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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Immigration & Refugees in 2021

The Korean Conspiracy Case by Brown, Arthur Judson 1856-1963
Guarding the Immigration Gates. What Has Been Done, What is Still to Be Done by
John Chinaman on the Rand by Anonymous
Priest-workman in Germany by Perrin, Henri
The Invasion of Britain: an Account of Plans, Attempts & Counter-measures From 1586 to 1918 by
A Pattern of Government Growth, 1800-60; the Passenger Acts and Their Enforcement by MacDonagh, Oliver
The Immigration Problem in the United States by
Emigration Statutes and General Handbook [microform] by
The Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture.; v. 27, no. 10 (1921) by
The Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture.; v. 29, no. 6 (1922) by
The Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture.; v. 28, no. 7 (1921) by
California's Answer to Japan: Japan's Honor Not Hurt by the Immigration Act. Story of the Facts. A Reply to the Special Edition of the Japan Times ( by
The Emigrator's Guide to the British Settlements and United States of America [microform]: Containing All Necessary Information Relative to Situation, by Anonymous
Return of Number of Persons Who Have Emigrated From Great Britain and Ireland to Colonies and United States of America, 1825-32 by Anonymous
Republican Landmarks. The Views and Opinions of American Statesmen on Foreign Immigration. Being a Collection of Statistics of Population, Pauperism, by Sanderson, John Philip 1818-1864
The Problem of the Immigrant, a Brief Discussion, With a Summary of Conditions, Laws, and Regulations Governing the Movement of Population to and From by Whelpley, James Davenport 1863-
The Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture.; v. 27, no. 1 (1920) by
The Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture.; v. 27, no. 21 (1920) by
The Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture.; v. 28, no. 3 (1921) by
The Journal of the Ministry of Agriculture.; v. 27, no. 12 (1921) by
The Poetic Artistry of José Watanabe: Separating the Craft from the Discourse by López-Pasarín Basabe, Alfredo, Mato, Shigeko, Muth, Randy
Figures of the Migrant: The Roles of Literature and the Arts in Representing Migration by
Queering Asylum in Europe: Legal and Social Experiences of Seeking International Protection on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity by Danisi, Carmelo, Dustin, Moira, Ferreira, Nuno
Queering Asylum in Europe: Legal and Social Experiences of Seeking International Protection on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity by Ferreira, Nuno, Danisi, Carmelo, Dustin, Moira
Family in Six Tones: A Refugee Mother, an American Daughter by Cao, Lan, Van Cao, Harlan Margaret
Women Refugee Voices from Asia and Africa: Travelling for Safety by Association, Actionaid
Women Refugee Voices from Asia and Africa: Travelling for Safety by Association, Actionaid
Plough Quarterly No. 29 - Beyond Borders by Danticat, Edwidge, Moore, Russell, Lucas, Ashley
The Last Million: Europe's Displaced Persons from World War to Cold War by Nasaw, David
The Precarious Lives of Syrians: Migration, Citizenship, and Temporary Protection in Turkey Volume 5 by Ilcan, Suzan, Rygiel, Kim, Baban, Feyzi
Cosmopolitanism from the Global South: Caribbean Spiritual Repatriation to Ethiopia by Gomes, Shelene
Refugees in New Destinations and Small Cities: Resettlement in Vermont by Bose, Pablo S.
Others in Japanese Agriculture: Koreans, Evacuees and Migrants 1920-1950 by Yasuoka, Kenichi
Trois Coups de tonnerre: Confession d'un antiraciste ordinaire by Clayrac, Jean
Coming Home to the Third Reich: Return Migration of German Nationals from the United States and Canada, 1933-1941 by Grams, Grant W.
