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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Immigration & Refugees in 2025

Belonging in Unhomely Homelands: Internal Displacement and Gendered Nationalism Among Kosovo Serbs by Grujic, Marija
Desert Entanglements: The Making of the Badiya by Sahrawi Refugees of Western Sahara by Volpato, Gabriele
The Borders of Privilege: 1.5-Generation Brazilian Migrants Navigating Power Without Papers by Cebulko, Kara
Afrodiasporic Identities in Germany: Life-Stories of Millennial Women by Wojczewski, Silvia
Patterns That Remain: A Guide to Healing for Asian Children of Immigrants by Arañez Litam, Stacey Diane
When the World Closed Its Doors: The Covid-19 Tragedy and the Future of Borders by Alden, Edward, Trautman, Laurie
The Borders of Privilege: 1.5-Generation Brazilian Migrants Navigating Power Without Papers by Cebulko, Kara
Lawless Zones, Rightless Subjects by
Ripped Apart: Unsettling Narratives of Transnational Migration by de Veritch Woodside, Vanessa
Sociopolitical Conditions and Migrant Integration in Western Europe: The Effects of Political Polarization and Discriminatory Climates on Integration by Neureiter, Michael
Multilingual Teaching: The Missing Piece by Chumak-Horbatsch, Roma
Multilingual Teaching: The Missing Piece by Chumak-Horbatsch, Roma
Cultural Revival: Reclaiming America's Identity: Preserving Heritage, Promoting Unity, and Inspiring Patriotism by Chase, Jordan
Barrio Boy: 40th Anniversary Edition by Galarza, Ernesto
Unzip my Skin by Zawaira, Tsitsi Michelle
Refugee Pathways to Peace: Escaping the Chaos of War by Billson, Janet Mancini
Migrationspädagogische Perspektiven Auf Den Erst-/Herkunfts-/Mutter-Sprachlichen Unterricht by
Postmigrantische Literatur: Grundlagen, Analysen, Positionen by
International Migration Governance and Public Goods by
A Transdisciplinary Study of Global Mobilities: Identities on the Move by
Myths and Sanctioned Ignorance in British Immigration Discourse: Towards a Linguistic Sociology of Absences by Bennett, Samuel
Retirement Migration and Precarity in Later Life by Repetti, Marion, Calasanti, Toni
The Journey Ahead: Supporting Successful Migration in Europe and Central Asia by Bossavie, Laurent, Makovec, Mattia, Garrote Sanchez, Daniel
Latinoland (Spanish Edition): Un Retrato de la Mayor Minoría de Estados Unidos by Arana, Marie
Postcolonial Studies: The Key Concepts by Griffiths, Gareth, Tiffin, Helen, Ashcroft, Bill
Postcolonial Studies: The Key Concepts by Griffiths, Gareth, Tiffin, Helen, Ashcroft, Bill
Refugee Governance in the Arab World: The International Refugee Regime and Global Politics by
The Verbal Art of Mobility in West Africa by Sweet, Nikolas
The Verbal Art of Mobility in West Africa by Sweet, Nikolas
Islamic Religious Education in the Current Discourse: Empirical Insights in a Plural Society by
'Islamismus' - Prozesse Und Bedingungen Von Involvierung, Distanzierung Und Distanzwahrung by Maier, Katrin, Möller, Kurt, Honer, Oliver
Expatriate: Following a Migration Category by Kunz, Sarah
Crisis and Change in European Union Foreign Policy: A Framework of EU Foreign Policy Change by Ikani, Nikki
Navigating Education as a Forgotten Immigrant: Perspectives from the Eastern European Community by Wisniewski, Lisa M.
