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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indigenous Studies in 2021

Cree: Language of the Plains: Nehiyawewin: Paskwawi-Pikiskwewin by Okimasis, Jean L.
The Sounds of Aurora Australis: A History of Australia's Musical Identity by Dalov, Beatrice
Cree: Language of the Plains: Nehiyawewin: Paskwawi-Pikiskwewin by Okimasis, Jean L.
Indigenous Women's Theatre in Canada: A Mechanism of Decolonization by MacKenzie, Sarah
Object Lives and Global Histories in Northern North America: Material Culture in Motion, C.1780 - 1980 Volume 32 by
Mācī-Anihsināpēmowin / Beginning Saulteaux by Cote, Lynn, Cote, Margaret
Indigenous Research of Land, Self, and Spirit by
Performance and Knowledge by
Performance and Knowledge by
The People & The Land by Muthle, Champion
A Short History of the Blockade: Giant Beavers, Diplomacy, and Regeneration in Nishnaabewin by Simpson, Leanne Betasamosake
Natural Resources, Extraction and Indigenous Rights in Latin America: Exploring the Boundaries of Environmental and State-Corporate Crime in Bolivia, by Torres Wong, Marcela
A Contested Caribbean Indigeneity: Language, Social Practice, and Identity Within Puerto Rican Taíno Activism by Feliciano-Santos, Sherina
Federal Ground: Governing Property and Violence in the First U.S. Territories by Ablavsky, Gregory
The Value of Hawaiʻi 3: Hulihia, the Turning by
Everything Ancient Was Once New: Indigenous Persistence from Hawaiʻi to Kahiki by Case, Emalani
Mid Columbia Salishans: Okanagan Teit Lakes by , Ed Jay Miller
Literatures, Communities, and Learning: Conversations with Indigenous Writers by Hanson, Aubrey Jean
Myths and Legends of the Sioux by McLaughlin, Marie L.
Old Indian Legends by Zitkala-Sa
Northern Light: Power, Land, and the Memory of Water by Ali, Kazim
Urban Indigenous Youth Reframing Two-Spirit by Laing, Marie
Indigenous Education in Australia: Learning and Teaching for Deadly Futures by
Indigenous Education in Australia: Learning and Teaching for Deadly Futures by
Urban Indigenous Youth Reframing Two-Spirit by Laing, Marie
Indigenomics: Taking a Seat at the Economic Table by Hilton, Carol Anne
Language, Citizenship, and Sámi Education in the Nordic North, 1900-1940: Volume 100 by Kortekangas, Otso
Language, Citizenship, and Sámi Education in the Nordic North, 1900-1940: Volume 100 by Kortekangas, Otso
Contested Community: Indigenous Land Rights and Identity Politics in Eastern Bolivia by Groke, Veronika
Life to the Power of Nothing by Turner, David
Indigenous Women and Violence: Feminist Activist Research in Heightened States of Injustice by
Sovereignty: The Biography of a Claim by Russell, Peter
Chaanithin Lintin Utipaachimuwin Mistisiniihch Uhchiiu / l'Histoire de Jonathan Linton de Mistissini: The Story of Jonathan Linton of Mistissini by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
Emilii Weslii Utipaachimuwin Uchepukumuu Uhchiiu / l'Histoire d'Emily Wesley d'Oujé-Bougoumou: The Story of Emily Wesley of Oujé-Bougoumou by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
Chaak Utir Utipaachimuwin Waaswaanipiihch Uhchiiu / l'Histoire de Jack Otter de Waswanipi: The Story of Jack Otter of Waswanipi by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
Chenivir Kilwaariyaa Lupes Utipaachimuwin Waaswaanipiihch Uhchiiu / l'Histoire de Jennifer Gloria Lowpez de Waswanipi: The Story of Jennifer Gloria Lo by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
Rus Siwaalu Utipaachimuwin Chisaasiipiihch Uhchiiu / l'Histoire de Rose Swallow de Chisasibi: The Story of Rose Swallow of Chisasibi by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
The Sweet Bloods of Eeyou Istchee: Stories of the James Bay Cree: Second Edition by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
Conflict, Politics and Crime: Aboriginal Communities and the Police by Cunneen, Chris
Indigenous Cultures in an Interconnected World by
A History of Mobility in New Mexico: Mobile Landscapes and Persistent Places by Montgomery, Lindsay M.