Kopftuch(verbot): Rechtliche, Theologische, Politische Und Pädagogische Perspektiven by
Border Porosities: Movements of People, Objects, and Ideas in the Southern Balkans by Dimova, Rozita
Immigrated: A Memoir by Mujagic, Nadija
Dance or Die: From Stateless Refugee to International Ballet Star a Memoir by Joudeh, Ahmad
Meatpacking America: How Migration, Work, and Faith Unite and Divide the Heartland by Nabhan-Warren, Kristy
The Kobane Generation: Kurdish Diaspora Mobilising in France by Toivanen, Mari
Meatpacking America: How Migration, Work, and Faith Unite and Divide the Heartland by Nabhan-Warren, Kristy
The Microfoundations of Diaspora Politics by
Zivilgesellschaftliche Performanz Von Religiösen Und Säkularen Migrantenselbstorganisationen: Eine Studie in Nordrhein-Westfalen by Klie, Anna Wiebke
Migration in Schleswig-Holstein 1933 bis 1950: Eine Analyse über die Wanderungsbewegung nach Deutschland by Anonym
Borderless Higher Education for Refugees: Lessons from the Dadaab Refugee Camps by
Migration from Turkey to Sweden: Integration, Belonging and Transnational Community by Baser, Bahar, Levin, Paul T.
Policing Mobility Regimes: Frontex and the Production of the European Borderscape by Campesi, Giuseppe
Privatisation of Migration Control: Power Without Accountability? by
Italienische Gastarbeiter und ihr Beitrag zur Entwicklung Wolfsburgs. Probleme und Perspektiven der Migration von 1961/62 -1974/75 by Maier, Gunnar
Whose Career - Yours, Mine or Ours?: Addressing the Dual Career Dilemma with CARE by Quahe, Yvonne
Postmigration: Art, Culture, and Politics in Contemporary Europe by
The Beloved Border: Humanity and Hope in a Contested Land by Davidson, Miriam
Italienische Migranten in Deutschland. Akkulturation, soziale Stellung sowie Schulbildung by Ventre, Lucca
Nothing But the Truth: A Memoir by Henein, Marie
The International Political Economy of Migration in the Globalization Era by Talani, Leila Simona
Reframing Migration, Diversity and the Arts: The Postmigrant Condition by Moslund, Sten Pultz, Ring Petersen, Anne, Schramm, Moritz
Children of the Crisis: Ethnographic Perspectives on Unaccompanied Refugee Youth in and En Route to Europe by
Patterns of Im/Mobility, Conflict and Identity by
Race and Ethnicity in Pandemic Times by
Border Transgression and Reconfiguration of Caribbean Spaces by
The Postcolonial World by
Migrations, Arts and Postcoloniality in the Mediterranean by Ianniciello, Celeste
Europe and the Refugee Response: A Crisis of Values? by
Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development by
Brazilian Mobilities by
Immigration and Strategic Public Health Communication: Lessons from the Transnational Seguro Popular Project by Waisanen, Don, Yrizar Barbosa, Guillermo, Smith, Robert
Migration, Gender and Home Economics in Rural North India by K. Nauriyal, Dinesh, Singh Negi, Nalin, K. Gairola, Rahul
Contemporary European Emigration: Situating Integration in New Destinations by
In Search of a Durable Solution: Examining the Factors Influencing Postconflict Refugee Returns by Culbertson, Shelly, Blake, Jonathan S., Constant, Louay
Immigrants and Foreigners in Central and Eastern Europe During the Twentieth Century by
Women of the Somali Diaspora: Refugees, Resilience and Rebuilding After Conflict by Lewis, Joanna
Staying at Home: Identities, Memories and Social Networks of Kazakhstani Germans by Sanders, Rita
Girt By Sea: Australia, the refugees and the politics of fear: QE5 by MacCallum, Mungo
Migrational Religion: Context and Creativity in the Latinx Diaspora by Chaves, João B.
