• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indigenous Religions in 2016

Siberian Shamanism: The Shanar Ritual of the Buryats by Tkacz, Virlana
Questions Along the Way: Conversations With a Quantum Shaman by Van Hise, Della
A Shamanic Kundalini Awakening by Ring, Brendan
Spirit World: Diary of an Urban Shaman by Richards, Raym
Into the Infinite: Opening the Door to the Unknown by Van Hise, Della
Great Spirit Made Children With Red Skin by Wanner, Reverend Mike
The Bridge of No Time by Almine
My Journeys To The Spirit World by McAllister, Paul J.
The Goddess and the Shaman: The Art & Science of Magical Healing by Kent, J. A.
Soigner Autrement est Possible: Guérison chamanique de l'esprit et du corps - soins chamaniques et relation d'aide by Tardy, Valerie
Canoa: Taino Indigenous Dream River Journey by Sagué-Machiran, Miguel A.
Open Water: Emerging Shamanism by Kelly, John Farrell
The quiet revolution of the 7th generation: die stille revolution der 7. generation by Cloud, Henry Red, Turtle, Medicine
Becoming Nature: Learning the Language of Wild Animals and Plants by Song, Tamarack
Trance Journeys of the Hunter-Gatherers: Ecstatic Practices to Reconnect with the Great Mother and Heal the Earth by Brink, Nicholas E.
Ayahuasca: Mother of Rebirth by Ankhara
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge by Castaneda, Carlos
The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge by Castaneda, Carlos
13 Gesetze der Weisheit: Leitfaden für Schamanen und Therapeuten by Barkmann, Kim
A Return to Ancient Wisdom by Orive, Beatriz M.
The Art of Dreaming by Castaneda, Carlos
Destiny Retrieval: Shamanic Mentoring in the Age of Whatever by David Kowalewski Phd
Shaman Training: The real shaman training is a calling from God. by Thompson, C. Lloyd
Medicine Heart: Death of Domestication by Thompson, C. Lloyd
The Call of the Spectacled Owl: An Artist's Journey thru History, the Amazon, and Spirit (with Travel Tips) by Woodruff, Patricia Robin
THE PRACTICE OF SOUL-CENTERED HEALING Vol. II: Navigating the Inner World by Zinser, Thomas
Sacred Light: My journey from Mormon to Mystic by Garrett, Myndee Joan
Sacred Light: My journey from Mormon to Mystic by Garrett, Myndee Joan
Dreaming Wide Awake: Lucid Dreaming, Shamanic Healing, and Psychedelics by Brown, David Jay
The Norse Shaman: Ancient Spiritual Practices of the Northern Tradition by Rysdyk, Evelyn C.
Nightwing: Reflections of a Traditional Shaman by Lee, Roberta
A Map to Otherworld: The Beginner's Guide to Meditative Shamanic Journeying by Gamble, Rebekah E.
Finding the Shaman: Spiritual Journey Back to True Self by Hillary, Debra Lee
Two White Feathers and a Handful of Rocks: A woman's journey through the feminine ch'amas of South and Central America by Chapman, Jenny
The Avatars of Eden: Bringing Heaven to Earth by Marr, Aliyah
La Abuela y el Gran Jefe by Olivari, Enriqueta
The Tree of Life: Talks by Buntie Wills by Wills, Buntie
Shamanic Secrets Lost Wisdom Regained: Shamans and Healers Through Robert Shapiro Bring Back Lost Wisdom by Shapiro, Robert
The Warrior Goddess Way: Claiming the Woman You Are Destined to Be by Amara, Heatherash
Yoruba 16 Oracle Geomancy by Novaton, Sixto J.
Castaneda for Dummies: A Simple Tale of Power by Paris, Jaime
The Journey Home by John, Carl
Blue Mountain Mist: Let's Evolve by Ilkin, Yildiz
Andean Awakening: An Inca Guide to Mystical Peru by Delgado, Jorge Luis
Traumzeitpfade: Schamanische Seelenfindung auf magischen Wegen in der Natur by Matzker, Wolf E.
The Cosmic Template: A Shamanic Month Minder for the Evolving Soul by Walsh, Grace
The Thornish Path: A Neo-Tribal Tradition by Wolf, Jack
Growing Into Light by Long, Max Freedom
Growing Into Light: A Guidebook in Huna Magic by Long, Max Freedom
The Spirit of Rewilding: Steps toward a shamanic ecology by Taylor, Peter
Caves of Power: Ancient Energy Techniques for Healing, Rejuvenation and Manifestation by Maga a., Sergio
A Pilgrim in the Andes by Parker, Carol L.
Spirit Dogs: How to Be Your Dog's Personal Shaman by Galer, Jane
We Dance To A Whispered Voice: A Shamanic Awakening by Magdalena, Amari
The Jewel that inundates all feeling The 72 enchantments of Tobacco by Ruyman, Arutam
Ayahuasca: Rituals, Potions and Visionary Art from the Amazon by Rätsch, Christian, Adelaars, Arno, Müller-Ebeling, Claudia
Hellsehen: Entdecke die alte Kunst der Wahrsager und lerne Dein Schicksal zu bestimmen by May, Susanne
Fools Crow: Wisdom and Power by Mails, Thomas
Native American Pathways: A Guide to Inner Peace by Mails, Thomas E.