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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Immigration & Refugees in 2023

Migration and Domestic Space: Ethnographies of Home in the Making by
Migration and Domestic Space: Ethnographies of Home in the Making by
Language Ideologies and L2 Speaker Legitimacy: Native Speaker Bias in Japan by Takeuchi, Jae Dibello
Unsettling: The El Paso Massacre, Resurgent White Nationalism, and the Us-Mexico Border by Rosas, Gilberto
After the Romanovs: Russian Exiles in Paris from the Belle Époque Through Revolution and War by Rappaport, Helen
From Colonization to Nation-State: The Political Demography of Indonesia by Tirtosudarmo, Riwanto
The Spiralling of the Securitisation of Migration in the European Union by
Navigating the Spanish Lake: The Pacific in the Iberian World, 1521-1898 by Buschmann, Rainer F., Slack, Edward R., Tueller, James B.
The Question of Skill in Cross-Border Labour Mobilities by
Environment, Climate Change and Migration in South Asia by
Indian Migration to the Gulf: Issues, Perspectives and Opportunities by
Voices of the Rohingya People: A Case of Genocide, Ethnocide and 'Subhuman' Life by Uddin, Nasir
Full Circle: The very place the sole of my feet tread upon was God's gift to me by Duncan-Whyte, Debbie
Full Circle: The very place the sole of my feet tread upon was God's gift to me by Duncan-Whyte, Debbie
Werte Und Wertewandel in Der Postmigrantischen Gesellschaft by
Gute Pflege Im Transkulturellen Vergleich: Eine Studie in Der Stationären Altenpflege Unter Betrachtung Immaterieller Werte by Achoumrar, Bouchra
Ten Lives and a Refugee by Le, Hy
The Difficult and Challenging Journey to Mainstream America: A Journey Worthy of Consideration by Coleman, Harvey J.
The Climate-Conflict-Displacement Nexus from a Human Security Perspective by
Berufsvorbereitung Und Anschlussverläufe: Sichtweisen, Erfahrungen, Wahrnehmungen Von Jungen Geflüchteten Und Expert*innen by Albrecht, Pauline
Handbook of Research on Current Advances and Challenges of Borderlands, Migration, and Geopolitics by
Subcontractors of Guilt: Holocaust Memory and Muslim Belonging in Postwar Germany by Özyürek, Esra
Subcontractors of Guilt: Holocaust Memory and Muslim Belonging in Postwar Germany by Özyürek, Esra
The 1.5 Generation Korean Diaspora: A Comparative Understanding of Identity, Culture, and Transnationalism by
Africa Must Deal with Blats for Its True Decolonisation: Unclothed Truth about Internalised Internal Colonialism by Mhango, Nkwazi N.
Deradikalisierung Und Distanzierung Auf Dem Gebiet Des Islamistischen Extremismus: Erkenntnisse Der Theorie - Erfahrungen Aus Der PRAXIS by
Remembering Water: A Memoir of Departure and Return by Phan, Tuan
Pressing Onward: The Imperative Resilience of Latina Migrant Mothers by Cerdeña, Jessica P.
Pressing Onward: The Imperative Resilience of Latina Migrant Mothers by Cerdeña, Jessica P.
The Wanderings of Peoples by Haddon, A. C.
The Sound of Silence: Indigenous Perspectives on the Historical Archaeology of Colonialism by
An Australian Indigenous Diaspora: Warlpiri Matriarchs and the Refashioning of Tradition by Burke, Paul
Things of the House: Material Culture and Migration from Post-Colonial Mozambique to Portugal by Rosales, Marta Vilar
Documenting Impossible Realities: Ethnography, Memory, and the as If by Yngvesson, Barbara, Coutin, Susan Bibler
Documenting Impossible Realities: Ethnography, Memory, and the as If by Coutin, Susan Bibler, Yngvesson, Barbara
Worlds Within and Worlds Without: Field Guide to an Intellectual Journey by Jackson, Michael
Policy and Politics of the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Eastern Mediterranean States: National and Institutional Perspectives by Stivachtis, Yannis A.
