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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indian & South Asian History in 2019

Padma-Agni by Singh, Kamna
Bharatiya Bhoogol Ka Sankshipt Itihas by Sanjeev, Sanyal
Tibet: The Last Months of a Free Nation India Tibet Relations (1947-1962): Part 1 by Arpi, Claude
Hindu Pasts: Women, Religion, Histories by Dalmia, Vasudha
Made in India: History of Post Independence Economic & Industrial Development in India by Ranjan Sarkar
Food of Sinful Demons: Meat, Vegetarianism, and the Limits of Buddhism in Tibet by Barstow, Geoffrey
The Partition of India by Roy, Haimanti
A Peep Into the Early History of India: From the Foundation of the Maurya Dynasty to the Downfall of the Imperial Gupta Dynasty (322 BC - circa 500 AC by Bhandarkar, R. G.
The Subaltern Indian Woman: Domination and Social Degradation by
Studies on the Mongol Empire and Early Muslim India by Jackson, Peter
Of Colonial Bungalows and Piano Lessons: An Indian Woman's Memoirs by
An Environmental History of India by Fisher, Michael H.
The Chandelas of Jijekabhukti by Balakrishnan, Srikala
Speaking the Nation: The Oratorical Making of Secular, Neoliberal India by Bajpai, Anandita
The Administration of Justice in Assam (1826-1874) by Borthakur, Achyut Kumar
Last Day of Mahatma - Fast unto Death by Avinash Shukla
A Muslim Conspiracy in British India? by Mallampalli, Chandra
Revival: A Constitutional History of India (1936): 1600-1935 by Keith, Arthur Berriedale
Talking Sociology: Deepankar Gupta in Conversation with Ramin Jahanbegloo by Gupta, Dipankar
Constructing the Divine: Religion and World View of a Naga Tribe in North-East India by Chophy, G. Kanato
Jains in India: Historical Essays by Gopal, Surendra
The Subhedar's Son: A Narrative of Brahmin-Christian Conversion from Nineteenth-Century Maharashtra by
Mohandas Gandhi: Experiments in Civil Disobedience by Ahmed, Talat
Revival: Caste (1950): A Comparative Study by Hocart, Arthur Maurice
Revival: Dupleix and Clive (1920): The Beginning of Empire by Dodwell, Henry Herbert
Lord Cornwallis Is Dead: The Struggle for Democracy in the United States and India by Slate, Nico
Buddhist Tantra: Methodology and Historiography by Samdarshi, Pranshu
In India and East Africa E-Indiya Nase East Africa: A Travelogue in Isixhosa and English by Jabavu, Davidson Don Tengo
Sufi Shrines and the Pakistani State: The End of Religious Pluralism by Ibad, Umber Bin
Caring for Glaciers: Land, Animals, and Humanity in the Himalayas by Gagné, Karine
Winter India by Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah
Among Indian Rajahs and Ryots: A Civil Servant's Recollections and Impressions of Thirty-seven Years of Works and Sport in the Central Provinces and by H. L. Fraser, Andrew
Ancient and Medieval India by Manning
Rulers of India: Aurangzeb And The Decay Of The Mughal Empire by Poole, Stanley Lane
A Birds Eye View of Picturesque India by Temple, Rechard
Cashmere: Three Weeks in a Houseboat by Petrocokino, Ambrose
Antiquities of India: An account of the history and culture of ancient Hindustan by Barnett, Lionel D.
The diary of a hunter from the Punjab to the Karakorum mountains by Henry Irby, Augustus
The Fall of the Mogul Empire by Owen, Sidney J.
From the Caves and Jungles of Hindustan by Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna
The Highlands of Central India: Notes on Their Forests and Wild Tribes, Natural History, and Sports by Forsyth, Captain J.
