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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 1993

The Press and China Policy: The Illusion of Sino-American Relations, 1950-1984 by Chang, Tsan-Kuo
The Press and China Policy: The Illusion of Sino-American Relations, 1950-1984 by Chang, Tsan-Kuo
American Foreign Policy Toward Latin America in the 80s and 90s: Issues and Controversies from Reagan to Bush by Wiarda, Howard J.
International Investments and Protection of the Environment: The Role of Dispute Resolution Mechanisms by International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration
Fields from the Sea: Chinese Junk Trade with Siam During the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century by Cushman, Jennifer
Trade Negotiations In The OECD: Structures, Institutions and States by Blair, David J.
France and the South Pacific Since 1940 by Aldrich, Robert
The Political Economy of North American Free Trade by
Military Rule and Transition in Ecuador, 1972-92 by Isaacs, Anita
Diasporas in World Politics: The Greeks in Comparative Perspective by
The Communist International in Central America, 1920-36 by Cerdaz-Cruz, Rodolfo
Pakistan and the Geostrategic Environment: A Study of Foreign Policy by Rizvi, H.
The Diplomacy of Pragmatism: Britain and the Formation of Nato, 1942-49 by Baylis, J.
Political Theory, International Relations, and the Ethics of Intervention by
The Soviets, Their Successors and the Middle East: Turning Point by Hollis, Rosemary
Multinationals in the Global Political Economy by
European Power and the Japanese Challenge by Nester, William R.
Iran and the Arab World by
The Origins of Jeffersonian Commercial Policy and Diplomacy by Ben-Atar, Doron S.
Dilemmas of National Security and Cooperation in India and Pakistan by Malik, Hafeez
Scuds or Butter?: The Political Economy of Arms Control in the Middle East by Sadowski, Yahya M.
Inevitable Revolutions: The United States in Central America by LaFeber, Walter
Rival Capitalists: Death in a Sicilian Landscape by Hart, Jeffrey A.
Succession Between International Organizations by Myers, Patrick R.
Iran Und Die Reformbewegung Im Osmanischen Reich: Persische Staatsmänner, Reisende Und Oppositionelle Unter Dem Einfluss Der Tanzimat by Pistor-Hatam, Anja
Japan and the Contemporary Middle East by
The Diplomacy of Pragmatism: Britain and the Formation of Nato, 1942-49 by Baylis, J.
Pakistan and the Geostrategic Environment: A Study of Foreign Policy by Rizvi, H.
Hungarian Foreign Policy: The Experience of a New Democracy by Kun, Joseph C.
Rivals beyond Trade by Encarnation, Dennis J.
Why Nations Cooperate by Stein, Arthur A.
Principled Diplomacy: Security and Rights in U.S. Foreign Policy by Nolan, Cathal
Defense Policy in the North Atlantic Alliance: The Case of the Netherlands by Honig, Jan Willem
Perpetuating Patriotic Perceptions: The Cognitive Function of the Cold War by Hirshberg, Matthew S., Hirshberg, Mathew
The Uses and Limits of Intelligence by Laqueur, Walter
Neue Deutsche Außenpolitik: Nationale Interessen in Internationalen Beziehungen by Von Bredow, Wilfried, Jäger, Thomas
Saudi-Iranian Relations 1932-1982 by Badeeb, Saeed M.
Jewish Fundamentalism in Comparative Perspective: Religion, Ideology, and the Crisis of Morality by
Jewish Fundamentalism in Comparative Perspective: Religion, Ideology, and the Crisis of Morality by
British Politics and Foreign Policy in the Age of Appeasement, 1935-39 by Adams, R. J. Q.
Economic Policies at Cross Purposes: The United States and Developing Countries by Kruger, Anne
Dean Acheson and the Making of U.S. Foreign Policy by
Europe and Naval Arms Control in the Gorbachev Era by
Behind the Intifada: Labor and Women's Movements in the Occupied Territories by Hiltermann, Joost R.
Moral Vision in International Politics: The Foreign Aid Regime, 1949-1989 by Lumsdaine, David Halloran
When Businesses Cross International Borders: Strategic Alliances and Their Alternatives by James, Harvey S., Weidenbaum, Murray
Communication and Culture in War and Peace by
Cold War Analytical Structures and the Post Post-War World: A Critique of Deterrence Theory by Dauber, Cori Elizabeth
Panaemonium by Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Gramsci, Historical Materialism and International Relations by
The Decline of the American Empire by Hanson, Jim M., Hanson, James
Global Double Zero: The INF Treaty from Its Origins to Implementation by Rueckert, George L.
