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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indian & South Asian History in 2015

Ramparts of Empire: British Imperialism and India's Afghan Frontier, 1918-1948 by Marsh, B.
The East India Company and the Natural World by
Imperial Childhoods and Christian Mission: Education and Emotions in South India and Denmark by Vallgårda, K.
The Life and Times of Sultan Mahmud of Ghazna by Nazim, Muhammad
Battles of the New Republic: A Contemporary History of Nepal by Jha, Prashant
Culinary Culture in Colonial India: A Cosmopolitan Platter and the Middle-Class by Ray, Utsa
Gandhi at First Sight by Weber, Thomas
In the Kacch: A Memoir of Love and Place by McGrath, Kevin
Warfare in Pre-British India - 1500bce to 1740ce by Roy, Kaushik
The Great Divergence Reconsidered by Studer, Roman
Pentecostals, Proselytization, and Anti-Christian Violence in Contemporary India by Bauman, Chad M.
Gandhi Before India by Guha, Ramachandra
Race, Religion and Law in Colonial India by Mallampalli, Chandra
Poet Under A Soldier's Hat by Rose, E. P.
Creating a New Medina: State Power, Islam, and the Quest for Pakistan in Late Colonial North India by Dhulipala, Venkat
Western India in the Nineteenth Century by Kumar, Ravinder
Akbar and the Jesuits: An Account of the Jesuit Missions to the Court of Akbar by Jarric, Father Pierre Du Jarric
Memorable Description of the East Indian Voyage: 1618-25 by Bontekoe, Willem Ysbrantsz
Travels in India, Ceylon and Borneo by Hall, Captain Basil
Autobiography of an Archive: A Scholar's Passage to India by Dirks, Nicholas
Autobiography of an Archive: A Scholar's Passage to India by Dirks, Nicholas
The History of India by McLeod, John
Poet Under A Soldier's Hat by Rose, E. P.
Pakistan: A New History by Talbot, Ian
Hukbalahap Insurrection: A Case Study of a Successful Anti-Insurgency Operation in the Philippines, 1946-1955 - Scholar's Choice Edition by Greenberg, Lawrence M.
Air Commodore M. Zafar Masud - A Pioneer of the Pakistan Air Force by Yousaf, Nasim
Dalit: The Black Untaouchables of India by Last, First
New Delhi: The Last Imperial City by Johnson, D.
Boundaries Undermined: The Ruins of Progress on the Bangladesh/India Border by Hussain, Delwar
Beastly Encounters of the Raj: Livelihoods, Livestock and Veterinary Health in North India, 1790-1920 by Mishra, Saurabh
In the Club: Associational Life in Colonial South Asia by Cohen, Benjamin
Bollywood's India: A Public Fantasy by Joshi, Priya
A People's History of India 1: Prehistory by Habib, Irfan
A People's History of India 2: The Indus Civilization by Habib, Irfan
Bollywood's India: A Public Fantasy by Joshi, Priya
The Fishing Fleet by De Courcy, Anne
Contested Belonging: An Indigenous People's Struggle for Forest and Identity in Sub-Himalayan Bengal by Karlsson, Bengt G.
Imperial Frontier: Tribe and State in Waziristan by Beattie, Hugh
Transformations on the Bengal Frontier: Jalpaiguri 1765-1948 by Ray, Subhajyoti
Kashmir in Comparative Perspective: Democracy and Violent Separatism in India by Widmalm, Sten
Coming of Age in Nineteenth-Century India by Lal, Ruby
The Brahmo Samaj and the Shaping of the Modern Indian Mind by Kopf, David
Gokhale: The Indian Moderates and the British Raj by Nanda, Bal Ram
Indian Nationalism and the Early Congress by McLane, John R.
