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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 2000

Development Cooperation in Practice: The United Nations Volunteers in Nepal by Rehnstrom, Joel
Climate Change and American Foreign Policy by Harris, Paul G.
Power in the Global Era: Grounding Globalization by
Reform for Result in the Un System: A Study of Unops by Dijkzeul, D.
Intervening in Africa: Superpower Peacemaking in a Troubled Continent by Cohen, H.
The Euro-Asian World: A Period of Transition by
Northern Ireland at the Crossroads: Ulster Unionism in the O'Neill Years, 1960-69 by Mulholland, M.
Britain and the Spanish Anti-Franco Opposition by Dunthorn, D.
Ethnic Challenges to the Modern by Ben-Ami, Shlomo
Japan and the European Union: A Partnership for the Twenty-First Century? by Gilson, J.
The Security Dilemmas of Southeast Asia by Collins, A.
The Left and Israel: Party-Policy Change and Internal Democracy by Edmunds, J.
The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1600-2000: Volume II: The Political-Diplomatic Dimension, 1931-2000 by
Non-Military Security and Global Order: The Impact of Extremism, Violence and Chaos on National and International Security by Chalk, P.
Radicalism and Revolution in Britain 1775-1848: Essays in Honour of Malcolm I. Thomis by Davis, M.
Ethnicity Kills?: The Politics of War, Peace and Ethnicity in Sub-Saharan Africa by
Lord Hailey, the Colonial Office and Politics of Race and Empire in the Second World War: The Loss of White Prestige by Wolton, S.
Russian Peacekeeping Strategies in the Cis: The Case of Moldova, Georgia and Tajikistan by Lynch, D.
The Origins of the Eisenhower Doctrine: The Us, Britain and Nasser's Egypt, 1953-57 by Takeyh, R.
Regionalism Among Developing Countries by Page, S.
Peace with Justice: A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements by Buchanan, A.
Globalisation and Its Discontents by Wiseman, John
Bangladesh, India & Pakistan: International Relations and Regional Tensions in South Asia by Jacques, K.
Germany and the Future of European Security by Bluth, C.
The Global Political Economy and Post-1989 Change: The Place of the Central European Transition by Ashworth, E.
The Legacy of Supranationalism by Close, P.
A Changing United Nations: Multilateral Evolution and the Quest for Global Governance by Knight, W.
Place Names of the World - Europe: Historical Context, Meanings and Changes by Everett-Heath, J.
Taiwan's Informal Diplomacy and Propaganda by Rawnsley, Gary D.
Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply by Shiva, Vandana
Handbook of Global International Policy by
Working in the World: Jimmy Carter and the Making of American Foreign Policy by Strong, Robert A.
Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for the Twenty-First Century by
Looted: The Philippines After the Bases by Kirk, Donald
A European Security Architecture After the Cold War: Questions of Legitimacy by Aybet, G.
Russia and Europe: Conflict or Cooperation? by Webber, M.
America and the World, 1898-2025: Achievements, Failures, Alternative Futures by Na, Na
Basque Politics and Nationalism on the Eve of the Milennium by
Social Science as Imperialism. the Theory of Political Development by Ake, Claude
The Rise of the Virtual State Wealth and Power in the Coming Century by Rosecrance, Richard N.
Power Transitions: Strategies for the 21st Century by
La Lucha Contra La Pobreza En America Latina: Deterioro Social de Las Clases Medias y Experiencias de Las Comunidades Judias by Kliksberg, Bernardo
Smelter Smoke in North America: The Politics of Transborder Pollution by Wirth, John D.
British Armour Theory and the Rise of the Panzer Arm: Revising the Revisionists by Gat, A.
An Anthropology of the European Union: Building, Imagining and Experiencing the New Europe by
Compromising Palestine: A Guide to Final Status Negotiations by Klieman, Aharon
Compromising Palestine: A Guide to Final Status Negotiations by Klieman, Aharon
Reluctant Champions: U.S. Presidential Policy and Strategic Export Controls, Truman, Eisenhower, Bush and Clinton by Cupitt, Richard T.
