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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Interior Design in 2010

British Interior Design by Galindo, Michelle
German Interior Design by Lucas, Dorian
Atlas of World Interior Design by
Interior Design by Whitney, Marilyn Corson
Decorative Brush-Work & Elementary Design by Cadness, Henry
Decorative Brush-Work & Elementary Design by Cadness, Henry
Old Italian Lace - Vol. I. by Ricci, Elisa
Old Italian Lace - Vol. II. by Ricci, Elisa
How To Make Baskets by White, Mary
A Lace Guide For Makers And Collectors by Whiting, Gertrude
The Weaver's Assistant by Blakeman, Philo
The Lady's Manual Of Fancy-Work - A Complete Instruction In Every Variety Of Ornamental Needle-Work by Pullan, Matilda
A Handbook Of Weaves by Oelsner, G.
Dictionary Of Weaves - Part I. by Posselt, E.
Zwischen Produzieren und Konsumieren: Bedürfnisse als Schnittmenge, Design als Werkzeug by Deeken, Janina
Lacis - Practical Instructions in Filet Brode - Or Darning on Net - Fully Illustrated with Patterns and Working Drawings by Carita
Old World Lace - Or a Guide for the Lace Lover by Blum, Clara M.
An Album of Textile Designs - Containing Upwards of 7,000 Patterns Suitable for Fabrics of Every Description, And An Explanation Of Their Arrangements by Ashenhurst, Thomas R.
Weldon's Encyclopedia of Needlework - Lace - Book VI - An Illustrated Supplement Showing the Most Important Needle-Made and Pillow Laces by Anon
Church Embroidery - Ancient and Modern - Practically Illustrated by Dolby, Anastasia
Practical and Descriptive Essays on the Art of Weaving by Duncan, John
Madame Goubaud's Point Lace Book - Instructions and Patterns by Goubaud, Madame
A Practical Treatise on Weaving and Designing Textile Fabrics - With Chapters on Principles of Construction of the Loom, Calculations, and Colour by Ashenhurst, Thomas R.
The History and Principles of Weaving - By Hand and by Power by Barlow, Alfred
A Practical Treatise on the Construction of the Power-Loom and the Art of Weaving - Illustrated with Diagrams - Intended as a Text Book for Those Enga by Brown, Alexander
The New Industrialism: Industrial Art, The Future School, The Art And Craft Of The Machine (1902) by Jackman, Wilbur Samuel, Wright, Frank Lloyd, Triggs, Oscar Lovell
Carnegie Museum of Art: Decorative Arts and Design: Collection Highlights by
Apartments: Defining Style by Gomez, Mariette Himes
Khaki Knitting Book by Whiting, Olive
Weaving With Small Appliances - Book III - The Table Loom by Hooper, Luther
Mode um die Jahrhundertwende vom 19. zum 20. Jahrhundert by Grubitzch, Julia
Les Fouilles Du Mont Beuvray De 1897 A 1901 (1904) by Dechelette, Joseph
Le Chateau De Veretz Son Histoire Et Ses Souvenirs (1903) by Bosseboeuf, Louis
Aventicum: Son Passe Et Ses Ruines (1905) by Secretan, Eugene
Histoire de La Cathedrale de Noyon (1901) by Lefevre-Pontalis, Eugene
La Maison Du Grand-Coq Et Le Bureau D'Adresse (1885) by Hatin, Eugene
Der Deutsche Burgenbau: Mit Besonderer Rucksicht Auf Die Burgen Des Grossherzogthums Hessen Und Der Benachbarten Rheingegenden (1881) by Franck, Wilhelm
Memoires De La Commission Departementale V1: Des Monuments Historiques Du Pas-De-Calais (1889) by Imprimerie Repesse Cassel Publisher
La Feodalite Dans Le Nord De La France: Histoire Du Chateau Et De La Chatellenie De Douai (1877) by Brassart, Felix
