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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 1992

Arms Control by Committee: Managing Negotiations with the Russians by Bunn, George
Adventures in Chaos: American Intervention for Reform in the Third World by MacDonald, Douglas J.
Making the Empire Work: London and American Interest Groups, 1690-1790 by Olson, Alison Gilbert
The Sociology of International Relations by Merle, Marcel
Hitler and the Quest for World Domination: Nazi Ideology and Foreign Policy in the 1920's by Stoakes, Geoffrey
Nato: The Founding of the Atlantic Alliance and the Integration of Europe by Gillingham, John R., Heller, Francis H.
Japan and the Third World: Patterns, Power, Prospects by Nester, William R.
Essays on the Economic Role of Government: Volume 2: Applications by Samuels, Warren J.
Beyond the Steady State: A Revival of Growth Theory by Halevi, Joseph
Thailand's Policies Towards China, 1949-54 by Chinvanno, Anuson
Terrorism and Democracy: Some Contemporary Cases by Janke, Peter
Hostage-Taking Terrorism: Incident-Response Strategy by Macwillson, Alastair C.
Détente in Asia? by
The United Nations in the 1990s by Baehr, Peter R., Gordenker, Leon
The Least Developed and the Oil-Rich Arab Countries: Dependence, Interdependence or Patronage? by
Contrasting Us and German Attitudes to Soviet Trade, 1917-91: Politics by Economic Means by Seppain, Helene
Regional Great Powers in International Politics by
Towards a Post-Apartheid Future: Political and Economic Relations in Southern Africa by Maasdorp, Gavin
The De-Escalation of Nuclear Crises by Nation, Joseph E.
Us-West European Relations During the Reagan Years: The Perspective of West European Publics by Wertman, Douglas A., Smith, Steven K.
The External Relations of the European Community: The International Response to 1992 by
Ethnicity and Conflict in a Post-Communist World: The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China by
Public Debt and Private Wealth: Debt, Capital Flight and the IMF in Sudan by Brown, Richard P. C.
Eastern Europe and the West: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990 by Morison, John
Britain's Encounter with Revolutionary China, 1949-54 by Tuck-Hong Tang, James
The European Community After 1992: Perspectives from the Outside by
Cyprus: A Regional Conflict and Its Resolution by Salem, Norma
Deterrence, Reputation and Cold-War Cycles by Orme, John D.
Changing Threat Perceptions and Military Doctrines by Valki, Laszlo
Averting a Latin American Nuclear Arms Race: New Prospects and Challenges for Argentine-Brazil Nuclear Co-Operation by Leventhal, Paul
Power and Politics in the Soviet Union: The Crumbling of an Empire by Cooper, Leo
Cyprus and the International Economy by Wilson, Rodney
Alternative Development Strategies in Subsaharan Africa by
International Organizations: A Dictionary and Directory by Schiavone, Giuseppe
The United States and the European Pillar: The Strained Alliance by Cronwell, William C.
Securing Peace in Europe, 1945-62: Thoughts for the Post-Cold War Era by
The Balance of Power: The System of International Relations, 1648-1815 by Luard, Evan
International Perspectives on the Falklands Conflict: A Matter of Life and Death by
The Federal Republic of Germany and NATO: 40 Years After by
The Korean Armistice by Bailey, Sydney D.
British Scientists and the Manhattan Project: The Los Alamos Years by Szasz, Ferenc Morton
Canada and the World: Agenda for the Last Decade of the Millennium by
Hopes and Fears by
Territorial Changes and International Conflict by Diehl, Paul, Goertz, Gary
The Social Dimension of 1992: Europe Faces a New EC by Springer, Beverly
India's Strategic Future: Regional State or Global Power? by
Western Press Coverage of News in the Third World: A Bibliographical Review of Literature (1976-1988) by Li, Sunny Tszesun
Armed Forces and Political Power in Eastern Europe: The Soviet/Communist Control System by Gitz, Bradley R.
