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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 1991

Panama: Made in USA by Weeks, John F.
Submarine Dead Ahead!: Waging Peace in America's Nuclear Colony by Goldberg, Kim
Mass Media and American Foreign Policy: Insider Perspectives on Global Journalism and the Foreign Policy Process by O'Heffernan, Patrick
Chile and the United States by Sater, William F.
Decade of War by Sundaram, Anjali
Search for Security: Saudi Arabian Oil and American Foreign Policy by Miller, Aaron David
Us-Japan Trade Friction: Its Impact on Security Cooperation in the Pacific Basin by Turay, Abdul M., Mason, T. David
In Search of Peace Research: Essays by Charles Boasson by Boasson, Charles
Laos: Beyond the Revolution by
Us Foreign Policy in the 1990s by Schmergel, Greg
The Competitiveness of the UK Economy by Arndt, Sven W., McKenzie, George W.
Anglo-American Relations in the 1920s: The Struggle for Supremacy by McKercher, B. J. C.
The Arms Race in an Era of Negotiations by Carlton, David, Schaerf, Carlo
The Politics of International Aviation by Sochor, Eugene
The Sputniks Crisis and Early United States Space Policy: A Critique of the Historiography of Space by Bulkeley, Rip
China, Britain and Businessmen: Political and Commercial Relations, 1949-57 by Shao, Wen-Guang
China in the International System, 1918-20: The Middle Kingdom at the Periphery by Yongjin, Zhang
After the Cold War: Europe's New Political Architecture by Rusi, Alpo M.
Soviet Policy Towards Syria Since 1970 by Karsh, Efraim
Towards a Future European Peace Order? by
Security and the CSCE Process: The Stockholm Conference and Beyond by Freeman, John
Britain, Aden and South Arabia: Abandoning Empire by Pieragostini, Karl
Friendly Tyrants: An American Dilemma by
Kissinger and Brzezinski: The Nsc and the Struggle for Control of Us National Security Policy by Andrianopoulos, Gerry Argyris
A Conservative Against Hitler: Ulrich Von Hassell: Diplomat in Imperial Germany, the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich, 1881-1944 by Schollgen, Gregor, Willmot, Louise
A Japanese Approach to Stages of Capitalist Development by Albritton, Robert
In the Midst of Wars: An American's Mission to Southeast Asia by Lansdale, Edward G.
The Effects of Warning on Strategic Stability by Steinbruner, John D., Blair, Bruce G.
Environmental Hazards of War: Releasing Dangerous Forces in an Industrialized World by
How Far We Slaves Have Come!: South Africa and Cuba in Today's World by Castro, Fidel, Mandela, Nelson
The Impact of Governments on East-West Economic Relations by Elliott-Gowerd, Steven
The Politics of Development: An Introduction to Global Issues by Seitz, John L.
British Defence Since 1945 by Dockrill, Michael
United States & the Politicizati by Brown, Bartram S.
The Civil Service Since 1945 by Theakston, Kevin
Idea of Latin America by Mignolo, Walter D.
British Foreign Policy in the Age of the American Revolution by Scott, H. M.
China's Crisis: Dilemmas of Reform and Prospects for Democracy by Nathan, Andrew J.
China, Britain, and Hong Kong, 1895-1945 by Chan Lau, Kit-Ching
Moscow and the Middle East: Soviet Policy Since the Invasion of Afghanistan by Freedman, Robert O., Robert O., Freedman
The United States and the Republic of China: Democratic Friends, Strategic Allies and Economic Partners by
Taiwan: China's Last Frontier by Long, S.
The Future of the U.S.-Soviet Nuclear Relationship by Committee on International Security and Arms Control, National Academy of Sciences
Exporting Democracy: The United States and Latin America: Case Studies by
The U.S. Constitution and Foreign Policy: Terminating the Taiwan Treaty by Kraft, Victoria Marie
Preventing A Biological Arms Race by
Federalism and International Relations: The Role of Subnational Units by
The USSR and Marxist Revolutions in the Third World by
The U.S. Consul at Work by Morgan, William D., Kennedy, Charles Stuart
Russia and Italy Against Hitler: The Bolshevik-Fascist Rapprochement of the 1930s by Clarke, J. Calvitt, III, Clarke, Joseph Calvitt
Soviet Foreign Policy Today by Miller, Robert F.
