• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indigenous Art of the Americas in 2014

寄至何方 Where To Mail by Huang Yiluan
Red: Eiteljorg Contemporary Art Fellowship 2013 by
Transformation & Continuity in by Amiotte, Arthur
sacred clowns by Murphy, James R.
A Basic Guide to Northwest Coast Formline Art by Worl, Rico Lanaat', Tlaa, Shaadoo', Gregory, Donald Heendei
Storyteller: The Art of Roy Henry Vickers by Vickers, Roy Henry
Color American Indian Art by Mitra, Mrinal
The Visual Language of Wabanaki Art by Kent, Jeanne Morningstar
The Visual Language of Wabanaki Art by Kent, Jeanne Morningstar
OKLAHOMA - Land Of Many Nations by Johnston, William
Native North American Art by Phillips, Ruth B., Berlo, Janet Catherine
Craftwork Techniques of the Native Americans by Sutton, Scott
Early Art of the Southeastern Indians: Feathered Serpents & Winged Beings by Power, Susan C.
The New Advanced Placement* Art History Curriculum for the Indigenous Americas: A Teacher's Guide to the Required Andean Monuments (Part 1 of 3, inclu by Stone, Rebecca R.
Shore to Shore: The Art of Ts'uts'umutl Luke Marston by Fournier, Suzanne
Reading the Wampum: Essays on Hodinöhsö Ni' Visual Code and Epistemological Recovery by Kelsey, Penelope Myrtle
Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form, 50th Anniversary Edition by Holm, Bill
Le Visage Des Choses: traduction rongo rongo et maya by Roche, Maxime
Navajo Silversmith Fred Peshlakai: His Life & Art by Curtis, Steven