ISO 9001 for all Immigration, Tourism and Travel Agencies: ISO 9000 For all employees and employers by Asadi, Jahangir
Ukrainan kriisi 2022 vapaaehtoisen silmin: Miten suomalaiset ryhtyivät auttamaan sodan uhreja? by Vähäkoski, Hannu
Making the Immigrant Soldier: How Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender Intersect in the Us Military by Dragomir, Cristina-Ioana
Making the Immigrant Soldier: How Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender Intersect in the Us Military by Dragomir, Cristina-Ioana
New Beginnings by Kunjuk, Adolfo Benjamin
Colonel Hans Christian Heg and the Norwegian American Experience by Lovoll, Odd S.
Behind Crimmigration: Ice, Law Enforcement, and Resistance in America by Arriaga, Felicia
Behind Crimmigration: Ice, Law Enforcement, and Resistance in America by Arriaga, Felicia
Navigating the Cultures of Health Care and Health Insurance: Highly skilled migrants in the U.S. by Zeldes, Nina
Muslim Masculinities in Literature and Film: Transcultural Identity and Migration in Britain by Cherry, Peter
The Global Citizen by Brown, Warren
The Dinka History the Ancients of Sudan from Abuk and Garang at Creation to the Present Day Dinka 2015 by Madut-Kueendit, Lewis Anei
Rsf: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences: The Legal Landscape of U.S. Immigration in the Twenty-First Century by
Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe: A North-South Comparison by
Refugee Youth: Migration, Justice and Urban Space by
The Immobility Turn: Mobility, Migration and the Covid-19 Pandemic by Clemente, Mara, Cairns, David
Mothercoin: The Stories of Immigrant Nannies by Cummins Muñoz, Elizabeth
Aid and the Help: International Development and the Transnational Extraction of Care by Hannaford, Dinah
Walking Together: Central Americans and Transit Migration Through Mexico by Díaz de León, Alejandra
Migration Control Logics and Strategies in Europe: A North-South Comparison by
Suspended Lives: Navigating Everyday Violence in the Us Asylum System Volume 4 by Haas, Bridget Marie
The Problem of Immigration in a Slaveholding Republic: Policing Mobility in the Nineteenth-Century United States by Kenny, Kevin
Suspended Lives: Navigating Everyday Violence in the Us Asylum System Volume 4 by Haas, Bridget Marie
Aid and the Help: International Development and the Transnational Extraction of Care by Hannaford, Dinah
Urban Movements and Their Impact on Spatial Transformation by Olcar, Cumhur
Border Rules: An Abolitionist Refusal by Chowdhury, Kanishka
The Anatomy of Inclusive Cities: Insight Into Migrants in Selected Capital Cities of Southern Africa by Chipungu, Lovemore, Magidimisha-Chipungu, Hangwelani Hope
Japanese Americans at Heart Mountain: Networks, Power, and Everyday Life by Kekki, Saara Johanna
Doing Lifework in Malaysia by Yao, Souchou
Roma in Canada (1997-2020) by St Clair, Paul
The Making of a Dream by Wides-Muñoz, Laura
Charting the Emerging Field of Japanese Diaspora Archaeology by
Ukrainian Ritual on the Prairies: Growing a Ukrainian Canadian Identity by Kononenko, Natalie
Migration Crises and the Structure of International Cooperation by Money, Jeannette, Lockhart, Sarah P.
Power to the Population: The Political Consequences and Causes of Demographic Changes by Kugler, Tadeusz
Power to the Population: The Political Consequences and Causes of Demographic Changes by Kugler, Tadeusz
Dreamland: America's Immigration Lottery in an Age of Restriction by Goodman, Carly
Dreamland: America's Immigration Lottery in an Age of Restriction by Goodman, Carly
Journey Without End: Migration from the Global South Through the Americas by Curran, Rob, Nelson, Andrew
Journey Without End: Migration from the Global South Through the Americas by Curran, Rob, Nelson, Andrew
Green Card Soldier: Between Model Immigrant and Security Threat by Aptekar, Sofya
Eyes Guided by God: A Memoir by Nsengiyumva, Janvier
Latino Orlando: Suburban Transformation and Racial Conflict by Delerme, Simone
Dreamland: America's Immigration Lottery in an Age of Restriction by Goodman, Carly
British Colonial Policy in the Age of Peel and Russell by Morrell, W. P.