History of Aurangzib: Mainly based on Persian Sources by Sarkar, Jadunath
A History of Hindu Civilisation During British Rule: (Volume I) Religious Condition by Bose, Pramatha Nath
Indian Army and the First World War by Roy, Kaushik
The Coins of the Moghul Emperors of Hindustan in the British Museum by Coins and Medals, Dept of, Lane-Poole, Stanley, Poole, Reginald Stuart
Tea Environments and Plantation Culture: Imperial Disarray in Eastern India by Dey, Arnab
How I Killed The Tiger: Being An Account Of My Encounter With A Royal Bengal Tiger, With An Appendix Containing Some General Information About India by Sheffield, Frank
Sindhi Nationalism: In British India (1843 - 1947) and Pakistan (1947-2912) by Shah, Zulfiqar
Pakistan: A Political History of State by Shah, Zulfiqar
Self, Sacrifice, and Cosmos: Vedic Thought, Ritual, and Philosphy by
Lectures on the History of Ancient Philosophy (Volume I) by Butler, William Archer
Letters from India and Kashmir: Written 1870; Illustrated and Annotated 1873 by Duguid, J.
Lights & Shades of Hill Life in the Afghan and Hindu Highlands of the Punjab: A Contrast by Gore, F. St J.
Wild sports of Burma and Assam by Pollok, Colonel, Thoem, W. S.
A manual of the Nílagiri district in the Madras Presidency by Grigg, H. B.
Observations Made on a Tour from Bengal to Persia, in the Years 1786-7: With a Short Account of the Remains of the Celebrated Palace of Persepolis; an by Francklin, William
Bengal and Assam, Behar and Orissa: their history, people, commerce and industrial resources by Playne, Somerset
Narrative of a Voyage to India: Of a Shipwreck on Board the Lady Castlerbagh and a Description of New South Wales by Cramp, W. B.
Our Visit to Hindostan, Kashmir, and Ladakh by Aynsley, J. C. Murray
Origin of the Pindaries Preceded by Historical Notices on the Rise of the Defferent Mahratta States. by Clunes, John
Pen and Pencil Sketches: Being Reminiscences During Eighteen Years Residence in Bengal by Florio, Hutchisson W. H.
The Indian Empire: History, Topography, Geology, Climate, Poputation, Chief Cities and Provinces; Tributary and Protected State; Military by Martin, R. Montgomery
The Indian Empire: History, Topography, Geology, Climate, Poputation, Chief Cities and Provinces; Tributary and Protected State; Military by Martin, R. Montgomery
Kashmir: the land of streams and solitudes by Pirie, P.
When Kings Rode to Delhi by Festing, Gabrielle
The Land of the Veda: Bing Personal Reminiscences of India; Its People, Castes, Thugs, and Fakirs; Its Religions, Mythology, Principal, Monu by Butler, William
Later Mughals by Irvine, William
Travels in the Mogul Empire, A.D. 1656-1668 by Bernier, Frankcois
Jugaad Time: Ecologies of Everyday Hacking in India by Rai, Amit S.
Internal Displacement and Conflict: The Kashmiri Pandits in Comparative Perspective by Rajput, Sudha
Jugaad Time: Ecologies of Everyday Hacking in India by Rai, Amit S.
Australianama: The South Asian Odyssey in Australia by Khatun, Samia
Hindi Publishing in Colonial Lucknow: Gender, Genre, and Visuality in the Creation of a Literary 'Canon' by Nijhawan, Shobna
Deterritorialised Identity and Transborder Movement in South Asia by
Letters on the Nicobar Islands: Their Natural Productions, and the Manners, Customs, and Superstitions of the Natives: With an Account of an Attempt M by Haensel, John Gottfried
The Life of Shivaji Maharaj: Founder of the Maratha Empire by Takakhav, N. S.