Words Over War: Mediation and Arbitration to Prevent Deadly Conflict by
A Durable Peace: Israel and Its Place Among the Nations by Netanyahu, Benjamin
Japan's Quest for a Permanent Security Council Seat: A Matter of Pride or Justice? by Na, Na
Japan's Quest for a Permanent Security Council Seat: A Matter of Pride or Justice? by Na, Na
The Reconstruction of Palestinian Nationalism: Between Revolution and Statehood by Schulz, Helena Lindholm
Spaces of Hope by Harvey, David
Chinese Policy Priorities and Their Implications for the United States by Sutter, Robert G.
America and the East Asian Crisis: Memos to a President by
Battle for Peace in Sudan: An Analysis of the Abuja Conference, 1992-1993 by Wöndu, Steven, Lesch, Ann
Tokens of Exchange: The Problem of Translation in Global Circulations by
Russian Strategic Modernization: Past and Future by Sokov, Nikolai
Traditions of War: Occupation, Resistance and the Law by Nabulsi, Karma
National and International Conflicts, 1945-1995: New Empirical and Theoretical Approaches by Rohloff, Christoph, Pfetsch, Frank R.
Internationalism and the State in the Twentieth Century by Navari, Cornelia
Internationalism and the State in the Twentieth Century by Navari, Cornelia
Democracy in the European Union: Integration Through Deliberation? by
The Politics of Ballistic Missile Nonproliferation by Bowen, W.
The Politics of Ballistic Missile Nonproliferation by Bowen, W.
Security Studies Today by Croft, Stuart, James, Lucy, Terriff, Terry
Religion and International Relations by
Japan and the European Union: A Partnership for the Twenty-First Century? by Gilson, J.
Normative Theory in International Relations: A Pragmatic Approach by Cochran, Molly
Democracy by Force: Us Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War World by Von Hippel, Karin
Politics and Diplomacy in Early Modern Italy: The Structure of Diplomatic Practice, 1450 1800 by Frigo, Daniela
Normative Theory in International Relations: A Pragmatic Approach by Cochran, Molly
The Third Force: The Rise of Transnational Civil Society by Nihon Kokusai Koryu Senta, Florini, Ann M.
Cyprus: A Troubled Island by Borowiec, Andrew
Sugar and Power in the Dominican Republic: Eisenhower, Kennedy, and the Trujillos by Hall, Michael R.
The Security Environment in the Asia-Pacific by Tien, Hung-Mao, Cheng, Ten-Jen
Commonsense Constructivism, or the Making of World Affairs by Pettman, Ralph
Clinton Foreign Policy Reader: Presidential Speeches with Commentary by Rubinstein, Alvin Z.
Clinton Foreign Policy Reader: Presidential Speeches with Commentary by Rubinstein, Alvin Z.
Eu-Strukturpolitik: Einführung in Die Politik Des Wirtschaftlichen Und Sozialen Zusammenhalts by Axt, Heinz-Jürgen
Frauenpolitische Chancen Globaler Politik: Verhandlungserfahrungen Im Internationalen Kontext by
Die Öffnung Des Staates: Modelle Und Wirklichkeit Grenzüberschreitender Verwaltungspraxis 1960-1995 by Wessels, Wolfgang
Jenseits Der Westpolitik: Die Außenpolitik Der Osteuropäischen Staaten Im Wandel by
Ziviler Friedensdienst -- Fachleute Für Den Frieden: Idee -- Erfahrungen -- Ziele by
Jugendarbeitslosigkeit: Ausbildungs- Und Beschäftigungsprogramme in Europa by
Deutsch-Französische Beziehungen Seit Der Wiedervereinigung: Das Tandem Faßt Wieder Tritt by
Das Kriegsgeschehen 1999: Daten Und Tendenzen Der Kriege Und Bewaffneten Konflikte by Rabehl, Thomas
Commonsense Constructivism, or the Making of World Affairs by Pettman, Ralph
Toward an International Criminal Court by Frye, Alton
Feeding China's Little Emperors: Food, Children, and Social Change by
Getting to Dayton: The Making of America's Bosnia Policy by Daalder, Ivo H.
Congress and the Foreign Policy Process: Modes of Legislative Behavior by Antizzo, Glenn J., Sarieddine, Leila S., Crabb, Cecil V.
The Structure of International Society: An Introduction to the Study of International Relations by Stern, Geoffrey
Feeding China's Little Emperors: Food, Children, and Social Change by
Trade and Gunboats: The United States and Brazil in the Age of Empire by Topik, Steven C.
