proletarianisation of the West Bank Under Occupation (1967-1992) by Kadri, Ali
Analysing Society in a Global Context: Empirical Studies on Sociation Processes of Volunteers and Refugees by Krossa, Anne Sophie
People Power: Why We Need More Migrants by Merritt, Giles
People Power: Why We Need More Migrants by Merritt, Giles
Indian Migrant Organizations: Engagement in Education and Healthcare by Rahman, Mizanur, Ranjan, Rakesh
Adolescents in Humanitarian Crisis: Displacement, Gender and Social Inequalities by
Children at the Border: An American Human Rights Crisis by Wilson-Keenan, Jo-Anne
Ein Querschnitt des Asylsystems und der Asylpolitik in Italien by Maurer, Isabella
The Strangers in Our Midst: American Evangelicals and Immigration from the Cold War to the Twenty-First Century by Stockhausen, Ulrike Elisabeth
US-Mexikanische Grenzsituation. Mexikanische Arbeitsmigration und die US-Grenzpolitik by Schmilinsky, Sophia
Africans and the Exiled Life: Migration, Culture, and Globalization by
The Evolution of a Cricket Fan: My Shapeshifting Journey by Chopra, Samir
Un-Settling Middle Eastern Refugees: Regimes of Exclusion and Inclusion in the Middle East, Europe, and North America by
Negotiating Identity in Scandinavia: Women, Migration, and the Diaspora by
Handbook of Research on Promoting Social Justice for Immigrants and Refugees Through Active Citizenship and Intercultural Education by
Migration and the Contested Politics of Justice: Europe and the Global Dimension by
America for Americans: A History of Xenophobia in the United States by Lee, Erika
Dignity in Movement: Borders, Bodies and Rights by
Precarity and Belonging: Labor, Migration, and Noncitizenship by
Émigré, Exile, Diaspora, and Transnational Movements of the Crimean Tatars: Preserving the Eternal Flame of Crimea by Aydın, Filiz Tutku
The Other Windrush: Legacies of Indenture in Britain's Caribbean Empire by
Bullets in Envelopes: Iraqi Academics in Exile by Yako, Louis
The Other Windrush: Legacies of Indenture in Britain's Caribbean Empire by
Comparing Conviviality: Living with Difference in Casamance and Catalonia by Heil, Tilmann
Narratives of Forced Mobility and Displacement in Contemporary Literature and Culture by Bromley, Roger
The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed: Emerging Issues and New Actors by
The Evolution of a Cricket Fan: My Shapeshifting Journey by Chopra, Samir
Party and Nation: Immigration and Regime Politics in American History by Zentner, Scot J., Lemay, Michael C.
Between Everything and Nothing: The Journey of Seidu Mohammed and Razak Iyal and the Quest for Asylum by Meno, Joe
Open Hearts, Closed Doors: Immigration Reform and the Waning of Mainline Protestantism by Pruitt, Nicholas T.
When Boat People Were Resettled, 1975-1983: A Comparative History of European and Israeli Responses to the South-East Asian Refugee Crisis by
Ghetto: Sanctuary for Sale by
The Wealth of Refugees: How Displaced People Can Build Economies by Betts, Alexander
Dispossession and Dissent: Immigrants and the Struggle for Housing in Madrid by Gonick, Sophie L.
Dispossession and Dissent: Immigrants and the Struggle for Housing in Madrid by Gonick, Sophie L.
Del enclave bananero al neoliberal: La migración hondureña a Estados Unidos (1920-2010) by López Recinos, Vladimir
Ausstieg Und Deradikalisierung: Erklärungsansätze - Befunde - Kritik by Logvinov, Michail
Der Einfluss von Peergroups auf jugendliche Migranten und Migrantinnen by Anonymous
Deadly Denial: Xenophobia Governance and the Global Compact for Migration in South Africa by Crush, Jonathan
Mittelschicht Unter Druck: Dynamiken in Der Österreichischen Mitte by
Migration and Mortality: Social Death, Dispossession, and Survival in the Americas by
Migration and Mortality: Social Death, Dispossession, and Survival in the Americas by
Sexueller Missbrauch - Disclosureprozesse Von Kindern Mit Migrationshintergrund: Eine Untersuchung Zu Sichtweisen Von Akteur*innen Im Kinderschutz by Weingraber, Sophie
Crowns and Colonies: European Monarchies and Overseas Empires by
A Tale of A Refugee by Abdulrahim, Gamar
Separated: Inside an American Tragedy by Soboroff, Jacob
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary European Social Movements: Protest in Turbulent Times by
Global Exposure in East Asia: A Comparative Study of Microglobalization by Tsai, Ming-Chang
The Evolution of Migration Management in the Global North by Oelgemoller, Christina
London the Promised Land Revisited: The Changing Face of the London Migrant Landscape in the Early 21st Century by Kershen, Anne J.
