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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 1987

David and Goliath by Robinson, William
Guerra de Baja Intensidad. Reagan Contra Centroamerica by Bermudez, Lilia, Bermzdez, Lllia
David and Goliath by Robinson, William
Exterminism and Cold War by
The Irish Question as a Problem in British Foreign Policy, 1914-18 by Hartley, Stephen
Soviet-American Relations with Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan by
United States Foreign Policy Towards Southern Africa: Andrew Young and Beyond by Abegunrin, Olayiwola, Newsun, H. E., Newsum, H. E.
East Asian Conflict Zones: Prospects for Regional Stability and Deescalation by
British and American Approaches to Intelligence by Robertson, A.
Intelligence and International Relations, 1900-1945 by
Struggle Over Lebanon by Petran, Tabitha
Political Murder: From Tyrannicide to Terrorism from Tyrannicide to Terrorism by Ford, Franklin L.
The Second Oldest Profession: Spies and Spying in the Twentieth Century by Knightley, Phillip
Begin's Foreign Policy, 1977-1983: Israel's Move to the Right by Peleg, Ilan
Israel-Palestine: A Guerrilla Conflict in International Politics by Ben-Rafael, Eliezer
Language Education in Hong Kong by Cheng, N. L. Helen
The Papers of James Madison: 4 March-31 July 1801 Volume 1 by Madison, James
The Defense of Western Europe by Unknown
Frankreichs Außenpolitik Von de Gaulle Bis Mitterrand by Woyke, Wichard
Globalization: Interdependencies and Coordination by Lane, Jan-Erik
Human Rights and International Relations by Vincent, R. J., R. J., Vincent
Theory of Mental Tests by Gulliksen, Harold
The African Nations and World Solidarity by Dia, Mamadou, Unknown
Arms at Rest: Peacemaking and Peacekeeping in American History by
The Non-Aligned, the Un, and the Superpowers by Jackson, Richard L.
The "Special Relationship": Anglo-American Relations Since 1945 by
Soviet-American Relations with Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan by
The Making of a Pariah State: The Adventurist Politics of Muammar Qaddafi by Sicker, Martin
Close Neighbors, Distant Friends: United States-Central American Relations by Findling, John E.
The United States and Mexico by Vazquez, Josefina Zoraida
Britain, America and Arms Control 1921-37 by Hall, Christopher
Lebanon's Predicament by Khalaf, Samir
Great Power Discord in Palestine: The Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry into the Problems of European Jewry and Palestine 1945-46 by Nachmani, Amikam
Safe for Democracy: The Anglo-American Response to Revolution, 1913-1923 by Gardner, Lloyd C.
Women and American Foreign Policy: Lobbyists, Critics, and Insiders by
Russian Imperialism: The Interaction of Domestic and Foreign Policy, 1860-1914 by Geyer, Dietrich
Toward a Livable World: Leo Szilard and the Crusade for Nuclear Arms Control by
The United States and Africa: A History by Gann, L. H., Gann, Lewis H., Duignan, Peter
The Foreign Policy of the Netherlands: Lecturer in International Relations, University of Amsterdam by Leurdijk, J. H.
Western Europe and the Crisis in U.S.-Soviet Relations by Ullman, Richard
Moral and Political Discourse: Theory and Practice in International Relations by Thompson, Kenneth W.
Arms Control and the Atlantic Community by Unknown
Nuclear Weapons: Who's in Charge? by Miall, Hugh
Nuclear Weapons: Who's in Charge? by Miall, Hugh
Winston Churchill's World View: Statesmanship and Power by Thompson, Kenneth W.
Federal State, National Economy by Leslie, Peter
Space and National Security by Paul Stares
Nuclear Blackmail and Nuclear Balance by Betts, Richard K.
The Trampled Grass: Tributary States and Self-Reliance in the Indian Ocean Zone by Unknown, Shepherd, George W.
The Trampled Grass: Tributary States and Self-Reliance in the Indian Ocean Zone of Peace by Shepherd, George W.
Irrationality in International Confrontation. by Mandel, Robert
Yugoslavia & Soviet Union 1939-75 by
Neither Confirm Nor Deny: The Nuclear Ships Dispute Between New Zealand and the United States by McMillan, Stuart
Deutschland und Frankreich in der frühen Neuzeit by
Ban the Bomb: A History of SANE, The Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, 1957-1985 by Katz, Milton
An Introduction to Strategic Studies: Military Technology and International Relations by Buzan, Barry
Arms Control and Nuclear Weapons: U.S. Policies and the National Interest by Gary Nicols, W., Boykin, L.
Building ASEAN: 20 Years of Southeast Asian Cooperation by Palmer, Ronald, Reckford, Thomas
The Chomsky Reader by Chomsky, Noam
Challenges to Deterrence: Resources, Technology, and Policy by Cimbala, Stephen
Perspectives on Nuclear War and Peace Education by
Ethnic Groups and U.S. Foreign Policy by
Origins of Alliance by Walt, Stephen M.
Present at the Creation: My Years in the State Department by Acheson, Dean
Commercializing SDI Technologies by Unknown
Europe in NATO: Deterrence, Defense, and Arms Control by Edler Baumann, Carol
Policy Analysis by Design by Bobrow, Davis, Dryzek, John
Ambassadors in Foreign Policy: The Influence of Individuals on U.S.-Latin American Policy by Vannucci, Amelio, Vannucci, Ines
The European Community and the Management of International Cooperation by Hurwitz, Leon
American Occupation of Japan: The Orgins of the Cold War in Asia by Schaller, Michael
Angola, Mozambique, and the West by
Finding Our Way? Toward Maturity in U.S. Latin American Relations by Wiarda, Howard
West Germany's Foreign Policy: The Impact of the Social Democrats and the Greens by Rosolowsky, Diane
UNESCO Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies 1985 by UNESCO, Unknown
U.S. Policy on Jerusalem by Feintuch, Yossi
Revolutionary Iran: Challenge and Response in the Middle East by Ramazani, R. K.
Europe and Israel: Troubled Neighbours by
Friedliche Koexistenz: Erfahrungen, Chancen, Gefahren by