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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Immigration & Refugees in 2022

Struggles for Multilingualism and Linguistic Citizenship by
Tangled Mobilities: Places, Affects, and Personhood Across Social Spheres in Asian Migration by
Emigração & contrabando: reedição, 2022 by Peres de Castro, Joaquim Filipe
Latin American Diasporas in Public Diplomacy by
Refugees, Self-Reliance, Development: A Critical History by Easton-Calabria, Evan
Building Sustainable Worlds: Latinx Placemaking in the Midwest by
Refugees, Self-Reliance, Development: A Critical History by Easton-Calabria, Evan
My Boy Will Die of Sorrow: A Memoir of Immigration from the Front Lines by Olivares, Efrén C.
The Border and Its Bodies: The Embodiment of Risk Along the U.S.-México Line by
Temporality in Mobile Lives: Contemporary Asia-Australia Migration and Everyday Time by Robertson, Shanthi
Milked: How an American Crisis Brought Together Midwestern Dairy Farmers and Mexican Workers by Conniff, Ruth
Outsider Agent: The Extraordinary Adventures of an Immigrant and Mystic in the FBI by Cano, Larry, Arismendi, Anthony
Migration Research in a Digitized World: Using Innovative Technology to Tackle Methodological Challenges by
Transnational Research in English Language Teaching: Critical Practices and Identities by
Transnational Research in English Language Teaching: Critical Practices and Identities by
Stealing Time: Migration, Temporalities and State Violence by
Family Size and Achievement: Volume 3 by Blake, Judith
Making Health Work: Human Growth in Modern Japan Volume 8 by Mosk, Carl
Making Health Work: Human Growth in Modern Japan Volume 8 by Mosk, Carl
Leaving Spain: A Biographical Study of an Economic Crisis and New Beginnings by Riemann, Me-Linh
Family Size and Achievement: Volume 3 by Blake, Judith
First Births in America: Changes in the Timing of Parenthood Volume 2 by Swicegood, C. Gray, Rindfuss, Ronald R., Morgan, S. Philip
First Births in America: Changes in the Timing of Parenthood Volume 2 by Swicegood, C. Gray, Rindfuss, Ronald R., Morgan, S. Philip
Diaspora-Biografien in Der Migrationsgesellschaft: Eine Sozialwissenschaftliche Fallstudie Über Erzählte Biografien Von Angehörigen Der Jesidischen Mi by Kanat, Süleyman
Here and There: A Perspective in Igbo Diaspora by Mgbeafulu, Mathias Chinonyere
Refugees, Migration, and Conflicts in South Asia: Rethinking Lives, Politics, and Policy by Nandy, Debasish, Roy, Sajal
The Golden Land: The Story of a Jewish Family's Journey from Ukraine to America in the Early 1900's by Anovitz, Ann Binder, Kramer, Keith
Die Musik Der Imaginären Türkei: Musik Und Musikleben Im Kontext Der Migration Aus Der Türkei in Deutschland by Greve, Martin
Refugee Solutions in the Age of Global Crisis: Human Rights, Integration, and Sustainable Development by Androff, David K.