The Kissinger Transcripts: The Top Secret Talks with Beijing and Moscow by
Global Confidence Building: New Tools for Troubled Regions by
The United Nations and International Politics by Ryan, Stephen
The United Nations and International Politics by Ryan, Stephen
Responding to Globalisation by
Churchill and the Soviet Union by Carlton, David
Turning Water Into Politics: The Water Issue in the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict by Rouyer, A.
Beyond Postcolonial Theory by San Juan Jr, E.
Ethnicity Kills?: The Politics of War, Peace and Ethnicity in Sub-Saharan Africa by
China in World History, Third Edition by Na, Na
The Elusive Quest for European Security: From Edc to Cfsp by Na, Na
Democracy by Force: Us Military Intervention in the Post-Cold War World by Hippel, Karin Von, Von Hippel, Karin, Karin Von, Hippel
Paths to Power: The Historiography of American Foreign Relations to 1941 by Hogan, Michael J.
Takeover in Tehran: The Inside Story of the 1979 U.S. Embassy Capture by Ebtekar, Massoumeh
Out of the Ashes: The Resurrection of Saddam Hussein by Cockburn, Andrew, Cockburn, Patrick
The History of Anglo-Japanese Relations, 1600-2000: Volume I: The Political-Diplomatic Dimension, 1600-1930 by
European Responses to Globalization and Financial Market Integration: Perceptions of Economic and Monetary Union in Britain, France and Germany by Verdun, A.
The Burden of Memory, the Muse of Forgiveness by Soyinka, Wole
Comparative Democratization and Peaceful Change in Single-Party-Dominant Countries by
Arab Shi'a: The Forgotten Muslims by Francke, Rend Rahim, Fuller, Graham E.
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Prospects for Proliferation by Spiers, E.
Weapons of Mass Destruction: Prospects for Proliferation by Spiers, E.
The Geography of Money by Cohen, Benjamin J.
European Politics Into the Twenty-First Century: Integration and Division by Slomp, Hans
Paths Not Taken: Speculations on American Foreign Policy and Diplomatic History, Interests, Ideals, and Power by
The End of Internationalism: Or World Governance? by Mller, J. Rstrm, Moller, J. Orstrom
Re-Viewing the Cold War: Domestic Factors and Foreign Policy in the East-West Confrontation by
Re-Viewing the Cold War: Domestic Factors and Foreign Policy in the East-West Confrontation by
Anglo-American Strategic Relations and the French Problem, 1960-1963: A Troubled Partnership by Pagedas, Constantine a.
Japanese-Russian Relations Under Brezhnev and Andropov by Kimura, Hiroshi
Japanese-Russian Relations Under Gorbachev and Yeltsin by Kimura, Hiroshi
European Politics into the Twenty-First Century: Integration and Division by Slomp, Hans
Our Own Backyard: The United States in Central America, 1977-1992 by Leogrande, William M.
Paths to Power by
International Politics and Civil Rights Policies in the United States, 1941 1960 by Layton, Azza Salama
"Here, There and Everywhere": The Foreign Politics of American Popular Culture by
Indian Treaty-Making Policy in the United States and Canada, 1867-1877 by St Germain, Jill
The United States and European Reconstruction 1945-1960 by Killick, John
Foreign Bondholders and American State Debts by McGrane, Reginald C.
From Tribal Village to Global Village: Indian Rights and International Relations in Latin America by Brysk, Alison
From Tribal Village to Global Village: Indian Rights and International Relations in Latin America by Brysk, Alison
A Changing Turkey: The Challenge to Europe and the United States by Kramer, Heinz
Common Destiny: A Comparative History of the Dutch, French, and German Social Democratic Parties, 1945-1969 by Orlow, Dietrich
Transparency in Public Policy: Great Britain and the United States by
International Relations and the Challenge of Postmodernism: Defending the Discipline by Jarvis, D. S. L.
Russia and the Wider World in Historical Perspective: Essays for Paul Dukes by
Transparency in Public Policy: Great Britain and the United States by
Immigration and European Integration by Geddes, Andrew
Economic and Political Impediments to Middle East Peace: Critical Questions and Alternative Scenarios by
Korea and Its Futures: Unification and the Unfinished War by Na, Na
Globalization and Its Critics: Perspectives from Political Economy by Na, Na
Daughters of Britannia: The Lives and Times of Diplomatic Wives by Hickman, Katie
Hintertüren Zur Macht: Internationalismus Und Modernisierungsorientierte Außenpolitik in Belgien, Der Schweiz Und Den USA 1865-1914 by Herren, Madeleine
Return to Armageddon: The United States and the Nuclear Arms Race, 1981-1999 by Powaski, Ronald E.
