• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indigenous Languages of the Americas in 2013

Language Planning and Policy in Native America: History, Theory, PRAXIS by McCarty, Teresa L.
Language Planning and Policy in Native America: History, Theory, PRAXIS by McCarty, Teresa L.
Handbook of American Indian Languages Part III. by Boas, Franz
Handbook of American Indian Languages Part II. by Boas, Franz
Native Languages of the Americas: Volume 1 by
Native Languages of the Americas: Volume 2 by
Outline for a Comparative Grammar of Some Algonquian Languages: Ojibway, Cree, Micmac, Natick [Massachusett], and Blackfoot by Snider, Joshua Jacob, Uhlenbeck, Christian Cornelius
Indigenous Youth and Multilingualism: Language Identity, Ideology, and Practice in Dynamic Cultural Worlds by
Handbook of American Indian Languages by Boas, Franz
Handbook of American Indian Languages by Boas, Franz
Handbook of American Indian Languages by Boas, Franz
Supplement to the Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 5: Epigraphy by
Handbook of American Indian Languages 2 Volume Set by
Wari by Everett, Daniel L., Kern, Barbara
A Dictionary of the Osage Language: Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology, No. 109 by La Flesche, Francis
A Dictionary of the Osage Language: Smithsonian Institution Bureau of American Ethnology, No. 109 by La Flesche, Francis
Xiipuktan (First of All): Three Views of the Origins of the Quechan People by Bryant, George M. a., Miller, Amy
Xiipuktan (First of All): Three Views of the Origins of the Quechan People by Miller, Amy, Bryant, George M. a.
Plains Cree Morphosyntax by Dahlstrom, Amy
Object and Absolutive in Halkomelem Salish by Gerdts, Donna B.
Proto Utian Grammar and Dictionary: With Notes on Yokuts by Callaghan, Catherine