The Migration Mobile: Border Dissidence, Sociotechnical Resistance, and the Construction of Irregularized Migrants by
Migration, Community and Identity: Countercultural Lifestyle Migration to Rural Wales, 1965-1980 by Caerwynt, Flossie
Migration, EU Integration and the Balkan Route by
Coloniality and Migrancy in African Diasporic Literatures by Makombe, Rodwell, Moopi, Peter
Migrant Scholars Researching Migration: Reflexivity, Subjectivity and Biography in Research by
Portfolioarbeit in Der Grundschule: Ein Lernwerkzeug Im Spannungsfeld Zwischen Inklusion Und Kompetenzstandardisierung by Noesen, Melanie
How did I get Here? An Immigrant's Odyssey by Appel Kooy, Mary
From Tuscany with Love by Avina, Lauretta
Migration in the Making of the Gulf Space: Social, Political, and Cultural Dimensions by
Scars of War: The Politics of Paternity and Responsibility for the Amerasians of Vietnam by Thomas, Sabrina
Resettled Iraqi Refugees in the United States: War, Refuge, Belonging, Participation, and Protest by Keyel, Jared
What We Brought with Us: Things of Exile and Migration by
Border Criminologies from the Periphery: Cross-National Conversations on Bordered Penality by
The Documented Child: Migration, Personhood, and Citizenship in Twenty-First-Century U.S. Latinx Children's Literature by Socolovsky, Maya
Cultures of Mobility and Alterity: Crossing the Balkans and Beyond by Hashamova, Yana
The Documented Child: Migration, Personhood, and Citizenship in Twenty-First-Century U.S. Latinx Children's Literature by Socolovsky, Maya
Migrants in the Digital Periphery: New Urban Frontiers of Control by Mahmoudi, Matt
Migrants in the Digital Periphery: New Urban Frontiers of Control by Mahmoudi, Matt
Temporary Measures: Migrant Workers and the Developmental State in the Philippines and South Korea by Lee, Suzy K.
Elusive Histories: Mozambican Migrant Laborers in Rhodesia, Ca. 1900-1980 by Isaacman, Barbara S., Chadya, Joy M., Isaacman, Allen F.
Elusive Histories: Mozambican Migrant Laborers in Rhodesia, Ca. 1900-1980 by Isaacman, Allen F., Isaacman, Barbara S., Chadya, Joy M.
Missing Persons, Political Landscapes and Cultural Practices: Violent Absences, Haunting Presences by Huttunen, Laura
Borders of Care: Immigrants, Migrants, and the Fight for Health Care in the United States by Hoffman, Beatrix
Borders of Care: Immigrants, Migrants, and the Fight for Health Care in the United States by Hoffman, Beatrix
Language City: The Fight to Preserve Endangered Mother Tongues in New York by Perlin, Ross
The Shortest History of Migration: When, Why, and How Humans Move - From the Prehistoric Peopling of the Planet to Today and Tomorrow's Migrants by Goldin, Ian
Narratives of Precarious Migrancy in the Global South by
Fictions of Migration: Narratives of Displacement in Peru and Bolivia by Cuya Gavilano, Lorena
Geschichten Indischer Einwanderergemeinschaften in Deutschland: Warum Umziehen? by Datta, Amrita
Staatsbürgerschaftserwerb in Österreich: Eine Qualitative Untersuchung Der Gründe Für Die Annahme Der Staatsbürgerschaft by Ebner, Sarah
Grassroots Integration in Multicultural Singapore: (Re)Constructing One United People by Grace Tan, Rebecca
The Cornish Overseas: A History of Cornwall's 'Great Emigration' by Payton, Philip Prof
Unsettled Families: Refugees, Humanitarianism, and the Politics of Kinship by Balakian, Sophia
Unsettled Families: Refugees, Humanitarianism, and the Politics of Kinship by Balakian, Sophia
Latinoland: A Portrait of America's Largest and Least Understood Minority by Arana, Marie
Tibet in Exile: Politics, Psychology and Culture of the Tibetan Diaspora by
Transnational Trajectories and Diaspora Policies: The Case of Czechia in Comparison to Poland, Hungary and Slovakia by
Inequality and Mobility: Eroding Capabilities and Aspirations in Post-Revolutionary Tunisia by
Migration, Identity and Resistance in the Postcolonial Nation-State by
A Place in the Homeland?: Turkish-German Return Migration by King, Russell, Kılınç, Nilay
World Englishes in the 21st Century: New Perspectives and Challenges to the Dynamic Model by
Belonging, Citizenship and Muslim Identity: A British-French Comparison by Hlaimi, Stéphane
Migrations: Socio-Cultural Contexts and Constitution by
Migrations: Governance, Policies, and Rights by
Canada: Stories, Visions and Challenges of a Future-Facing Laboratory by Quattrocchi, Paolo
Homemaking in the Russian-Speaking Diaspora: Material Culture, Language and Identity by
From Rupture to Refuge by Sloane, Peter
Forced Labor in Global Supply Chains: Trade Enforcement Impacts and Opportunities by Greenfield, Victoria A., Sytsma, Tobias, Kerrigan, Amanda
The Camp, Housing, and the City: Berlin's Migrant Camp Accommodation After the »Long Summer of Migration« by Sowa, Christian
Global Hong Kong: Post-2019 Migration and the New Hong Kong Diaspora by
The Crossing: El Paso, the Southwest, and America's Forgotten Origin Story by Parker, Richard
A Message to You: A Cartography of Mobilities - Sexual Border Violence, Solidarities and Global Cities by Ribas-Mateos, Natalia
Becoming Irish American: The Making and Remaking of a People from Roanoke to JFK by Meagher, Timothy J.
