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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 1984

Politics of Intervention by Burbach, Roger
Interaction: Foreign Policy and Public Policy (AEI studies) by Terchek, Ronald, Feigert, Frank B., Piper, Don
Kernwaffen Und Rüstungskontrolle: Ein Interdisziplinäres Studienbuch by
Es Gibt Alternativen!: Vier Wege Zu Frieden Und Sicherheit by Galtung, Johan
Deutsch-Deutsche Beziehungen: Prämissen, Probleme, Perspektiven by Bruns, Wilhelm
The Diplomacy of Isolation: South African Foreign Policy Making by Geldenhuys, D.
Armed Peace: The Search for World Security by
Asian Perspectives on International Security by
Ballistic Missile Defense by
Das Politische Italienbild Der Deutschen Zwischen Aufklärung Und Europäischer Revolution Von 1848 by Altgeld, Wolfgang
Egypt and the Palestine Question (1936-1945) by Mayer, Thomas
Kalter Krieg Oder Entspannung?: Die Außenpolitik Der Sowjetunion Im Kampf Um Die Kollektive Sicherung Des Friedens in Europa 1954/55 by Laboor, Ernst
The Antinomies of Interdependence: National Welfare and the International Division of Labor by Ruggle, John Gerard
The Antinomies of Interdependence: National Welfare and the International Division of Labor by Ruggle, John Gerard
The Transformation of Democracy by Kelley, Robert, Powers, Charles
The Intemperate Zone: The Third World and the Challenge to U.S. Foreign Policy by Feinberg, Richard E.
Between Peace and War: The Nature of International Crisis by LeBow, Richard Ned
Son of the Revolution by Heng, Liang, Shapiro, Judith
Anti-Americanism in the Third World: Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy by Rubinstein, Alvin Z., Smith, Donald
The Union Republics in Soviet Diplomacy: A Study of Soviet Federalism in the Service of Soviet Foreign Policy by Aspaturian, Vernon V.
Coalition Warfare: An Uneasy Accord by Prete, Roy A.
Geopolitics of the Caribbean: Ministates in a Wider World by Anderson, Thomas D.
Britain and China, 1941-47: Imperial Momentum by Shai, Aron
The Foreign Office and the Kremlin: British Documents on Anglo-Soviet Relations 1941 45 by Ross, P. Stewart Stewart Stewart Michael
Grenada: Whose Freedom? by Ambursley, Fitzroy, Dunkerley, James
The Decision to Intervene: Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920 by Kennan, George Frost
The State as Terrorist: The Dynamics of Governmental Violence and Repression by Stohl, Michael
Panama Odyssey by Jorden, William J.
Obbligato: Notes on a Foreign Service Career by Sullivan, William H.
The United States and Israel: Influence in the Special Relationship by Rubinstein, Alvin Z.
The Future of the Atlantic Alliance by Coker, Christopher
Looking Outward: Years of Crisis at the United Nations by Stevenson, Adlai E., Unknown
The Parchment Peace: The United States Senate and the Washington Conference, 1921-1922 by Vinson, John Chalmers
The Diplomacy of Isolation: South African Foreign Policy Making by Geldenhuys, D.
Commonsense and the Theory of International Politics by Garnett, John C.
Russia Leaves the War: Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920 by Kennan, George Frost
Canada and the Age of Conflict: Volume 1: 1867-1921 by Stacey, C. P.
Soviet Policy in Eastern Europe by
Anglo-American Defence Relations, 1939-84 by Baylis, John
Anglo-Iranian Relations During World War I by Olson, William J.
The Soviet Union and the Struggle for Collective Security in Europe1933-39 by Haslam, J.
The United States and India: The Dimensions of Influence by Rubinstein, Alvin Z., Palmer, Norman
Soviet Power by Steele, Jonathan
Energy Security in the 1980s: Economic and Political Perspectives by Bohi, Douglas, Quandt, William B.
The Diplomacy of Surprise: Hitler, Nixon, Sadat, Harvard Studies in International Affairs, Number 44 by Handel, Michael I.
Armed Peace: The Search for World Security by
Raw Materials, Energy and Western Security by Maull, Hanns W.
Ethnic Groups, Congress, and American Foreign Policy: The Politics of the Turkish Arms Embargo by Watanabe, Paul Y.
Public Opinion and Foreign Policy: America's China Policy, 1949-1979 by Kusnitz, Leonard A.
Disarmament and Development: A Global Perspective by
In the Interests of Peace: Canada and Vietnam 1954-73 by Ross, Douglas
W. Cameron Forbes and the Hoover Commissions to Haiti (1930) by Spector, Robert M.
The Second Baldwin Government and the United States, 1924 1929: Attitudes and Diplomacy by McKercher, B. J. C.
On Geopolitics: Classical and Nuclear by