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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 1997

Britain, France and Appeasement: Anglo-French Relations in the Popular Front Era by Thomas, Martin
Britain, France and Appeasement: Anglo-French Relations in the Popular Front Era by Thomas, Martin
Differentiated Containment: U.S. Policy Toward Iran and Iraq by
Trade and Gunboats: The United States and Brazil in the Age of Empire by Topik, Steven C.
Mass Media and Free Trade: NAFTA and the Cultural Industries by
The United States, Norway and the Cold War, 1954-60 by Berdal, Mats R.
Imperialism Revisited: Political and Economic Relations Between Britain and China, 1950-54 by Clayton, David
The Internal Management of United Nations Organizations: The Long Quest for Reform by Beigbeder, Yves
Regional Blocs: Building Blocks or Stumbling Blocks? by Bhalla, A. S.
Subsidy Regulation and State Transformation in North America, the GATT and the EU by O'Brien, Robert
Revolution's Other World: Communism and the Periphery, 1917-39 by Post, Ken
The Europeanization of Greece: Interest Politics and the Crises of Integration by Lavdas, Kostas A.
European Security by Jäger, Thomas, Kümmel, Gerhard
Niche Diplomacy: Middle Powers After the Cold War by
Global Establishment: The Political Economy of North/Asian Networks by Kowalewski, David
War: A Matter of Principles by Evans, Air Marshal David
NATO and the Quest for Post-Cold War Security by
Vietnam and the World: Marxist-Leninist Doctrine and the Changes in International Relations, 1975-93 by Palmujoki, Eero
Enforcing Cooperation: Risky States and Intergovernmental Management of Conflict by
Unconventional Diplomacy in Southern Africa by Renwick, Robin
Capital Beyond Borders: States and Firms in the Auto Industry, 1960-94 by Thomas, Kenneth P.
Hong Kong's Transitions, 1842-1997 by
The United States and Iran: In the Shadow of Musaddiq by Goode, James F.
Surviving Globalism: The Social and Environmental Challenges by
Britain and the Germanzollverein, 1848-66 by Davis, John R.
Positive Diplomacy by Marshall, Sir Peter
The Aftermath of 'Real Existing Socialism' in Eastern Europe: Volume 2: People and Technology in the Process of Transition by
International Concerns of European Social Democrats by Vivekanandan, B.
Security Politics in the Commonwealth of Independent States: The Southern Belt by
Prologue to Manifest Destiny: Anglo-American Relations in the 1840's by Jones, Howard, Rakestraw, Donald a.
Humanity's Soldier: France and International Security, 1919-2001 by Chuter, David
Okinawa Dreams OK by Tanaka, Rick, Barrell, Tony
Revolution From Above: The Demise of the Soviet System by Weir, Fred, Kotz, David
Revolution from Above: The Demise of the Soviet System by Weir, Fred, Kotz, David
Cosmopolitas o patriotas by Nussbaum, Martha
Religious Diversity and Human Rights by
The Greek Paradox: Promise Vs. Performance by
Drucker on Asia by Nakauchi, Isao, Drucker, Peter
Ethnic Conflicts and the Nation-State by Stavenhagen, Rodolfo
The New World Order in International Finance by
Arab Nationalism: Between Islam and the Nation-State by Tibi, B.
Chippewa Treaty Rights: The Reserved Rights of Wisconsin's Chippewa Indians in Historical Perspective by Satz, Ronald N.
France and Britain, 1940-1994: The Long Separation by Bell, P. M. H.
The Suitcase: Refugee Voices from Bosnia and Croatia by Metikos, Habiba, Mertus, Julie A., Tesanovic, Jasmina
Electoral Change Since 1945 by Norris, Pippa
Serbs and Russians: Some Historical Relationships by MacKenzie, David
Democracy and the Marketplace of Ideas: Communication and Government in Sweden and the United States by Uasard, Erik, Asard, Erik
America and Europe by
Democracy and the Marketplace of Ideas: Communication and Government in Sweden and the United States by Asard, Erik
The Ends of the Earth: From Togo to Turkmenistan, from Iran to Cambodia, a Journey to the Frontiers of Anarchy by Kaplan, Robert D.