Histoire De La Ville D'Obernai V2 (1866) by Gyss, Joseph
Recherches Sur Les Antiquites Dauphinoises V1-2 (1833) by De Thorey, Jean Joseph Antoine Pilot
Recherches Sur Les Antiquites de La Ville de Vienne (1846) by Chorier, Nicholas
Der Kaiserdom Zu Speyer: Mit Besonderer Rucksichtnahme Auf Die Geschichte Der Bischofe Von Speyer (1876) by Geissel, Johannes Von
Castel Del Monte (1905) by Nathan, Gallizier
Neue Lykische Studien (1869) by Pertsch, Wilhelm, Schmidt, Moritz
Visual Culture in the Built Environment: A Global Perspective by Winchip, Susan
Epigraphie: Santone Et Aunisienne (1870) by Audiat, Louis
Neue Lykische Studien (1869) by Schmidt, Moritz, Pertsch, Wilhelm
Cartulaire De Hugues De Chalon: 1220-1319 (1904) by
Der Romische Grenzwall Von Der Altmuhl Bis Zur Jaxt (1847) by Gok, Carl Friedrich Von
Histoire De La Ville De La Roche (1867) by Grillet, Jean Louis
Apercu Historique Sur Les Fortifications Les Ingenieurs Et Sur Le Corps Du Genie En France V1: Sur Les Fortifications Et Les Ingenieurs (1860) by Augoyat, Antoine-Marie
L'Hotel De Carnavalet: Notice Historique (1865) by Verdot, Jean Maurice
Denkmale Des Landes Paderborn: Monumenta Paderbornensia (1844) by Furstenberg, Ferdinand Von, Micus, Franz Joseph
Abriss Der Burgenkunde (1900) by Piper, Otto
Architectural Renderings: Construction and Design Manual by Schillaci, Fabio
The State of the Interior Design Profession by Martin, Caren S., Guerin, Denise a.
Design trifft Kunst: Wie sich zeitgenössisches Design von seinem Begriff emanzipiert by Gehrke, Christine
Careers in Interior Design by Asay, Nancy, Patton, Marciann
Bali Home: Inspirational Design Ideas by Inglis, Kim
Ornament In European Silks by Cole, Alan Summerly
De Balneis Lavationibusque Graecorum (1908) by Van Esveld, Wouterus Hermanus Chr
Monumenti Antichi V12 (1902) by Reale Accademia Dei Lincei
Catalogo Historico Del Claustro De La Universidad De San Marcos, 1576-1800 (1912) by Eguiguren, Luis Antonio
Le Collegiale De Saint-Martin De Tours Des Origines A Lavenement Des Valois: 397-1328 (1908) by Vaucelle, Edgard Raphael
Archives Genealogiques Et Historiques De La Noblesse De France V10 (1846) by Laine, P. Louis
Cartulaire De L'Ancien Consulat D'Espagne A Bruges, Part 1: De 1280 A 1550 (1901) by Severen, Louis Gilliodts Van
Beitrage Zur Siedlungskunde Im Ehemaligen Furstentum Schweidnitz (1908) by Treblin, Martin
Epigraphie Romaine Dans Le Departement Du Calvados: Recueillie Et Decrite (1869) by Lambert, Ed
Ergebnisse Der Neuesten Ausgrabungen Romischer Alterthumer In Und Bei Mainz (1842) by Malten, Heinrich Muller
Monumenti Egiziani Rinvenuti Di Recente In Roma Sull' Area Dell' Iseo Del Campo Marzio (1883) by Schiaparelli, Ernesto
Bulletin Historique Et Monumental De L'Anjou, 1864-1866 (1866) by De Soland, Aime
Annaler For Nordisk Oldkyndighed Og Historie (1857) by Mehren, August Ferdinand
Die Palaste Des Homerischen Epos Mit Rucksicht Auf Die Ausgrabungen Heinrich Schliemanns (1895) by Joseph, Dagobert
Die Genesismosaiken Von S. Marco In Venedig Und Ihr Verhaltniss Zu Den Miniaturen Der Cottonbibel (1889) by Tikkanen, Johan Jakob
Chronik Der Dresdener Elbbrucke: Nebst Den Annalen Der Grossten Elbfluthen (1848) by Schaefer, Wilhelm
Epigraphie: Des Environs Du Kef, Tunisie, Parts 1-7 (1885) by Esperandieu, E.
