• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indigenous Languages of the Americas in 2014

Wisanzhe Dumuna by
The Eighteenth-Century Wyandot: A Clan-Based Study by Steckley, John L.
Mountain Maidu Grammar: Fish-Head Version by Anderson, Karen Lahaie
Emerging from out of the Margins: Essays on Haida Language, Culture, and History by White, Fredericke
The Native Languages of South America: Origins, Development, Typology by
A Dictionary Of The Choctaw Language by Byington, Cyrus
Kwakiutl Texts by Boas, Franz, Hunt, George
Ethnography and Philology of the Hidatsa Indians by Matthews, Washington
Kwakiutl Texts by Boas, Franz, Hunt, George
A Dictionary of the Choctaw Language by Byington, Cyrus
Ákaitsinikssiistsi/Blackfoot Stories of Old by
A Meskwaki-English and English-Meskwaki Dictionary Based on Early Twentieth-Century Writings by Native Speakers by
A Reference Grammar of Kotiria (Wanano) by Stenzel, Kristine
Plateau Indian Ways with Words: The Rhetorical Tradition of the Tribes of the Inland Pacific Northwest by Monroe, Barbara
A Grammar of Kulina by Dienst, Stefan
The History of Tense/Aspect/Mood/Voice in the Mayan Verbal Complex by Robertson, John S.
A Lenape-English Dictionary: From an Anonymous Manuscript in the Archives of the Moravian Church at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (1889) by Brinton, Daniel Garrison, Anthony, Albert Seqaqkind
Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon: English-Chinook (1909) by
An Introduction to the Study of the Maya Hieroglyphs by Morley, Sylvanus Griswold
Cree Legends and Narratives from the West Coast of James Bay by
Woods Cree Stories by Ratt, Solomon
Dictionary of the Alabama Language by Montler, Timothy, Sylestine, Cora, Hardy, Heather K.
Stories from Quechan Oral Literature by Miller, Amy, Halpern, A. M.
Stories from Quechan Oral Literature by Halpern, A. M., Miller, Amy
A Grammar of the Seneca Language: Volume 149 by Chafe, Wallace
The Prix Volney: Its History and Significance for the Development of Linguistics Research: Volume Ia and Volume IB by
Navajo-English Dictionary by Morgan, William, Dinetah, Native Child, Wall, Leon
Basic Potawatomi Grammar by Perrot, Donald, Jr.