Suburban Refugees: Class and Resistance in Little Saigon by Huynh, Jennifer
Twenty-First-Century Perspectives on British Travel Writing: Decentring Epistemologies by
Suburban Refugees: Class and Resistance in Little Saigon by Huynh, Jennifer
Migrant God: A Christian Vision for Immigrant Justice by Villegas, Isaac Samuel
Language and Literacy Education of Asylum Seekers and Refugees: Pre-Resettlement Experiences of Learners in Malaysia by Zaiti Zainal, Azlin, Chau, Meng Huat, Rummy, Jessica
Global Migration: Mafias, States and Hybrid Warfare by
Migration in the Time of Revolution: China, Indonesia, and the Cold War by Zhou, Taomo
Walled: Barriers, Migration, and Resistance in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands by
Walled: Barriers, Migration, and Resistance in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands by
The Rise of Necro/Narco Citizenship: Belonging and Dying in the Southwest North American Region by Vélez-Ibáñez, Carlos G.
The Rise of Necro/Narco Citizenship: Belonging and Dying in the Southwest North American Region by Vélez-Ibáñez, Carlos G.
Transnational Writing on Italy: Self and Place in Contemporary Relocation Narratives by Mastellotto, Lynn
Iranians in Texas: Migration, Politics, and Ethnic Identity by Mobasher, Mohsen Mostafavi
Iranians in Texas: Migration, Politics, and Ethnic Identity by Mobasher, Mohsen Mostafavi
Seagull One: The Amazing True Story of Brothers to the Rescue by Prellezo, Lily
Rethinking Migration: Challenging Borders, Citizenship and Race by
Digital Empowerment for Refugee and Migrant Learners: Applying Strengths-Based Practice to Adult Education by
Digital Empowerment for Refugee and Migrant Learners: Applying Strengths-Based Practice to Adult Education by
The Asylum Seekers: A Chronicle of Life, Death, and Community at the Border by Rathbone, Cristina
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Immigrant Health: New Insights from Spain by
The Routledge Handbook of the Ethics of Immigration by
Einstellungen Zur Akkulturation Von Eingewanderten: Einstellungsunterschiede Von Jugendlichen Mit Und Ohne Migrationshintergrund by Berthold, Anna
Martyrs and Migrants: Coptic Christians and the Persecution Politics of Us Empire by Lukasik, Candace
Filipino Care Workers in Israel: Migration, Trans-Local Livelihoods and Space by Lim, Anna
On the Move: How Climate Disasters Are Changing Where We Live by Lustgarten, Abrahm
A Greek Tragedy: One Day, a Deadly Shipwreck, and the Human Cost of the Refugee Crisis by Carstensen, Jeanne
Martyrs and Migrants: Coptic Christians and the Persecution Politics of Us Empire by Lukasik, Candace
A History of Displaced Knowledge: Austrian Refugees from National Socialism in Australia by Strobl, Philipp
Migration, Transnational Flows, and the Contested Meanings of Race in Asia by
From Martyrs to Planetary Croats: The Croatian Diaspora in Argentina by Zidek, Nikolina
Food, Migration and Belonging: A Glossary for Doing Fieldwork in Contemporary Europe by
The Admission and Integration of Refugees in Europe: Legal and Policy Perspectives by
Peacekeeper, Humanitarian, Abuser: Children at Risk Worldwide by Blakemore, Sarah, Lemay-Hebert, Nicholas, Freedman, Rosa
Life as a Migrant Muslim Woman in Sectarian Northern Ireland: An Exploration of Gender, Visibility, Movement and Placemaking by Lubit, Amanda J.