Zukunftsgestaltung und Chaostheorie: Grundlagen einer neuen Zukunftsgestaltung unter Einbeziehung der Chaostheorie by Mittelstaedt, Werner
International Relations Theory: New Normative Approaches by Brown, Chris
The United States and the State of Israel by Schoenbaum, David
Germany and Europe 1919-1939 by Hiden, John
Revolutionary Cuba and the End of the Cold War by Jordan, David C.
United States and Latin America in the 1990s by
Imperial Spies Invade Russia: The British Intelligence Interventions, 1918 by Plotke, A. J.
The Logic of Anarchy: Neorealism to Structural Realism by Buzan, Barry
Regicide and Revolution: Speeches at the Trial of Louis XVI by
Alternative Paths: Soviets and Americans, 1917-1920 by McFadden, David W.
Context and Circumstance: The Turkish Military and Politics by Jenkins, Gareth
Personal Identity, National Identity and International Relations by Bloom, William
Western Political Theory in the Face of the Future by Dunn, John
Quasi-States: Sovereignty, International Relations and the Third World by Jackson, Robert H.
Hitler's Japanese Confidant: General Oshima Hiroshi and Magic Intelligence, 1941-1945 by Boyd, Carl
Cuba and the United States: Intervention and Militarism, 1868-1933 by Hernández, Jose M.
Latin America in Caricature by Johnson, John J.
The Impossible Peace: Britain, the Division of Germany, and the Origins of the Cold War by Deighton, Anne
The Violence Within: Cultural And Political Opposition In Divided Nations by
New Global Economy-Ppr.- Pod by Castells, Manuel, Cohen, Stephen, Carnoy, Martin
Evolution of Un Peacekeeping: Case-Studies and Comparative Analysis by Durvh, William J.
Statesmen Who Changed the World: A Bio-Bibliographical Dictionary of Diplomacy by
The Limited Partnership: Building a Russian-Us Security Community by
Gorbachev, Reform, and the Brezhnev Doctrine: Soviet Policy Toward Eastern Europe, 1985-1990 by Chafetz, Glenn R.
The Challenging Role of the UN Secretary-General: Making The Most Impossible Job in the World Possible by Rivlin, Benjamin, Gordenker, Leon
Jordan, the United States and the Middle East Peace Process, 1974 1991 by Al Madfai, Madiha Rashid, Madiha Rashid Al, Madfai, Madfai, Madiha Rashid Al
The Other Side: Notes from the New L.A., Mexico City, and Beyond by Martinez, Ruben
Multilateralism Matters: The Theory and Praxis of an Institutional Form by
The Organization of American States, Second Edition by Stoetzer, O. Carlos
Imperial Power and Regional Trade: The Caribbean Basin Initiative by
Nations Without Nationalism by Kristeva, Julia
Beautiful Imperialist: China Perceives America, 1972-1990 by Shambaugh, David
The French Foreign Office and the Origins of the First World War, 1898-1914 by Hayne, M. B.
Terrains of Resistance: Nonviolent Social Movements and the Contestation of Place in India by Routledge, Paul
The Rumbling Volcano by Jabbour, Nabeel
The Chinese and Their Future: Beijing, Taipei, and Hong Kong by Lin, Zhiling
The Rise of Modern Diplomacy 1450 - 1919 by Anderson, M. S.
Cultures in Conflict: Encounters Between European and Non-European Cultures, 1492-1800 by Bitterli, Urs
Reading The Enemy's Mail: Origins and Developments of U. S. Army Tactical Radio Intelligence In World War II by Harley, Jeffrey S.
George F. Kennan and the Making of American Foreign Policy, 1947-1950 by Miscamble C. S. C., Wilson D.
The Cohesion of Oppression: Clientship and Ethnicity in Rwanda, 1860-1960 by Newbury, Catharine
The Arab Minority in Israel 1967-1991 ' Political Aspects' by Landau, Jacob M.