Chatillon D'Azergues: Son Chateau, Sa Chapelle Et Ses Seigneurs (1869) by Vachez, Antoine
Affreschi Di S. Angelo In Formis (1868) by Salazaro, Demetrio
Bijdragen Tot De Oudheidkunde En Geschiedenis, Part 3: Inzonderheid Van Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen (1858) by Janssen, Hendrik Quirinus, Van Dale, Johan Hendrik
Chronik Der Furstlich Schwarzburgischen Residenzstadt Rudolstadt (1860) by
Delle Origini Della Citta Di Napoli (1880) by Cardona, Michele
Archives De La Maison-Dieu De Chateaudun (1881) by De Belfort, August
Antiquites Helleniques: Ou Repertoire D'Inscriptions Et D'Autres Antiquites (1842) by Rangabe, Alex Rizos
Manuel Complet Du Bijoutier, Du Jaoillier, De L'orfèvre, Du Graveur Sur Métaux Et Du Changeur by De Fontenelle, Julia
Great Houses of the South by Ossman, Laurie
The Grammar of Ornament by Jones, Owen
Spacing OUT_ by Mac Gregor, Arcelia
The Home Within Us: Romantic Houses, Evocative Rooms by McAlpine, Bobby, Sully, Susan
Geschichte Der Herrschaft Und Stadt Plan In Bohmen (1876) by Senft, Eduard
Geschichte Der Glasmalerei In Deutschland Und Den Niederlanden, Frankreich, England, Der Schweiz, Italien Und Spanien (1839) by Gessert, M. A.
Die Holzindustrie In Der Grafschaft Glatz (1906) by Bernhard, Margarete
Deutsche Wohn Und Festraume Aus Sech Jahrhunderten (1912) by
Die Mittelalterliche Grabplastik In Nord-Thuringen Mit Besonderer Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der Erfurter Denkmaler (1902) by Buchner, Otto
Die Deutschen Groszstadte Einst Und Jetzt (1917) by Stutzer, Emil
Die Ausgrabungen In Assyrien Und Babylonien, Part 1: Bis Zum Auftreten De Sarzecs (1904) by Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat
Die Geschichte Der Stadt Hof Und Der Burg Sternberg (1901) by Michal, J.
Die Italischen Rundbauten: Eine Archaologische Studie (1906) by Altmann, Walter
Excavaciones En Italica, Ano 1903 (1904) by Lopez, Manuel Fernandez
Eine Archivalische Informationsreise (1905) by Zivier, E.
Der Weber-Laborde'sche Kopf Und Die Giebelgruppen Des Parthenon (1903) by Sauer, Bruno
Die Dorfkirche Im Konigreich Sachsen: Eine Darstellung Ihrer Entstehung, Entwickelung Und Baulichen Eigenart (1904) by
I Castellieri Preistorici Di Trieste E Della Regione Giulia (1903) by Marchesetti, Carlo
Dreieck Und Kraftubertragung: In Baukonstruktionslehre Und Bauwesen (1904) by Heinzerling, Friedrich
Graz Geschichte Und Topographie Der Stadt Und Ihrer Umgebung (1875) by Peters, Karl Ferdinand, Ilwof, Franz
Die Wohnungsnot In Den Grossstadten Und Die Mittel Zu Ihrer Abhulfe (1891) by Albrecht, Heinrich
Ivlii Frontini De Aqvis Vrbis Romae, Book 2 (1858) by Bvecheler, Franciscvs
Epigraphie Gallo-Romaine Des Hautes-Alpes: Memoire Posthume Et Inacheve (1883) by Vallentin, Florian
Die Bildwerke Des Naumburger Domes (1892) by Schmarsow, August
Ilithyia Oder Die Hexe: Ein Archaologisches Fragment Nach Lessing (1799) by Bottiger, Carl August
Bericht Des Vereins Carnuntum In Wien Fur Die Jahre 1892-1894 (1895) by Verein Carnuntum Publisher
Beschreibung Und Geschichte Der Burg Kynsberg Im Schlesierthale Des Forstenthums Schweidnitz, Bis Zum Jahre 1823 (1826) by Zemplin, August
Archaeologica Hibernica: A Hand Book Of Irish Antiquities, Pagan and Christian (1848) by Wakeman, William Frederick
Il Fonte Pubblico Di Faenza: E La Descrizione D'Ogni Sua Parte (1719) by Scaletta, Carlo Cesare