The Italian Squad: The True Story of the Immigrant Cops Who Fought the Rise of the Mafia by Moses, Paul
Welcome to Paradise by Binebine, Mahi
Migration and Return in Modern African Literature: Black Bodies in White Spaces by Ernest Cole, Ernest
You Can Kill Each Other After I Leave: Refugees, Fascism, and Bloodshed in Greece by Strickland, Patrick
Migration and the Politics of Methodology: Doing Fieldwork, Decentring Power, and Foregrounding Migrants' Perspectives by
Demographic Change and Policy Responses: The Case of Japan by Hayashi, Reiko
Challenging Borders: Contingencies and Consequences by McManus, Sheila, Young, Julie, McKenzie-Jones, Paul
Making Sanctuary Cities: Migration, Citizenship, and Urban Governance by Humphris, Rachel
Making Sanctuary Cities: Migration, Citizenship, and Urban Governance by Humphris, Rachel
Cultural Identities in Transition: Voices of Saudi Arabian Mothers in New Zealand by Barnard, Roger, Yaghi, Esra
The Cleaving: Vietnamese Writers in the Diaspora Volume 8 by
Deconstructing Refugee Women's Empowerment: A Comparative Approach to British and French Aid Structures by Kilicoglu, Zeynep
Sheltering Strangers: Critical Memoirs from Hosting Ukrainian Refugees by Briggs, Daniel
Sheltering Strangers: Critical Memoirs from Hosting Ukrainian Refugees by Briggs, Daniel
Everyday Activists: Undocumented Immigrants' Quest for Justice and Well-Being by Getrich, Christina M.
Everyday Activists: Undocumented Immigrants' Quest for Justice and Well-Being by Getrich, Christina M.
East End Jews: Sketches from the London Yiddish Press by
East End Jews: Sketches from the London Yiddish Press by
The World Was in Our Hands: Voices from the Boko Haram Conflict by
The Hollow Half: A Memoir of Bodies and Borders by Aziza, Sarah
Abolitionist Intimacies: Queer and Trans Migrants Against the Deportation State by Luibhéid, Eithne
Migrant Frontiers: Race and Mobility in the Luso-Hispanic World by
Bordering Social Reproduction: Migrant Mothers and Children Making Lives in the Shadows by Rosen, Rachel, Dickson, Eve
Strangers in the Land: Exclusion, Belonging, and the Epic Story of the Chinese in America by Luo, Michael
Strangers in the Land: Exclusion, Belonging, and the Epic Story of the Chinese in America (Large Print Edition) by Luo, Michael
Creating New Languages of Resistance: Translation, Public Philosophy and Border Violence by Tofighian, Omid
Creating New Languages of Resistance: Translation, Public Philosophy and Border Violence by Tofighian, Omid
Making a Life: Young Men on Johannesburg's Urban Margins by Dawson, Hannah J.
North by North/West: (An Attention to Frequency) by Campanioni, Chris
Making a Life: Young Men on Johannesburg's Urban Margins by Dawson, Hannah J.
Conservation and Mobile Indigenous Peoples: Displacement, Forced Settlement and Sustainable Development by
Conservation and Mobile Indigenous Peoples: Displacement, Forced Settlement and Sustainable Development by
Critical Planning Futures: New Directions in Planning Theory by
Critical Planning Futures: New Directions in Planning Theory by
Migration, Mobility and Education: Examining the Role of Family and Schooling by Barker, Bernard, Hoskins, Kate
Citizenship in Crisis in Athens: Migration, Media and Identity by Koulaxi, Afroditi-Maria
Enmity and Empathy: Japanese Americans in Minnesota During World War II by Wong, Ka F.
