• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indigenous Religions in 2022

Riding Spirit Horse: A Journey Into Shamanism by Drake, Michael
Animals: Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals by Farmer, Steven D.
Animals: Personal Tales of Encounters with Spirit Animals by Farmer, Steven D.
Acts of Power: Daily Teachings for Inspired Living by Andrews, Lynn V.
The Inside Out Journey: An Elusive Search for Self Across Three Continents by Liu, Kristina
A Book for Life: 10 Steps to Spiritual Wisdom, a Clear Mind and Lasting Happiness by Bowlby, Jo
Shamanic Creativity: Free the Imagination with Rituals, Energy Work, and Spirit Journeying by Rysdyk, Evelyn C.
Nagual´s Universe: The Tolteca's art of transformation by Oklahoma, Acic
The Book of Moons by Keone
The Witchcraft Boxed Set: Featuring the Green Witch and the House Witch by Murphy-Hiscock, Arin
The Shamanic Bones of Zen: Revealing the Ancestral Spirit and Mystical Heart of a Sacred Tradition by Manuel, Zenju Earthlyn
Art & Practice of Spiritual Herbalism: Transform, Heal, and Remember with the Power of Plants and Ancestral Medicine by Rose, Karen M.
Beautiful Dream: A Poetics of Ecstasy by Cottrell, Barry
The Way of Abundance and Joy: The Shamanic Teachings of Don Alberto Taxo by Blancke, Shirley
Picaflor: A Memoir Sequel to Spirit Matters by Pallamary, Matthew J.
Good Morning Henry: An In-Depth Journey With the Body Intelligence by Helliwell, Tanis
Animal Power: 100 Animals to Energize Your Life and Awaken Your Soul by Charles, Alyson
You Are the Medicine: 13 Moons of Indigenous Wisdom, Ancestral Connection, and Animal Spirit Guidance by Frost, Asha
Today's Shaman by Thomas, Lana J.
Shamanic Engineering: Spiritual and shamanic based exercises for empowerment, connection, and charting a new course in life by Cowan
Norse Magic and Runes: Runic Wisdom and Magic to Enhance Your Life by Circle
Shamanic Journeys: An Anthology by Drake, Michael
Jesus, the Ultimate Shaman by Bull, Stephen M., Denny, Sally H.
The Wisdom Wheel: A Mythic Journey Through the Four Directions by Villoldo, Alberto
Shaman Heart: Turning Pain Into Passion and Purpose by Jones, Stephanie Urbina
Shamanism: Your Personal Journey to Healing and Self-Discovery by Nelson, Mark
Le génie celtique et le monde invisible by Denis, Léon
The Way Beyond The Shaman by Cottrell, Barry
Shamanic Healing by Wilson, Norman W.
Underworld and Deeper (special edition): Two volume Set Hardcover by Allaun, Chris
Trois chapitres sur le totémisme by Monod, Jean
Inner Peace, Outer Power: A Shamanic Guide to Living Your Purpose by Redwood, Nabeel
Becoming a Garment of Isis: A Nine-Stage Initiatory Path of Egyptian Spirituality by Ozaniec, Naomi
Alchemy Elementals: A Tool for Planetary Healing: Deck and Guidebook by Durek, Shaman
Origins of the Gods: Qesem Cave, Skinwalkers, and Contact with Transdimensional Intelligences by Collins, Andrew, Little, Gregory L.
Being & Vibration: Entering the New World by Rael, Joseph
The Way of the Elders: West African Spirituality & Tradition by Doumbia, Naomi, Doumbia, Adama
Art of Navigation: Travels with Carlos Castaneda and Beyond by Wolf, Felix
Spirit Weaver: Wisdom Teachings from the Feminine Path of Magic by Bertrand, Seren
The Wayfarer Magazine: Spring & Summer 2022 by
The Way of the Mystic-Wizard: A Guidebook for Creating a Nondual Shamanic Spiritual Practice by Baker, Matthew Thomas
The Way of the Mystic-Wizard: A Guidebook for Creating a Nondual Shamanic Spiritual Practice by Baker, Matthew Thomas
Shamanism: Know More About the Practices of Shamanism (Reconnecting Heaven & Earth Through the Art of Shamanism) by Swink, Marlon
How the Stars Tell Time: A Soul Adventure in the Quantum Wilderness by Raven, Astara
Moon Time: Living in Flow with your Cycle by Pearce, Lucy H.
