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International Relations in 2001

The great future of America and Africa; an essay showing our whole duty to the black man, consistent with our own safety and glory. By Jacob Dewees, M by Dewees, Jacob
Narratives of Resistance: Jamaica, Trinidad, the Caribbean by Meeks, Brian
Strengthening Relations with Arab and Islamic Countries Through International Law: E-Commerce, the Wto Dispute Settlement Mechanism and Foreign Invest by Of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, The International Bur
The Marshall Plan: Fifty Years After by Na, Na
Airships in International Affairs 1890 - 1940 by Duggan, J., Meyer, H.
Redrawing the Global Economy: Elements of Integration and Fragmentation by Landau, A.
Interlocking Dimensions of European Integration by Wallace, H.
EU Foreign Policy Beyond the Nation State: Joint Action and Institutional Analysis of the Common Foreign and Security Policy by Winn, Neil, Lord, C.
Twentieth-Century Anglo-American Relations by
The Frontiers of the European Union by Bort, E., Anderson, M.
Turkey Since 1970: Politics, Economics and Society by
Nation and Citizenship in the Global Age: From National to Transnational Ties and Identities by Münch, R.
Britain and Biological Warfare: Expert Advice and Science Policy, 1930-65 by Balmer, B.
Global Change: A Japanese Perspective by Inoguchi, T.
Globalization and Social Movements by
European Integration: Scope and Limits by Holmes, M.
Anglo-French Relations Before the Second World War: Appeasement and Crisis by Davis, R.
Africa's Challenge to International Relations Theory by
Mexico and the Foreign Policy of Napoleon III by Cunningham, M.
The United Nations and Human Security by Newman, Edward
Foreign Aid and Political Reform: A Comparative Analysis of Democracy Assistance and Political Conditionality by Crawford, G.
The Politics of the Caspian Oil by
Developing Dialogue in Northern Ireland: The Mayhew Talks 1992 by Bloomfield, D.
The Political Economy of Nature: Environmental Debates and the Social Sciences by Boardman, R.
Great Britain and Argentina by Gallo, K.
American Exceptionalism and U.S. Foreign Policy: Public Diplomacy at the End of the Cold War by McEvoy-Levy, S.
Interpreting Convergence in the European Union: Patterns of Collective Action, Social Learning and Europeanization by Paraskevopoulos, C.
Social Partnership in the European Union by
The Role of Amphibious Warfare in British Defense Policy by Speller, I.
Economic Transformation, Democratization and Integration Into the European Union: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective by
Transitional Economies: Banking, Finance, Institutions by
The Paris Peace Conference, 1919: Peace Without Victory? by Fisher, J., Dockrill, M.
Patterns of Migration in Central Europe by
Labour's European Dilemmas: From Bevin to Blair by Broad, R.
Foreign Investment and Socio-Economic Development: The Case of Dongguan by Yeung, G.
Globalization and National Identities: Crisis or Opportunity? by
Religion and Humane Global Governance by Falk, R.
Spirit Dance at Meziadin: Chief Joseph Gosnell and the Nisga'a Treaty by Rose, Alex
Asad's Legacy: Syria in Transition by Zisser, Eyal
The Illusion of Progress: Unsustainable Development in International Law and Policy by Gillespie, Alexander
Closing the Circle: Democratization and Development in Africa by Sandbrook, Richard
Globalization, Gender, and Religion: The Politics of Women's Rights in Catholic and Muslim Contexts by Na, Na
Organized Crime and Democratic Governability: Mexico and the U.S. -Mexico Borderlands by
Political Legacy of King Hussein by Bligh, Alexander
Cultural Internationalism and World Order by Iriye, Akira
Global Migrants, Global Refugees: Problems and Solutions by
Landscapes of War: From Sarajevo to Chechnya by Goytisolo, Juan
Against Empire by Parenti, Michael
Protecting Human Rights in Africa: Roles and Strategies of Nongovernmental Organizations by Jr.