The Sufis of Bijapur, 1300-1700: Social Roles of Sufis in Medieval India by Eaton, Richard Maxwell
Kakolukiya- Revisiting the Third Book of Panchatantra through Arthashastra and Mahabharata by Poulose, Dany
Storm of Songs: India and the Idea of the Bhakti Movement by Hawley, John Stratton
Pluralism and Democracy in India: Debating the Hindu Right by
Everyday Technology: Machines and the Making of India's Modernity by Arnold, David
Lhasa and its Mysteries by Waddell, L. Austine
The Ahmadis and the Politics of Religious Exclusion in Pakistan by Qasmi, Ali Usman
The Invention of Private Life: Literature and Ideas by Kaviraj, Sudipta
The Invention of Private Life: Literature and Ideas by Kaviraj, Sudipta
Historical Dictionary of Pakistan by Burki, Shahid Javed
Men Like Allama Mashriqi Are Born Once In Centuries: A Collection of Articles by Yousaf, Nasim
Islamabad and the Politics of International Development in Pakistan by Daechsel, Markus
Year of the Hare / N M C a Th by Chuc, Teresa Mei
Poles in India 1942-1948: Second World War Story by
Somanatha: The Many Voices of a History by Thapar, Romila
Archaeological History of Indian Buddhism by Fogelin, Lars
Archaeological History of Indian Buddhism by Fogelin, Lars
Modern India by Curtis, William Eleroy
Vedic Voices: Intimate Narratives of a Living Andhra Tradition by Knipe, David M.
From Sufism to Ahmadiyya: A Muslim Minority Movement in South Asia by Khan, Adil Hussain
Indians in Kenya: The Politics of Diaspora by Aiyar, Sana
Muslim Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Empire by Alavi, Seema
John Bullion's Empire: Britain's Gold Problem and India Between the Wars by Balachandran, G.
Infant Mortality, Population Growth and Family Planning in India: An Essay on Population Problems and International Tensions by
Religion in Indian History by
William Bolts by Hallward, N. L.
India: under seige, the enemy within, a concise history by Ragbeer, Mohan
The Camera as Witness: A Social History of Mizoram, Northeast India by Schendel, Willem Van, Pachuau, Joy L. K.
Bombay in the Age of Disco: City, Community, Life by Pavri, Tinaz
Calcutta: Two Years in the City by Chaudhuri, Amit
Autumn of the Matriarch: Indira Gandhi's Final Term in Office by Maiorano, Diego
History of India by Reddy, Kittu
Peaceful Intervention in Intra-State Conflicts: Norwegian Involvement in the Sri Lankan Peace Process by Talpahewa, Chanaka
Remoteness and Modernity: Transformation and Continuity in Northern Pakistan by Hussain, Shafqat
Great Game East: India, China, and the Struggle for Asia's Most Volatile Frontier by Lintner, Bertil
Secularism, Islam and Education in India, 1830-1910 by Ivermee, Robert
The Arabs at War in Afghanistan by Hamid, Mustafa, Farrall, Leah
Emergency and Quest for Total Revolution in India by Verma, Kranti Deep
Saga Indicus: History of the Jatts and the Gill Clan by Gill, Azam
Original Sanskrit Texts: On the Origin and History of the People of India, Their Religion and Institutions by Muir, J.
Original Sanskrit Texts: Original Sanskrit Texts: On the Origin and History of the People of India, Their Religion and Institutions. Collected, by Muir, J.
The Evolution of an Ethnic Identity: The Tamils of Sri Lanka C. 300 BCE to C. 1200 CE by Indrapala, K.
A Revolutionary History of Interwar India: Violence, Image, Voice and Text by MacLean, Kama
Neutral Accent: How Language, Labor, and Life Become Global by Aneesh, A.
Neutral Accent: How Language, Labor, and Life Become Global by Aneesh, A.
Portraits from Ayodhya by Dubey, Scharada
Himalaya Calling: The Origins of China and India by Tan, Chung
Silk Roads: The Asian Adventures of Clara and André Malraux by Madsen, Axel
Colonial India in Children's Literature by Goswami, Supriya
Ironies of Colonial Governance by Jaffe, James
Sovereignty and Social Reform in India: British Colonialism and the Campaign against Sati, 1830-1860 by Major, Andrea
India in South Asia: Domestic Identity Politics and Foreign Policy from Nehru to the BJP by Singh, Sinderpal
Hyderabad, British India, and the World by Beverley, Eric Lewis
Crossing the Lines of Caste: Visvamitra and the Construction of Brahmin Power in Hindu Mythology by Sathaye, Adheesh A.
Introduction to the History of Indian Buddhism by Burnouf, Eugène
Blood and Water: The Indus River Basin in Modern History by Gilmartin, David
The Tibetan Independence Movement: Political, Religious and Gandhian Perspectives by Ardley, Jane
Mahatma's Blunders: Why did Godse kill Gandhi? by SarDesai, Anup
The Golden Threshold by Naidu, Sarojini
Hazaron Dubte Suraj by Khan, Zainul Abedin
In the Court of the Ranee of Jhansi by Lang, John
Bindi Baby Colors (Tamil): A Colorful Book for Tamil Kids by Hatti, Aruna K.
