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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indian & South Asian History in 2024

Know About "Taj Mahal" - The Symbol of Love - A Comprehensive Guide by Chauhan, Veena Singh
The Mizo Discovery of the British Raj: Empire and Religion in Northeast India, 1890-1920 by Jackson, Kyle
Wild Races: Scripturalizing Empire in British India by Lalruatkima
The Dramatic Rise and Fall of the Portuguese Empire: The History and Legacy of Portugal's Mercantile Empire across the World by Charles River
The Political Writings of Bhagat Singh by
The Political Writings of Bhagat Singh by
Ashoka: Portrait of a Philosopher King by Olivelle, Patrick
Labors of Division: Global Capitalism and the Emergence of the Peasant in Colonial Panjab by Gill, Navyug
Labors of Division: Global Capitalism and the Emergence of the Peasant in Colonial Panjab by Gill, Navyug
Climbing on the Himalaya and Other Mountain Ranges by Collie, Norman
Sultans and Mosques: The Early Muslim Architecture of Bangladesh by Hasan, Perween
Sixteen Stormy Days: The Story of the First Amendment to the Constitution of India by Singh, Tripurdaman
The Second World War and North East India: Shadows of Yesteryears by Saigal, Sima
Northeast India Through the Ages: A Transdisciplinary Perspective on Prehistory, History, and Oral History by
Multilingual Education in South Asia: At the Intersection of Policy and Practice by
The Last Nizam and His People: Profiles and Sketches from Hyderabad by Chapalgaonkar, Narendra
French Theatre, Orientalism, and the Representation of India, 1770-1865: India Lost and Regained by Hammerbeck, David
Performance at the Urban Periphery: Insights from South India by
Precious Threads and Precarious Lives: Histories of Shawl and Silk Industries of Kashmir, 1846-1950 by Kumar, Amit
Indian Liberalism between Nation and Empire: The Political Life of Gopal Krishna Gokhale by Valdameri, Elena
Empire and Gunpowder: Military Industrialisation and Ascendancy of the East India Company in India, 1757-1856 by Chowdhury, Moumita
Tribes of Western India: A Comparative Study of Their Social Structure by Lobo, Lancy, Kumar, Dhananjay
Nodes of Translation: Intellectual History Between Modern India and Germany by
Routledge Handbook of the History of Colonialism in South Asia by
Literary Sentiments in the Vernacular: Gender and Genre in Modern South Asia by
Beyond Courtrooms and Street Violence: Rethinking Religious Offence and Its Containment by
Communities and Courts: Religion and Law in Modern India by
Capturing Caste in Law: The Legal Regulation of Caste Discrimination by Waughray, Annapurna
Global South Asia: South Asian Literatures and the World by
Political Identity in South Asia by
Harmony Through Indian Heritage by Bandyopadhyay, Gurudas
Literature of Girmitiya: History, Culture and Identity by
The Sikh Wars: A Captivating Guide to the Origins, Battles, and Legacy of the 19th-Century Anglo-Sikh Conflicts by History, Captivating
Savarkar and the Making of Hindutva by Bakhle, Janaki
Gyanvapi Mosque, Part-1 by Anwer, Perwez
Hajj across Empires by Choudhury, Rishad
Prime Ministers of India: A Journey Through Leadership by Shahsroha, Sajid Ahmed
The Long History of Partition in Bengal: Event, Memory, Representations by
Discovering Indian Philosophy: An Introduction to Hindu, Jain and Buddhist Thought by Long, Jeffery D.