China Confidential: American Diplomats and Sino-American Relations, 1945-1996 by
China Confidential: American Diplomats and Sino-American Relations, 1945-1996 by
The United States and the Origins of the Cold War, 1941â "1947 by Gaddis, John
Peacemaking in a Divided Society: Israel After Rabin by
Changing Organizations: Business Networks in the New Political Economy by Knoke, David
Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal Reports by
France and the Nazi Menace: Intelligence and Policy Making 1933-1939 by Jackson, Peter
World Politics: Rationalism and Beyond by Pettman, Ralph
Russia and the World Trade Organization by Naray, P.
European Integration: Scope and Limits by Holmes, M.
The Problem of Trieste and the Italo-Yugoslav Border: Difference, Identity, and Sovereignty in Twentieth-Century Europe by Sluga, Glenda
Politics of the Black Sea by
Developing Dialogue in Northern Ireland: The Mayhew Talks 1992 by Bloomfield, D.
Collision and Collusion: The Strange Case of Western Aid to Eastern Europe by Wedel, Janine R.
Scholastic Humanism and the Unification of Europe, Volume II: The Heroic Age by
Scholastic Humanism and the Unification of Europe, Volume II: The Heroic Age by
Rights Beyond Borders: The Global Community and the Struggle Over Human Rights in China by Foot, Rosemary
Rights Beyond Borders: The Global Community and the Struggle Over Human Rights in China by Foot, Rosemary
Britain, the Soviet Union and Russia by Keeble, C.
The Politics of the Caspian Oil by
Armenians And The Iranian Constitutional Revolution Of 1905-1911: The Love For Freedom Has No Fatherland by Berberian, Houri
Constructing A Colonial People: Puerto Rico And The United States, 1898-1932 by Caban, Pedro A.
Bureaucratizing The Good Samaritan: The Limitations Of Humanitarian Relief Operations by Waters, Tony
Inside Terrorist Organizations by
Rogues, Rebels, And Rubber Stamps: The Politics Of The Chicago City Council, 1863 To The Present by Simpson, Dick
Royalty and Diplomacy in Europe, 1890-1914 by McLean, Roderick R.
The Coming of Globalization: Its Evolution and Contemporary Consequences by Langhorne, R.
Exiting The Whirlpool: U.s. Foreign Policy Toward Latin America And The Caribbean by Pastor, Robert
Post-Revolutionary Politics in Iran: Religion, Society and Power by Menashri, David
This Is the American Forces Network: The Anglo-American Battle of the Air Waves in World War II by Morley, Patrick
New Europe in Transition by
Africa's Persistent Vulnerable Link to Global Politics by Agyeman, Opoku
The Gcc States in an Unstable World by Al-Alkim, Hassan Hamdan
Forbidden Agendas: Intolerance & Defiance in the Middle East by Khamsin
The World at 2000 by Halliday, Fred
Gordon and the Sudan: Prologue to the Mahdiyya 1877-1880 by Moore-Harell, Alice
Detente in Europe, 1972-1976: Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series III, Volume III by
Dumbarton Oaks: The Origins of the United Nations and the Search for Postwar Security by Hilderbrand, Robert C.
In Confidence: Moscow's Ambassador to Six Cold War Presidents by Dobrynin, Anatoly
Making Policy in Europe by
The Coming of Globalization: Its Evolution and Contemporary Consequences by Langhorne, R.
Economic Transformation, Democratization and Integration Into the European Union: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective by
Africa at the Millennium: An Agenda for Mature Development by Na, Na
Spain and the Process of European Integration, 1957-85 by Na, Na
Peace Building in Northern Ireland, Israel and South Africa: Transition, Transformation and Reconciliation by Na, Na
Places and Politics in an Age of Globalization by Prazniak, Roxann, Dirlik, Arif
Choosing War: The Lost Chance for Peace and the Escalation of War in Vietnam by Logevall, Fredrik
Wen-Lin: Studies in the Chinese Humanities by
Financial Competition, Risk and Accountability: British and German Experiences by
The Last Great Revolution: Turmoil and Transformation in Iran by Wright, Robin
Diplomatic Theory from Machiavelli to Kissinger by Otte, T., Berridge, G., Keens-Soper, M.