Radical Equality: Ambedkar, Gandhi, and the Risk of Democracy by Kumar, Aishwary
Forgotten Atrocities: Memoirs of a Survivor of the 1947 Partition of India by K. Gupta, Bal
Communism in Pakistan: Politics and Class Activism 1947-1972 by Ali, Kamran Asdar
Indian Doctors in Kenya, 1895-1940: The Forgotten History by Greenwood, A., Topiwala, H.
Knowledge, Mediation and Empire: James Tod's Journeys Among the Rajputs by D'Souza, Florence
Visible Darkness: Super Storm Yolanda International Name Haiyan by Cajipe, Emy
An Imperial Crisis in British India: The Manipur Uprising of 1891 by Keen, Caroline
A History of the New India: Past and Present by Irschick, Eugene F.
Urbanisation, Citizenship and Conflict in India: Ahmedabad 1900-2000 by Bobbio, Tommaso
Muhammad Iqbal: Essays on the Reconstruction of Modern Muslim Thought by
The Rig-Vedic and Post-Rig-Vedic Polity (1500 BCE-500 BCE) by Prasad, R. U. S.
Constitutional History of India by Ishshan, M. S.
Protracted Contest: Sino-Indian Rivalry in the Twentieth Century by Garver, John W.
Fearful Symmetry: India-Pakistan Crises in the Shadow of Nuclear Weapons by Ganguly, Sumit, Hagerty, Devin T.
On the Margins of Tibet: Cultural Survival on the Sino-Tibetan Frontier by Thowsen, Monika P., Kolas, Ashild
No Concessions: The Life of Yap Thiam Hien, Indonesian Human Rights Lawyer by Lev, Daniel S.
The Production of Hindu-Muslim Violence in Contemporary India by Brass, Paul R.
Rise and Fall of Marathas by Dubey, Mahesh Chandra
Counterinsurgency, Democracy, and the Politics of Identity in India: From Warfare to Welfare? by Bhan, Mona
Refugees and Borders in South Asia: The Great Exodus of 1971 by Datta, Antara
Mixed-Race and Modernity in Colonial India: Changing Concepts of Hybridity Across Empires by Carton, Adrian
Empire, Industry and Class: The Imperial Nexus of Jute, 1840-1940 by Cox, Anthony
A History of the New India: Past and Present by Irschick, Eugene F.
The Religious Life of India: The Village Gods of South India. by Whitehead, Right Reverend Henry
With Clive in India: Or, The Beginings of an Empire by Henty, G. a.
The Politics of Refugees in South Asia: Identity, Resistance, Manipulation by Murshid, Navine
An Agenda for the Nation by Chakrabarti, Chandana, Bhargava, Pushpa Mittra
Race and Power in British India: Anglo-Indians, Class and Identity in the Nineteenth Century by Anderson, Valerie
India - A Period of Rest: coloring book for adults by G, D. D.
Nepal and the Geo-Strategic Rivalry between China and India by Upadhya, Sanjay
Transitional Justice in South Asia: A Study of Afghanistan and Nepal by Sajjad, Tazreena
Endless Inequality: The Rights of Plantation Tamils in Sri Lanka by Vijayapalan, Yogeswary
The Princes of the Mughal Empire, 1504-1719 by Faruqui, Munis D.
History, Culture and the Indian City by Chandavarkar, Rajnayaran
Roots of Hinduism: The Early Aryans and the Indus Civilization by Parpola, Asko
India in the Italian Renaissance: Visions of a Contemporary Pagan World 1300-1600 by Juncu, Meera
The Udana: The Solemn Utterances of the Buddha (Bilingual Edition) by Gotama, Buddha
Baggage on the Hooghly: Race, Asia, and the Mormons by Bastian, Aa
Grit and Gold by Chandrashekar, Gayatri
Grit and Gold by Chandrashekar, Gayatri
From West to East by Jerningham, Hubert Edward Henry
Muslim Belonging in Secular India by Sherman, Taylor C.
Shaping Indian Diaspora: Literary Representations and Bollywood Consumption away from the Desi by
Key Concepts in Modern Indian Studies by
Bloodlines: The Imperial Roots of Terrorism in South Asia by Dutta, Sunil
1962: A View from the Other Side of the Hill by
Incidents in India and Memories of the Mutiny: With Some Records of Alexander's Horse and the 1St Bengal Cavalry by Pitt, F. W.
