• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indigenous Religions in 2018

Where the Gods Reign: Plants and Peoples of the Colombian Amazon by Schultes, Richard Evans
Enchanted Beings: A Trip Around the Wheel of the Year with 8 Practitioners by Chapman, Jenny
Possession: & The Spiritual Dynamics Of The Mind by Eagle, White
Tales of Two Coyotes: adventures with power animals by Longland, Stella
Winds of Spirit by Baribeau, Renee
Sanacion ancestral: Legados milenarios al servicio del alma by Villasenor Galarza, Adrian
Ulisse, lo sciamano: Le radici preistoriche dei racconti omerici by Magini, Leonardo
Saisir Castaneda: Comprendre Carlos Castaneda by Luce, Peter
Castaneda Verstehen: Carlos Castaneda Begreifen by Luce, Peter
Castaneda Doorgronden: Inzicht in Carlos Castaneda by Luce, Peter
Llewellyn's Little Book of Spirit Animals by Alvarez, Melissa
Possession: And The Spiritual Dynamics of the Mind by Eagle, White
Hawaiian Shamanism Secrets of the Modern Shaman: Empower Yourself and Change Your by Phelan Ph. D., Arlene
Advanced Shamanism: The Practice of Conscious Transformation by Endredy, James
The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls by Crittenden, Guy
Lose Weight Unleash Your Creativity: Teachings of Indigenous Healers How to Transform Your Life with Nature's Power by Panahi, Rita
Energy Strands: The Ultimate Guide to Clearing the Cords That Are Constricting Your Life by Linn, Denise
The Golden Book of Wisdom: Ancient spirituality and shamanism for modern times by Adrimi, Fotoula
Krafttiere: Woher stammen sie und wie kann man ihnen begegnen? by Wang, Chen Lu
The Secret Science Behind Miracles by Long, Freedom Max
Hawaiian Shamanistic Healing: Medicine Ways to Cultivate the Aloha Spirit by Miller, Patricia Lynn, Powell, Wayne Kealohi
The Tree of Visions: Visionary Traditions of the Western World by Nez, David
Grapefruitkernextrakt: Das Wundermittel Grapefruitkernextrakt. Studien aus aller Welt, Auswirkungen des Extrakts auf die Gesundheit und Anwendung. by Academy, Biohacking
The Dolphins and the Silver Song: The Moon of the Heartsong Dolphin by The Wind, Walks
Yogaha: Quest of the Conscious Field by Evans Dnm, Dr Shelley
Magiche Relazioni: L'Arte Di Vivere L'Amore Tra Spiritualità, Tantra e Natura by Armenise, Maria Maddalena
On Trees by Longland, Stella
Spirit Clans: Native Wisdom for Personal Power and Guidance by Carson, David
The Shaman's Quest by Wilson, Norman W.
Walking with Cosmic Dancer Joseph Rael by Marlow, Mary Elizabeth
Regresando a la Sabiduría Ancestral by
Plants That Speak, Souls That Sing: Transform Your Life with the Spirit of Plants by Johnstone, Fay
Japanese Shamanism by Percival Lowell
Tai Chi Ch'Uan and Shamanism a Spiritual Union by Bogey, Micheline
Being of Earth by Longland, Stella
The Book of Beasties: Your A-To-Z Guide to the Illuminating Wisdom of Spirit Animals by Seidelmann, Sarah
The Shamanic Astrology Handbook: The Archetypes and Symbols of the Signs and Planets and their Role in Shamanic Astrology by Giamario, Daniel
Cleansing Rites of Curanderismo: Limpias Espirituales of Ancient Mesoamerican Shamans by Buenaflor, Erika
The Year of the Shaman by Maxwell, Kareena
Sacred Messengers of Shamanic Africa: Teachings from Zep Tepi, the Land of First Time by Mattimore, Carley, Star Wolf, Linda
Shamanism - What It's All About by Wilson, Norman W.
