• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 1975

United States and Chile by Petras, James
Crisis in the West: American Leadership and the Global Balance by Gelber, Lionel
Konfliktlösung Durch Vermittlung: Computersimulation Zwischenstaatlicher Krisen by Ruloff
The New Political Economy: The Public Use of the Private Sector by
Studies in Political Economy: Volume I: The Interwar Years and the 1940s by Macdougall, Sir Donald
Studies in Political Economy: Volume II: International Trade and Domestic Economic Policy by Macdougall, Sir Donald
Inside the Monster: Writings on the United States and American Imperialism by Martí, José
Rgw, DDR: 25 Jahre Zusammenarbeit by
The Propaganda Gap by Schaffner, Tim
The New Guide to the Diplomatic Archives of Western Europe by Case, Lynn M.
Less Security by Shotwell, James Thomson, Shotwell, Unknown
The Conscience of a Liberal: Selected Writings and Speeches by Unknown, Bowles, Chester
Canada and the United Nations by Soward, Frederic Hubert, McInnis, Edgar And Others, Unknown
Dynamics of International Relations by Whiting, Allen S., Unknown, Haas, Ernst B.
Imperial Communism by Unknown, Bouscaren, Anthony Trawick
Treaties and Federal Constitutions by Hendry, James McLeod, Unknown
The Peace Revolution: Ethos and Social Process by Unknown, Somerville, John
Soviet Imperialism: Its Origins and Tactics: A Symposium by Unknown
Organising the Propaganda Instrument: The British Experience by Black, J. B.
Back Door to War: The Roosevelt Foreign Policy, 1933-1941 by Tansill, Charles Callan
The Four Days of Mayaguez by Rowan, Roy
The Realities of American-Palestine Relations by Manuel, Manuel, Frank Edward, Unknown
The New Guide to the Diplomatic Archives of Western Europe by
The United Nations as a Political Institution by Nicholas, H. G.
Soviet Conduct in World Affairs: A Selection of Readings by Dallin, Dallin, Alexander, Unknown
Great Britain and the Schleswig-Holstein Question 1848-64: A Study in Diplomacy, Politics, and Public Opinion by Sandiford, Keith A. P.