The Migration Mobile: Border Dissidence, Sociotechnical Resistance, and the Construction of Irregularized Migrants by
Refugee Talk: Propositions on Ethics and Aesthetics by Rask Knudsen, Eva, Rahbek, Ulla
Refugee Talk: Propositions on Ethics and Aesthetics by Rask Knudsen, Eva, Rahbek, Ulla
Mirrors & Reflections: Knowing Your Power: From One Muslim Immigrant Sister to Another by Khan, Khulood Agha
Mirrors & Reflections: Knowing Your Power: From One Muslim Immigrant Sister to Another by Khan, Khulood Agha
Migrant Workers in Singapore: Lives and Labour in a Transient Migration Regime by
Mental Health Promotion for Refugees and Other Culturally and/or Linguistically Diverse Migrant Populations by
The Palgrave Handbook of Youth Mobility and Educational Migration by
Die Transnationalisierung Der Arbeitswelt Am Beispiel Von Erwerbsmobilität in Der Europäischen Union by Krings, Torben
Migration Patterns and Intentions of Floating Population in Transitional China: The Road for Urban Dream Chasers by Lao, Xin, Gu, Hengyu, Shen, Tiyan
The People of Glasgow and Clydesdale at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850 by Dobson, David
John Chinaman on the Rand by Anonymous
Refugees in Canada: On the Loss of Social and Cultural Capital by Ricento, Thomas
Global Migration Governance from Below: Actors, Spaces, Discourses by Rother, Stefan
Badass Abroad: How to Get Your Expat Shift Together by Hauxwell, Claire
Crossing Waters: Undocumented Migration in Hispanophone Caribbean and Latinx Literature & Art by Moreno, Marisel C.
Transnational Palestine: Migration and the Right of Return Before 1948 by Bawalsa, Nadim
Racial Baggage: Mexican Immigrants and Race Across the Border by Zamora, Sylvia
Crossing Waters: Undocumented Migration in Hispanophone Caribbean and Latinx Literature & Art by Moreno, Marisel C.
Transnational Palestine: Migration and the Right of Return Before 1948 by Bawalsa, Nadim
Racial Baggage: Mexican Immigrants and Race Across the Border by Zamora, Sylvia
Border Crossings and Mobilities on Screen by
From Shelters to Dwellings: The Dismantling and Reassembling of the Refugee Camp by Dalal, Ayham
Refugee Resettlement in the United States: Loss, Transition, and Resilience in a Post-9/11 World by
South Asian Migrations in Global History: Labor, Law, and Wayward Lives by
Schulische Rassismuskritik: Zur Überwindung Des Artikulationstabus in Schulischen Organisationsmilieus by Karabulut, Aylin
Kindermedien Und Rassismuskritik: Wie Schwarze Kinder Die Reproduktion Von Rassismus in Tkkg-Hörspielen Wahrnehmen by Akue-Dovi, Adolé
The Migration of Professional Women from Nigeria to the UK: Narratives of Work, Family Life and Adaptation by Ogbemudia, Joy
Discourses of Borders and the Nation in the USA: A Discourse-Historical Analysis by Demata, Massimiliano
Collective Action: Tribes, Empires, Nations, and Protest Movements by Jordan, Bill
Collective Action: Tribes, Empires, Nations, and Protest Movements by Jordan, Bill
Migrant Protection and the City in the Americas by
The Complexity of Rural Migration in China: The Story of a Migrant Village by Fengshui, Xiong
Who's Who Diaspora: The Nigerian Story 2nd Edition: The Nigerian Story 2nd Edition by Anukwuem, Linda
WHO'S WHO DIASPORA The Nigerian Story: The Nigerian Story 2nd Edition by Anukwuem, Linda
Securing Borders, Securing Power: The Rise and Decline of Arizona's Border Politics by Slaven, Mike
Open Hand, Closed Fist: Practices of Undocumented Organizing in a Hostile State by Abrams, Kathryn
Salted Plums: A Memoir of Culture and Identity by Lihalakha, Alison Hong Nguyen
Made in China: A Memoir of Love and Labor by Qu, Anna
Securing Borders, Securing Power: The Rise and Decline of Arizona's Border Politics by Slaven, Mike
Open Hand, Closed Fist: Practices of Undocumented Organizing in a Hostile State by Abrams, Kathryn
International Students' Multilingual Literacy Practices: An Asset-Based Approach to Understanding Academic Discourse Socialization by
International Students' Multilingual Literacy Practices: An Asset-Based Approach to Understanding Academic Discourse Socialization by
Care Work, Migrant Peasant Families and Discourse of Filial Piety in China by He, Longtao
Militant Cosmopolitics: Another World Horizon by Caraus, Tamara
Afrodiasporic Identities in Australia: Articulations of Blackness and Africanness by Anderson, Leticia, Gatwiri, Kathomi
Thanet to Tasmania by Curling, Lucyann
Routledge Handbook on Middle Eastern Diasporas by
Young EU Migrants in London in the Transition to Brexit by King, Russell, Lulle, Aija, Moroşanu, Laura
Undesirable Immigrants: Why Racism Persists in International Migration by Rosenberg, Andrew S.