India and Its Native Princes: Travels in Central India and in the Presidencies of Bombay and Bengal by Rousselet, Louis
Mesmerism in India and Its Practical Application in Surgery and Medicine by Esdaile, James
Heroes of Our Indian Empire by Morris, Henry
India-Pakistan Wars and the Kashmir Crisis by Indurthy, Rathnam
Politics, Kingship, and Poetry in Medieval South India by Cox, Whitney
East by West: A Journey in the Recess; Volume II by Lucy, Henry William
A History of Hindu Civilisation During British Rule; Volume I by Bose, Pramatha Nath
A History of Hindu Civilisation During British Rule; Volume III by Bose, Pramatha Nath
A History of Hindu Civilisation During British Rule; Volume III by Bose, Pramatha Nath
Final French Struggles in India and on the Indian Seas: Including an Account of the Capture of the Isles of France and ...; With an Appendix Containin by Malleson, G. B.
India's Revolutionary Inheritance: Politics and the Promise of Bhagat Singh by Moffat, Chris
The Sultanate of Delhi (1206-1526): Polity, Economy, Society and Culture by Ray, Aniruddha
The early history of India from 600 B.C. to the Muhammadan conquest, including the invasion of Alexander the Great by Smith, Vincent a.
Life of the Marquis of Dalhousie by Trotter, L. I.
Life of the Marquis of Dalhousie by Trotter, L. I.
A Brief History of Nepal by Nepal, Anand
India and the Indians by Elwin, Edward Fenton
Understanding Social Dynamics in South Asia: Essays in Memory of Ramkrishna Mukherjee by
La India en su historia by Gallud Jardiel, Enrique
Shooting a Tiger: Big-Game Hunting and Conservation in Colonial India by Mandala, Vijaya Ramadas
Post-war Dilemmas of Sri Lanka: Democracy and Reconciliation by Keethaponcalan, S. I.
Pakistan and the Muslim World by
Divorcing Traditions: Islamic Marriage Law and the Making of Indian Secularism by Lemons, Katherine
Divorcing Traditions: Islamic Marriage Law and the Making of Indian Secularism by Lemons, Katherine
Ancient Hindu Science: Its Transmission and Impact on World Cultures by Kumar, Alok
The Portuguese Inquisition: The History of the Portuguese Empire's Religious Persecution of Non-Christians in Portugal and Asia by Charles River
The Portuguese Inquisition: The History of the Portuguese Empire's Religious Persecution of Non-Christians in Portugal and Asia by Charles River
Archiving the British Raj: History of the Archival Policy of the Government of India, with Selected Documents, 1858-1947 by Bhattacharya, Sabyasachi
Tribals and Dalits in Orissa: Towards a Social History of Exclusion, C. 1800-1950 by Pati, Biswamoy
A Political History of Literature: Vidyapati and the Fifteenth Century by Jha, Pankaj
Sanskrit Astronomical Tables by Montelle, Clemency, Plofker, Kim
Calcutta in Colonial Transition by Sen, Ranjit
Birth of a Colonial City: Calcutta by Sen, Ranjit
The Cambridge Companion to Sayyid Ahmad Khan by
History of Tamil Nadu: From 1529 A.D. to 1801 A.D. by Manoranjithamoni, C.
Records Of The Geological Survey Of India; Volume 32 by
Emergency Chronicles: Indira Gandhi and Democracy's Turning Point by Prakash, Gyan
Gandhi and Liberalism: Satyagraha and the Conquest of Evil by Haksar, Vinit
Indigeneity, Landscape and History: Adivasi Self-fashioning in India by Sen, Asoka Kumar
Memory, Identity and the Colonial Encounter in India: Essays in Honour of Peter Robb by
Idolatry and the Colonial Idea of India: Visions of Horror, Allegories of Enlightenment by Ganguly, Swagato
Shivaji and His Times by Sarkar, Jadunath
A manual of the Nílagiri district in the Madras Presidency by Grigg, H. B.