Aarsberetning For 1870 (1871) by F Til N Fortidsminnesmerkers Bevaring
Die Alservorstadt Mit Den Ursprunglichen Besitzungen Der Benediktinerabtei Michelbeuern Am Wildbache Als (1861) by Hofbauer, Carl
Die Elektrotechnik In Ihrer Anwendung Auf Das Bauwesen (1890) by
Die Deutsche Glasmalerei (1855) by Wackernagel, Wilhelm
Die Brennerstrasse Im Alterthum Und Mittelalter (1900) by Rodlow, Oskar Wanka Edlen Von
Die Burg Hachberg Im Breisgau, Hauptsachlich Vom Sechzenten Jahrhundert An (1851) by Herbst, Christian Philipp
Die Wandbilder Des Polygnotos In Der Halle Der Knidier Zu Delphi, Part 1 (1897) by Schreiber, Theodor
Die Romischen Brandgraber Bei Reichenhall In Oberbayern (1896) by Berg, Max Von Chlingensperg
Die Romischen Und Deutschen Alterthumer Am Rhein (1820) by Pauli, Phil August
Gamle Danske Hjem: Det 16, 17 Og 18 Aarhundrede (1838) by Mejborg, Reinhold
Geschichte Der Loretokapelle Bei St. Augustin In Wien (1886) by Wolfsgruber, Colestin
Gli Scavi Nella Necropoli Del Fusco A Siracusa: Nell' Anno 1893 (1895) by Orsi, Paolo
Die Bundesfestung Mainz (1860) by Rzikowsky, Leopold Von
Description Archeologique De L'Eglise Abbatiale De Saint-Benoit-Sur-Loire (1865) by Rocher, Jacques Napoleon Michel
Die Reichspalaste Zu Tribur, Ingelheim Und Gelnhausen Und Das Schloss Trifels (1857) by Benkard, Johann Philipp
Gli Hethei-Pelasgi Ricerche Di Storia E Di Archeologia Orientale, Greca Ed Italica V1: Siria, Asia Minore, Ponto Eussino (1894) by De Cara, Cesare Antonio
I Duchi Di Lucca Durante La Dominazione Longobarda (1894) by Simonetti, Giuseppe
Die Stupa's, Topes Oder Die Architectonischen Denkmale An Der Indo-Baktrischen Konigsstrafse Und Die Colosse Von Bamiyan (1838) by Ritter, Carl
Die Pianchi-Stele (1870) by Lauth, Franz Joseph
Das Alte Bergschloss Straufhain Oder Strauf Im Herzogthum Sachsen-Hildburghausen (1825) by Bauer, Elias C.
Interiors Now! 1 by
The Khita and Khita-Peruvian Epoch: Khita, Hamath, Hittite, Canaanite, Etruscan, Peruvian, Mexican, Etc. (1877) by Clarke, Hyde
Ghost Towns Of The Republic Of Texas by Aarts, Dorothy
The Basilica Of St. Peter In The Vatican: The Architecture, The Monuments And The Works Of Art by Anonymous
Arts-Crafts Lamps (1911) by Adams, John Duncan
The Polk System Of Reinforced Monolithic Concrete Construction (1908) by Polk-Genung-Polk Company
The Tower Bridge: Its History And Construction From The Date Of The Earliest Project To The Present Time (1894) by Tuit, James Edward
Art And Its Producers And The Arts And Crafts Of Today: Two Addresses (1901) by Morris, William
Die Festung Bitsch (1902) by Irle, Hermann
Monographie De La Cathedrale D'Evreux (1898) by Fossey, Jules
Les Derniers Travaux Sur Saint Orens (1904) by Guerard, Louis
The Acropolis Of Athens (1909) by D'Ooge, Martin Luther
Old Castles of England (1859) by T. Nelson and Sons, T Nelson & Sons Publishing
De Svenska Kungliga Lustslotten Part 2: Drottningholm, Gripsholm, Ulriksdal, Haga, Rosersberg, Rosendal, Tullgarn Och Sofiero (1899) by Hahr, August
Le Prieure De Romainmotier Dans Le Pays De Vaud Et En Franche-Comte (1899) by Meynier, Joseph Honore Marie
Aus Frankens Urzeit: Beitrage Zu Prahistorischen Graberfunden In Unterfranken Und Aschaffenburg (1905) by Lang, Franz Josef
Architectural Rendering In Wash by Magonigle, H. Van Buren
Speculative Masonry by MacBride, A. S., Newton, Joseph Fort
The Early History and Antiquities of Freemasonry by Fort, George F.