The Shamanic Soul: A Guidebook for Self-Exploration, Healing, and Mysticism by Moler, Daniel
Chamanismo nativo americano: Desbloquear la espiritualidad chamánica, la curación y los rituales by Silva, Mari
Animales Chamanicos de Poder by Ruiz, Jose
Skadi by Wolf, Lady
Ancestros: Y Mas Cuentos de Su Retorno by García López, José
Journeying Through the Invisible: The Craft of Healing With, and Beyond, Sacred Plants, as Told by a Peruvian Medicine Man by Carroll, David L., Hachumak
Mon voyage à Bali: à la rencontre des guérisseurs by Zmiro, Claire
Story Compass: An Unprecedented Journey of Discovery with Myth and Life by Day, Carol
Paganesimo, Stregoneria, Sciamanesimo: Un viaggio tra esperienza e pratica - WritersEditor by Caroli, Daniele
Beyond Fear: A Toltec Guide to Freedom and Joy: The Teachings of Don Miguel Ruiz by Ruiz, Don
Skadi by Wolf, Lady
Non-Ordinary by Druid, Glyndŵr The
Tales of Power by Castaneda, Carlos
Hexenkalender 2022/2023 (Taschenbuch): Der Begleiter durchs Jahr für Hexen, Heiden, Druiden, Schamanen und andere Zauberwesen. by Cramm, Sandra
Runes, The History, Meanings And How To Use Them: A Magic Symbol Reference Book by Brewer, D.
The Dreaming Circus: Special Ops, Lsd, and My Unlikely Path to Toltec Wisdom by Morris, Jim
The Amazonian Angel Oracle: Working with Angels, Devas, and Plant Spirits by Charing, Howard G.
Essai sur le culte et les mystères de Mithra by Gasquet, Amédée Louis Ulysse
Simply Shaman Mystery School: Interdimensional Shamanism 3D 4D 5D & Beyond by Stacy, Dale
The Ancestral Now by Castellanos, Ramon F.
And Grandma Said... Iroquois Teachings: As Passed Down Through the Oral Tradition by Tom Porter
La déesse syrienne: De Dea Syria by De Samosate, Lucien
La druidesse: drame en cinq actes by Schuré, Édouard
La religion des Celtes by Dottin, Georges
Le druidisme by Panchaud, Edouard
Le génie celtique et le monde invisible by Denis, Léon
The Destiny Code: matrix. The way to the true Self: . by Gollov, Anastasia J.
Les mystères de Mithra: ou l'origine du paganisme romain by Cumont, Franz
Finding Equanimity by Druid, Glyndŵr The
Samhain: Mythologie, Folklore, Rituale by Szeli, Alexa
Toltec Words Of Wisdom Coloring Book (Large Print Edition) by H. E. a. L. S., Naty
Goddess Astrology by Brooke, Elisabeth
Singing to the North Wind: The Calling to an Extraordinary Life by Ravenswing, Susannah
Singing to the North Wind: The Calling to an Extraordinary Life by Ravenswing, Susannah
Chakras En La Práctica Chamánica: Ocho Etapas de Sanación Y Transformación by Wright, Susan J.
Unity Begins Within: Spiritual Healing Meets the Four-Petaled Flower by Fuller, Annie
The Beginner's Guide to Spirit Animals: How to Identify, Understand, and Connect with Your Animal Spirit Guide by Baumann Brunke, Dawn
La Forêt de Brocéliande: Quatre histoires arthuriennes de fées, de druides, et de magie, inspirées des romans des chevaliers de la Table Ronde by Bellamy, Félix
Le Druidisme: Exposé de la doctrine, de la morale, et du culte des Druides, au temps des anciens Gaulois by Panchaud, Edouard
Shamanism as Medicine: An Initiation into the World of Shamanism by Goncalves, Claudia
Shamanism as Medicine: An Initiation into the World of Shamanism by Goncalves, Claudia
Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation by Miro-Quesada, Oscar
Shamanism: Personal Quests of Communion with Nature and Creation by Miro-Quesada, Oscar
The Essential Book of Aztec Wisdom: Timeless Everyday Healing Techniques by Edwards, Suzanne
Les véritables prophéties de Merlin: A la recherche des traces de Merlin dans la légende arthurienne by De La Borderie, Arthur
Synchronicity by Renaud, Debra Nancy
Shamanism for Beginners: Explore Shamanic Rituals, Beliefs, and Practices of Native American, Norse, Celtic, and Siberian Shamans by Hill, Silvia
The Legacy of Starseed Wisdom: Awakening pure potentiality to other realms of existence by Lock, Desley K.
How Psychedelics Can Help Save the World: Visionary and Indigenous Voices Speak Out by
Formal Shamanic Conduct: Zonal Installations in Supernatural Space by Hazell, Calum
Asatru: Norse spirituality by Gotved, Gudrun Victoria
Initiation Into Spiritual Sexuality by Mlekush, Ina
Reweaving The Web- A Shamanic Journey of Connection by Ray, Jay (Sparrowhawk)
Sternzeichen Möwe: Eine Hommage auf die Königin der Lüfte by Burmester, Heike
Animal Spirit Guides: An Easy to Follow Guide on Discovering and Harnessing Your Power Animal (Unleashing the Power of Shamanism, Animal Spi by Gonyea, Debra
Shaman in Mongolia and Tibet by Ashford, Mark a.
We Are Family: What your Pets really want you to know about them by Sieber, Christina