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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 1990

Friends and Enemies: The United States, China, and the Soviet Union, 1948-1972 by Chang, Gordon H.
Brazil: A Guide to the People, Politics and Culture by Rocha, Jan
Panama: Made in the USA by Weeks, John, Gunson, Phil
Cultural Forces in World Politics by Mazrui, Ali A.
Panama: Made in the USA by Gunson, Phil, Weeks, John
European Defence Equipment Collaboration: Britain's Involvement, 1957-87 by Draper, Alan G.
The Political Economy of Postwar Reconstruction by Burnham, Peter
A Handbook of Verification Procedures by
The New Protectionist Wave by Sassoond, Enrico
The Strategic Implications of Change in the Soviet Union by
Quantitative Methods for Trade-Barrier Analysis by Yeats, Alexander, Laird, Sam
The Spirit of Chinese Foreign Policy: A Psychocultural View by Shih, Chih-Yu
Great Power Relations in Argentina, Chile and Antarctica by Morris, Michael A.
The Political Economy of Turkey: Debt, Adjustment and Sustainability by John F. Kennedy School of Government
Domestic Determinants of Soviet Foreign Policy Towards South Asia and the Middle East by Malik, Hafeez
The United Kingdom -- The United Nations by Jensen, Erik
Soviet-Third World Relations in a Capitalist World: The Political Economy of Broken Promises by Brun, Ellen, Hersh, Jacques
The Challenge of Simultaneous Economic Relations with East and West by Marrese, Michael
Deterrence and Defence in a Post-Nuclear World by Guertner, Gary L.
The West and the Third World: Essays in Honor of J.D.B. Miller by O'Neill, Robert, Vincent, R. J.
Japanese Financial Growth by Goodhart, C. a. E.
Meeting Gorbachev's Challenge: How to Build Down the Nato-Warsaw Pact Confrontation by Dean, Jonathan
America's Response to China: A History of Sino-American Relations by Cohen, Warren I.
Tacit Bargaining, Arms Races, and Arms Control by Downs, George W., Rocke, David M.
Japanese Models Of Conflict Resolution by Eisenstadt, S. N., Ben-Ari, Eyal
Democracy in Latin America: Visions and Realities by
Culture and International Relations by Chay, Jongsuk
Democracy in Latin America: Visions and Realities by Jonas, Susanne, Stein, Nancy
Woodrow Wilson and the American Diplomatic Tradition: The Treaty Fight in Perspective by Ambrosius, Lloyd E.
The Soviet Concept of 'Limited Sovereignty' from Lenin to Gorbachev: The Brezhnev Doctrine by Jones, Robert A.
The Us-Turkish-NATO Middle East Connection: How the Truman Doctrine and Turkey's NATO Entry Contained the Soviets by McGhee, George
Soviet-American Dialogue in the Social Sciences: Research Workshops on Interdependence Among Nations by National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Office of International Affairs
A Question of Balance: The President, The Congress and Foreign Policy by Mann, Thomas
Beyond Realism and Marxism: Critical Theory and International Relations by Linklater, A.
Vatican Policy on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: The Struggle for the Holy Land by Kreutz, Andrej
The Soviet Union, the Communist Movement, and the World: Prelude to the Cold War, 1917-1941 by Levine, Alan J.
Military and Strategic Policy: An Annotated Bibliography by Beede, Benjamin R.
The Age of Rights by Henkin, Louis
Glasnost, Perestroika, and the Socialist Community by
Military Crisis Management: U.S. Intervention in the Dominican Republic, 1965 by Schoonmaker, Herbert Garrettson
Trade Policy and Corporate Business Decisions by
Nationalism and International Society by Mayall, James
Between East and West: Israel's Foreign Policy Orientation 1948 1956 by Bialer, Uri, Uri, Bialer
Soviet Relations with Latin America, 1959 1987 by Miller, Nicola
Beyond 1995: The Future of the Npt Regime by
Unguided Missiles: How America Buys Its Weapons by Hampson, Fen
Japan's Unequal Trade by Lincoln, Edward J.