Antiquities Part 3, V2: Historical, Architectural, Chorographical, and Itinerary, in Nottinghamshire and the Adjacent Counties (1806) by Dickinson, William
La Casa Celimontana Dei Valerii E Il Monastero Di S. Erasmo (1902) by Gatti, Giuseppe, De Rossi, Giovanni Battista
The Mycenaean Tree And Pillar Cult And Its Mediterranean Relations by Evans, Arthur J.
A Historical Sketch of Harlech Castle and Its Environs (1846) by Pughe, David William
Beschreibung Der Ebene Von Troia (1850) by Spratt, Thomas Abel Brimage, Forchhammer, Peter Wilhelm
Usine De Chevres: Notice Historique Et Descriptive Des Travaux Executes Par La Ville De Geneve, De 1893 A 1899 (1900) by Turrettini, Theodore
Die Romischen Brandgraber Bei Reichenhall In Oberbayern (1896) by Berg, Max Von Chlingensperg
Die Elektrotechnik In Ihrer Anwendung Auf Das Bauwesen (1890) by
Ancient Egypt the Light of the World V1 by Massey, Gerald
All' Architetto Sig. Carlo Pontani Replica Di Benedetto Blasi: Ad Alcune Parole Sul Restauro Del Porto Neroniano In Anzio (1847) by Blasi, Benedetto
The Paleolithic Implements of the Valley of the Delaware (1881) by Wright, G. F., Abbott, C. C., Haynes, H. W.
Depenses De La Maison Du Comte De Provence En 1774 (1897) by Blanchet, Jules Adrien
Das Graberfeld Von Hallstatt: Anlasslich Eines Besuches Daselbst (1885) by Meyer, Adolf Bernhard
Baukunde Fur Berg Und Huttenleute (1901) by Roch, P.
Le Abitazioni Lacustri Di Fimon (1876) by Lioy, Paolo
Chartes Mancelles De L'Abbaye De Saint-Florent Pres Samur, 848-1200 (1878) by
Color Dimensions: Creating New Principles Of Color Harmony And A Practical Equation In Color Definition by Birren, Faber
Aenwysinge Der Misuerstanden Van G. Melder, Begaen In Sijne Instructie Van De Fortificatien (1670) by Ruse, Hendrik
Haunted Houses by Flammarion, Camille
Die Arbeiten Der Rheinstrom-Bauverwaltung 1851-1900 (1901) by
How Culture and Technology impact Coca-Cola's Advertising Strategies by Omedo James
Wood-Block Printing: A Description Of The Craft Of Woodcutting And Colour Printing Based On The Japanese Practice by Fletcher, Frank Morley
Wood-Block Printing: A Description of the Craft of Woodcutting and Colour Printing Based on the Japanese Practice by Fletcher, Frank Morley
Wine by Design by Stanwick, Sean, Fowlow, Loraine
Rituals and Ritual Theory in Ancient Israel by Gruenwald, Ithamar
128 Colors: A Sample Book for Architects, Conservators, and Designers by Trautwein, Katrin
A History of Furniture by Litchfield, Frederick
Methoden für den Entwurf und die Gestaltung: Engineering Design Basics. Methods. by Dienst, Michael
Residential Design Studio by Gordon, Robert Philip
Small Structures by
Discovering Embroidery by Douglass, Winsome
Quilting by King, Elizabeth
Needlework by Brinley, Rosemary
Samplers And Stitches - A Handbook Of The Embroiderer's Art by Christie, Archibald
Lace Making by Close, Eunice
Notes on Applied Work and Patchwork by Anon
Indian Slippers by Wren, Frances
Discovering Embroidery by Douglass, Winsome
Samplers And Stitches - A Handbook Of The Embroiderer's Art by Christie, Archibald
Quilting by King, Elizabeth
Notes On Applied Work And Patchwork by Anon
Lace Making by Close, Eunice
A Mirror of Japanese Ornament: 600 Traditional Designs by Dover Publications Inc
Indian Slippers by Wren, Frances
Crochet And Tatting And Other Needlework Crafts by Crosier, Helen
The Standard Book Of Quilt Making And Collecting by Ickis, Marguerite
Lars Bolander's Scandinavian Design by Macisaac, Heather Smith
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