The Somatechnics of Whiteness and Race: Colonialism and Mestiza Privilege by Laforteza, Elaine Marie Carbonell
The Aboriginal People of Peninsular Malaysia: From the Forest to the Urban Jungle by Jegatesen, Govindran
Chinese in Africa: 'Chineseness' and the Complexities of Identities by
Narrating Migration: Intimacies of Exclusion in Northern Italy by Perrino, Sabina
Migrating Borders: Territorial Rescaling and Citizenship Realignment in Europe by
Aspiration, Desire and the Drivers of Migration by
Re-thinking the Political Economy of Immigration Control: A Comparative Analysis by Sitkin, Lea
Unjust Borders: Individuals and the Ethics of Immigration by Hidalgo, Javier S.
Public Health at the Border of Zimbabwe and Mozambique, 1890-1940: African Experiences in a Contested Space by Dube, Francis
Cuando Mis Padres Emigraron by Alameda, Nilda
Resacralizing the Other at the Us-Mexico Border: A Borderland Hermeneutic by Cuéllar, Gregory L.
Der brasilianische Migrationsstrom nach Portugal. Rassismus im Alltag by Weidinger, Jannik
Indentured Servitude: Unfree Labour and Citizenship in the British Colonies Volume 4 by Suranyi, Anna
Public Memory in the Context of Transnational Migration and Displacement: Migrants and Monuments by
Migration, Multilingualism and Education: Critical Perspectives on Inclusion by
Migration, Multilingualism and Education: Critical Perspectives on Inclusion by
Electrified Democracy by Blick, Andrew
Gratitude in Low Voices: A Memoir by Habte, Dawit Gebremichael
Querido Iker by Pére Benito, Monica
Building Walls: Excluding Latin People in the United States by Castañeda, Ernesto
Lost History of Stolen Children: An Epic Poem by Phillips, Richard Hayes
Scots in Poland, Russia, and the Baltic States. Part Four by Dobson, David
Intergenerational Ethnic Identity Construction and Transmission Among Italian-Australians: Absence, Ambivalence and Revival by Marino, Simone
The Courage for Civil Repair: Narrating the Righteous in International Migration by
Our Journey to El Dorado: Two Women, Two Immigrants, Two Worlds Collide- A True Story of Faith and Freedom from Human Trafficking by Renée, M. F.
Migration Diplomacy in the Middle East and North Africa: Power, Mobility, and the State by Tsourapas, Gerasimos
Korean Diaspora across the World: Homeland in History, Memory, Imagination, Media, and Reality by
Understanding Spatial-Temporal Patterns of the Ethnic Minority Mobility in China's Urbanization by Cao, Huhua, Li, Gaoxiang
The Use of Preventive Detention Laws in Malaysia: A Case for Reform by Bari, M. Ehteshamul, Naz, Safia
Latin American Diasporas in Public Diplomacy by
Performing New German Realities: Turkish-German Scripts of Postmigration by Stewart, Lizzie
Internal Colonialism and International Relations: Tracks of Decolonization in Bolivia by Teixeira Delgado, Ana Carolina
Empirische Studien Lesen: Einführung in Die Praxis Der Quantitativen Sozialforschung by
Refugee States: Critical Refugee Studies in Canada by
Understanding Korean Americans' Mental Health: A Guide to Culturally Competent Practices, Program Developments, and Policies by
The Road from Raqqa: A Story of Brotherhood, Borders, and Belonging by Conn, Jordan Ritter
South Central Dreams: Finding Home and Building Community in South L.A. by Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette, Pastor, Manuel
South Central Dreams: Finding Home and Building Community in South L.A. by Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette, Pastor, Manuel
Disavowing Asylum: Documenting Ireland's Asylum Industrial Complex by Lentin, Ronit, Nedeljkovic, Vukasin
Mexifornia: A State of Becoming by Hanson, Victor Davis
Migrants, Mobility and Citizenship in India by
Stealing Time: Migration, Temporalities and State Violence by
Ubuntu as Dance Pedagogy in Uganda: Individuality, Community, and Inclusion in Teaching and Learning of Indigenous Dances by Mabingo, Alfdaniels
Narcissistic Abuse Therapy: The Complete Guide to Recovery after a Narcissistic Abuse + Ways How to Identify Narcissism in Ourselves and Others to by Griffith, Caldwell
News From Nowhere: Exhibition's zine on displacement & refuge by
The Identitarians: The Movement Against Globalism and Islam in Europe by Zúquete, José Pedro
Technologies of Refuge and Displacement: Rethinking Digital Divides by Leung, Linda
Identities on Trial in the United States: Asylum Seekers from Asia by Ngin, Chorswang
Opening Pathways, Building Bridges: Skilled Migration of Mexican Scientists and Engineers to the UK by Anzures, Tonatiuh
Leisure and Forced Migration: Lives Lived in Asylum Systems by
Children of the Camp: The Lives of Somali Youth Raised in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya by Grayson, Catherine-Lune
Mobilität Statt Exodus: Migration Und Flucht in Und Aus Afrika by Schultz, Susanne U., Faist, Thomas, Gehring, Tobias
Migration and Stereotypes in Performance and Culture by
Understanding Migration with Macroeconomics by
The Anderson Letters: A Swedish Family's Emigration History by Aarestad, Wayne
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