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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Indigenous Studies in 2024

El señorío de los incas: Selección by Cieza de León, Pedro
Crónica del Perú by Cieza de León, Pedro
Historia general de Chile: Tomo III by Barros Arana, Diego
Historia general de Chile: Tomo IV by Barros Arana, Diego
Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España: Selección by Díaz del Castillo, Bernal
Tratado de las idolatrías, supersticiones y costumbres by Serna, Jacinto De La
Cartas del famoso conquistador Hernán Cortés al emperador Carlos V by Cortés, Hernán
Naufragios by Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar
Diario histórico de la rebelión y guerra de los pueblos guaranís by Henis, Tadeo Xavier
Milicia indiana by Vargas Machuca, Bernardo de
Constitución federal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos de 1824 by Varios, Autores
Historia general de las Indias by López de Gómara, Francisco
La aventura del Amazonas by Carvajal, Gaspar de
Comentarios reales: Selección by Vega, Inca Garcilaso De La
Sumario de la natural historia de las Indias by Fernández de Oviedo, Gonzalo
La Florida del Inca by Vega, Inca Garcilaso De La
Historia de la conquista de la Nueva España by Solís, Antonio de
Crónica mexicana: Manuscrito # 117 de la Colección Hans Paul Kraus by de Alvarado Tezozómoc, Fernando
Historia de las Indias by Casas, Bartolomé de Las
Diario de a bordo: Segundo viaje, tercer y cuarto viaje by Colón, Cristóbal
Relación de un viaje al Río de la Plata by Du Biscay, Acarette
Origen de los mexicanos by Tovar, Juan de
Breve relación de los dioses y ritos de la gentilidad by Ponce, Pedro
Decretos by Zapata, Emiliano
Crónica mexicana: Manuscrito # 117 de la Colección Hans Paul Kraus by de Alvarado Tezozómoc, Fernando
Crónica mexicana: Manuscrito # 117 de la Colección Hans Paul Kraus by de Alvarado Tezozómoc, Fernando
Milicia indiana by Vargas Machuca, Bernardo de
Historia general de Chile: Tomo I by Barros Arana, Diego
Historia general de Chile: Tomo II by Barros Arana, Diego
Historia general de Chile: Tomo IV by Barros Arana, Diego
Historia de la conquista de México by López de Gómara, Francisco de
Historia de las Indias by Casas, Bartolomé de Las
Suma y narración de los incas by Betánzos, Juan de
El señorío de los incas by Cieza de León, Pedro
Diario de a bordo: Primer viaje by Colón, Cristóbal
La Araucana: Parte III by Ercilla Y. Zúñiga, Alonso de
Historia de la nación Chichimeca by Alva Ixtlilxochitl, Fernando de
Diario de Bolivia by Che Guevara, Ernesto
Cartas de relación by Cortés, Hernán
Relación de un viaje al Río de la Plata by Du Biscay, Acarette
Vida de Cristóbal Colón by Casas, Bartolomé de Las
Memorial de Sololá by Varios, Autores
Informe contra los adoradores de ídolos del obispado de Yucatán by Sánchez de Aguilar, Pedro
Relación auténtica de las idolatrías by Balsalobre, Gonzalo De
Manifiestos by Zapata, Emiliano
El señorío de los incas: Selección by Cieza de León, Pedro
El señorío de los incas by Cieza de León, Pedro
Historia general de Chile: Tomo II by Barros Arana, Diego
Historia general de las cosas de la Nueva España: Tomo II by Sahagún, Bernardino de
Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias by Casas, Bartolomé de Las
Comentarios reales: Parte I by Vega, Inca Garcilaso De La
Milicia indiana by Vargas Machuca, Bernardo de
Historia de Tlaxcala by Muñoz Camargo, Diego
Constitución federal de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos de 1824 by Varios, Autores
Historia del almirante by Colón, Hernando
Crónica mexicana by Alvarado Tezozomoc, Fernando
Crónica mexicana by Alvarado Tezozomoc, Fernando
Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España: Selección by Díaz del Castillo, Bernal
Relación acerca de las antigüedades de los indios by Pané, Ramón
Historia general de las cosas de la Nueva España: Tomo I by Sahagún, Bernardino de
Comentarios reales: Parte II by Vega, Inca Garcilaso De La
Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España: Tomo II by Díaz del Castillo, Bernal
Comentarios reales: Parte I by Vega, Inca Garcilaso De La
Comentarios reales: Parte II by Vega, Inca Garcilaso De La
Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España: Tomo II by Díaz del Castillo, Bernal
Historia de las Indias: Selección by Casas, Bartolomé de Las
Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España: Tomo I by Díaz del Castillo, Bernal
Tepoztlán by Lewis, Oscar
Historia natural y moral de las Indias by Acosta, José de
Historia general de Chile: Tomo I by Barros Arana, Diego
Historia de Yucatán by López de Cogolludo, Diego
Popol Vuh by Varios, Autores
Constitución de Apatzingán de 1814 by Varios, Autores
Indigenous Peoples and Borders by
Indigenous Peoples and Borders by
Enacted Relations: Performing Knowledge in an Australian Indigenous Community by Tamisari, Franca
The Real Mound Builders of North America: A Critical Realist Prehistory of the Eastern Woodlands, 200 BC-1450 AD by Byers, A. Martin
Digging Earth: Extractivism and Resistance on Indigenous Lands of the Americas by
Revenant Ecologies: Defying the Violence of Extinction and Conservation by Mitchell, Audra
Tiná7 Cht Ti Temíxw: We Come from This Land: A Walk Through the History of the Squamish People by Squamish Nation
Revenant Ecologies: Defying the Violence of Extinction and Conservation by Mitchell, Audra
Tricky Grounds: Indigenous Women's Experiences in Canadian University Administration by Brunette-Debassige, Candace
Tricky Grounds: Indigenous Women's Experiences in Canadian University Administration by Brunette-Debassige, Candace
Historical Dictionary of Native American Movements by Wilson, Raymond, Wilson, Nathan
Arctic Circles and Imperial Knowledge: The Franklin Family, Indigenous Intermediaries, and the Politics of Truth by Claydon, Annaliese Jacobs
Challenge to Civilization: Indigenous Wisdom and the Future by Stonechild, Blair A.
Challenge to Civilization: Indigenous Wisdom and the Future by Stonechild, Blair A.
Touring Performance and Global Exchange 1850-1960: Making Tracks by
Indigenous Health Equity and Wellness by
Monsters and Saints: Latindigenous Landscapes and Spectral Storytelling by
Monsters and Saints: Latindigenous Landscapes and Spectral Storytelling by
Narcotopia: In Search of the Asian Drug Cartel That Survived the CIA by Winn, Patrick
Eight Moons to Midnight: The Eclipse of Australia's Stonehenge by Chalmers, David
Eight Moons to Midnight: The Eclipse of Australia's Stonehenge by Chalmers, David
Unsettling Colonialism in the Canadian Criminal Justice System by
The Politics of Kinship: Race, Family, Governance by Rifkin, Mark
The Politics of Kinship: Race, Family, Governance by Rifkin, Mark
Borders, Human Itineraries, and All Our Relation by Kisukidi, Nadia Yala, Adeyemo, Dele, Diaz, Natalie
Somacultural Liberation: An Indigenous, Two-Spirit Somatic Guide to Integrating Cultural Experiences Toward Freedom by Kuhn, Roger
Borders, Human Itineraries, and All Our Relation by Kisukidi, Nadia Yala, Adeyemo, Dele, Diaz, Natalie
Songlines and Faultlines by Morrison, Glenn
Practising Interdisciplinarity: Convergences and Contestations by
Critical Studies and the International Field of Indigenous Education Research by
Our Home and Treaty Land: Revised and Expanded Edition by Anderson, Matthew R., Aldred, Raymond C.
Our Home and Treaty Land: Revised and Expanded Edition by Aldred, Raymond C., Anderson, Matthew R.
Colonial Legacies in Public Health: Addressing Health Disparities and Inequities by Dennis, Megan
Serious Whitefella Stuff by Moran, Mark
Indigenous Data Sovereignty: Empowering Indigenous Communities in the Digital Age by Dennis, Megan
The Rights of Indians and Tribes by Pevar, Stephen L.
Plants and Animals in the Yoeme World: Ethnoecology of the Yaquis in Sonora and Arizona by Felger, Richard S., Molina, Felipe S.
Unsettling Brazil: Urban Indigenous and Black Peoples' Resistances to Dependent Settler Capitalism by Poets, Desirée
Nahganne: Tales of the Northern Sasquatch by Grossinger, Red
Unsettling Brazil: Urban Indigenous and Black Peoples' Resistances to Dependent Settler Capitalism by Poets, Desirée
Producing Sovereignty: The Rise of Indigenous Media in Canada by Crey, Karrmen
Skidegate House Models: From Haida Gwaii to the Chicago World's Fair and Beyond by Wright, Robin K.