Coolie Woman: The Odyssey of Indenture by Bahadur, Gaiutra
Coolie Woman: The Odyssey of Indenture by Bahadur, Gaiutra
The Sikh Wars: A Captivating Guide to the Origins, Battles, and Legacy of the 19th-Century Anglo-Sikh Conflicts by History, Captivating
Nepal: A History from the Earliest Times to the Present by Michaels, Axel
Modi's India by Sharma, Amit Prakash
Sikhs: The Untold Agony of 1984 by Mukhopadhyay, Nilanjan
The Political Outsider: Indian Democracy and the Lineages of Populism by Roy, Srirupa
The Political Outsider: Indian Democracy and the Lineages of Populism by Roy, Srirupa
Maldives Through Time: The Ancient History of Maldives Islands by Najmy, Hassan
Empire and Leprosy in Colonial Bengal by Das, Apalak
Templars in Bologna: A Multidisciplinary Approach by Bagni, Giampiero
Understanding Fifty Years of Bangladesh Politics: Struggles, Achievements, and Challenges by Or-Rashid, Harun-
Voices of Dissent: An Essay by Thapar, Romila
Understanding Fifty Years of Bangladesh Politics: Struggles, Achievements, and Challenges by Or-Rashid, Harun-
Postmemory and the Partition of India: Learning to Remember by Kapila, Shuchi
The Gaidinliu Uprising in British India: Encountering the Millenarian by Nag, Sajal
Headstrap: Legends and Lore from the Climbing Sherpas of Darjeeling by Balsavar, Deepa, Purandare, Nandini
Suqoot-e-Hyderabad ki kahani - Pundit Sundarlal ki zabani: (Urdu Essays) by
Managing the Media in the India-Burma War, 1941-1945 by Woods, Philip
Mount Everest, the Reconnaissance, 1921 by Howard-Bury, Charles, Mallory, George
Historia de la India: Un apasionante recorrido por importantes civilizaciones, imperios, acontecimientos, personajes y religiones by Wellman, Billy
Shivaji and His Times (Deluxe Hardbound Edition) by Sarkar, Jadunath
Shivaji and His Times by Sarkar, Jadunath
Meerut aur 1857 by Dr Rahat Abrar
Sikh History: A Captivating Guide to the Story of Sikhism, From Spiritual Beginnings to Heroic Stands by History, Captivating
The Battle of Debal: Muhammad bin Qasim's Landmark Victory in Sindh by Hassan, Aisha, Talesgenie
The Imperial Archives: From Discovery to the Civilisational Mission: English Writings on India by
Migration, Memories, and the Unfinished Partition by
Pakistan: Everything You Need to Know by Gil-Smith, Noah
Mapping Partition: Politics, Territory and the End of Empire in India and Pakistan by Fitzpatrick, Hannah
¿Quién era la esposa de Akbar entre Mariam-uz-Zamani o Jodha Bai? by Anwer, Perwez
Colonialism and Communalism: Religion and Changing Identities in Modern India by Doss, M. Christhu
Science and the British Empire by Kochhar, Rajesh
Science and the British Empire by Kochhar, Rajesh
Rabindranath Tagore, Amartya Sen, and the Early Indian Classical Period: The Obligations of Power by Leavitt, Neal
Ashoka: Portrait of a Philosopher King by Olivelle, Patrick
The Emergence of Brand-Name Capitalism in Late Colonial India: Advertising and the Making of Modern Conjugality by Haynes, Douglas E.
Hinduism in Middle India: Narasimha, the Lord of the Middle by Vemsani, Lavanya
Poetics of Village Politics: The Making of West Bengal's Rural Communism by Ruud, Arild Engelsen
La cité de l'épouvantable nuit by Kipling, Rudyard
The Long Conquest: Territorialisation, Rebellion and the 'Tribe' in Eastern India, Circa 1760 to 1900 by Misra, Sanghamitra
The Buddhist Self: On Tathāgatagarbha and Ātman by Jones, C. V.
Sikh Separatism: The Politics of Faith by Kapur, Rajiv A.
A Contemporary Archaeology of Post-Displacement Resettlement: Delhi's 1947 Partition Refugee Homescapes by Riggs, Erin P.
Breaking the Mold: India's Untraveled Path to Prosperity by Rajan, Raghuram G., Lamba, Rohit
Beyond the Page: South Asian Miniatures and Britain, 1600 to Now by
My Experiments with Truth by Mohandas Gandhi, Karamchand, Desai, Mahadev
The Inhuman Empire: Wildlife, Colonialism, Culture by Naithani, Sadhana
Ganga Government Museum-Bikaner by Mathur, Anurag
Shades Of Bangalore: In Search Of A City's Soul by Hariprasad, Usha
The Sovereign, Subject and Colonial Justice: Revisiting the Trial of Bahadur Shah, 1858 by Yadav, K. C.
Islam as Imagined in Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century English Literature by Bennett, Clinton
India after the 1857 Revolt: Decolonizing the Mind by Doss, M. Christhu
In-Between Worlds: Performing [as] Bauls in an Age of Extremism by Chakrabarti, Sukanya
The Changing World of Caste and Hierarchy in Bengal: Depiction from the Mangalkavyas c. 1700-1931 by Bhaumik, Sudarshana
The Origins of Human Rights: Ancient Indian and Greco-Roman Perspectives by Prasad, R. U. S.
Water and Historic Settlements: The Making of a Cultural Landscape by Mubayi, Yaaminey
Concubinage, Race and Law in Early Colonial Bengal: Bequeathing Intimacy, Servicing the Empire by Sharma, Ruchika
Federation of Himalayan Kingdoms: Looking for Greater Nepal by Sinha, Awadhesh C.
Colonial Globalization and its Effects on South Asia: Eastern Bengal, Sylhet, and Assam, 1874-1971 by Hossain, Ashfaque
The Santal Rebellion 1855-1856: The Call of Thakur by Andersen, Peter B.