Conversations with the New Earth: Becoming Stewards of the New Earth and Creators of a New Human Culture by Kendall, Gary Stephen
Ayahuasca: une Transformation aux Portes de la Mort - avec un guide détaillé de cérémonie et d'intégration by Lucca, Adriano
Ayahuasca: une Transformation aux Portes de la Mort - avec un guide détaillé de cérémonie et d'intégration by Lucca, Adriano
The Shamanic Workbook I: Cleansing, Discernment, and Ancestral Practices by Shutan, Mary Mueller
The Earth Speaks: Honoring Indigenous Wisdom by Goodman, Leslee
Ayahuasca: una Transformación a las Puertas de la Muerte - con una guía detallada de la ceremonia y de la integración by Lucca, Adriano
Ayahuasca: a Near-Death Transformation - with a detailed ceremony and integration guide by Lucca, Adriano
Ayahuasca: a Near-Death Transformation - with a detailed ceremony and integration guide by Lucca, Adriano
Ayahuasca: una Transformación a las Puertas de la Muerte - con una guía detallada de la ceremonia y de la integración by Lucca, Adriano
Ayahuasca: una Trasformazione alle Soglie della Morte - con una guida dettagliata con consigli relativi alle pratiche sciamaniche quali l'ayahuasca by Lucca, Adriano
Ayahuasca: una Trasformazione alle Soglie della Morte - con una guida dettagliata con consigli relativi alle pratiche sciamaniche quali l'ayahuasca by Lucca, Adriano
Spirit of the Rainforest, 3rd Edition: A Yanomam Shaman's Story by Ritchie, Mark Andrew
The Shaman's Transformation by Wilson, Norman W.
Haunted: Malevolent Ghosts, Night Terrors, and Threatening Phantoms by Steiger, Brad
Shamanism Explained: Shamanism Guide for Beginners by Star, Riley
Vor der Trollhöhle - Notizbuch (Trolle und Goblins): Notebook, Fantasy, Fantasie, Fee, Märchen, Saga, Sage, nordisch, Elfen, verzaubert, Zauber, Meerj by Potter, Elizabeth M., Bauer, John
Die Schlangenfrau: Eine junge Frau aus Europa tritt ihr afrikanisches Erbe an by Kangaga, Shani
Spirits from the Edge of the World: Classical shamanism in Ulchi Society by Van Ysslestyne, J.
Dancing with Raven and Bear: A Book of Earth Medicine and Animal Magic by Grace, Sonja
A Reluctant Shaman by Rose, Gail
Awakening Darkness: Elgin State Hospital 1969-1972 A Rite of Passage by Seis, J. M.
The Best Worst Thing That Happened to Me: From Victim to the Architect of My Life by Lazo, Waleuska
The Book of Ceremony: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred in Everyday Life by Ingerman, Sandra
Living a Sacred Life: The Path to the Superconscious through Meditation and Spirit Contact by Imler, Sean Michael
Beyond Healing We Find Paradise: Sangoma Medicine Man Shaman by Dr Tippach Ph. D., Stefan Ulrich
Inner Alchemy: Energy Work and the Magic of the Body by Ellwood, Taylor
The Pilgrim's Way: Become the Master of Your Spiritual Adventure by Tucker, Ixchel
Loveseed: The template for birthing a new world by Hanagan, Kathleen
Shamanism In The New Millennium by Cate, Montana
Waking the Dead: A Shamanic Medium's Stories of Life After Death by Bowling, Samuel
Embodying The Cosmic Shaman: Poetry for Encompassing the Vastness of Who You Are by Heart Star, Devon
Calling Us Home by Luttichau, Chris
The Journey of the Soul: The Path of a Medicine Person by Crow, Granddaughter
The House Witch: Your Complete Guide to Creating a Magical Space with Rituals and Spells for Hearth and Home by Murphy-Hiscock, Arin
Ayahuasca o Chá Sagrado by Biela, Jeferson
Principles of Shamanism by Rutherford, Leo
Warrior Goddess Wisdom: Daily Inspiration for Women by Amara, Heatherash
Shapeshifting Your Soul: Powerful Practices to Shift a Woman's Life by Cornell D. Min, Elizabeth
Rewilding Yourself: Discovering Your Soul's Deep Roots Through Shamanic Practices by Francis, Paul