A Theory for Indigenous Australian Health and Human Service Work: Connecting Indigenous Knowledge and Practice by Muller, Lorraine
Indigenous Political Systems of West Malaya: Revised Edition by Gullick, J. M.
Report on the Iban: Volume 41 by Freedman, Derek
Sustainable Development as Environmental Harm: Rights, Regulation, and Injustice in the Canadian Oil Sands by Heydon, James
Indigeneity and Occupational Change: The Tribes of Punjab by Singh, Birinder Pal
Strong Hearts and Healing Hands: Southern California Indians and Field Nurses, 1920-1950 by Trafzer, Clifford E.
An Indian Among Los Indígenas: A Native Travel Memoir by Pike, Ursula
Chuj (Mayan) Narratives: Folklore, History, and Ethnography from Northwestern Guatemala by Hopkins, Nicholas A.
Knowledge, Education and Social Structure in Africa by
Trapped by History: The Indigenous-State Relationship in Australia by Cronin, Darryl
The Red Deal: Indigenous Action to Save Our Earth by Nation, The Red
The Secret Struggles of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg Leaders: Political Resistance from the Margins by Morissette, Anny
Mémoires éclatées, mémoires conciliées: Essai sur Le Wild West Show de Gabriel Dumont by Lacassagne, Aurélie
Only in Ethiopia: East Africa's Rarest Animals in Tigrinya and English by Ready Set Go Books
Inwiefern führen Konflikte um die Landverteilung indigener Territorien in Brasilien zu einer Politisierung von Indigenen? by Scholz, Malte
Walking Together in Indigenous Research by
Walking Together in Indigenous Research by
Love and its Entanglements among the Enxet of Paraguay: Social and Kinship Relations within a Market Economy by Kidd, Stephen
Gather: Richard Van Camp on the Joy of Storytelling by Camp, Richard Van
Gather: Richard Van Camp on the Joy of Storytelling by Camp, Richard Van
Socio-Legal Struggles for Indigenous Self-Determination in Latin America: Reimagining the Nation, Reinventing the State by Merino, Roger
Socio-Legal Struggles for Indigenous Self-Determination in Latin America: Reimagining the Nation, Reinventing the State by Merino, Roger
Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World by Yunkaporta, Tyson
On the Other Side(s) of 150: Untold Stories and Critical Approaches to History, Literatures, and Identity in Canada by
Decolonising the Museum: The Curation of Indigenous Contemporary Art in Brazil by Pitman, Thea
What Kind of Ancestor Do You Want to Be? by
What Kind of Ancestor Do You Want to Be? by
Divided Peoples: Policy, Activism, and Indigenous Identities on the U.S.-Mexico Border by Leza, Christina
Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples by Smith, Linda Tuhiwai
Le Maya q'Atzij/Our Maya Word: Poetics of Resistance in Guatemala by Keme
From the Ashes: My Story of Being Indigenous, Homeless, and Finding My Way by Thistle, Jesse
Embracing Landscape: Living with Reindeer and Hunting Among Spirits in South Siberia by Küçüküstel, Selcen
In Humboldt's Shadow: A Tragic History of German Ethnology by Penny, H. Glenn
Environmental Humanities in the New Himalayas: Symbiotic Indigeneity, Commoning, Sustainability by
The Pluriverse of Human Rights: The Diversity of Struggles for Dignity: The Diversity of Struggles for Dignity by