Pursuing Power: Latinos & the Political System by
Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 by Rummel, R. J.
Syria and Iran: Middle Powers in a Penetrated Regional System by Hinnebusch, Raymond A., Ehteshami, Anoushiravan
Machiavellism: The Doctrine of Raison d'Etat and Its Place in Modern History by
The Middle East Oil Decade and Beyond by Gilbar, Gad G.
Taiwan's Expanding Role in the International Arena: Entering the United Nations: Entering the United Nations by Yang, Maysing H.
Taiwan's Expanding Role in the International Arena: Entering the United Nations: Entering the United Nations by Yang, Maysing H.
Ideas and International Political Change: Soviet/Russian Behavior and the End of the Cold War by Checkel, Jeffrey T.
Cosmopolis by Zolo, Danilo
Neorealismus, Neoliberalismus Und Postinternationale Politik: Beispiel Internationale Sicherheit -- Theoretische Bestandsaufnahme Und Evaluation by Siedschlag, Alexander
Strong Parties and Lame Ducks: Presidential Partyarchy and Factionalism in Venezuela by Coppedge, Michael
Who Are the People? Unionism, Protestanism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland by Shirlow
The Future of International Relations: Masters in the Making? by
The Future of International Relations: Masters in the Making? by
Japan's Postwar Party Politics by Kohno, Masaru
Shared Hopes, Separate Fears: Fifty Years Of U.s.-indonesian Relations by Gardner, Paul F.
The Central Asian States: Discovering Independence by Gleason, Gregory W.
Out from Underdevelopment Revisited: Changing Global Structures and the Remaking of the Third World by Pasha, Mustapha Kamal, Mittelman, James H.
Hizb'allah in Lebanon: The Politics of the Western Hostage Crisis by Ranstorp, M.
Parting the Curtain: Propaganda, Culture, and the Cold War, 1945-1961 by Na, Na
Germany in Europe in the Nineties by
The Ambassadors and America's Soviet Policy by Mayers, David
Asia's New World Order by
Cosmopolis: Cross-Cultural Readings of Dallas by Zolo, Danilo
The Government And Politics Of Israel: Third Edition by Peretz, Donald, Doron, Gideon
World Citizenship by
Love Thy Neighbor: A Story of War by Maass, Peter
Peop[le Who Run Europe by Page, Edward C.
Grand Disillusion: Fran^D, cois Mitterrand and the French Left by Morray, Joseph
Realism: Restatements and Renewal by
Beyond the Emergency: Development Within UN Peace Missions by
Peace and Security in Northeast Asia: Nuclear Issue and the Korean Peninsula by Kihl, Young Whan, Hayes, Peter
Bargaining with Japan: What American Pressure Can and Cannot Do by Schoppa, Leonard
Peace and Security in Northeast Asia: Nuclear Issue and the Korean Peninsula by Hayes, Peter, Kihl, Young Whan
Roots of Realism by
Asia's New World Order by
Women and Power in Parliamentary Democracies: Cabinet Appointments in Western Europe, 1968-1992 by Davis, Rebecca Howard
Srebrenica: Record of a War Crime by Honig, Jan Willem, Both, Norbert
Crossing the Divide: An Insider's Account of the Normalization of U.S. China Relations by Holdridge, John H.
Has Globalization Gone Far Enough? by Rodrik, Dani
The Social Theory of the Scottish Enlightenment by Berry, Christopher J.
An Age of Transition: British Politics 1880-1914: Parliamentary History Vol.16.1 by Green, E. H. H.
Knowledge, Power and International Policy Coordination by
The Counter-Insurgent State: Guerrilla Warfare and State Building in the Twentieth Century by
A Paradigm for the New World Order: A Schools-Of-Thought Analysis of American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era by Hulsman, J.
A History of International Relations Theory: Second Edition by Knutsen, Torbjorn
Optimal Imperfection?: Domestic Uncertainty and Institutions in International Relations by Rocke, David M., Downs, George W.
Anglo-American Relations Since 1939 by Baylis, John
Revolution and War: A Handbooks to the Breeds of the World by Walt, Stephen M.
