• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 1996

Peacemaking Strategies in Northern Ireland: Building Complementarity in Conflict Management Theory by Bloomfield, D.
Headline Diplomacy: How News Coverage Affects Foreign Policy by Seib, Philip
Informer 001: The Myth of Pavlik Morozov by
Political Science in Theory and Practice: The Politics Model: The Politics Model by Lane, Kris E.
Governance as Conflict Management: Politics and Violence in West Africa by Du Boahen, A. A.
Johnson, McNamara, and the Birth of SALT and the ABM Treaty 1963-1969 by Clearwater, John Murray
The World Trading System: Challenges Ahead by
Einen Anfang finden! by Kroegel, Dirk
The Future of the Us-Republic of Korea Military Relationship by Jung-Ik, Kim
Cohesion Policy and European Integration: Building Multi-Level Governance by
The Right of Conquest: The Acquisition of Territory by Force in International Law and Practice by Korman, Sharon
Internal Factors in Russian Foreign Policy by Malcolm, Neil
Strategies of Arms Control by Croft, Stuart
International Theory: To the Brink and Beyond by Dunne, Andrew P.
The Political Role of the Military: An International Handbook by
Yugoslavia and After: A Study in Fragmentation, Despair and Rebirth by Dyker, David A., Vejvoda, Ivan
Nonlethal Weapons: War without Death by Morehouse, David
Haiti and the United States: National Stereotypes and the Literary Imagination by Dash, J. Michael
Haiti and the United States: National Stereotypes and the Literary Imagination by Dash, J. Michael
Haiti and the United States: National Stereotypes and the Literary Imagination by Dash, J. Michael
Intergovernmental Relations and Economic Management in China by Ma, J.
Non-Governmental Organizations and Health in Developing Countries by Matthias, A., Green, A.
Un Peacekeeping, American Policy and the Uncivil Wars of the 1990s by
Political Reform In Francophone Africa by Gardinier, David, Clark, John F.
North Korea in the New World Order by
World Orders Old and New by Chomsky, Noam
Leadership and Innovation in Emerging Markets by
Ngos, States and Donors: Too Close for Comfort? by
Russian Civil-Military Relations by Herspring, Dale R.
NATO's Transformation: The Changing Shape of the Atlantic Alliance by Gordon, Philip H.
Living with the Bomb: American and Japanese Cultural Conflicts in the Nuclear Age: American and Japanese Cultural Conflicts in the Nuclear A by Hein, Laura E., Selden, Mark
Vietnam Joins the World: American and Japanese Perspectives by Nishihara, Masashi, Morley, James
Living with the Bomb: American and Japanese Cultural Conflicts in the Nuclear Age: American and Japanese Cultural Conflicts in the Nuclear A by Hein, Laura E., Selden, Mark
Vietnam Joins the World: American and Japanese Perspectives by Morley, James, Nishihara, Masashi
Water, Peace and the Middle East: Negotiating Resources in the Jordan Basin by Allan, J. A.
Conditions of Surrender: Britons and Germans Witness the End of the War by