• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Individual Artists in 2002

Apelles: The Alexander Mosaic by
An Artist's Story of the Great War by Forbes, Edwin
Andy Warhol by
Desperate Measures: Posters, Prints, and More, Vol. 3 by Kozik, Frank
Araki by Araki by Sans, Jerome
Marc Quinn by
Michael Landy: Break Down Inventory by
Sketches for Friends by Ardizzone, Edward
Kurt Kauper, Diva Fictions by
Marcel Duchamp in Perspective by Masheck, Joseph
Diana Thater: Knots + Surfaces by Calvino, Italo
Ancestral Portraits: Volume 1 by McDonald, Frederick R.
Ferran Garcia Sevilla by
Raphael's Stanza della Segnatura by Joost-Gaugier, Christiane L.
The Cambridge Companion to Velazquez by Stratton-Pruitt
Eyes of Light: Drawings of Frank Brunner by Moorcock, Michael, Spurlock, J. David
Eyes of Light: Drawings of Frank Brunner by Spurlock, J. David, Moorcock, Michael
Frank Moore: Between Life & Death by
The Cambridge Companion to Piero Della Francesca by
Frida Kahlo: The Paintings by Herrera, Hayden
Juergen Teller: Marchenstuberl by
The Correspondence of Dante Gabriel Rossetti: The Formative Years, 1835-1862: Charlotte Street to Cheyne Walk. I. 1835-1854 by Fredeman, William E.
Imagining the Antipodes: Culture, Theory and the Visual in the Work of Bernard Smith by Beilharz, Peter
Letters on Cézanne by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Pierre Huyghe & Douglas Coupland: School Spirit: Encounters by
The Voyage of the Icebergs: Frederic Church's Arctic Masterpiece by Harvey, Eleanor Jones
Room 5: Arcade by
Winslow Homer: The Nature of Observation by Johns, Elizabeth Etc
Eva Hesse by
Vel Zquez's 'Las Meninas' by Velazquez, Diego
Paul Klee's Pictorial Writing by Aichele, K. Porter
Velazquez's 'Las Meninas' by Velazquez, Diego
Joseph Pennell's Pictures of the Panama Canal by Pennell, Joseph