The EU Migration System of Governance: Justice on the Move by
International Residential Mobilities: From Lifestyle Migrations to Tourism Gentrification by
The $16 Taco: Contested Geographies of Food, Ethnicity, and Gentrification by Joassart-Marcelli, Pascale
The Next Great Migration: The Beauty and Terror of Life on the Move by Shah, Sonia
The $16 Taco: Contested Geographies of Food, Ethnicity, and Gentrification by Joassart-Marcelli, Pascale
The Green Card Chess Game: How to Win at Love and Marriage by Lopes, Michely
Transnational Islam and the Integration of Turks in Great Britain by Dikici, Erdem
Vietnam at the Vanguard: New Perspectives Across Time, Space, and Community by
Migration and Populism in Bulgaria by Otova, Ildiko, Staykova, Evelina
Religion, Migration and Business: Faith, Work and Entrepreneurialism in the UK by Villares-Varela, María, Sheringham, Olivia
Țeapă! Cealaltă față a imigranților români din Anglia by Pesclevei, Cezar
SELF-DECEPTION! The other face of Romanian immigrants in England by Pesclevei, Cezar
Alien Nation: 36 True Tales of Immigration by Stefanovic, Sofija
Move: The Forces Uprooting Us by Khanna, Parag
Unfree: Migrant Domestic Work in Arab States by Parreñas, Rhacel Salazar
White Borders: The History of Race and Immigration in the United States from Chinese Exclusion to the Border Wall by Jones, Reece
Unfree: Migrant Domestic Work in Arab States by Parreñas, Rhacel Salazar
Global Views on Climate Relocation and Social Justice: Navigating Retreat by
The Hitler Years Through the Eyes of a Child by Self, Charlotte
Situational Diversity: Understanding Modes of Migration-Driven Differentiation in Urban Neighbourhoods by Klückmann, Matthias
The Filipino Migration Experience by Roces, Mina
Outsiders: Memories of Migration to and from North Korea by Bell, Markus
By The Bridge Or By The River? by Roma, Amy
Philadelphia's Germans: From Colonial Settlers to Enemy Aliens by Juliani, Richard N.
Forced Displacement and Migration: Approaches and Programmes of International Cooperation by
Migration and Development Nexus in The Princely State Tripura (1900-1949) by Dr Nilanjan de
The Deportation Express: A History of America Through Forced Removal Volume 61 by Blue, Ethan
The Chagos Betrayal: How Britain Robbed an Island and Made Its People Disappear by Grosset, Florian
Linguistic Practice in Changing Conditions by Rampton, Ben
Networked Refugees: Palestinian Reciprocity and Remittances in the Digital Age Volume 2 by Hajj, Nadya
Design to Live: Everyday Inventions from a Refugee Camp by
Memory Speaks: On Losing and Reclaiming Language and Self by Sedivy, Julie
Linguistic Practice in Changing Conditions by Rampton, Ben
Ultra-Intensity Patriarchy: Care and Gender Violence on the Paraná Tri-Border Area by
Muslim Masculinities in Literature and Film: Transcultural Identity and Migration in Britain by Cherry, Peter
Geflüchtete Frauen Aus Syrien: Zwischen Rassismus Und Sexismus in Unterstützungsnetzwerken by Palenberg, Amanda Louise
Ethnicity, Identity and Faith in the Current Migratory Crisis: Continuity and Change in Migrants' Religiousness in Southern Europe by Ricucci, Roberta
Development, Governance and Gender in South Asia: Perspectives, Issues and Challenges by
Health, Safety and Well-Being of Migrant Workers: New Hazards, New Workers by
Latin American Immigration Ethics by
Crisis and Change in European Union Foreign Policy: A Framework of EU Foreign Policy Change by Ikani, Nikki
Opposing Australia's First Assisted Immigrants, 1832-42 by Burkett, Melanie
With Golden Visions Bright Before Them: Trails to the Mining West, 1849-1852 by Bagley, Will
The Frontier Challenge: Responses to the Trans-Mississippi West by
Vor dem ovalen Spiegel: Kindheitserinnerungen an Ostpreußen 1923-1945 by Jones, Anneli
Schlittschuhlaufen am Waldrand by Yeo, Marlene
The Changing Migrant Composition of Australia's Population: Past, Present and Future by Temple, Jeromey, Wilson, Tom, McDonald, Peter
Immigrating to America by Prather, Michelle R.