The Archaeology of Early Medieval and Medieval South Asia: Contesting Narratives from the Eastern Ganga-Brahmaputra Basin by
Unattached Women, Able-Bodied Men: Partition, Migration and Resettlement in Bengal by Das, Tista
The Imperial Underbelly: Workers, Contractors, and Entrepreneurs in Colonial India and Scandinavia by
The Indo-Pacific Theatre: Strategic Visions and Frameworks by
Sheikh Abdullah: The Caged Lion of Kashmir by Zutshi, Chitralekha
The YMCA in Late Colonial India: Modernization, Philanthropy and American Soft Power in South Asia by Fischer-Tiné, Harald
The Co-Operative Movement in the Punjab by Ullah, Ata
Mountbatten, Cold War and Empire, 1945-79 by Smith, Adrian
A Neo-Fatimid Treasury of Books: Arabic Manuscripts Among the Alawi Bohras of South Asia by Akkerman, Olly
The Literary Life of Yājñavalkya by Lindquist, Steven E.
Atmospheric Violence: Disaster and Repair in Kashmir by Aijazi, Omer
Atmospheric Violence: Disaster and Repair in Kashmir by Aijazi, Omer
Gandhi and the Caste Question in Colonial India by Upadhyay, Shashi Bhushan
Gandhi and the Caste Question in Colonial India by Upadhyay, Shashi Bhushan
Accumulation and Dispossession: Communal Land in Northeast India by Sarmah, Bhupen, Ray, Asok Kumar, Chakraborty, Gorky
Sedition: Macaulay to Modi by Uppal, Rijul Singh
Theorizing a Bengali Nation: Abul Hashim and the United Bengal Movement, 1937-1947 by Sen, Sucharita
The India Collective: What India Is Really All about by Mehrishi, Karan
Handbook of Advances in Culture and Psychology, Volume 10: Volume 10 by
Country Jumper in Pakistan by Dobson-Largie, Claudia
Ideas and Images: A Historical Interpretation of Eastern Vindhyan Rock Art, India by Pratap, Ajay
The Myth of the Lokamanya: Tilak and Mass Politics in Maharashtra by Cashman, Richard I.
Life, Politics, and Resistance in Kashmir after 2019: A Multidisciplinary Understanding of the Conflict by
Arthashastra by Kautilya
Resistance as Negotiation: Making States and Tribes in the Margins of Modern India by Chandra, Uday
The Newlyweds: Rearranging Marriage in Modern India by Choksi, Mansi
South Asian Pornographies: Vernacular Formations of the Permissible and the Obscene by
Delhi: New Literatures of the Megacity by
Unbecoming Modern: Colonialism, Modernity, Colonial Modernities by
Gandhi: Anti-Biography of a Great Soul by Saint-Chëron, Michaël de
Much ADO Over Coffee: Indian Coffee House Then and Now by Bhattacharya, Bhaswati
Savage Attack: Tribal Insurgency in India by
The Sundarbans: Folk Deities, Monsters and Mortals by Sarkar, Sutapa Chatterjee
The Many Worlds of Sarala Devi: A Diary & the Tagores and Sartorial Style: A Photo Essay by Karlekar, Malavika, Ray, Bharati, Ray, Sukhendu
Towards a Ceasefire in Kashmir: British Official Reports from South Asia, 18 September - 31 December 1948 by
Mapping Bihar: From Medieval to Modern Times by Gopal, Surendra
Studies in Indo-Muslim History by S.H. Hodivala Volume I: A Critical Commentary on Elliot and Dowson's History of India as Told by Its Own Historians by
Studies in Indo-Muslim History by S.H. Hodivala Volume II: A Critical Commentary on Elliot and Dowson's History of India as Told by Its Own Historians by
The Sikh Minority and the Partition of the Punjab 1920-1947 by Chatterjee, Chhanda
Of Colonial Bungalows and Piano Lessons: An Indian Woman's Memoirs by
The Administration of Justice in Assam (1826-1874) by Borthakur, Achyut Kumar
India in Edinburgh: 1750s to the Present by
Constructing the Divine: Religion and World View of a Naga Tribe in North-East India by Chophy, G. Kanato
Jains in India: Historical Essays by Gopal, Surendra
'Be Clear Kashmir Will Vote for India' Jammu & Kashmir 1947-1953: Reporting the Contemporary Understanding of the Unreported by Tanwar, Raghuvendra
Mughal Administration and the Zamindars of Bihar by Ansari, Tahir Hussain
Persistence of Poverty in India by
The Making of Medieval Panjab: Politics, Society and Culture C. 1000-C. 1500 by Singh, Surinder
The Intellectual Roots of India's Freedom Struggle (1893-1918) by Mukherjee, Prithwindra
Transaction and Hierarchy: Elements for a Theory of Caste by Tambs-Lyche, Harald
Global Hindu Diaspora: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives by
Frederick Eden Pargiter: A Revenue History of the Sundarbans from 1765 to 1870 by
An Outline of the Aryan Civilization by Nandi, R. N.