Threshold of War: Franklin D. Roosevelt and American Entry Into World War II by Heinrichs, Waldo
Saudi-Yemen Relations: Domestic Structures and Foreign Influences by Gause, F. Gregory
The Globalization of Politics: The Changed Focus of Political Action in the Modern World by Luard, Evan
The Press, Presidents, and Crises by Nacos, Brigitte L.
The Specter of Neutralism: The United States and the Emergence of the Third World,1947-1960 by Brands, Henry William
Conflicts Unending: The United States and Regional Disputes by Haass, Richard N.
Stars, Stripes, and Italian Tricolor: The United States and Italy, 1946-1989 by Wollemborg, Leo J.
The United States and North Africa: A Cognitive Approach to Foreign Policy by Layachi, Azzedine
Nuclear Deterrence Theory: The Search for Credibility by Powell, Robert
An Essay on Strategy: As It Affects the Achievement of Peace in a Nuclear Setting by Neild, R. R.
Swaziland's International Relations and Foreign Policy: A Study of a Small African State in International Relations by Bischoff, Paul-Henri
John F. Kennedy and the New Pacific Community, 1961-63 by Maga, Timothy P.
George Kennan: And the Dilemmas of Us Foreign Policy by Mayers, David Allan
Of Arms and Men: A History of War, Weapons, and Aggression by O'Connell, Robert L.
Culture and Conflict in Egyptian-Israeli Relations: A Dialogue of the Deaf by Cohen, Raymond
The Superpowers and Nuclear Arms Control: Rhetoric and Reality by Menos, Dennis
Cooperation among Nations by Grieco, Joseph M.
Cooperation among Nations by Grieco, Joseph M.
Soviet-British Relations Since the 1970s by
South Africa's Foreign Policy: The Search for Status and Security, 1945 1988 by Barber, James, Barratt, John
Latin America Through Soviet Eyes: The Evolution of Soviet Perceptions During the Brezhnev Era 1964 1982 by Ilya, Prizel, Prizel, Ilya
The United States and Egypt: An Essay on Policy for the 1990s by Quandt, William
Enhancing European Security: Living in a Less Nuclear World by Cuthbertson, Ian M., Robertson, David
Reagan and the World by Kyvig, David E.
Reagan and the World by
Bloc That Failed: Soviet-East European Relations in Transition by Gati, Charles
The United States and Lithuania: The Stimson Doctrine of Nonrecognition by Vitas, Robert A.
Foreign Policy and Ethnic Interest Groups: American and Canadian Jews Lobby for Israel by Goldberg, David Howard
Formal Theories in International Relations by Nicholson, Michael
Russia and Germany: Century of Conflict by Laqueur, Walter
Accidental Nuclear War: Proceedings of the Eighteenth Pugwash Workshop on Nuclear Forces by
Rome in Canada: The Vatican and Canadian Affairs in the Late Victorian Age by Perin, Roberto
The Enigma of Japanese Power: People and Politics in a Stateless Nation by Van Wolferen, Karel
Peace Through Agreement: Replacing War With Non-Violent Dispute-Resolution Methods by Rabow, Gerald
Jfc Fuller: Military Thinker by Reid, Brian Holden
War in Afghanistan by Urban, Mark
A Winter of Discontent: The Nuclear Freeze and American Politics by Meyer, David S.
International Intervention in the Greek Civil War: The United Nations Special Committee on the Balkans, 1947-1952 by Nachmani, Amikam
American National Interest: Virtue and Power in Foreign Policy by Von Vorys, Karl
National Choices and International Processes by Maoz, Zeev
The Soviet Union in the Horn of Africa by Patman, Robert G.
The United Nations and Peacekeeping: Results, Limitations and Prospects - The Lessons of 40 Years of Experience by
The Great Powers in East Asia: 1953-1960 by Cohen, Warren I., Iriye, Akira
Moscow's Third World Strategy by Rubinstein, Alvin Z.
Turbulence in World Politics: A Theory of Change and Continuity by Rosenau, James N.
Men and Citizens in the Theory of International Relations by Linklater, Andrew
The Power of Legitimacy Among Nations by Franck, Thomas M.
As Moscow Sees Us: American Politics and Society in the Soviet Mindset by Mills, Richard M.
