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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 1988

The Thatcher Years: Britain and Latin America by Ferguson, James
U. S. Ends and Means in Central America: A Debate by Farer, Tom J., Van Den Haag, Ernest
The Balkans in International Relations by Milosavljevic, Bosko, Jankovic, Branimir M.
China in World History by Adshead, S. A. M.
The Soviet Union and the Nordic Nuclear-Weapons-Free-Zone Proposal by Lindahl, Ingemar
Politics and Security in the Southern Region of the Atlantic Alliance by Stuart, Douglas T.
Soul in Exile by Turki, Fawaz
Awkward Dominion: American Political, Economic, and Cultural Relations with Europe, 1919 1933 by Costigliola, Frank C.
The Path to Vietnam by Rotter, Andrew J.
Imperial State and Revolution: The United States and Cuba, 1952 1986 by Morley, Morris H.
Reykjavik and Beyond: Deep Reductions in Strategic Nuclear Arsenals and the Future Direction of Arms Control by Policy and Global Affairs, Office of International Affairs, National Academy of Sciences
Terrible Beyond Endurance?: The Foreign Policy of State Terrorism by Stohl, Michael, Lopez, George
Arms and Artificial Intelligence: Weapon and Arms Control Applications of Advanced Computing by
Games of Chicken: Four Decades of U.S. Nuclear Policy by Schwartzman, David
South Africa: In Transition to What? by
Mechanization and Maize: Agriculture and the Politics of Technology Transfer in East Africa by Anthony, Constance
Besieged Bedfellows: Israel and the Land of Apartheid by Joseph, Benjamin M.
Politiknetzwerke der Chemikalienkontrolle by Schneider, Volker
South Africa: In Transition to What? by
Canada: The Strategic and Military Pawn by Vano, Gerard S.
The Collapse of the Middle Way: Senate Republicans and the Bipartisan Foreign Policy, 1948-1952 by Kepley, David R.
European Security Beyond the Year 2000 by Reychler, Luc, Rudney, Robert
A Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in the Middle East: Problems and Prospects by Karem, Mahmoud
Taking Glasnost Seriously:: Toward an Open Soviet Union by Novak, Michael
Diplomacy of Fear: Canada and the Cold War 1941-1948 by Smith, Denis
The Sovereignty Dispute Over the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands by Gustafson, Lowell S.
Eisenhower and Latin America: The Foreign Policy of Anticommunism by Rabe, Stephen G.
Uncertain Crusade: Jimmy Carter and the Dilemmas of Human Rights Policy by Muravchik, Joshua
War, Cooperation, and Conflict: The European Possessions in the Caribbean, 1939-1945 by Baptiste, Fitzroy
Cold Warriors: Eisenhower's Generation and the Making of American Foreign Policy by Brands, Henry William
British Intelligence and the Formation Of a Policy Toward Russia, 1917-18: Missing Dimension or Just Missing? by Babiuk, Darvin
The Cold War Begins in Asia: American East Asian Policy and the Fall of the Japanese Empire by Gallicchio, Marc
The Strategy of Russian Imperialism: Expansion in Eurasia Gorbachev by Sicker, Martin
From the League to U.N. by Unknown, Murray, Gilbert
The Indochina Trangle: China's Vietnam Policy, 1975-1979 by Ross, Robert
Gold Braid and Foreign Relations: Diplomatic Activities of U.S. Naval Officers, 1798-1883 by Long, David F.
Global Political Economy: Perspectives, Problems, and Policies by Gill, Stephen, Law, David
In Search of Leadership: West Bank Politics since 1967 by Sahliyeh, Emile
West Germany: Internal Structures and External Relations: Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany by Pfetsch, Frank R.
Foreign Policy of the French Second Empire: A Bibliography by Echard, William E.
Nuclear Crisis Management: A Dangerous Illusion by LeBow, Richard Ned
Out from Underdevelopment: Prospects for the Third World by Mittelman, James H.
Britain and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1948-51 by Pappe, Ilan
Coexistence, Cooperation and Common Security: Annals of Pugwash 1986 by
The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and the Third World by
Against the Bomb: The British Peace Movement, 1958-1965 by Taylor, Richard
The U.S. Press and Iran: Foreign Policy and the Journalism of Deference by Dorman, William A., Farhang, Mansour
The Middle East: Ten Years After Camp David by
Chinese-Soviet Relations 1937-1945: The Diplomacy of Chinese Nationalism by Garver, John W.
Nuclear Deterrence, Morality and Realism by Grisez, Germain, Boyle, Joseph, Finnis, John
Foreign Relations: Analysis of Its Anatomy by Plischke, Elmer
Nuclear War and Nuclear Peace by Freedman, Lawrence, Moreton, Edwina, Baylis, John
The Fate of Nations: The Search for National Security in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries by Mandelbaum, Michael
Nato's Conventional Defences: Options for the Central Region by Flanagan, Stephen J.
From Trust to Tragedy: The Political Memoirs of Frederick Nolting, Kennedy's Ambassador to Diem's Vietnam by Nolting, Lindsay
Treaty Conflict and Political Contradiction: The Dialectic of Duplicity by Binder, Guyora, Binder, Guyota
Pure Concept of Diplomacy by Magalhaes, Jose Calvet de, Calvet de Magalhaes, Jose
The Bear and the Lion: Soviet Imperialism and Iran by Sicker, Martin
Unesco Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies 1986 by United Nations Educational, Scientific
Restructuring American Foreign Policy by
Changing the Guard in Brussels: An Insider's View of the EC Presidency by de Bassompierre, Guy, Bassompierre, Guy de
Changing the Guard in Brussels: An Insider's View of the EC Presidency by Bassompierre, Guy de
Transfer of Arms, Leverage, and Peace in the Middle East by Nachmias, Nitza
Strong Societies and Weak States: State-Society Relations and State Capabilities in the Third World by Migdal, Joel S.
Missile Defenses and Western European Security: NATO Strategy, Arms Control, and Deterrence by Soofer, Robert M.
The Defence of White Power: South African Foreign Policy Under Pressure by Jaster, Robert Scott
Sipri Yearbook 1988: World Armaments and Disarmament by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
For the Land and the Lord: Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel by Lustick, Ian S.
U.S. Unilateral Arms Control Initiatives: When Do They Work? by Rose, William
Imagery and Ideology in U.S. Policy Toward Libya 1969-1982 by Gebril, Mahmoud
Imperial Dreams and Colonial Realities: British Views of Canada 1880-1914 by Moyles, R. G.