Power and Peace: The Diplomacy of John Foster Dulles by Moreland, Laurence, Marks, Frederick W., III, Marks, Frederick
Southeast Asia in the Early Modern Era: Female Characters, Male Playwrights, and the Modern Stage by
Southeast Asia in the Early Modern Era: Female Characters, Male Playwrights, and the Modern Stage by
Apartheid's Reluctant Uncle: The United States and Southern Africa in the Early Cold War by Borstelmann, Thomas
Japan's Military Renaissance? by
Internationalism and the Ideology of Soviet Influence in Eastern Europe by Valdez, Jonathan C.
Winston Churchill--Architect of Peace: A Study of Statesmanship and the Cold War by Lambakis, Steven James
The Ethnic Dimension in International Relations by
Western Responses to Terrorism by
Western Responses to Terrorism by
Politics and Purges in China: Rectification and the Decline of Party Norms, 1950-65 by Teiwes, Frederick C.
Politics and Purges in China: Rectification and the Decline of Party Norms, 1950-65 by Teiwes, Frederick C.
Japan's Pseudo-Democracy by
A Preponderance of Power: National Security, the Truman Administration, and the Cold War by Leffler, Melvyn P.
The Politics of Global Debt by
The USA and the Rise of East Asia Since 1945: Dilemmas of the Postwar International Political Economy by Hersh, J.
The Politics of Global Debt by
The CIA and the Cold War: A Memoir by Breckinridge, Scott D.
United States Sanctions and South Africa: A Selected Legal Bibliography by Hale, Terrel D.
United States Relations with Russia and the Soviet Union: A Historical Dictionary by Shavit, David
Norway and the European Community: The Political Economy of Integration by Nelson, Brent
Lobbying in the European Community by
The Political Economy of Colonialism: The State and Industrialization in Puerto Rico by Baver, Sherrie L.
Security, Arms Control, and Conflict Reduction in East Asia and the Pacific: A Bibliography, 1980-1991 by McClean, Andrew
Decision and Interaction in Crisis: A Model of International Crisis Behavior by Mor, Ben D.
Interstate Crisis Behavior, 1816 1980 by Leng, Russell J.
Japan's Foreign Policy After the Cold War: Coping with Change by Curtis, G. L.
Japan's Foreign Policy After the Cold War: Coping with Change by Curtis, G. L.
Virtue: Nomos XXXIV by
Oil Security: Retrospect and Prospect by Trezise, Philip H., Fried, Edward R.
Triumphs and Tragedy: A History of the Mexican People by Ru Z., Ram N. Eduardo, Ruiz, Ramon Eduardo
International Crisis and Conflict by Clutterbuck, R.
Clinging to Grandeur: British Attitudes and Foreign Policy in the Aftermath of the Second World War by Blackwell, Michael
Domestic Bases of Grand Strategy by
Political Theory, International Relations, and the Ethics of Intervention by
Building the New Europe: Volume 1: The Single Market and Monetary Unification by
Building the New Europe: Volume 2: Eastern Europe's Transition to a Market Economy by
Political Theory, International Relations, and the Ethics of Intervention by
A Normative Approach to War: Peace, War, and Justice in Hugo Grotius by
Traditions of International Ethics by
The State of Israel, the Land of Israel: The Statist and Ethnonational Dimensions of Foreign Policy by Sandler, Shmuel
The Struggle Against the Bomb: Volume One, One World or None: A History of the World Nuclear Disarmament Movement Through 1953 by Wittner, Lawrence S.
Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World by Moore, Barrington
The Enterprise for the Americas Initiative: Issues and Prospects for a Free Trade Agreement in the Western Hemisphere by
The Indigenous Voice in World Politics: Since Time Immemorial by Wilmer, Franke
Japan's Military Renaissance? by
Crossroads: Congress, the President, and Central America, 1976-1992 by Arnson, Cynthia
Self-Made Woman: A Memoir by DuBois, Denise Chanterelle
The Politics of Global Debt by
Berlin Witness: An American Diplomat's Chronicle of East German's Revolution by Greenwald, G. Jonathan
Essential Anatomy of Britain: Democracy in Crisis by Sampson, Anthony, Sampson
Co-Integration, Error Correction, and the Econometric Analysis of Non-Stationary Data by Galbraith, J. W., Dolado, Juan, Banerjee, Anindya
Multinationals in the Global Political Economy by
Multinationals in the Global Political Economy by
The Politics of Miscalculation in the Middle East by Parker, Richard B.