The Social Dimension of 1992: Europe Faces a New EC by Springer, Beverly
The Cold War Guerrilla: Jonas Savimbi, the U.S. Media and the Angolan War by Windrich, Elaine
Europe and German Unification by Fritsch-Bournazel, R.
Spain and Central America: Democracy and Foreign Policy by Rosenberg, Robin L.
Soviet Strategy and the New Military Thinking by
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: A Documentary Record 1967-1990 by
On the Law of Nations by Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Globalizing the GATT: The Soviet Union's Successor States, Eastern Europe, and the International Trading System by Haus, Leah A.
A Fragile Relationship: The United States and China since 1972 by Harding, Harry
Contending Dramas: A Cognitive Approach to International Organization by Shih, Chih Y.
Western European Integration: Implications for U.S. Policy and Strategy by Collins, Michael J.
India's Pro-Arab Policy: A Study in Continuity by Ward, Richard Edmund
Europeans on Europe: Transnational Visions of a New Continent by Howorth, Jolyon
Essays on the Cold War by Wolfson, Murray
The Paths to Domination, Resistance, and Terror by
The Balance of Power: The System of International Relations, 1648 1815 by Luard, Evan
The National Guard and National Defense: The Mobilization of the Guard in World War II by Sligh, Robert Bruce
Kennan and the Art of Foreign Policy by Stephanson, Anders
Multinational Crime: Terrorism, Espionage, Drug and Arms Trafficking by Martin, John M.
International Perspectives on the Falklands Conflict: A Matter of Life and Death by
Terrorism and Collective Responsibility by Taylor Wilkins, Burleigh
Britain, Detente and Changing East-West Relations by White, Brian
Europeans on Europe: Transnational Visions of a New Continent by Howorth, Jolyon
Handbook on Ocean Politics and Law by Wang, James C. F.
East Central Europe After the Warsaw Pact: Security Dilemmas in the 1990s by Michta, Andrew a.
Taiwan and the Geopolitics of the Asian-American Dilemma by Fu, Jen-Kun, Kun Fu, Jen
Japan Thrice-Opened: An Analysis of Relations Between Japan and the United States by Ibe, Hideo
Disarmament, Economic Conversion, and Management of Peace by Rennie Forcey, Linda
John Foster Dulles and the Diplomacy of the Cold War by
The Strange Connection: U.S. Intervention in China, 1944-1972 by Azexander, Bevin, Alexander, Bevin
Greater Syria: The History of an Ambition by Pipes, Daniel
U.S. Foreign Policy after the Cold War by
Soviet Strategy and the New Military Thinking by
Governance Without Government: Order and Change in World Politics by
Soviet Strategic Arms Policy before SALT by Bluth, Christoph
Rationality and the Analysis of International Conflict by Michael, Nicholson, Nicholson, Michael
Issues in Democratic Consolidation: The New South American Democracies in Comparative Perspective by
Traditions and Values in Politics and Diplomacy: Theory and Practice by Thompson, Kenneth W.
Deterring Democracy by Chomsky, Noam
The Question of Palestine by Said, Edward W.
Canada and the United States: The Politics of Partnership by Bothwell, Robert
NATO: The Founding of the Atlantic Alliance and the Integration of Europe by Heller, Francis H., Gillingham, John R.
Terrorism: Roots, Impact, Responses by Howard, Lawrence
Power, Ideology, and the War on Drugs: Nothing Succeeds Like Failure by Johns, Christina Jacqueline
Expanding the Frontiers: Superpower Intervention in the Cold War by Feste, Karen A.
Democracy and Foreign Policy: The Fallacy of Political Realism by Nincic, Miroslav
Soviet Foreign Policy in Transition by
American Hegemony and the Trilateral Commission by Gill, Stephen
The New American Community: A Response to the European and Asian Economic Challenge by Rosenberg, Jerry M.
Empire of Liberty: The Statecraft of Thomas Jefferson by Tucker, Robert W.
Colombia and the United States by Randall, Stephen J.
The United States and the Origins of the Cuban Revolution: An Empire of Liberty in an Age of National Liberation by Benjamin, Jules R.