Israel and the Diaspora: Jewish Connectivity in a Changing World by
The Visible Invisibles: Stories of Migrant Workers in Asia by Yu, Yolanda, Das, Shivaji
Carpe Diem: The Ongoing Journey of an East Prussian Exile by Jones, Anneli
Ricostruire by
Even the Women Are Leaving: Migrants Making Mexican America, 1890-1965 by Veloz, Larisa L.
City of Refugees: The Story of Three Newcomers Who Breathed Life Into a Dying American Town by Hartman, Susan
Even the Women Are Leaving: Migrants Making Mexican America, 1890-1965 by Veloz, Larisa L.
The Italians in America Before the Revolution by Schiavo, Giovanni
Lazaretto: How Philadelphia Used an Unpopular Quarantine Based on Disputed Science to Accommodate Immigrants and Prevent Epidemic by Barnes, David S.
Bad Mexicans: Race, Empire, and Revolution in the Borderlands by Lytle Hernández, Kelly
Textures of Terror: The Murder of Claudina Isabel Velasquez and Her Father's Quest for Justice Volume 55 by Sanford, Victoria
Argonauts of West Africa: Unauthorized Migration and Kinship Dynamics in a Changing Europe by Andrikopoulos, Apostolos
Identity by Gabbani, Asala
Migrant Academics' Narratives of Precarity and Resilience in Europe by
Migrant Academics' Narratives of Precarity and Resilience in Europe by
Argonauts of West Africa: Unauthorized Migration and Kinship Dynamics in a Changing Europe by Andrikopoulos, Apostolos
From Homemakers to Breadwinners to Community Leaders: Migrating Women, Class, and Color by Fuentes-Mayorga, Norma
Strategies for Cultural Assimilation of Immigrants and Their Children: Social, Economic, and Political Considerations by
Strategies for Cultural Assimilation of Immigrants and Their Children: Social, Economic, and Political Considerations by
Heirs of the Greek Catastrophe: The Social Life of Asia Minor Refugees in Piraeus by Hirschon, Renée
Heirs of the Greek Catastrophe: The Social Life of Asia Minor Refugees in Piraeus by Hirschon, Renée
Postcoloniality: The French Dimension by Majumdar, Margaret a.
On the Edges of Whiteness: Polish Refugees in British Colonial Africa During and After the Second World War by Lingelbach, Jochen
Who Gets in: An Immigration Story by Ravvin, Norman
Transnational Student Return Migration and Megacities in China: Practices of Cityzenship by Wang, Zhe
Neuzuwanderung, Sprachliche Bildung Und Inklusion: Eine Ethnographische Studie Im Sekundarschulbereich by Plöger, Simone
Migration and Religion: Imiscoe Short Reader by Nordin, Magdalena, Otterbeck, Jonas
Asylum by Nicoletti, Umberto Nicola
Irregular Migration: Imiscoe Short Reader by Ambrosini, Maurizio, Hajer, Minke H. J.
Connecting the Holocaust and the Nakba Through Photograph-Based Storytelling: Willing the Impossible by Musleh-Motut, Nawal
Asylum Between Nations: Refugees in a Revolutionary Era by Polasky, Janet
Homemaking in the Russian-Speaking Diaspora: Material Culture, Language and Identity by
The Violence of Britishness: Racism, Borders and the Conditions of Citizenship by Ali, Nadya
Transforming Ethnicity: Youth and Migration in the Southern Ecuadorian Andes by Vásquez, Jorge Daniel
The Wanderings of Peoples by Haddon, A. C.