Views on Hindu Dharma by M.K. Gandhi by
Dalit Women: Honour and Patriarchy in South India by Still, Clarinda
The Sultanate of Delhi (1206-1526): Polity, Economy, Society and Culture by Ray, Aniruddha
F.D. Ascoli: Early Revenue History of Bengal and the Fifth Report, 1812 by
F.D. Ascoli: A Revenue History of the Sundarbans: From 1870 to 1920 by
Dalit Theology, Boundary Crossings and Liberation in India: A Biblical and Postcolonial Study by Skaria, Jobymon
How Secular is Art? by
Local Selfhood, Global Turns by Chakrabarti, Sumit
Remaking History by Mohammad, Afsar
Malevolent Republic: A Short History of the New India by Komireddi, K. S.
Vishwavidyalaya: The lost knowledge of INDIA by Anurodh Das
Between Nation and 'Community': Muslim Universities and Indian Politics After Partition by Gautier, Laurence
Beyond Indenture by
Ways of Remembering by Sircar, Oishik
The Lion and The Lily: The Rise and Fall of Awadh by Mukhoty, Ira
Engaging with a Nation: Representations of India in the 21st Century by
All you need to know about Bhutan by Hoffmann-Schmidt, Jonas
Feminist Peace and the Violence of Communalism: Community, Gender and Caste in India by Mangiarotti, Emanuela
Critical Insights on Colonial Modes of Seeing Cattle in India (1850-1980): Tracing the Pre-History of Green and White Revolutions by Upadhyaya, Himanshu
Empire Religiosity: Convent Habits in Colonial and Postcolonial India by Allender, Tim
Andaman's Forgotten Luminary: SHAHEED Dr. DIWAN SINGH KALEPANI: A hero lost in time by Gagandeep Singh
The Cool Breeze from Hind: A Spiritual Revival of Roots and Resistance. by Jaihoon, Mujeeb
India and the Cold War by
Existence and Perception in Medieval Vedānta: Vyāsatīrtha's Defence of Realism in the Nyāyāmr̥ta by Williams, Michael Thomas
India Is Broken: A People Betrayed, Independence to Today by Mody, Ashoka
Britain's Empires: A History, 1600-2020 by Heartfield, James
Hidden Histories of Pakistan: Censorship, Literature, and Secular Nationalism in Late Colonial India by Waheed, Sarah Fatima
Archives and Archiving in the 21st Century by
The Routledge Companion to the Life and Legacy of Guru Hargobind: Sovereignty, Militancy, and Empowerment of the Sikh Panth by Singh, Pashaura
Qaul-e-Faisal: (Maulana Azad's detailed statement on his trial) by Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
All you need to know about Sri Lanka by Hoffmann-Schmidt, Jonas
Fallout: Power, Intrigue and Political Upheaval in Pakistan by Masood, Salman
Hunter, Peasant, Rebel: Colonialism and the British Assam Frontier by Baruah, Manjeet
Hunter, Peasant, Rebel: Colonialism and the British Assam Frontier by Baruah, Manjeet
The Kural: Tiruvalluvar's Tirukkural by Pruiksma, Thomas Hitoshi
Histories of Health and Materiality in the Indian Ocean World: Medicine, Material Culture and Trade, 1600-2000 by
Anti-Colonialism and the Crises of Interwar Fascism by Ortiz, Michael
The Vedic History of Kashmir by Jayaprakash, Jagath
A Saga of Soviet treachery: Decoding Mitrokhin Archives by Jayaprakash, Jagath
African Indian: Timely Entrance, Expansion and Settlement by Jeremiah, Sampson
Gandhi and Adivasis: Tribal Movements in Eastern India (1914-1948) by de, Debasree
The Resilience of Indigenous Religion: A Struggle for Survival of Tingkao Ragwang Chapriak in Manipur by Kamei, Samson
The Raj and the Rajas: Money and Coinage in Colonial India by
Odissi and the Geeta Govinda by Citaristi, Ileana
Nathaniel Wallich: Global Botany in Nineteenth Century India by Krieger, Martin
India's Approach to Border Management: From Barriers to Bridges by Das, Pushpita
Science and Technology in Colonial India by Mohan, Kamlesh
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