Land, Sea or Air?: Military Priorities- Historical Choices by Hobkirk, Michael D.
The Federal Republic of Germany and NATO: 40 Years After by
Society and Politics in the Russian Revolution by Service, R.
British Scientists and the Manhattan Project: The Los Alamos Years by Na, Na
Power and Leadership in International Bargaining: The Path to the Camp David Accords by Telhami, Shibley
Hugo Grotius and International Relations by
Nuclear Summer by Krasniewicz, Louise
The Peacemakers: Peaceful Settlement of Disputes Since 1945 by Miall, Hugh
Sino-Vatican Relations by Leung, Beatrice
Force and Diplomacy in the Future by Cimbala, Stephen J.
The European Community After 1992: Perspectives from the Outside by
Agenda 21: The U.N. Sustainable Development Plan from Rio de Janeiro 1992 by Un Conference on Environment
The Sons of Sergei: Khrushchev and Gorbachev as Reformers by
Tensions at the Border: Energy and Environmental Concerns in Canada and the United States by
The End of the Cold War: Its Meaning and Implications by
The End of the Cold War: Its Meaning and Implications by
Reconstituting America's Defense: The New U.S. National Security Strategy by
Europe in Transition: The Management of Security After the Cold War by
The Politics of Trade in Latin American Development by Sanderson, Steven E.
Basic Texts in International Relations: The Evolution of Ideas about International Society by Luard, Evan
The United States and Multilateral Institutions: Patterns of Changing Instrumentality and Influence by
Mediation in International Relations: Multiple Approaches to Conflict Management by
Basic Texts in International Relations: The Evolution of Ideas about International Society by
The Canada-United States Relationship: The Politics of Energy and Environmental Coordination by
Shepherd of Democracy?: America and Germany in the Twentieth Century by
Ideology in U.S. Foreign Policy: Case Studies in U.S. China Policy by Chen, Jie, Jie Chen
Britain and the European Community: The Politics of Semi-Detachment by
Global Politics: An Introduction by
From Ostpolitik to Reunification by Pittman, Avril
The Helsinki Process and the Reintegration of Europe 1986-1991: Analysis and Documentation by Mastny, Vojtech
The Challenges of Famine Relief: Emergency Operations by Deng, Francis M., Minear, Larry
The Politics of Arms Control Treaty Ratification by
The Politics of Arms Control Treaty Ratification by
Motivating Political Morality by Goodin, Robert E.
The End of the Outer Empire: Soviet-East European Relations in Transition, 1985-90 by
The Soviet Union and the Threat from the East, 1933-41: Volume 3: Moscow, Tokyo and the Prelude to the Pacific War by Haslam, Jonathan
Shattered Hope: The Guatemalan Revolution and the United States, 1944-1954 by Gleijeses, Piero
Equal Value/Comparable Worth in the UK and the USA by Kahn, Peggy, Meehan, Elizabeth
Ethnicity and Conflict in a Post-Communist World: The Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and China by
The External Relations of the European Community: The International Response to 1992 by
Equal Value/Comparable Worth in the UK and the USA by Meehan, Elizabeth, Kahn, Peggy
Arms Over Diplomacy: Reflections on the Persian Gulf War by Menos, Dennis
Space Law: Development and Scope by
American Ambassadors in a Troubled World: Interviews with Senior Diplomats by Kennedy, Charles Stuart, Mak, Dayton
The Art of War in the Age of Peace: U.S. Military Posture for the Post-Cold War World by O'Hanlon, Michael E.
The Third World and South Africa: Post-Apartheid Challenges by Payne, Richard J.
Modernizing Foreign Assistance: Resource Management as an Instrument of Foreign Policy by American, Foreign Policy Council, The Americah Foreign Policy Council
Internal Conflict and Governance by
Internal Conflict and Governance by
European Political Co-Operation by Nuttall, Simon J.
Openness and Foreign Policy Reform in Communist States by
The Strategic Defense Initiative by Reiss, Edward, Edward, Reiss
Ignorance Abroad: American Educational and Cultural Foreign Policy and the Office of Assistant Secretary of State by Wieck, Randolph
An Unwanted War: The Diplomacy of the United States and Spain Over Cuba, 1895-1898 by Offner, John L.