Producing Sovereignty: The Rise of Indigenous Media in Canada by Crey, Karrmen
Thunder Song: Essays by Lapointe, Sasha
Cosmopolitan Maternalisms: Migration, Kinship, and Coorg Mothering in Modernity by Somaiah, Bittiandra Chand
The Horse in My Blood: Multispecies Kinship in the Altai and Saian Mountains by Peemot, Victoria Soyan
Carry Forth the Stories [Expanded Edition]: A Journey Into Indigenous Oral Traditions with Implications for Our Humanity by Frey, Rodney
Strength Basing, Empowering and Regenerating Indigenous Knowledge Education: Riteway Flows by Davis, John
Strength Basing, Empowering and Regenerating Indigenous Knowledge Education: Riteway Flows by Davis, John
North Star: The Legacy of Jean-Marie Mouchet by Firth, John
Indigenous Knowledge: An Alternative for Food Security and Wellness in Africa by Oritsejafor, Emmanuel O.
North Star: The Legacy of Jean-Marie Mouchet by Firth, John
Art in the Pre-Hispanic Southwest: An Archaeology of Native American Cultures by Palonka, Radoslaw
Isúh Áníi/As Grandmother Said: Dátl'ìshí Ts'ìká Áa Guunijà / The Narratives of Bessie Meguinis by
Maya Lin, Public Art, and the Confluence Project by Reynolds, Matthew
Isúh Áníi/As Grandmother Said: Dátl'ìshí Ts'ìká Áa Guunijà / The Narratives of Bessie Meguinis by
The Medicine Chest: A Physician's Journey Towards Reconciliation by Boan, Jarol
The Medicine Chest: A Physician's Journey Towards Reconciliation by Boan, Jarol
Refusals and Reinventions: Engendering New Indigenous and Black Life Across the Americas by Coleman
Refusals and Reinventions: Engendering New Indigenous and Black Life Across the Americas by Coleman
The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Disability Studies by
Engraved on Our Nations: Indigenous Economic Tenacity by
Engraved on Our Nations: Indigenous Economic Tenacity by
The Days of Augusta by Evans, Mary Augusta Tappage
Being in Being: The Collected Works of a Master Haida Mythteller by Skaay
Nine Visits to the Mythworld: Told by Ghandl of the Qayahl Llaanas by Ghandl
Indigenous Comics and Graphic Novels: Studies in Genre by Donahue, James J.
Indigenous Comics and Graphic Novels: Studies in Genre (Hardback) by Donahue, James J.
Around the Kitchen Table: Métis Aunties' Scholarship by
Indigenizing Archaeology: Putting Theory Into Practice by
Indigenizing Archaeology: Putting Theory Into Practice by
Indigenous Collective Rights in Latin America: The Role of Coalitions, Constitutions, and Party Systems by Becerra Valdivia, Katherine
Multispecies Ethnography: Methodology of a Holistic Research Approach of Humans, Animals, Nature, and Culture by Ameli, Katharina
Of Living Stone: Perspectives on Continuous Knowledge and the Work of Vine Deloria, Jr. by
Federal Anti-Indian Law: The Legal Entrapment of Indigenous Peoples by D'Errico, Peter P.
The Ocean on Fire: Pacific Stories from Nuclear Survivors and Climate Activists by Maurer, Anaïs
The Ocean on Fire: Pacific Stories from Nuclear Survivors and Climate Activists by Maurer, Anaïs
Disrupting the Academy with Lived Experience-Led Knowledge by
Disrupting the Academy with Lived Experience-Led Knowledge by
The Rocks Will Echo Our Sorrow: The Forced Displacement of the Northern Sámi by Labba, Elin Anna
Child Survivors of Genocide: Trauma, Resilience, and Identity in Guatemala by Heying, Shirley A.
The Good Walk: Creating New Paths on Traditional Prairie Trails by Anderson, Matthew R.
The Good Walk: Creating New Paths on Traditional Prairie Trails by Anderson, Matthew R.