The Pacification of Burma by Crosthwaite, Charles
The Mahavamsa: The great chronicle of Ceylon by Geiger, Wilhelm
The Shias of Pakistan: An Assertive and Beleaguered Minority by Rieck, Andreas
EARTHQUAKE! Eternity In Their Hearts by Mazon, Nancy
Indian Frontier Warfare by Younghusband, George John
Living with Oil and Coal: Resource Politics and Militarization in Northeast India by Kikon, Dolly
An Empire of Touch: Women's Political Labor and the Fabrication of East Bengal by Saha, Poulomi
Mahatma Gandhi: Essays and Reflections on His Life and Work by
The Sacred Books of the East - Buddhist Mahayana Texts by Cowell, E. B., Takakusu, J., Muller, Max F.
Terrorism in Pakistan: The Tehreek-E-Taliban Pakistan (Ttp) and the Challenge to Security by Elahi, N.
The Idea of Nation and its Future in India by Chaube, Shibani Kinkar
Apocalypse 1947 by Chowdhry, Khalid
Cold War in the High Himalayas: The Usa, China and South Asia in the 1950s by Ali, S. Mahmud
Cosmopolitan Modernity in Early 20th-Century India by Mohanty, Sachidananda
Muslim Politics in Bihar: Changing Contours by Sajjad, Mohammad
Culture and Emotional Economy of Migration by Narayan, Badri
Subjects, Citizens and Law: Colonial and independent India by
A Winter in India: Light Impressions of its Cities, Peoples and Customs by Spens, Archibald B.
Muslim Political Discourse in Postcolonial India: Monuments, Memory, Contestation by Ahmed, Hilal
Becoming Assamese: Colonialism and New Subjectivities in Northeast India by SenGupta, Madhumita
The Archaeology of Sacred Spaces: The temple in western India, 2nd century BCE - 8th century CE by Verma Mishra, Susan
Colonialism, Environment and Tribals in South India,1792-1947 by Saravanan, Velayutham
Gandhi's Emissary by Ghosh, Sudhir
Literature and Politics in the Age of Nationalism: The Progressive Episode in South Asia, 1932-56 by Ahmed, Talat
Monsoon Islam by Prange, Sebastian R.
Living with Violence: An Anthropology of Events and Everyday Life by Mehta, Deepak, Chatterji, Roma
Indianization, the Officer Corps, and the Indian Army: The Forgotten Debate, 1817-1917 by Sundaram, Chandar S.
Sectarianism in Medieval India: Saiva, Vaisnava, and Syncretistic Temple Architecture in Karnataka by Banerji, Naseem A.
The Archive of Loss: Lively Ruination in Mill Land Mumbai by Finkelstein, Maura
Spatializing Popular Sufi Shrines in Punjab: Dreams, Memories, Territoriality by Snehi, Yogesh
The Dark Side of Gandhi by Hari Pada Roychoudhury
We Are Anarchists: Essays on Anarchism, Pacifism, and the Indian Independence Movement, 1923-1953 by Acharya, M. P. T.
The Siksha-Patri of the Svami-Narayana Sect: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society by Monier-Williams, Monier, Eliot, Charles
The Indian Mythology by T, Vaishnavi
F.D. Ascoli: Early Revenue History of Bengal and The Fifth Report, 1812 by
The Ethics of Staying: Social Movements and Land Rights Politics in Pakistan by Rizvi, Mubbashir A.
The Ethics of Staying: Social Movements and Land Rights Politics in Pakistan by Rizvi, Mubbashir A.
Eloquent Spaces: Meaning and Community in Early Indian Architecture by
India: The Definitive History by SarDesai, D. R.