Undesirable Immigrants: Why Racism Persists in International Migration by Rosenberg, Andrew S.
Immigrant Integration in Europe: A Subjective Well-Being Perspective by Paparusso, Angela
The Humanitarians by Damousi, Joy
Dynamics of Emigration: Émigré Scholars and the Production of Historical Knowledge in the 20th Century by
Migration Research in a Digitized World: Using Innovative Technology to Tackle Methodological Challenges by
Mobile Urbanity: Somali Presence in Urban East Africa by
Displaced- The Journey Home by Shaikh, Tami
Immigration and the Border: Politics and Policy in the New Latino Century by
Trying to Make It: The Enterprises, Gangs, and People of the American Drug Trade by Gundur, Rajeev V.
Trying to Make It: The Enterprises, Gangs, and People of the American Drug Trade by Gundur, Rajeev V.
The Sanctuary City: Immigrant, Refugee, and Receiving Communities in Postindustrial Philadelphia by Vitiello, Domenic
The Sanctuary City: Immigrant, Refugee, and Receiving Communities in Postindustrial Philadelphia by Vitiello, Domenic
A Story to Save Your Life: Communication and Culture in Migrants' Search for Asylum by Bishop, Sarah
Internally Displaced Persons and the Law in Nigeria by Adeola, Aderomola
Baltic Hospitality from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century: Receiving Strangers in Northeastern Europe by
Mobility and Globalization in the Aftermath of Covid-19: Emerging New Geographies in a Locked World by Korstanje, Maximiliano E., George, Babu
Baltic Hospitality from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century: Receiving Strangers in Northeastern Europe by
Ageing and Migration in a Global Context: Challenges for Welfare States by
A Story to Save Your Life: Communication and Culture in Migrants' Search for Asylum by Bishop, Sarah
Migration in South America: Imiscoe Regional Reader by
Migration in South America: Imiscoe Regional Reader by
Italo-Romance Dialects in the Linguistic Repertoires of Immigrants in Italy by
Reproduction and Social Organization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Volume 4 by
Reproduction and Social Organization in Sub-Saharan Africa: Volume 4 by
The Immigrant's Guide to Living in Australia: 5th Edition - 2022/2023 Further Revised, Improved and Updated by Zawatzky, Hymie
Hamid and Shakespeare: The Tragi-Comic Journey of a Refugee by Adin, Majid
Fearing the Immigrant: Racialization and Urban Policy in Toronto by Saberi, Parastou
Fearing the Immigrant: Racialization and Urban Policy in Toronto by Saberi, Parastou
Visiting Immigration Detention: Care and Cruelty in Australia's Asylum Seeker Prisons by Peterie, Michelle
After Stories: Transnational Intimacies of Postwar El Salvador by Silber, Irina Carlota
Visiting Immigration Detention: Care and Cruelty in Australia's Asylum Seeker Prisons by Peterie, Michelle
After Stories: Transnational Intimacies of Postwar El Salvador by Silber, Irina Carlota
Pachappa Camp: The First Koreatown in the United States by Chang, Edward T.
Not "A Nation of Immigrants": Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy, and a History of Erasure and Exclusion by Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne
Handover of Power - Integration: European Version - Volume 20/21 by Seidl, Andreas
Migration and Domestic Work: Imiscoe Short Reader by Marchetti, Sabrina
Invisible Outsider: From battling bullies to building bridges, my life as a Third Culture Kid by Bales, Casey E.