Mama Trinidad by Mose, Kenrick E. a.
Mama Trinidad by Mose, Kenrick E. a.
Lives beyond Borders: US Immigrant Women's Life Writing, Nationality, and Social Justice by Seethaler, Ina C.
From Anatolia to Appalachia: A Turkish-American Dialogue by
Migration and the Making of Ireland by Fanning, Bryan
Migration and the Making of Ireland by Fanning, Bryan
Journeys from There to Here: Stories of Immigrant Trials, Triumphs, and Contributions by Cohen, Susan J.
Invisible Borders: Administrative Barriers and Citizenship in the Italian Municipalities by Gargiulo, Enrico
Bundesdeutsche Presseberichterstattung Um Flucht Und Asyl: Selbstverständnis Und Visuelle Inszenierung Von Den Späten 1950er Bis Zu Den Frühen 1990er by Weimar, Lisa-Katharina
Borderless Higher Education for Refugees: Lessons from the Dadaab Refugee Camps by
The Necropolitical Production and Management of Forced Migration by Estevez, Ariadna
Transatlantic, Transcultural, and Transnational Dialogues on Identity, Culture, and Migration by
Emigrantes Y Exiliados: Materiales para una historia de las migraciones españolas by Álvarez-Uría Rico, José Antonio
Trauma, Collective Trauma and Refugee Trajectories in the Digital Era: Development of the Trauma Recovery Understanding Self-Help Therapy (TRUST) by Kidane, Selam
American Warsaw: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Polish Chicago by Pacyga, Dominic a.
Addressing Xenophobia in South Africa: Drivers, Responses and Lessons from the Durban Untold Stories by Mantzaris, Evangelos, Ngcamu, Bethuel Sibongiseni
Fostering Pluralism Through Solidarity Activism in Europe: Everyday Encounters with Newcomers by
The Diaspora's Role in Africa: Transculturalism, Challenges, and Development by Mpande, Stella-Monica N.
The Diaspora's Role in Africa: Transculturalism, Challenges, and Development by Mpande, Stella-Monica N.
Does Skill Make Us Human?: Migrant Workers in 21st-Century Qatar and Beyond by Iskander, Natasha
Does Skill Make Us Human?: Migrant Workers in 21st-Century Qatar and Beyond by Iskander, Natasha
Narrative Identity: Transnational Practices of Pashtun Immigrants in the United States of America by Castor, Trevor
Narrative Identity: Transnational Practices of Pashtun Immigrants in the United States of America by Castor, Trevor
Between Dreams and Ghosts: Indian Migration and Middle Eastern Oil by Wright, Andrea
Between Dreams and Ghosts: Indian Migration and Middle Eastern Oil by Wright, Andrea
Invandring: ...på vinst eller förlust? by Sjöberg, Lars-Arne
The Political Philosophy of Refuge by
Becoming Home: Diaspora and the Anglophone Transnational by
Transnational Solidarity in Times of Crises: Citizen Organisations and Collective Learning in Europe by
The Migration of Chinese Women to Mexico City by Alba Villalever, Ximena
The Cultural Communication of Emigration in Bulgaria by Sotirova, Nadezhda
The People of Perth and Kinross, 1800-1850 by Dobson, David
African Migrants and the Refugee Crisis by
Salgado, Exodus by
Migración Internacional: Una Inmersión Rápida by Gozdziak, Elzbieta
Reduced Inequalities by
Destination Elsewhere by Balint, Ruth
The Changing Leadership Roles of »Dedes« in the Alevi Movement: Ethnographic Studies on Alevi Associations in Turkey and Germany from the 1990s to the by Eke, Deniz Cosan
Co-Creation in Migration Studies: The Use of Co-Creative Methods to Study Migrant Integration Across European Societies by
Languaging Myths and Realities: Journeys of Chinese International Students by Zhang-Wu, Qianqian
Languaging Myths and Realities: Journeys of Chinese International Students by Zhang-Wu, Qianqian
States of Belonging: Immigration Policies, Attitudes, and Inclusion by Jimenez, Tomas R., Schildkraut, Deborah J., Huo, Yuen J.