The Archaeology of South Asia by Young, Ruth, Coningham, Robin
A People's History of India 5: Mauryan India by Jha, Vivekanand, Habib, Irfan
A People's History of India 36: Man and Environment by Habib, Irfan
The Thought of Nirad C. Chaudhuri by Almond, Ian
Natural Religion in India by Lyall, Alfred Comyn
The Cities of Gujaráshtra, Their Topography and History Illustrated, in the Journal of a Recent Tour: With Accompanying Documents by Briggs, Henry George
Buddhism, Diplomacy, and Trade: The Realignment of India-China Relations, 600-1400 by Sen, Tansen
The Routledge Atlas of South Asian Affairs by Bradnock, Robert W.
Buddhism, Diplomacy, and Trade: The Realignment of India-China Relations, 600-1400 by Sen, Tansen
The Routledge Atlas of South Asian Affairs by Bradnock, Robert W.
Records Of The Geological Survey Of India, Volume 3 by
Sources of Indian Traditions: Modern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh by
Understanding Kashmir and Kashmiris by Snedden, Christopher
Shivaji the Grand Rebel by Kincaid, Dennis
Writing Self, Writing Empire: Chandar Bhan Brahman and the Cultural World of the Indo-Persian State Secretary by Kinra, Rajeev
The Letters of Gracchus on the East India Question by Gracchus
Cultural Politics of Hygiene in India, 1890-1940: Contagions of Feeling by Prasad, Srirupa
Censors at Work: How States Shaped Literature by Darnton, Robert
John (Jack) Nicholson: His Life and Death in India by Hone, Michael
Thoughts on Indian Discontents (Routledge Revivals) by Bevan, Edwyn
Monuments, Power and Poverty in India: From Ashoka to the Raj by Bhalla, A. S.
Buddhist Monks and the Politics of Lanka's Civil War by Raghavan
State and Nation-Building in Pakistan: Beyond Islam and Security by
Rise of Reason: Intellectual history of 19th-century Maharashtra by Singh, Hulas
Historical Sociology in India by Jha, Hetukar
Jammu and Kashmir: Politics of Identity and Separatism by Chowdhary, Rekha
Nineteenth-Century Colonialism and the Great Indian Revolt by Gupta, Amit Kumar
The History Of India: The Hindú And Mahometan Periods by Elphinstone, Mountstuart
Colonialism, Development, and the Environment: Railways and Deforestation in British India, 1860-1884 by Das, Pallavi V.
The Age of Aspiration: Power, Wealth, and Conflict in Globalizing India by Hiro, Dilip
The South African Gandhi: Stretcher-Bearer of Empire by Vahed, Goolem, Desai, Ashwin
The South African Gandhi: Stretcher-Bearer of Empire by Vahed, Goolem, Desai, Ashwin
India at War: The Subcontinent and the Second World War by Khan, Yasmin
Pipe Politics, Contested Waters: Embedded Infrastructures of Millennial Mumbai by Björkman, Lisa
Pipe Politics, Contested Waters: Embedded Infrastructures of Millennial Mumbai by Björkman, Lisa
Empire, Nationalism and the Postcolonial World: Rabindranath Tagore's Writings on History, Politics and Society by Collins, Michael
The Making of an Indian Ocean World-Economy, 1250-1650: Princes, Paddy Fields, and Bazaars by Palat, Ravi
The Portuguese and the Creole Indian Ocean: Essays in Historical Cosmopolitanism by Rosa, Fernando
Trade, Circulation, and Flow in the Indian Ocean World by
Mutinies in Rajpootana by Thomas Prichard, Bengal Army Iltudus
My Journal or "What I Did and Saw Between the 9th June and 25 November 1857" with an Account of General Havelock's March from Allahabad to Lucknow by Volunteer (W O. Swanston 7th Madras Ni
Service and Adventure with the Khakee Ressalah or Meerut Volunteer Horse Durng the Mutinies of 1857-58 by Henry Wallace Dunlop, B. C. S. Robert
The Grace of Four Moons: Dress, Adornment, and the Art of the Body in Modern India by Shukla, Pravina
State, Policy and Conflicts in Northeast India by Subramanian, K. S.
The Partition of Bengal by SenGupta, Debjani
Historical Sketches of the South of India, in an Attempt to Trace the History of Mysoor: From the Origin of the Hindoo Government of That State, to th by Wilks, Mark
Nation at Play: A History of Sport in India by Sen, Ronojoy
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