• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Industrial Design in 2025

Fornyet drift af Gedser Forsøgsmølle - 2021: Del af Serie: Rekonstruktion og drift af Gedser Forsøgsmølle by Ahrennkiel, Gitte
Loods of Living by Loods 5
La Manufacture Cogolin: A Century of Rug Making in the Gulf of Saint Tropez by Gleizes, Serge
Walking Sticks by
Japanese ceramics: From Raku to Kutani: A journey through the world of Japanese pottery by Candahashi, Hermann
Japanese ceramics: From Raku to Kutani: A journey through the world of Japanese pottery by Candahashi, Hermann
Advances in Design and Digital Communication V: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, Digicom 2024, Nov by
Kenya Hara: Draw by
Innovations in Topology Optimization: With Applications in Materials, Product Design, and Manufacturing by Tzetzis, Dimitrios, Kladovasilakis, Nikolaos, Tsongas, Konstantinos
Systemic Service Design by
Systemic Service Design by
Einstieg Ins Schreiben Für Architekt: Innen, Designer: Innen Und Ingenieur: Innen: Marketing - Social Media - Fachartikel by Swoboda, Martina
Shanghai Housewares by Qi, Zhou
Decolonising and Indigenising Design: Theory, Methodologies, Storytelling, and Creative Practice by Hernandez Ibinarriaga, Desiree
Plurality and Cultural Specificity of Service Design in East and Southeast Asia by
The Future of Design Education: Proceedings of Infused23 by
Made by Mschf by Wong, Karen, Bentel, Lukas, Wiesner, Kevin
Marcello Gandini: Maestro of Design: Revisited by Sen, Gautam
Supersonic: The Design and Lifestyle of Concorde by Azerrad, Lawrence
The Social Object: Apprehending Materiality for Industrial Design Practice by Vadarajan, Soumitri
Audi Quattro by Conradt, Dirk-Michael
Digital Product Management: Strategic Planning and Market Opportunity by Lee, Boon Kee
Digital Product Management: Strategic Planning and Market Opportunity by Lee, Boon Kee
Universal Methods of Ethical Design: 100 Ways to Become More Ethically Aware, Responsible, and Active in Your Design Work by Chivukula, Sai Shruthi, Gray, Colin
El Libro del Diseño (the Design Book) by DK
Designing Retail Experience in the 21st Century by Huppatz, D. J.
Rethinking Plastics in Product Design: A Guide to Sustainable Transitions for the Environmental Emergency by Isaac, Geoff
Rethinking Plastics in Product Design: A Guide to Sustainable Transitions for the Environmental Emergency by Isaac, Geoff
Designing Retail Experience in the 21st Century by Huppatz, D. J.
This Is My World: The Creative Language of Yin Jiulong by
Alessandro Mendini: Imagination Takes Command by Casciani, Stefano
Paul Cocksedge: Reflections by Cocksedge, Paul
Mid-Century Modern Designers by Bradbury, Dominic
Codesign: People Participation Practice by Taffe, Simone, Kelly, Meghan
Digital Product Management: Managing Product Development, Launch and Support by Lee, Boon Kee
Digital Product Management: Managing Product Development, Launch and Support by Lee, Boon Kee
Augmented: Praiority to Enhance Human Judgement Through Data and AI by Toscani, Giulio
Augmented: Praiority to Enhance Human Judgement Through Data and AI by Toscani, Giulio
Not Here, Not Now: Speculative Thought, Impossibility, and the Design Imagination by Dunne, Anthony, Raby, Fiona
Grafikdesign Unterrichten: Ansätze, Einblicke, Die Bedeutung Des Zuhörens Und 24 Interviews Mit Inspirierenden Lehrenden by
The Incomplete (Updated Edition): Highsnobiety Guide to Street Fashion and Culture by
Circular Materials: Innovation and Reuse in Design and Architecture by
Geografien Des Textilen: Lehren ALS Künstlerische PRAXIS by
Set Geografien Des Textilen Und Heterotopien Des Künstlerischen: Lehren ALS Künstlerische PRAXIS by
Making Design Fun: Product Designs for Children by
Sustainable Design from Vision to Action by
Sustainable Design from Vision to Action by
Universal Principles of Storytelling for Designers: 100 Key Concepts for Bringing Good Ideas to Life by Sandler, Lyle H.
Lancia Stratos Zero: The Eternal Futurist by Sen, Gautam
Nerd - New Experimental Research in Design 3: Positions and Perspectives by
Soft Design: Aesthetic Experience at the Intersection of Materials, Technology & Interaction by Becerra, Liliana
Soft Design: Aesthetic Experience at the Intersection of Materials, Technology & Interaction by Becerra, Liliana
True Originals by Knispel, Marlon
Living Stories: Immersive Entertainment in the Modern Age by Melcher, Charles
Trajectories: Modern Furniture Design by Xue, Yisi, Fang, Hai
Modern Furniture and Material Research by Hai, Fang, Lin, Qiuli
The Art Escapes Atlas: Cultural Experiences Around the Globe by
Critical Design in Context: History, Theory, and Practice by Malpass, Matt
Critical Design in Context: History, Theory, and Practice by Malpass, Matt
Drive Different: Restomods and Iconic Automobiles Reimagined by