Geopolitical Traditions: Critical Histories of a Century of Geopolitical Thought by
A Political Economy of Neotribal Capitalism by Rata, Elizabeth
Demystifying Globalization by
Demystifying Globalization by
The Changing Quality of Stability in Europe by Peters, John E.
Popular Dissent, Human Agency and Global Politics by Bleiker, Roland
Popular Dissent, Human Agency and Global Politics by Bleiker, Roland
Gestures of Conciliation: Factors Contributing to Successful Olive-Branches by Mitchell, Christopher
Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace by Divine, Robert a.
Churchill and the Soviet Union by Carlton, David
International Management of Hazardous Wastes: The Basel Convention and Related Legal Rules by Kummer, Katharina
The Politics of Telecommunications: National Institutions, Convergences, and Change in Britain and France by Thatcher, Mark
The Globalization Syndrome: Transformation and Resistance by Mittelman, James H.
Interpreting China's Grand Strategy: Past, Present, and Future by Swaine, Michael D.
Poverty in World Politics: Whose Global Era? by
Ethics in International Affairs: Theories and Cases by
Ethics in International Affairs: Theories and Cases by
The Origins of the Eisenhower Doctrine: The Us, Britain and Nasser's Egypt, 1953-57 by Takeyh, R.
The Dynamics Of Foreign-policy Decisionmaking In China by Lu, Ning
Of Centaurs And Doves: Guatemala's Peace Process by Jonas, Susanne
Understanding Modern Japan: A Political Economy of Development, Culture and Global Power by Preston, Peter W.
To Lead the Free World: American Nationalism and the Cultural Roots of the Cold War by Fousek, John
Taiwan's Informal Diplomacy and Propaganda by Rawnsley, Gary D.
Poverty in World Politics: Whose Global Era? by
The Ends of Globalization: Bringing Society Back In by
Protection Against Genocide: Mission Impossible? by
The Enemy with a Thousand Faces: The Tradition of the Other in Western Political Thought and History by Harle, Vilho
Protection Against Genocide: Mission Impossible? by
Multilateral Development Banks: Improving U.S. Leadership by Upton, Barbara
Multilateral Development Banks: Improving U.S. Leadership by Upton, Barbara
Environment, Society and International Relations: Towards More Effective International Agreements by Kütting, Gabriela
Environment, Society and International Relations: Towards More Effective International Agreements by Kütting, Gabriela
Operation Pike: Britain Versus the Soviet Union, 1939-1941 by Osborn, Patrick
Critical Reflections on Security and Change by
Reforming the European Union: From Maastricht to Amsterdam by Rees, G. Wyn, Neuwahl, N. (Department of Law Universi, Lynch, P. (Department of Politics Unive
The Albatross of Decisive Victory: War and Policy Between Egypt and Israel in the 1967 and 1973 Arab-Israeli Wars by Gawrych, George
Politics at the Edge: The Psa Yearbook 1999 by
British Foreign Policy, 1955-64: Contracting Options by
Globalization: The United Nations Development Dialogue: Finance, Trade, Poverty, Peace-Building by
The Imported State: The Westernization of the Political Order by Badie, Bertrand
The Imported State: The Westernization of the Political Order by Badie, Bertrand
Principles of Global Security by Steinbruner, John D.
Principles of Global Security by Steinbruner, John D.
Winners and Losers of Eu Integration: Policy Issues for Central and Eastern Europe by World Bank Group
Russia and Germany Reborn: Unification, the Soviet Collapse, and the New Europe by Stent, Angela E.
Politics at the Edge: The Psa Yearbook 1999 by
Profits and Principles: Global Capitalism and Human Rights in China by Santoro, Michael A.
Capital and Coercion: The Economic and Military Processes that Have Shaped the World Economy, 1800-1990 by Kentor, Jeffrey D.
Secret Messages: Codebreaking and American Diplomacy, 1930-1945 by Alvarez, David
Jair Conf Proc by
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