Tears of My Mother: The Legacy of My Nigerian Upbringing by Osefo, Wendy
Moral and Immoral Whiteness in Immigration Politics by Matos, Yalidy
Fighting Over There: U.S. War Making and Contemporary Refugee Literature by Kaus, Alaina
Fighting Over There: U.S. War Making and Contemporary Refugee Literature by Kaus, Alaina
Migration, Regional Autonomy, and Conflicts in Eastern South Asia: Searching for a Home(land) by
Migration and Urban Transitions in Australia by
The Impact of UK Immigration Law: Declining Standards of Public Administration, Legal Probity and Democratic Accountability by York, Sheona
Mobility Instead of Exodus: Migration and Flight in and from Africa by Faist, Thomas, Gehring, Tobias, Schultz, Susanne U.
Remittance of Thai Female Marriage Migrants in Germany: Motives, Challenges, and Family Relationships by Haklin, Kusuma
Coloniality and Meritocracy in Unequal EU Migrations: Intersecting Inequalities in Post-2008 Italian Migration by Varriale, Simone
Immigration, the Borderlands, and the Resilient Homeland by
Sexualities, Transnationalism, and Globalisation: New Perspectives by
African Transnational Mobility in China: Africans on the Move by Castillo, Roberto
Migrating Minds: Theories and Practices of Cultural Cosmopolitanism by
"The Belt and Road" International Migration of Asia: Research on Multilateral Population Security by Yuan, Li, Qiyini, Ma, Hong, Mi
Figures of the Migrant: The Roles of Literature and the Arts in Representing Migration by
The EU's External Governance of Migration: Perspectives of Justice by
The Shakespearean International Yearbook: 19: Special Section, Shakespeare and Refugees by
African Scholars and Intellectuals in North American Academies: Reflections on Exile and Migration by
Global Views on Climate Relocation and Social Justice: Navigating Retreat by
The Beatles and Film: From Youth Culture to Counterculture by Glynn, Stephen
Borders, Sociocultural Encounters and Contestations: Southern African Experiences in Global View by
Children of Globalization: Diasporic Coming-of-Age Novels in Germany, England, and the United States by Quintana-Vallejo, Ricardo
Migration and the Contested Politics of Justice: Europe and the Global Dimension by
Religion - Gewalt - Minderheiten: Studien Zu Religiöser Identität Im Kontext Der Geopolitischen Herausforderungen Der Moderne by Çiçek, Hüseyin
Understanding Diaspora Development: Lessons from Australia and the Pacific by
Diversity in the United States: A Cultural History of the Past Century by Samuel, Lawrence R.
Diversity in the United States: A Cultural History of the Past Century by Samuel, Lawrence R.
Indigenous African Popular Music, Volume 1: Prophets and Philosophers by
Media, Religion, Citizenship: Transnational Alevi Media and Its Audience by Emre, Kumru Berfin
Asylum and Belonging Through Collective Playwriting: How Much Home Does a Person Need? by Grøn, Helene
The Italian Squad: The True Story of the Immigrant Cops Who Fought the Rise of the Mafia by Moses, Paul
Navigating the Cultures of Health Care and Health Insurance: Highly skilled migrants in the U.S. by Zeldes, Nina
Maritime Prehistory of Northeast Asia: With a Foreword by Dr. William W. Fitzhugh by
Introduction to Migration Studies: An Interactive Guide to the Literatures on Migration and Diversity by
las Crosses: An Unwavering Journey to a New Life in America by An, Apple
Revisiting Diaspora Spaces in India: A Contemporary Overview by
Queer Ukraine: An Anthology of LGBTQI+ Ukrainian Voices During Wartime by Dvijka Collective
Migration and Integration in a Post-Pandemic World: Socioeconomic Opportunities and Challenges by
Migration and Integration in a Post-Pandemic World: Socioeconomic Opportunities and Challenges by
Somewhere We Are Human: Authentic Voices on Migration, Survival, and New Beginnings by Grande, Reyna, Guiñansaca, Sonia
Solito: A Read with Jenna Pick: A Memoir by Zamora, Javier
The Italian Diaspora in South Africa: Nostalgia, Identity, and Belonging in the Second and Third Generations by Virga, Anita, Marchetti-Mercer, Maria Chiara
Mobilities in Life and Death: Negotiating Room for Migrants and Minorities in European Cemeteries by
Mobilities in Life and Death: Negotiating Room for Migrants and Minorities in European Cemeteries by
Polish Immigrants and American Reform: Eight Leaders in the Antebellum Women's Rights and Anti-Slavery Movements by Pula, James S.