Exporting Democracy: The United States and Latin America by
Contemporary U.S. Foreign Policy: Documents and Commentary by Plischke, Elmer
The Superpowers and the Syrian-Israeli Conflict: Beyond Crisis Management? by Cobban, Helena
International Fugitives: A New Role for the International Court of Justice by Yarnold, Barbara M.
The Invisible Weapon: Telecommunications and International Politics, 1851-1945 by Headrick, Daniel R.
Nightmare in Red: The McCarthy Era in Perspective by Fried, Richard M.
Military Force as an Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy: Intervention in Lebanon, August 1982-February 1984 by Hallenbeck, Ralph A.
Toward an Entangling Alliance: American Isolationism, Internationalism, and Europe, 1901-1950 by Powaski, Ronald E.
Sheathing the Sword: The U.N. Secretary-General and the Prevention of International Conflict by Boudreau, Tom, Boudreau, Thomas E.
Soviet Policy Toward Israel Under Gorbachev by Freedman, Robert
On Disarmament: The Role of Conventional Arms Control in National Security Strategy by
On Disarmament: The Role of Conventional Arms Control in National Security Strategy by Shaver, David E., Hallenbeck, Ralph A.
Australia, New Zealand, and the United States: Internal Change and Alliance Relations in the Anzus States by
International Crisis and Domestic Politics: Major Political Conflicts in the 1980s by Lamare, James
Rules, Norms, and Decisions: On the Conditions of Practical and Legal Reasoning in International Relations and Domestic Affairs by Kratochwil, Friedrich V.
Peace and War: Armed Conflicts and International Order 1648-1989 by Holsti, Kalevi J.
Germany and the Union of South Africa in the Nazi Period by Citino, Robert Michael
Soviet Policy Toward Israel Under Gorbachev by Freedman, Robert
The Future of NATO: Facing an Unreliable Enemy in an Uncertain Environment by Drew, S. Nelson, Dayton, W. Keith, Ervin, J. William
A Policy Calculated to Benefit China: The United States and the China Arms Embargo, 1919-1929 by Valone, Stephen J.
Dominoes & Bandwagons: Strategic Beliefs and Great Power Competition in the Eurasian Rimland by
Crossing the Industrial Divide: State, Society, and the Politics of Economic Tranformation in Malaysia by Bowie, Alasdair
Electronic Combat and Modern Warfare: The Quick and the Dead by Munro, Neil
Electronic Combat and Modern Warfare: The Quick and the Dead by Munro, Neil
Soviet Nuclear Policy Under Gorbachev: A Policy of Disarmament by Calingaert, Daniel
Canada and the Crisis in Central America by Lemco, Jonathan
After the Cold War: Europe's New Political Architecture by Rusi, Alpo M.
Reinventing Rationality: The Role of Regulatory Analysis in the Federal Bureaucracy by McGarity, Thomas O.
The United States and the Making of Postwar France, 1945-1954 by Wall, Irwin M.
Of Walls and Bridges: The United States & Eastern Europe by
Brazil and the Soviet Challenge, 1917-1947 by Hilton, Stanley E.
Hostage on the Yangtze: Britain, China, and the Amethyst Crisis of 1949 by Murfett, Malcolm H.
Strategic Intelligence for American National Security: Updated Edition by Berkowitz, Bruce D., Goodman, Allan E.
Progress in Postwar International Relations by Crawford, Beverly, Adler, Emanuel
Cabinet Decisions on Foreign Policy: The British Experience, October 1938 June 1941 by Hill, Christopher, Christopher, Hill
Gorbachev's Retreat: The Third World by Goodman, Melvin a.
