• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indian & South Asian History in 2000

The Unquiet Woods: Ecological Change and Peasant Resistance in the Himalaya by Guha, Ramachandra
Ethnic Conflict in India: A Case-Study of Punjab by Singh, G.
Under the Raj: Prostitution in Colonial Bengal by Banerjee, Sumanta
Mahatma Gandhi: Essays and Reflections by Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli
Indian Music and the West by Farrell, Gerry
Dawning of the Raj: The Life and Trials of Warren Hastings by Bernstein, Jeremy
Empire and Information: Intelligence Gathering and Social Communication in India, 1780 1870 by Bayly, Christopher Alan, C. a., Bayly, Bayly, C. a.
Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: International Relations and Regional Tensions in South Asia by Na, Na
Science, Technology and Medicine in Colonial India by Arnold, David
Engaging Scoundrels: True Tales of Old Lucknow by Llewellyn-Jones, Rosie
Contested Belonging: An Indigenous People's Struggle for Forest and Identity in Sub-Himalayan Bengal by Karlsson, Bengt G.
Ethnic Conflict in India: A Case-Study of Punjab by Na, Na
India's Newspaper Revolution: Capitalism, Technology and the Indian Language Press, 1977-1999 by Jeffrey, Robin
Querying the Medieval: Texts and the History of Practices in South Asia by Ali, Daud, Walters, Jonathan, Inden, Ronald B.
The Other Side of Silence: Voices from the Partition of India by Butalia, Urvashi
The Silk Roads: Highways of Culture and Commerce by Elisseeff, Vadime
The Silk Roads: Highways of Culture and Commerce by Elisseeff, Vadime
The Global World of Indian Merchants, 1750 1947: Traders of Sind from Bukhara to Panama by Markovits, Claude
The Bombay Country Ships 1790-1833 by Bulley, Anne
Gandhi's Body: Sex, Diet, and the Politics of Nationalism by Alter, Joseph S.
Protestant Origins in India: Tamil Evangelical Christians, 1706-1835 by Hudson, D. Dennis
India and Pakistan by Talbot, Ian
European Commercial Enterprise in Pre-Colonial India by Prakash, Om
A Modern Pilgrim in India by Wohlfarth, John W.
Rethinking Working-Class History: Bengal 1890-1940 by Chakrabarty, Dipesh
Tears of Blood: A Cry For Tibet by Craig, Mary
The Pathan Unarmed: Opposition & Memory in the Khudai Khidmatgar Movement by Banerjee, Mukulika
The Dragon in the Land of Snows: A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947 by Shakya, Tsering
Comrades at Odds: The United States and India, 1947-1964 by Rotter, Andrew J.
Comrades at Odds: The United States and India, 1947-1964 by Rotter, Andrew J.
India: The Seductive and Seduced Other of German Orientalism by Murti, Kamakshi P.
India Once Ruled the Americas! by Matlock, Gene D.
Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam Since 1850 by Jalal, Ayesha
Reinventing India: Liberalization, Hindu Nationalism and Popular Democracy by Corbridge, Stuart, Harriss, John
The Pathan Unarmed: Opposition and Memory in the Khudai Khidmatgar Movement by Banerjee, Mukulika