Bordering on Indifference: Immigration Agents Negotiating Race and Morality by Vega, Irene I.
Bordering on Indifference: Immigration Agents Negotiating Race and Morality by Vega, Irene I.
Dirty Kitchen: A Memoir of Food and Family by Damatac, Jill
Displaced Urbanism by
Living Tangier: Migration, Race, and Illegality in a Moroccan City by Hannoum, Abdelmajid
Always an Academic Immigrant: A Collective Memoir by Lemish, Dafna
Always an Academic Immigrant: A Collective Memoir by Lemish, Dafna
World on the Move: 250,000 Years of Human Migration by Liebow, Edward
Hidden Histories of Unauthorized Migrations from Europe to the United States by
Hidden Histories of Unauthorized Migrations from Europe to the United States by
Hope and Asylum: Everyday Life, Precarity and Social Change by Andreasson, Jesper, Elsrud, Torun, Lalander, Philip
Framing Solidarities in Times of Multiple Crises: Social Movements Across European Cities by
Developing a Critical Pedagogy of Migration Studies: Ethics, Politics and Practice in the Classroom by Piacentini, Teresa
I Am Not a Tourist by Hung, Daisy J.
The Backstage of the Care Economy: Transnational Perspectives on the Commercialization of Care by Lutz, Helma
Precarious: The Lives of Migrant Workers by Di Cintio, Marcello
Transnational Ties, Local Lives: Translocal Dynamics of Chinese Diaspora and Community Re-Organisation by Pan, Qiuping
Engage and Evade: How Latino Immigrant Families Manage Surveillance in Everyday Life by Asad, Asad L.
Ethnography on the Underground Migratory Routes from Sudan to the North: Sombok Is an Idea and Ideas Never Die by Amigoni, Livio
Ararat in America: Armenian American Culture and Politics in the Twentieth Century by Alexander, Benjamin F.
Migration Studies: The Fundamentals by
Migration Studies: The Fundamentals by
Imirce: Migration and Ireland Through Time by
Global London on Screen: Visitors, Cosmopolitans and Migratory Cinematic Visions of a Superdiverse City by
Deporting Black Britons: Portraits of Deportation to Jamaica by Noronha, Luke de
Heaven Has a Wall: Religion, Borders, and the Global United States by Hurd, Elizabeth Shakman
Heaven Has a Wall: Religion, Borders, and the Global United States by Hurd, Elizabeth Shakman
Graphic Refuge: Visuality and Mobility in Refugee Comics by Rifkind, Candida, Davies, Dominic
Migrants in Chinese Megacities: Producing Transient Urban Spaces in the Pearl River Delta by Gransow, Bettina
Rituals of Migration: Italians and Irish on the Move by
The Cost of Being Undocumented: One Woman's Reckoning with America's Inhumane Math by Garcia, Antero, Dick, Alix
Immigration Detention Inc.: The Big Business of Locking Up Migrants in America by Hiemstra, Nancy, Conlon, Deirdre
Exile: Chronicle of the Border by Fassin, Didier, Defossez, Anne-Claire
Exile: Chronicle of the Border by Defossez, Anne-Claire, Fassin, Didier
»Postheimat« - Inquiries Into Migration, Theatre, and Networked Solidarity by
Migration Und Nationalismus by Jacob, Frank
A Great Many Refugees: Progressive Era Assistance in the American West by Krainz, Thomas a.
Migrant Work by Another Name: Differential Inclusion and Precarity in Canada's International Mobility Program by Vosko, Leah Faith
The Adventure: Violent Borders, Illegal Migration and the Uncertain Quest for Life in Morocco by Bachelet, Sébastien
Buildings of Refuge and the Postcoloniality of Asylum Infrastructure by Novak, Paolo
Borders, Citizenship, and Pregnancy: Migrant Women's Experiences of Pregnancy and Maternity Care in the UK by Lonergan, Gwyneth
Timebomb: When Ageing Explodes by Merritt, Giles
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