The Superpowers and the Syrian-Israeli Conflict by Cobban, Helena
The Politics of the Caribbean Basin Sugar Trade by
Explaining Economic Policy Failure: Japan in the 1969-1971 International Monetary Crisis by Angel, Robert
The International Monetary Fund and Economic Stabilization: The Argentine Case by Manzetti, Luigi
Measuring Global Values: The Ranking of 162 Countries by Sullivan, Michael J.
Strategy and Security in the Caribbean by
Sea-Launched Cruise Missiles and U.S. Security by Arnett, Eric H.
The First Summit: Roosevelt and Churchill at Placentia Bay, 1941 by Wilson, Theodore a.
Geopolitics and Geoculture: Essays on the Changing World-System by Wallerstein, Immanuel Maurice
Systems in Crisis: New Imperatives of High Politics at Century's End by Doran, Charles F., Charles F., Doran
Kirkpatrick Mission (Diplomacy Wo Apology AME at the United Nations 1981 to 85 by Gerson
Constitutional Diplomacy by Glennon, Michael J.
Regional Human Rights: A Comparative Study of the West European and Inter-American Systems by Mower, A. Glenn, Jr.
The Political Economy of Defense: Issues and Perspectives by
Diefenbaker's World: A Populist in Foreign Affairs by Robinson, H. Basil
The Psychology of Personal Constructs: Volume Two: Clinical Diagnosis and Psychotherapy by Kelly, George
Beyond Interdependence: The Meshing of the World's Economy and the Earth's Ecology by MacNeill, Jim
The Horn of Africa: From War to Peace by Henze, Paul B.
Formations of Violence: The Narrative of the Body and Political Terror in Northern Ireland by Feldman, Allen
The Strong Arm of the Law: Armed and Public Order Policing by Waddington, P. A. J.
Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power by Nye, Joseph S., Jr.
Opaque Nuclear Proliferation: Methodological and Policy Implications by
Explaining and Understanding International Relations by Hollis, Martin, Smith, Steve
Western State Terrorism by
U.S. Intervention in Lebanon, 1958 and 1982: Presidential Decisionmaking by Korbani, Agnes G., Gerges Korbani, Agnes
International Handbook on Chemical Weapons Proliferation by Burck, G. M., Unknown, Flowerree, Charles C.
Violence, Terrorism, and Justice by
Free at Last?: U.S. Policy Toward Africa and the End of the Cold War by Clough, Michael, Sievens, Mary
Essays of a Citizen: From National Security State to Democracy: From National Security State to Democracy by Raskin, Marcus G.
Central America and the United States: The Search for Stability by Leonard, Thomas M.
Conflict Resolution in Africa by
Cold War Theories: World Polarization, 1943--1953 by Thompson, Kenneth W.
King Hussein and the Challenge of Arab Radicalism: Jordan, 1955-1967 by Dann, Uriel
In the Shadow of the Rising Sun: The Political Roots of American Economic Decline by Dietrich, William S.
The New European Community: Decisionmaking And Institutional Change by Keohane, Robert O., Hoffmann, Stanley
New Immigrants and Democratic Society: Minority Integration in Western Democracies by Hoskin, Marilyn B.
Iron Triangles and Revolving Doors: Cases in U.S. Foreign Economic Policymaking by Vernon, Raymond, Spar, Debora L., Tobin, Glenn
The Promotion and Regulation of Industry in Japan by
New Directions in Conflict Theory: Conflict Resolution and Conflict Transformation by
The Vietnamese Revolution of 1945: Roosevelt, Ho Chi Minh and de Gaulle in a World at War by Tonnesson, Stein
Handbook of Research on the Illicit Drug Traffic: Socioeconomic and Political Consequences by Tullis, F. Lamond, Tullis, Lamond
International Organizations, Constitutional Law, and Human Rights by Gibson, John
The Cold War as Rhetoric: The Beginnings, 1945-1950 by Windt, Theodore Otto, Hinds, Lynn Boyd
Iron Triangles and Revolving Doors: Cases in U.S. Foreign Economic Policymaking by Tobin, Glenn, Vernon, Raymond, Spar, Debora L.