The Pluriverse of Human Rights: The Diversity of Struggles for Dignity: The Diversity of Struggles for Dignity by
Gabriel Dumont's Wild West Show by Dalpé, Jean Marc, Granger, David, Lussier, Laura
Black and Indigenous Resistance in the Americas: From Multiculturalism to Racist Backlash by
Everyday Food Practices: Commercialisation and Consumption in the Periphery of the Global North by Sebastian, Tarunna
Performing Indigenous Identities on the Contemporary Australian Stage: Land, People, Culture by Thurow, Susanne
Rethinking Australia's Art History: The Challenge of Aboriginal Art by Lowish, Susan
Like Fire: The Paliau Movement and Millenarianism in Melanesia by Schwartz, Theodore, French Smith, Michael
Indigenous Peoples, Heritage and Landscape in the Asia Pacific: Knowledge Co-Production and Empowerment by
Red Nation Rising: From Bordertown Violence to Native Liberation by Yazzie, Melanie, Nez Denetdale, Jennifer, Estes, Nick
Red Nation Rising: From Bordertown Violence to Native Liberation by Yazzie, Melanie, Nez Denetdale, Jennifer, Estes, Nick
Indigenous Activism: Profiles of Native Women in Contemporary America by
Indigenous Australian Youth Futures: Living the Social Determinants of Health by
Taiwan's Contemporary Indigenous Peoples by
Indigenous Methodologies: Characteristics, Conversations, and Contexts, Second Edition by Kovach, Margaret
Animal Medicine: A Curanderismo Guide to Shapeshifting, Journeying, and Connecting with Animal Allies by Buenaflor, Erika
Native Intoxicants of North America by Rafferty, Sean
Wings of an Angel by Rondeau, Isobel
Myths and Legends of the Sioux by McLaughlin, Marie L.
Contact Strategies: Histories of Native Autonomy in Brazil by Roller, Heather F.
Contact Strategies: Histories of Native Autonomy in Brazil by Roller, Heather F.
Exploring Indigenous Spirituality: The Kutchi Kohli Christians of Pakistan by Mansingh, Anita Maryam
Exploring Indigenous Spirituality: The Kutchi Kohli Christians of Pakistan by Mansingh, Anita Maryam
The Survival of Māori as a People by Luke, Daphne, Winiata, Whatarangi
Oaxaca Resurgent: Indigeneity, Development, and Inequality in Twentieth-Century Mexico by Dillingham, A. S.
Oaxaca Resurgent: Indigeneity, Development, and Inequality in Twentieth-Century Mexico by Dillingham, A. S.
The Stone Axe of Burkamukk by Bruce, Mary Grant
Hawaiian Legends of Ghosts and Ghost-Gods by Westervelt, W. D.
Estado y cuestión indígena: El destino final de los indios sometidos en el sur del territorio (1878-1930) by Mases, Enrique Hugo
Indigenous Peoples Rise Up: The Global Ascendency of Social Media Activism by
Micro Media Industries: Hmong American Media Innovation in the Diaspora by Lopez, Lori Kido
The Resistance Dilemma: Place-Based Movements and the Climate Crisis by Hoberg, George
Sweat and Salt Water: Selected Works by Teaiwa, Teresia Kieuea
First Nations Version: An Indigenous Bible Translation of the New Testament by Wildman, Terry M.
Bundle of Five Northern East Cree/Southern East Cree/French/English Books from the Sweet Bloods of Eeyou Istchee by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
Subjects of Intergenerational Justice: Indigenous Philosophy, the Environment and Relationships by Winter, Christine J.
Fire & Blood: A History of Mexico by Fehrenbach, T. R.