Hakim's Odyssey: Book 1: From Syria to Turkey by Toulme, Fabien, Chute, Hanna
Migrazioni e educazione: La circolazione delle competenze: una sfida per lo sviluppo by
Money Matters in Migration by
Diverse Republic by Fanning, Bryan
The Power of Prayer and the Promised Land: The Potential of America's Refugee Resettlement Program by Boomenyo, Joseph
Soldier on: My Father, His General, and the Long Road from Vietnam by Quan, Tran B.
Belonging in Brixton: An Ethnography of Migrant West Indian Elders in Brixton, London by Allwood, Audrey
Weiblich - Muslimisch - Sportengagiert: Eine Intersektionale Analyse Sportbezogener Biografien Türkeistämmiger Frauen in Deutschland by Fast, Natalia
Pamietnik Leopolda Skorskiego: Jak PrzeŻylem, Co OsiĄgnĄlem I Co Otrzymalem by Skorski, Leopold
Die Situation von Geflüchteten in Deutschland: Rechtliche Herausforderungen, die Rolle der Sozialen Arbeit sowie geflüchtete Kinder und Jugendliche by Kurz, Lucas
Unauthorized Love: Mixed-Citizenship Couples Negotiating Intimacy, Immigration, and the State by López, Jane Lilly
Unauthorized Love: Mixed-Citizenship Couples Negotiating Intimacy, Immigration, and the State by López, Jane Lilly
Exploring (Im)Mobilities: Language Practices, Discourses and Imaginaries by
Exploring (Im)Mobilities: Language Practices, Discourses and Imaginaries by
Research Methodologies and Ethical Challenges in Digital Migration Studies: Caring for (Big) Data? by
Greek Islander Migration to Australia Since the 1950s: (Re)Discovering Limnian Identity, Belonging and Home by Afentoulis, Melissa N.
Research Methodologies and Ethical Challenges in Digital Migration Studies: Caring for (Big) Data? by
Espectáculo de frontera y contranarrativas audiovisuales: Estudios de caso sobre la (auto)representación de personas migrantes en los dos lados del At by
Posthumanist Nomadisms across non-Oedipal Spatiality by
Mediating Xenophobia in Africa: Unpacking Discourses of Migration, Belonging and Othering by
Malawian Migration to Zimbabwe, 1900-1965: Tracing Machona by Groves, Zoë R.
Género y movilidades: lecturas feministas de la migración by
The Migration Conference 2021 - Selected Papers by Sirkeci, Ibrahim
Migrants in the Mexican North: Mobility, Economy and Society in a Colonial World by Swann, Michael M.
La Casa de MIS Suenos: Dreams of Home in a Transnational Migrant Community by Fletcher, Peri L.
Parenting with an Accent: How Immigrants Honor Their Heritage, Navigate Setbacks, and Chart New Paths for Their Children by Rumer, Masha
The Eu's External Governance of Migration: Perspectives of Justice by
Migrating Minds: Theories and Practices of Cultural Cosmopolitanism by
Undocumented and Unaccompanied: Children of Migration in the European Union and the United States by
Migration and Marriage in Asian Contexts by
The Shakespearean International Yearbook: 19: Special Section, Shakespeare and Refugees by
Thai-Western Mobilities and Migration: Intimacy within Cross-Border Connections by
Europe Beyond Mobility: Mobilities, Social Cohesion and Political Integration by Audikana, Ander, Drevon, Guillaume, Kaufmann, Vincent
Europe Beyond Mobility: Mobilities, Social Cohesion and Political Integration by Audikana, Ander, Drevon, Guillaume, Kaufmann, Vincent
A Griffith History: How the House at Pound Ridge was Built by Black, Jennifer Griffith
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