International Migration, Remittances and Brain Drain: Impacts on Development by Feld, Serge
Becoming a Migrant Worker in Nepal: The Governmentality and Marketization of Transnational Labor by Uprety, Hannah
Social Work, Young Migrants and the Act of Listening: Becoming an Unaccompanied Child by Lalander, Philip, Herz, Marcus
Migration, Identity, and Belonging: Defining Borders and Boundaries of the Homeland by
The Making of the Conservative Party's Immigration Policy by Partos, Rebecca
Sri Lanka's Remittance Economy: A Multiscalar Analysis of Migration-Underdevelopment by Withers, Matt
Screening Out: HIV Testing and the Canadian Immigration Experience by Bisaillon, Laura
State Policies and Internal Migration: Studies in Market and Planned Economies by
Freeing My Family: One Uyghur Man's Epic Battle to Save His Wife and Son and Bring Them to Australia by Bradley, Michael, Abdusalam, Sadam
App Kid: How a Child of Immigrants Grabbed a Piece of the American Dream by Sayman, Michael
Cleveland's Cultural Gardens: A Landscape of Diversity by Grabowski, John J.
Reflections of Asian Diaspora: Mapping Theologies and Ministries by
Writing the Multicultural Experience by Kaldas, Pauline
Wohnen Nach Der Flucht: Integration Von Geflüchteten Und Roma in Städtische Wohnungsmärkte Und Quartiere by
Quaker Arrivals at Philadelphia, 1685-1750: being a list of certificates of removal received at Philadelphia Monthly Meeting of Friends by Myers, Alber Cook
Thriving in Intersectionality: Immigrants, Belonging, and Corporate America by Adeyemo, Lola M.
Medellín V. Texas: International Justice, Federalism, and the Execution of José Medellin by Mygatt-Tauber, Alan
Thriving in Intersectionality: Immigrants, Belonging, and Corporate America by Adeyemo, Lola M.
New Migrations, New Multilingual Practices, New Identities: The Case of Post-2008 Italian Migrants in London by Pepe, Giulia
Kinship Across the Black Atlantic: Writing Diasporic Relations by Adair, Gigi
The People of Fife at Home and Abroad, 1800-1850 by Dobson, David
Gender and Migration in Historical Perspective: Institutions, Labour and Social Networks, 16th to 20th Centuries by
Migration, Diversity and Inequality in Later Life: Ageing at a Crossroads by Sampaio, Dora
Gifts from Amin: Ugandan Asian Refugees in Canada by Muhammedi, Shezan
Gifts from Amin: Ugandan Asian Refugees in Canada by Muhammedi, Shezan
Hostile Homes: Violence, Harm and the Marketisation of UK Asylum Housing by Hirschler, Steven A.
India Migration Report 2022: Health Professionals' Migration by
Homelands: The History of a Friendship by Ramaswamy, Chitra
Solito: A Read with Jenna Pick: A Memoir by Zamora, Javier
American Refuge: True Stories of the Refugee Experience by Abdo, Diya
Ellis Island: A People's History by Szejnert, Malgorzata
African Migration to Thailand: Race, Mobility, and Integration by
Finding the Way by Lawerh, Rachel, Diongue, Marème, Association, Immigrant Writers
Migration and Integration Challenges of Muslim Immigrants in Europe: Debating Policies and Cultural Approaches by
The Psychological Effects of Immigrating: A Depth Psychology Perspective on Relocating to a New Place by Tyminski, Robert
The Exclusion of Immigrants from Welfare Programs: Cross-National Analysis and Contemporary Developments by
The Psychological Effects of Immigrating: A Depth Psychology Perspective on Relocating to a New Place by Tyminski, Robert
Crises and Migration: Critical Perspectives from Latin America by
A Strategy for the Deconstruction of the Dichotomic Structure of the European Discourse on Migration since 2015: An Ethical Pursuit with Heidegger, Hu by Helfrich, Aniela
Language Learning and Forced Migration by
Return: Why We Go Back to Where We Come from by Al-Solaylee, Kamal
Migration, Health, and Inequalities: Critical Activist Research Across Ecuadorean Borders by Villalón, Roberta
From Indians in Trinidad to Indo-Trinidadians: The Making of a Girmitiya Diaspora by Jayaram, N.