Gehl V Canada: Challenging Sex Discrimination in the Indian ACT by Gehl, Lynn
Gehl V Canada: Challenging Sex Discrimination in the Indian ACT by Gehl, Lynn
Paletó and Me: Memories of My Indigenous Father by Vilaça, Aparecida
The Memory Code by Kelly, Lynne
Remembering Our Intimacies: Mo'olelo, Aloha 'Aina, and EA by Osorio, Jamaica Heolimeleikalani
Remembering Our Intimacies: Mo'olelo, Aloha 'Aina, and EA by Osorio, Jamaica Heolimeleikalani
Los indios montoneros: Un desierto rebelde para la nación argentina (Guanacache, siglos XVIII-XX) by Escolar, Diego
Brave Work in Indigenous Education by
'African Potentials' for Wildlife Conservation and Natural Resource Management: Against the Image of 'Deficiency' and Tyranny of 'Fortress' by
Whitefella Jump Up: The Shortest Way to Nationhood; Quarterly Essay 11 by Greer, Germaine
Handbook of Research on Protecting and Managing Global Indigenous Knowledge Systems by
Quipus and Witches' Knots: The Role of the Knot in Primitive and Ancient Culture, with a Translation and Analysis of Oribasius de Laqueis by Day, Cyrus Lawrence
Châhkâpâs: A Naskapi Legend by Peastitute, John
A Deep Presence: 13,000 Years of Native American History by Goodby, Robert
Talkin' Up to the White Woman: Indigenous Women and Feminism by Moreton-Robinson, Aileen
Carnivalizing Reconciliation: Contemporary Australian and Canadian Literature and Film Beyond the Victim Paradigm by Teichler, Hanna
Honouring the Declaration: Church Commitments to Reconciliation and the Un Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by
Honouring the Declaration: Church Commitments to Reconciliation and the Un Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by
The Deconstruction of Chief Blackhawk: A Critical Analysis of Mascots & The Visual Rhetoric of the Indian. by Sutton, Seth Thomas
Power and Dysfunction: The New South Wales Board for the Protection of Aborigines 1883-1940 by Egan, Richard
A Native Way of Giving by Carney, Michael, Cuch, Forrest S.
Speak Not: Empire, Identity and the Politics of Language by Griffiths, James
Kayās Nōhcīn by Rockthunder, Mary Louise
Mataloona and Mizh: Pukhtun Proverbs and a Frontier Classic by
Learning and Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education in Oceania by
Royally Wronged: The Royal Society of Canada and Indigenous Peoples by
Royally Wronged: The Royal Society of Canada and Indigenous Peoples by
Owóknage: The Story of Carry the Kettle Nakoda First Nation by
Gudyarra: The First Wiradyuri War of Resistance - The Bathurst War, 1822-1824 by Gapps, Stephen
Learning and Reconciliation Through Indigenous Education in Oceania by
Luschiim's Plants: A Hul′q′umi′num′ (Cowichan) Ethnobotany by
The Native American Contest Powwow: Cultural Tethering Theory by Aicinena, Steven, Ziyanak, Sebahattin
Mestizo Modernity: Race, Technology, and the Body in Post-Revolutionary Mexico by Dalton, David S.
Luschiim's Plants: Traditional Indigenous Foods, Materials and Medicines by Charlie, Luschiim Arvid
There's A Science To This...: Ever wonder why we love by Genius, Hood
Contesting Extinctions: Decolonial and Regenerative Futures by
Babaylan Sing Back: Philippine Shamans and Voice, Gender, and Place by Nono, Grace
Babaylan Sing Back: Philippine Shamans and Voice, Gender, and Place by Nono, Grace
Okanagan Women's Voices: Syilx and Settler Writing and Relations, 1870s to 1960s by
Teacher Guide for This Place: 150 Years Retold by M'Lot, Christine
The Sámi Narrative Tradition: Cosmopolitans on the Arctic Tundra by Nergård, Jens-Ivar
Sámi Research in Transition: Knowledge, Politics and Social Change by
Indigenous Elites in Africa: The Case of Kenya's Maasai by Shani, Serah
Carry Forth the Stories: An Ethnographer's Journey Into Native Oral Tradition by Frey, Rodney
Ecuador's "Good Living": Crises, Discourse and Law by Gallegos Anda, Carlos E.
Bridging Cultural Concepts of Nature: Indigenous People and Protected Spaces of Nature by
Kayās Nōhcīn by Rockthunder, Mary Louise
Silent Voices: Rule by Policy on Canada's Indian Reserves by Bevan, Mel
Silent Voices: Rule by Policy on Canada's Indian Reserves by Bevan, Mel
Keeping Company: An Anthropology of Being-In-Relation by Kearney, Amanda
Cosmology and Moral Community in the Lakota Sun Dance: Reconceptualizing J. R. Walker's Account by Detwiler, Fritz
Museums, Societies and the Creation of Value by
Mapping Deathscapes: Digital Geographies of Racial and Border Violence by
Touring Performance and Global Exchange 1850-1960: Making Tracks by
The Routledge International Handbook of Indigenous Resilience by