How Nuclear Weapons Spread: Nuclear-Weapon Proliferation in the 1990s by Barnaby, Frank
Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations: Volume 1, the Creation of a Republican Empire, 1776-1865 by Perkins, Bradford
The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations, Vol. IV by Cohen, Warren I.
Justice and the Genesis of War by Welch, David A.
Foreign Policy and East Asia: Learning and Adaptation in the Gorbachev Era by Charles E., Ziegler, Ziegler, Charles E.
Ethnic Conflict and International Security by
Localizing Foreign Policy: Non-Central Governments & Multi-Layered Diplomacy by Hocking, Brian
Russia and America: From Rivalry to Reconciliation: From Rivalry to Reconciliation by Ginsburgs, George, Rubinstein, Alvin Z., Smolansky, Oles M.
Russia and America: From Rivalry to Reconciliation: From Rivalry to Reconciliation by Ginsburgs, George, Rubinstein, Alvin Z., Smolansky, Oles M.
Trade and Growth: New Dilemmas in Trade Policy by
Ideas and Foreign Policy by
Ideas and Foreign Policy by
Localizing Foreign Policy: Non-Central Governments and Multilayered Diplomacy by Hocking, B.
Perilous Options: Special Operations as an Instrument of U.S. Foreign Policy by Vandenbroucke, Lucien S.
Verification Under the Chemical Weapons Convention: On-Site Inspection in Chemical Industry Facilities by Trapp, Ralf
Double-Edged Diplomacy: International Bargaining and Domestic Politics Volume 25 by
Imperial Russian Foreign Policy by
Jimmy Carter: Foreign Policy and Post-Presidential Years by
The Persian Gulf After the Cold War by Ahrari, Mohammed E.
Gender in International Relations: Feminist Perspectives on Achieving Global Security by Tickner, J. Ann
The Origins of Democratization in Poland: Workers, Intellectuals, and Oppositional Politics, 1976-1980 by Bernhard, Michael H.
Roosevelt and the French by Rossi, Mario
Poverty Monitoring: An International Concern by Hoeven, Rolph, Anker, Richard
From Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima: The Second World War in Asia and the Pacific, 1941-45 by
Theory of Moves by Brams, Steven J.
Prize Possession by Major, John
United States-Taiwan Security Ties: From Cold War to Beyond Containment by Hickey, Dennis Van Vranken
New Nuclear Nations: Consequences for U. S. Policy by
Suspect Community: People's Experience of the Prevention of Terrorism Acts in Britain by Hillyard, Paddy
Human Rights and Peace by Forsythe, David P.
The United States and Israel: The Limits of the Special Relationship by Ben-Zvi, Abraham
Neorealism and Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Debate by
Adenauers Außenpolitik gegenüber den Siegermächten 1954 by Gersdorff, Gero
Dictionary of Geopolitics by O'Loughlin, John
Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: The Dynamics of People Power in the Twentieth Century by Ackerman, Peter, Kruegler, Chris
Strategic Nonviolent Conflict: The Dynamics of People Power in the Twentieth Century by Kruegler, Christopher, Ackerman, Peter
Soviet-Pakistan Relations and Post-Soviet Dynamics, 1947-92 by Malik, Hafeez
The Power of Nations in the 1990s: A Strategic Assessment by Cline, Ray S.
United States & Japan/Postwar-Pa by
Economic Vulnerability in International Relations: East-West Trade, Investment, and Finance by Crawford, Beverly
Economic Vulnerability in International Relations: East-West Trade, Investment, and Finance by Crawford, Beverly
Empirical Knowledge on World Politics: A Summary of Quantitative Research, 1970-1991 by Gibbs, Brian H., Singer, J. David
Crisis in the Arabian Gulf: An Independent Iraqi View by Araim, Nibras, Ali, Omar
Confronting Conflict: Domestic Factors and U.S. Policymaking in the Third World by Ollapally, Deepa Mary
China, the United States and the Soviet Union: Tripolarity and Policy Making in the Cold War by Ross, Robert S.
China, the United States and the Soviet Union: Tripolarity and Policy Making in the Cold War by Ross, Robert S.