George F. Kennan: An Annotated Bibliography by Franklin, Laurel F.
No Intervention. Die Pax Britannica und Preußen 1865/66-1869/70 by Hildebrand, Klaus
Technology, Culture and Competitiveness: Change and the World Political Economy by
Technology, Culture and Competitiveness: Change and the World Political Economy by
The Wealth of States: A Comparative Sociology of International Economic and Political Change by Hobson, John M.
Balfour and Foreign Policy by Tomes, Jason
The Wealth of States: A Comparative Sociology of International Economic and Political Change by Hobson, John M.
The Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation by
American Indian Treaties: The History of a Political Anomaly by Prucha, Francis Paul
Backbench Debate Within the Conservative Party and Its Influence on British Foreign Policy, 1948-57 by Onslow, S.
Encyclopedia of the Inter-American System by Atkins, G. Pope
President Reagan and the World by
Ideologues and Ideologies in Latin America by Fowler, William M., Jr.
After the Cold War: American Foreign Policy, Europe and Asia by Cyr, Arthur I.
Geopolitics in Post-Wall Europe: Security, Territory and Identity by
Who Elected the Bankers? by Pauly, Louis W.
Stakeholder Capitalism by
Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat Domestic and International Terrorists by Netanyahu, Benjamin
Stay the Course: European Unity and Atlantic Solidarity by Serfaty, Simon, Natsios, Andrew S., Unknown
U.S. Foreign Policy and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Humanitarian Relief in Complex Emergencies by Natsios, Andrew
At the Crossroads: Mexico and U.S. Immigration Policy by
Bridging the Gap: A Future Security Architecture for the Middle East by Feldman, Shai, Toukan, Abdullah
Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance by
Technology, Globalisation and Economic Performance by
Transatlantic Images and Perceptions: Germany and America Since 1776 by
U.S. Foreign Policy and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Humanitarian Relief in Complex Emergencies by Natsios, Andrew S., Unknown
Stay the Course: European Unity and Atlantic Solidarity by Serfaty, Simon, Unknown
Fifty Years of Change: Short History of World Politics Since 1945 by Robertson, Charles L.
China's Economic Future: Challenges to U.S.Policy by Joint Economic Committee Congress of the
Fifty Years of Change: Short History of World Politics Since 1945 by Robertson, Charles L.
The International Politics of Eurasia: v. 10: The International Dimension of Post-communist Transitions in Russia and the New States of Eurasia by Starr, S. Frederick, Dawisha, Karen
Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law in New Democracies by
Unionist Politics and the Politics of Unionism Since the Anglo-Irish Agreement [Op] by Cochrane, Feargal
Philosophical Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Kapitan, Tomis
Philosophical Perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Kapitan, Tomis
The International Politics of Eurasia: v. 10: The International Dimension of Post-communist Transitions in Russia and the New States of Eurasia by Dawisha, Karen, Starr, S. Frederick
China's Economic Future: Challenges to U.S.Policy by Joint Economic Committee Congress of the
Transitional Justice and the Rule of Law in New Democracies by
After the Cold War: Essays on the Emerging World Order by
Critical Security Studies: Concepts And Strategies by Williams, Michael C., Krause, Keith
A China Diary: Towards the Establishment of China-Israel Diplomatic Relations by Sufott, E. Zev
A Half Penny on the Federal Dollar: The Future of Development Aid by Graham, Carol L., O'Hanlon, Michael E.
Haiti Renewed: Political and Economic Prospects by
Currency and Coercion: The Political Economy of International Monetary Power by Kirshner, Jonathan
Appeasement: Theology, Language, Culture by Robbins, Keith
Human Rights and Democratization in Latin America: Uruguay and Chile by de Brito, Alexandra Barahona
The New World Order in International Finance by
The CSCE Security Regime Formation: An Asian Perspective by Hong, K.
Arab Nationalism: Between Islam and the Nation-State by Tibi, B.
The Political Economy of Regionalism by
Keeping Tito Afloat: The United States, Yugoslavia, and the Cold War by Lees, Lorraine M.
