• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indigenous Art of the Americas in 2023

IN UNION, Hardcover: Native Engagements by Christensen, Keith, Heap Of Birds, Edgar
Indian Silver-Smithing by Hunt, W. Ben
Indian Silver-Smithing by Hunt, W. Ben
Native American Coloring Book: 25+ First Nation Portraits of Beautiful Indigenous women by Joywill, Sasha
A Voice In The Fashion Industry: What you should know about Fashion Nova by Wilson, Christine
The Arts of the Ancient Americas at the Dallas Museum of Art by
The Sacred Wisdom of the Native Americans by Zimmerman, Larry J.
Indians in Color: Native Art, Identity, and Performance in the New West by Denzin, Norman K.
Cold Springs Our World Is Changing by
Marius Barbeau's Vitalist Ethnology by Slaney, Frances M.
Object Lessons in American Art by
George A. Kubler and the Shape of Art History by Reese, Thomas F.
Indigenous Media Arts in Canada: Making, Caring, Sharing by
Wendy Red Star: Bíilukaa by
Jaune Quick-To-See Smith: Memory Map by Phipps, Laura
Native American Art from the Thomas W. Weisel Family Collection by
War Stories: Reading Plains Indian Biographic Rock Art by Keyser, James D., Kaiser, David
Iconicity of the Uto-Aztecans: Snake Anthropomorphy in the Great Basin, the American Southwest and Mesoamerica by Mukhopadhyay, Tirtha Prasad, Garfinkel, Alan Philip
Sharing Honors and Burdens: Renwick Invitational 2023 by Montiel, Anya, Evans, Lara M., Belarde-Lewis, Miranda
Digital Mapping and Indigenous America by
30 Years of Fine Arts 1992-2022 by
30 Years of Fine Arts 1992-2022 Cree Version by
30 Years of Fine Arts 1992-2022 Dene Version by
Following My Spirit Home: A Collection of Paintings and Stories by Zimmerman, Sam
Kananginak Pootoogook: Drawings and Prints from Kinngait by Leslie Boyd, Pootoogook, Kananginak
Anasazi Painted Pottery in Field Museum of Natural History; Fieldiana, Anthropology Memoirs, Vol. 5 by
Anasazi Painted Pottery in Field Museum of Natural History; Fieldiana, Anthropology Memoirs, Vol. 5 by
An Indigenous Present by
Not Native American Art: Fakes, Replicas, and Invented Traditions by Berlo, Janet Catherine
Jaj: A Haida Manga by Yahgulanaas, Michael Nicoll
Mahku: Visions by
Tengautuli Atkuk / The Flying Parka: The Meaning and Making of Parkas in Southwest Alaska by Fienup-Riordan, Ann, Rearden, Alice, Meade, Marie
The Land Carries Our Ancestors: Contemporary Art by Native Americans by Ahtone, Heather, Harjo, Joy, Smith, Jaune Quick-To-See
In Our Hands: Native Photography, 1890 to Now by
Carmezia Emiliano: The Tree of Life by
Brenda Draney: Drink from the River by
Arts Creation: A Curriculum of Relationality, Resurgence, and Renewal by
Arts Creation: A Curriculum of Relationality, Resurgence, and Renewal by
The Memoirs of Miss Chief Eagle Testickle: Vol. 1: A True and Exact Accounting of the History of Turtle Island by Gordon, Gisèle, Monkman, Kent
Tsimshian Eagle: A Culture Bearer's Journey by Quinn, Steve, Boxley, David A.
Breaking Protocol by
The Memoirs of Miss Chief Eagle Testickle: Vol. 2: A True and Exact Accounting of the History of Turtle Island by Monkman, Kent, Gordon, Gisèle
First Nations bracelet from the northwest coast of British Columbia collected by George Mercer Dawson in the 1800s by Geldart, Peter D.
Early Days: Indigenous Art from the McMichael by