North American Free Trade: Assessing the Impact by
The New Germany and the New Europe by
The Withering Away of the Totalitarian State... and Other Surprises by Kirkpatrick, Jeane J.
A Foreign Policy in Transition: Moscow's Retreat from Central America and the Carribbean, 1985-1992 by Adams, Jan S.
America Unbound: World War II and the Making of a Superpower by
America Unbound: World War II and the Making of a Superpower by
The United States and Somoza, 1933-1956: A Revisionist Look by Clarke, Paul, Clark, Paul Coe
Romanian and East German Policies in the Third World: Comparing the Strategies of Ceausescu and Honecker by Barnett, Thomas P. M.
Handbook of Political Science Research on Sub-Saharan Africa: Trends from the 1960s to the 1990s by
Inter-State Accountability for Violations of Human Rights by Kamminga, Menno T.
The People and the Mob: The Ideology of Civil Conflict in Modern Europe by Hayes, Peter
Our New National Security Strategy: America Promises to Come Back by Tritten, James John
Issues in Democratic Consolidation: The New South American Democracies in Comparative Perspective by
A New Concept of Cooperative Security by Perry, William J., Steinbruner, John D., Carter, Ashton B.
Children of Cain: Violence and the Violent in Latin America by Rosenberg, Tina
Joint Ventures in the People's Republic of China: The Control of Foreign Direct Investment Under Socialism by Pearson, Margaret M.
The Nuclear Revolution and the End of the Cold War: Forced Restraint by Van Bentham Van Den Bergh, Godfried
Britain's Encounter with Revolutionary China, 1949-54 by Tuck-Hong Tang, James
Global Interests in the Arab Gulf by
Internal Conflict and Governance by
Escape from Violence: Conflict and the Refugee Crisis in the Developing World by Zolberg, Aristide R.
Dogfight: The Transatlantic Battle Over Airbus by McIntyre, Ian
Handbook of Political Science Research on the USSR and Eastern Europe: Trends from the 1950s to 1990s by Taras, Ray
The United States and the Pacific Islands by Dorrance, John C.
The United States and the Pacific Islands by Dorrance, John C.
Broadcasting Propaganda: International Radio Broadcasting and the Construction of Political Reality by Wasburn, Philo
Arms Limitation and Disarmament: Restraints on War, 1899-1939 by
Chinese Arms Transfers: Purposes, Patterns, and Prospects in the New World Order by Gill, R. Bates, Gill, Bates
Neopatriarchy: A Theory of Distorted Change in Arab Society by Sharabi, Hisham
Banning Chemical Weapons by Crone, Hugh D.
Banning Chemical Weapons by Crone, Hugh D.
Byzantium and Venice: A Study in Diplomatic and Cultural Relations by Nicol, Donald M., Donald M., Nicol
Taiwan: Beyond the Economic Miracle: Beyond the Economic Miracle by Kav, Michael Ying-Mao, Simon, Denis Fred
Who's Bashing Whom?: Trade Conflicts in High-Technology Industries by Tyson, Laura D.
Rival Capitalists: Death in a Sicilian Landscape by Hart, Jeffrey A.
Do Economic Sanctions Work? by Miyagawa, Makio
American Trade and Power in the 1960s by Zeiler, Thomas
Doing Good or Doing Well: Japan's Foreign Aid Program by Ensign, Margee
Inside/Outside: International Relations as Political Theory by Walker, R. B. J.
From Cold War to Collapse: Theory and World Politics in the 1980s by
Cruise Missile Proliferation in the 1990s by Carus, W. Seth
Anzus Economics: Economic Trends and Relations Among Australia, New Zealand, and the United States by
The Persian Gulf Crisis: Power in the Post-Cold War World by
Fear at the Edge: State Terror and Resistance in Latin America by
The Post-Soviet Nations: Perspectives on the Demise of the USSR by Motyl, Alexander
Fear at the Edge by
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