Use of Force: The Practice of States Since World War II by Weisburd, Arthur Mark
The Secret War Against the Jews: How Western Espionage Betrayed the Jewish People by Loftus, John
Germany for the Germans?: The Political Effects of International Migration by Chapin, Wesley D.
Revolutionary States, Leaders, and Foreign Relations: A Comparative Study of China, Cuba, and Iran by Sadri, Houman
The Newly Independent States of Eurasia: Handbook of Former Soviet Republics Second Edition by Batalden, Stephen K.
Multilateralism and Regionalism After the Uruguay Round by
Italian Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period: 1918-1940 by Burgwyn, H. James
Pursuit of the Shield: The U.S. Quest for Limited Ballistic Missile Defense by McMahon, K. Scott
Open Secrets: Israeli Foreign and Nuclear Policies by Shahak, Israel
Anatomy of Mistrust: U.S.-Soviet Relations during the Cold War by Larson, Deborah Welch
Mission to Yenan: American Liaison with the Chinese Communists, 1944-1947 by Carter, Carolle J.
Different Games, Different Rules: Why Americans and Japanese Misunderstand Each Other by Yamada, Haru
The Wages of Globalism: Lyndon Johnson and the Limits of American Power by Brands, H. W.
Negotiating with the Russians on Nuclear Arms: Lawyers Making A Difference by Downs, John H.
Negotiating with the Russians on Nuclear Arms: Lawyers Making A Difference by Downs, John H.
Pursuit of the Shield: The U.S. Quest for Limited Ballistic Missile Defense by McMahon, K. Scott
British Regionalism and Devolution: The Challenges of State Reform and European Integration by
Presidents and Foreign Policy: Countdown to Ten Controversial Decisions by Shank, Alan, Drachman, Edward R.
The United Nations and International Law by Joyner, C. C.
The United Nations and International Law by Joyner
Globalization and Marketization of Government Services: Comparing Contemporary Public Sector Developments by
The Pflp's Changing Role in the Middle East by Cubert, Harold M.
The Sino-American Alliance: Nationalist China and American Cold War Strategy in Asia by Garver, John W.
The Pflp's Changing Role in the Middle East by Cubert, Harold M.
Globalization, Democratization and Multilateralism by
Globalization, Democratization and Multilateralism by
A Blood-Dimmed Tide: Dispatches from the Middle East by Elon, Amos
Local Economic Development Policy: The United States and Canada by Urban Center, Reese, Laura A.
Global Habit: The Drug Problem in a Borderless World by Stares, Paul B.
Democratization and Revolution in the USSR, 1985-91 by Hough, Jerry F.
Coming Together?: Mexico-U.S. Relations by
Global Diasporas: An Introduction by Cohen, Robin
Strategic Geography and the Changing Middle East by Kemp, Geoffrey
Arms and the Physicist by York, Herbert F.
Triumph of the Lack of Will: International Diplomacy and the Yugoslav War by Gow, James
Europe: The Impossible Status Quo by
Contemporary Europe: A Geographic Analysis by
The Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation by
North Korea and the Bomb: A Case Study in Nonproliferation by Mazarr, Michael J.
Francois Mitterrand: A Study in Political Leadership by Cole, Alistair
A New Kind of War: America's Global Strategy and the Truman Doctrine in Greece by Jones, Howard
The European Union and the South: Relations with Developing Countries by Lister, Marjorie
Friend or Foe?: Russians in American Film and Foreign Policy, 1933-1991 by Strada, Michael J., Troper, Harold R.
The European Union and the South: Relations with Developing Countries by Lister, Marjorie
God Has Ninety-Nine Names: Reporting from a Militant Middle East by Miller, Judith
Nationalism, Liberalism, and Progress by Haas, Ernst B.
Catholic Politics in Europe, 1918-1945 by Conway, Martin
Modernization and Postmodernization: Cultural, Economic, and Political Change in 43 Societies by Inglehart, Ronald
Java and Modern Europe: Ambiguous Encounters by Kumar, Ann
Globalization and the New World Order: Promises, Problems, and Prospects for Africa in the Twenty-First Century by
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