Indigenous Materials in Libraries and the Curriculum: Latin American and Latinx Sources by Ibacache, Kathia, Muñoz-Díaz, Javier, Gómez, Leila
Ethnographic Constructions of Indigenous Others: Indigeneity, Climate Change, and the Limits of Western Epistemology by Byrne, George
Ethnographic Constructions of Indigenous Others: Indigeneity, Climate Change, and the Limits of Western Epistemology by Byrne, George
Protest and Parternship: Case Studies of Indigenous Peoples, Consultation and Engagement, and Resource Development in Canada by
Restoring Relations Through Stories: From Dinétah to Denendeh by Watchman, Renae
Vital Relations: How the Osage Nation Moves Indigenous Nationhood Into the Future by Dennison, Jean
Protest and Parternship: Case Studies of Indigenous Peoples, Consultation and Engagement, and Resource Development in Canada by
Vital Relations: How the Osage Nation Moves Indigenous Nationhood Into the Future by Dennison, Jean
Odagahodhes: Reflecting on Our Journeys Volume 104 by The Circles of Odagahodhes, Jacobs, Gae Ho Hwako Norma
Central Sinama-English Dictionary by
Bead Talk: Indigenous Knowledge and Aesthetics from the Flatlands by
Decolonizing Freedom by Weir, Allison
The Tainos: Rise and Decline of the People Who Greeted Columbus by Rouse, Irving
The Tainos: Rise and Decline of the People Who Greeted Columbus by Rouse, Irving
Just Wonder: Shifting Perspectives in Tradition by
Just Wonder: Shifting Perspectives in Tradition by
Governing Maya Communities and Lands in Belize: Indigenous Rights, Markets, and Sovereignties by Medina, Laurie Kroshus
Governing Maya Communities and Lands in Belize: Indigenous Rights, Markets, and Sovereignties by Medina, Laurie Kroshus
Benelong's Haven by Chenhall, Richard
Maggie Happyjack Gaye Simon Etapp Waswaanibiing Gaa-Onjiiwaad Odibaajimowiniwaa: The Story of Maggie Happyjack and Simon Etapp of Waswanipi by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
Mary Niquanicappo Whaapmagoostoo'ing Gaa-Onjiid Odibaajimowin: The Story of Mary Niquanicappo of Whapmagoostui by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
Victor Gilpin Eastmain Gaa-Onjiid Odibaajimowin: The Story of Victor Gilpin of Eastmain by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
Raquel Emmeline Welsch Weminjiing Gaa-Onjiid Odibaajimowin: The Story of Raquel Emmeline Welsch of Wemindji by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
Kimberly Coon Mistisiniing Gaa-Onjiid Odibaajimowin: The Story of Kimberly Coon of Mistissini by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
ᒫᑮ ᐦᐋᐲᒑᒃ ᑭᔮᐦ ᓵᐃᒥᓐ ᐄᑖᑉ ᐅᑎᐹ&#525 by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
ᒣᕇ ᓂᐧᑳᓂᑳᐴ ᐅᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᐧᐋᐱᒫᑯ by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
ᐊᓐᒋᓛ ᐄᑖᑉ ᐅᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᐧᐋᔥᑳᐦᐄ by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
ᕕᒃᑎᕐ ᑭᓪᐱᓐ ᐅᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᐄᓯᒫᓂᐦ by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
ᕌᑫᓪ ᐁᒥᓖᓐ ᐧᐁᓪᔥ ᐅᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᐧ&#5124 by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
ᑭᒻᐱᕐᓖ ᑰᓐ ᐅᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓐ ᒥᔅᑎᓯᓃᐦ by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
Dibaajimowinensan; Stories Along the Way by Dyckfehderau, Ruth
iᑎᐹᒋᒧᐧᐃᓂᔥᐦ; Histoires en cours de route; Stories Along the Way by
Island Criminology by Scott, John, Staines, Zoe
Indigenous Science and Technology: Nahuas and the World Around Them by McDonough, Kelly S.
Indigenous Science and Technology: Nahuas and the World Around Them by McDonough, Kelly S.
Truth Telling: Seven Conversations about Indigenous Life in Canada by Good, Michelle
Making Space for Indigenous Feminism by
Indigenous Reconciliation in Contemporary Taiwan: From Stigma to Hope by
Social Work and Climate Justice: International Perspectives by
Ancestral Knowledges and Postcoloniality in Contemporary Ecuador: Epistemic Struggles and Situated Cosmopolitanisms by Von Sigsfeld, Julia
People, Places, and Practices in the Arctic: Anthropological Perspectives on Representation by
Rapa Nui Theatre: Staging Indigenous Identities in Easter Island by Cornejo, Moira Fortin
Disputed Archival Heritage by
Self-Determined First Nations Museums and Colonial Contestation: The Keeping Place by Woodcock, Shannon, Hudson, Robert
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