African-Australian Marriage Migration: An Ethnography of (Un)Happiness by Hoogenraad, Henrike A.
The Poetic Artistry of José Watanabe: Separating the Craft from the Discourse by Mato, Shigeko, Muth, Randy, López-Pasarín Basabe, Alfredo
Contemporary Immigration: Psychological Perspectives to Address Challenges and Inform Solutions by
Francophone Migrations, French Islam and Wellbeing: The Soninké Foyer in Paris by Accoroni, Dafne
Refugee Cities: How Afghans Changed Urban Pakistan by Alimia, Sanaa
Refugee Cities: How Afghans Changed Urban Pakistan by Alimia, Sanaa
Children Crossing Borders: Latin American Migrant Childhoods by
Almost All Aliens: Immigration, Race, and Colonialism in American History and Identity by Beltrán, Francisco, Spickard, Paul, Hooton, Laura
Almost All Aliens: Immigration, Race, and Colonialism in American History and Identity by Beltrán, Francisco, Spickard, Paul, Hooton, Laura
Cosmopolitanism from the Global South: Caribbean Spiritual Repatriation to Ethiopia by Gomes, Shelene
From Somalia to Snow: How Central Minnesota Became Home to Somalis by Ibrahim, Hudda
Inmigración. Educados para el fracaso. by Llamas Molina, José
Yes to Dignity by Bandyopadhyay, Madhulina
The People of Leith at Home and Abroad, 1600-1799 by Dobson, David
Nomads: The Wanderers Who Shaped Our World by Sattin, Anthony
Nomads: The Wanderers Who Shaped Our World by Sattin, Anthony
Postcoloniality and Forced Migration: Mobility, Control, Agency by
Rethinking Fanon: The Continuing Dialogue by Gibson, Nigel C.
The Politics of Migrants with Irregular Status in Europe by
Culture, Migration and Welfare: A Study of Europe by
World of Our Mothers: Mexican Revolution-Era Immigrants and Their Stories by Montiel, Miguel, de la Torre Montiel, Yvonne
Nomads: The Wanderers Who Shaped Our World by Sattin, Anthony
Gender, Race and Inclusive Citizenship: Dialoge Zwischen Aktivismus Und Wissenschaft by
Muslim*innen- Und Islamfeindlichkeit: Zur Differenzierten Betrachtung Von Vorurteilen Gegenüber Menschen Und Religion by Diekmann, Isabell
Giovanni's Last Shoe: A Historical Narrative of the Giovanni and Rosaria di Bartolomeo Family by Bartolomeo, Mark
Unattached Women, Able-Bodied Men: Partition, Migration and Resettlement in Bengal by Das, Tista
Liquid Borders: Migration as Resistance by
I Dream with Open Eyes: A Memoir by Prochnik, George
Identity, Language and Education of Sakhalin Japanese and Koreans: Continual Diaspora by Paichadze, Svetlana
Refugees and Migrants: International Affairs by
An International Overview on Women and Migration by
Navigating the European Migration Regime: Male Migrants, Interrupted Journeys and Precarious Lives by Wyss, Anna
Controlling Immigration: A Comparative Perspective, Fourth Edition by
A Global Overview on Refugee Status Determination by
Migration: Sociological and Economic Impacts by
Controlling Immigration: A Comparative Perspective, Fourth Edition by
Nine Quarters of Jerusalem: A New Biography of the Old City by Teller, Matthew
Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement in Vietnam: Exploring the State - People Nexus by
Marginalisierte Gefühlswelten: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Der Emotionalen Integrationsverläufe Von Migrant*innen in Deutschland by Kuche, Coline
Transformations of La Familia on the U.S.-Mexico Border by
Notes from the Diaspora by Simmons, Marlon
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