Pakistan: Fifty Years Of Nationhood, Third Edition by Burki, Shahid Javed
Tibet: When the Gods Spoke India Tibet Relations (1947-1962) Part 3 (July 1954 - February 1957) by Arpi, Claude
Eloquent Spaces: Meaning and Community in Early Indian Architecture by
The Struggle for Equality: India's Muslims and Rethinking the Upa Experience by Kim, Heewon
The Cambridge Companion to Sayyid Ahmad Khan by
India in the Interregnum: Interim Government, September 1946--August 1947 by Ankit, Rakesh
La partición de la India y el mandato británico de Palestina: la polémica historia de los planes de partición de posguerra de Gran Bretaña y sus conse by Charles River
La partición de la India y el mandato británico de Palestina: la polémica historia de los planes de partición de posguerra de Gran Bretaña y sus conse by Charles River
La Inquisición Portuguesa: La Historia de la Persecución Religiosa del Imperio Portugués en contra de los no cristianos en Portugual y Asia by Charles River
La Inquisición Portuguesa: La Historia de la Persecución Religiosa del Imperio Portugués en contra de los no cristianos en Portugual y Asia by Charles River
The Empires of the Near East and India: Source Studies of the Safavid, Ottoman, and Mughal Literate Communities by
The Empires of the Near East and India: Source Studies of the Safavid, Ottoman, and Mughal Literate Communities by
Governing Gender and Sexuality in Colonial India by Hinchy, Jessica
From Temple to Museum: Colonial Collections and Umā Maheśvara Icons in the Middle Ganga Valley by Kulshreshtha, Salila
Imperial Sovereignty and Local Politics by Singh, Tripurdaman
Landscape, Culture, and Belonging: Writing the History of Northeast India by
Debunking Mythology: Sattology by Satsangi, Aditya
A Genealogy of Devotion: Bhakti, Tantra, Yoga, and Sufism in North India by Burchett, Patton E.
Agrarian and Other Histories: Essays for Binay Bhushan Chaudhuri by
USAma(2nd Edition): Is USA the World's Largest Terrorist? by Amit Bagaria
Ajanta Paintings: A compilation of 84 abridged narratives by Singh, Rajesh Kumar
Portals of Globalization: Repositioning Mumbai's Ports and Zones, 1833-2014 by Maruschke, Megan
Interaction In The Thai Bureaucracy by Haas, David F.
Who Is Bharat Mata? On History, Culture and the Idea of India: Writings by and on Jawaharlal Nehru by
Indian Conjuring - With 8 Illustrations by Branson, L. H.
Abraham's Luggage by Lambourn, Elizabeth A.
Empire and Ecology in the Bengal Delta by Bhattacharyya, Debjani
Storytime in India: Wedding Songs, Victorian Tales, and the Ethnographic Experience by Pandey, Umesh Chandra, Myers, Helen Priscilla
Storytime in India: Wedding Songs, Victorian Tales, and the Ethnographic Experience by Myers, Helen Priscilla, Pandey, Umesh Chandra
Shared Histories of Modernity: China, India and the Ottoman Empire by
Dalits in Neoliberal India: Mobility or Marginalisation? by
Messengers of Hindu Nationalism: How the Rss Reshaped India by Andersen, Walter, Damle, Shridhar D.
Poppies, Politics, and Power: Afghanistan and the Global History of Drugs and Diplomacy by Bradford, James Tharin
Poppies, Politics, and Power: Afghanistan and the Global History of Drugs and Diplomacy by Bradford, James Tharin
The Forgotten People of Tharparkar by Ali, Anila
Tibetan Nation: A History of Tibetan Nationalism and Sino-Tibetan Relations by Smith, Warren
The Broken Spell: Indian Storytelling and the Romance Genre in Persian and Urdu by Khan, Pasha M.
The Broken Spell: Indian Storytelling and the Romance Genre in Persian and Urdu by Khan, Pasha M.
Legacy of a Divided Nation: India's Muslims Since Independence by Hasan, Mushirul
Indian Cotton Textiles in West Africa: African Agency, Consumer Demand and the Making of the Global Economy, 1750-1850 by Kobayashi, Kazuo
Letters from Malabar: And 'On the Way' - A Historical Glimpse of India at the Start of the 20th Century (Hardcover) by Bruce, Henry
Letters from Malabar: And 'On the Way' - A Historical Glimpse of India at the Start of the 20th Century by Bruce, Henry
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