Psychological Operations and Political Warfare in Long-term Strategic Planning by Radvanyi, Janos
ASEAN Into the 1990s by
ASEAN Into the 1990s by
The Iranian Revolution: Its Global Impact by
Arctic Leverage: Canadian Sovereignty and Security by Caldwell, Nathaniel French
Communicating with the World: U. S. Public Diplomacy Overseas by Na, Na
Europe, Europe: Forays Into a Continent by Enzensberger, Hans Magnus
Foreign Policy of the Republic of China on Taiwan: An Unorthodox Approach by Wang, Yu San
The Army's Nuclear Power Program: The Evolution of a Support Agency by Suid, Lawrence H.
Die Wiederentdeckung Der Vereinten Nationen: Kooperative Weltpolitik Und Friendensvölkerrecht by
Deterrence and the Revolution in Soviet Military Doctrine by Garthoff, Raymond L.
The New Protectionist Wave by Sassoond, Enrico
Empire and Cold War: The Roots of Us-Third World Antagonism, 1945-47 by Bills, Scott L.
British Policy in Persia, 1918-1925 by Sabahi, Houshang
The National Security Constitution: Sharing Power After the Iran-Contra Affair by Koh, Harold Hongju
Century of the Scottish People: 1830-1950 by Smout, T. C.
Origins of Alliance by Walt, Stephen M.
Order and Violence: Hedley Bull and International Relations by
The West and the Soviet Union: Politics and Policy by Flynn, Gregory
UNESCO Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies 1988 by United Nations Educational Scientific an, UNESCO, United Nations Educational, Scientific
Old Myths and New Realities in United States-Soviet Relations by
Ballistic Missiles in the Third World: Threat and Response by Carus, W. Seth
Conflict: Readings in Management and Resolution by
Conflict: Readings in Management and Resolution by
Conflict: Practices in Management, Settlement and Resolution by Burton, John, Dukes, Frank
Power and Leadership in International Bargaining: The Path to the Camp David Accords by Telhami, Shibley
The Cold War and Defense by
Grenada: Revolution in Reverse by Ferguson, James
Grenada: Revolution in Reverse by Ferguson, James
On Power & Ideology by Chomsky, Noam
Behind the Disappearances: Argentina's Dirty War Against Human Rights and the United Nations by Guest, Iain
The Sinews of Power: War, Money and the English State, 1688-1783 by Brewer, John
International Relations of Japan by
Escape Into War?: The Foreign Policy of Imperial Germany by
Peacekeeping in International Politics by James, Alan
Peacekeeping in International Politics by James, Alan
Burma's Foreign Relations: Neutralism in Theory and Practice by Shad Liang, Chi, Liang, Chi Shad
Bending with the Winds: Kurt Waldheim and the United Nations by Finger, Seymour Maxwell, Saltzman, Arnold A.
Die Außenpolitik des Dritten Reiches by Recker, Marie-Luise
Conflict Termination in Europe: Games Against War by Cimbala, Stephen J.
Celebrating Peace by Rouner, Leroy S.
Weak States in the International System by Handel, Michael I.
Technological Competition and Interdependence: The Search for Policy in the United States, West Germany, and Japan by
Environmental Hazards of War: Releasing Dangerous Forces in an Industrialized World by United Nations Environment Programme
Speak No Evil: The Promotional Heritage of Nuclear Risk Communication by Gwin, Louis
An International History of the Vietnam War: Volume 3: The Making of a Limited War,1965-1966 by Smith, R. B.
Sovietology, Rationality, Nationality: Coming to Grips with Nationalism in the U.S.S.R by Motyl, Alexander
Return to the Un: Un Diplomacy in Regional Conflicts by Berridge, G.
The Declining Hegemon: The United States and European Defense, 1960-1990 by Lepgold, Joseph
Appeasement in Europe: A Reassessment of U.S. Policies by
Foreign Policy of the Gdr in a by Winrow, Gareth M.
Soviet Policies in the Middle East: From World War Two to Gorbachev by Galia, Golan, Golan, Galia
Der Besetzte Verbündete: Die Amerikanische Deutschlandpolitik 1949-1955 by
Why Nations Cooperate by Stein, Arthur A.
Constitutions in Crisis: Political Violence and the Rule of Law by Finn, John E.
The Political Olympics: Moscow, Afghanistan, and the 1980 U.S. Boycott by Hulme, Derick