Criminal Law by
The West European Allies, the Third World, and U.S. Foreign Policy: Post-Cold War Challenges by Payne, Richard J.
Issues in Contemporary Economics: Volume 3: Policy and Development by
The Market and the State: Studies in Interdependence by
The Politics of Negotiation: America's Dealings with Allies, Adversaries, and Friends by Brady, Linda P.
The Significance of the Commonwealth, 1965-90 by McIntyre, W.
The Significance of the Commonwealth, 1965-90 by McIntyre, W.
Danish Neutrality: A Study in the Foreign Policy of a Small State by Holbraad, Carsten
Rival States, Rival Firms: Competition for World Market Shares by Stopford, John M., Henley, John S., Strange, Susan
John Marshall and International Law: Statesman and Chief Justice by Rudko, Frances Howell
The West European Allies, the Third World, and U.S. Foreign Policy: Post-Cold War Challenges by Payne, Richard J.
Friendly Tyrants: An American Dilemma by
Soviet Intervention in Czechoslovakia, 1968: Anatomy of a Decision by Valenta, Jiri
Friends and Enemies: The United States, China, and the Soviet Union, 1948-1972 by Chang, Gordon H.
Hong Kong and the Asylum-Seekers from Vietnam by Davis, Leonard
America in the Modern World: The Transcendence of United States Hegemony by Ltd, Palgrave MacMillan
Beyond Deterrence: Britain, Germany and the New European Security Debate by Ramsbotham, Oliver, Miall, Hugh
Beyond Deterrence: Britain, Germany and the New European Security Debate by Miall, Hugh, Ramsbotham, Oliver
The British Labour Party and Defense by George, Bruce, Roberts, Jonathan, Watson, Timothy
The Falklands/Malvinas Campaign: A Bibliography by Rasor, Eugene L.
Ocean Politics and Law: An Annotated Bibliography by Wang, James C. F.
Soldiers, Peacekeepers and Disasters by
The United States and the European Pillar: The Strained Alliance by Cronwell, William C.
A Japanese Approach to Stages of Capitalist Development by Albritton, Robert
The Future of European Political Cooperation: Essays on Theory and Practice by
Kissinger and Brzezinski: The Nsc and the Struggle for Control of Us National Security Policy by Andrianopoulos, Gerry Argyris
The $36 Billion Bargain: U.S. Aid to Israel and American Public Opinion by Organski, A. F. K.
Rival States, Rival Firms by Henley, John S., Stopford, John M.
The British Labour Party and Defense by George, Bruce, Watson, Timothy, Roberts, Jonathan
Time and Tide Wait for No Man: The Changing European Geopolitical Landscape by Keukeleire, Stephan, Gucht, Karel de, de Gucht, Karel
International Economic Institutions, Sixth Edition by Van Meerhaeghe, M. a.
Cambodia, Pol Pot, and the United States: The Faustian Pact by Haas, Michael
State and Diplomacy in Early Modern Japan: Asia in the Development of the Tokugawa Bakufu by Toby, Ronald
The Origins of Arab Nationalism by
State and Diplomacy in Early Modern Japan: Asia in the Development of the Tokugawa Bakufu by Toby, Ronald P.
Securing Peace in Europe, 1945-62: Thoughts for the Post-Cold War Era by
East-West Arms Control: Challenges for the Western Alliance by
Power and Madness: The Logic of Nuclear Coercion by Rhodes, Edward
Pacific Basin Industries in Distress: Structural Adjustment and Trade Policy in the Nine Industrialized Economies by
The Linchpin: French-German Relations, 1950-1990 by Friend, Julius
The Market and the State: Studies in Interdependence by
Arms Export Regulations by
Genocide by Proxy: Cambodian Pawn on a Superpower Chessboard by Haas, Michael
Reaching Out to Moscow: From Confrontation to Cooperation by Brement, Marshall, Lsi
Controlling and Ending Conflict: Issues Before and After the Cold War by
Winning the Peace: The Strategic Implications of Military Civic Action by De Pauw, John Whylen, Luz, George
The Linchpin: French-German Relations, 1950-1990 by Friend, Julius