Insularity and Geographic Diversity of the Peripheral Japanese Islands by
Tahriib - Journeys Into the Unknown: An Ethnography of Uncertainty in Migration by Simonsen, Anja
Performing Memory: Corporeality, Visuality, and Mobility After 1968 by
Migration and Making an Income in the Context of 'Human Trafficking': Imponderable Experiences and Sense-Making at a South African Border by Hüncke, Anna S.
Organising Immigrants' Integration: Practices and Consequences in Labour Markets and Societies by
Environmental Migration in the Face of Emerging Risks: Historical Case Studies, New Paradigms and Future Directions by
Mobility and Migration in Byzantium: A Sourcebook by Kinloch, Matthew, Rapp, Claudia, Krausmuller, Dirk
Global Perspectives on the Difficulties and Opportunities Faced by Migrant and Refugee Students in Higher Education by
Global Perspectives on the Difficulties and Opportunities Faced by Migrant and Refugee Students in Higher Education by
Landscapes of Care: Immigration and Health in Rural America by Sangaramoorthy, Thurka
Hoe and Wage: A Social History of a Circular Migration System in West Africa by Cordell, Dennis D.
La Casa de MIS Suenos: Dreams of Home in a Transnational Migrant Community by Fletcher, Peri L.
Migrants in the Mexican North: Mobility, Economy and Society in a Colonial World by Swann, Michael M.
Engage and Evade: How Latino Immigrant Families Manage Surveillance in Everyday Life by Asad, Asad L.
Landscapes of Care: Immigration and Health in Rural America by Sangaramoorthy, Thurka
Japanese Population Geographies I: Migration, Urban Areas, and a New Concept by
Japanese Population Geographies II: Minority Populations and Future Prospects by
Indigenous African Popular Music, Volume 2: Social Crusades and the Future by
Arts Management, Cultural Policy, & the African Diaspora by
Forging Diasporic Citizenship: Narratives from German-Born Turkish Ausländer by Çaliskan, Gül
Scattered To be gathered - Ministry to Migrants (Large Print Edition) by Idoko, John
Racism in Southern Alberta and Anti-Racist Activism for Change by
Rivermouth: A Chronicle of Language, Faith, and Migration by Oliva, Alejandra
Rivermouth: A Chronicle of Language, Faith, and Migration by Oliva, Alejandra
Borders of Desire: Gender and Sexuality at the Eastern Borders of Europe by
Rivermouth: A Chronicle of Language, Faith, and Migration by Oliva, Alejandra
Diaspora Engagement in Times of Severe Economic Crisis: Greece and Beyond by
Returning - Remitting - Receiving: Social Remittances of Transnational (Re)Migrants to Croatia, Lithuania, and Poland by Lit Verlag
Internal Migration as a Life-Course Trajectory: Concepts, Methods and Empirical Applications by Bernard, Aude
Immigrant Physicians: Their Contributions and Influence on American Medical History by Rayan, Ghazi
Immigrant Physicians: Their Contributions and Influence on American Medical History by Rayan, Ghazi
Post-School Pathways of Migrant-Origin Youth in Europe by
Good Morning, Hope: A True Story of Refugee Twin Sisters and Their Triumph Over War, Poverty, and Heartbreak by Zalli, Argita, Zalli, Detina
Haunting in Chinese-Australian Writing by Xiong, Xiao
Religiöse Identitätsbildung Junger Alevit: Innen Und Sunnit: Innen: Eine Empirische Analyse Im Spannungsfeld Von Herkunftsmilieus Und Gesellschaftlich by Loth, Martina
Border Images, Border Narratives: The Political Aesthetics of Boundaries and Crossings by
Good Morning, Hope: A True Story of Refugee Twin Sisters and Their Triumph Over War, Poverty, and Heartbreak by Zalli, Argita, Zalli, Detina
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