Turkey and Central and Eastern European Countries in Transition: Towards Membership of the EU by
Turkey and Central and Eastern European Countries in Transition: Towards Membership of the EU by
The President and His Inner Circle: Leadership Style and the Advisory Process in Foreign Policy Making by Preston, Thomas
Semi-Detached Idealists: The British Peace Movement and International Relations, 1854-1945 by Ceadel, Martin
Public Opinion and the International Use of Force by
Gender and Sovereignty: Feminism, the State and International Relations by Hoffman, J.
Diplomacy of Conscience: Amnesty International and Changing Human Rights Norms by Clark, Ann Marie
Dispute Settlement Reports 1998: Volume 6, Pages 2199-2752 by
Dispute Settlement Reports 1998 by
Don't Disturb the Neighbors: The US and Democracy in Mexico, 1980-1995 by Mazza, Jacqueline
Africa's Challenge to International Relations Theory by
Africa's Challenge to International Relations Theory by
Transforming Europe by
Transforming Europe by
The Influence of Faith: Religious Groups and U.S. Foreign Policy by Abrams, Elliott
The Foreign Policies of European Union Member States by
Manly States: Masculinities, International Relations, and Gender Politics by Hooper, Charlotte
Negotiating Culture and Human Rights by
Problematic Sovereignty: Contested Rules and Political Possibilities by
International Law and International Relations by Barker, J. Craig
Revolutions in Sovereignty: How Ideas Shaped Modern International Relations by Philpott, Daniel
Theory of the Global State: Globality as an Unfinished Revolution by Shaw, Martin
Despite Nationalist Conflicts: Theory and Practice of Maintaining World Peace by Williams, Kristen P.
Despite Nationalist Conflicts: Theory and Practice of Maintaining World Peace by Williams, Kristen P.
In Search of Greatness: Russia's Communications with Africa and the World by Eribo, Festus
In Search of Greatness: Russia's Communications with Africa and the World by Eribo, Festus
The American Approach to Foreign Affairs: An Uncertain Tradition by Whitcomb, Roger
The Churchill-Eisenhower Correspondence, 1953-1955 by
Climate Change and American Foreign Policy by Harris, Paul G.
Democracy by Force?: A Study of International Military Intervention in the Civil War in Sierra Leone from 1991-2000 by Bundu, Abass
British Diplomats and Diplomacy, 1688-1800 by Black, Jeremy
Building a World Community: Globalisation and the Common Good by Baudot, Jacques
Mexico: From Montezuma to the Fall of the Pri, Second Edition by Suchlicki, Jaime
Trials and Triumphs: George Washington's Foreign Policy by Reuter, Frank T.
Toward Free Trade in the Americas by
John Quincy Adams: Policymaker for the Union by Lewis, James E.
Saving Strangers: Humanitarian Intervention in International Society by Wheeler, Nicholas J.
The Impact of Public Opinion on U.S. Foreign Policy Since Vietnam by Sobel, Richard
Citizenship Today: Global Perspectives and Practices by
Rag-Tags, Scum, Riff-Raff and Commies: The U.S. Intervention in the Dominican Republic, 1965-1966 by Chester, Eric Thomas
Colonialism's Children by Thomas, Gemma
The Price of Dominance: The New Weapons of Mas Destruction and Their Challenge to American Leadership by Lodal, Jan
U.S. Trade Policy: Balancing Economic Dreams and Political Realities by Rothgeb, John M., Jr.
Saudi Arabia and the Politics of Dissent by Fandy, Mamoun
Violent Peace: Militarized Interstate Bargaining in Latin America by Mares, David R.
Global Political Economy: Understanding the International Economic Order by Gilpin, Robert G.
Globalization and the Postcolonial World: The New Political Economy of Development by Hoogvelt, Ankie M. M.
NATO and the Transatlantic Alliance in the Twenty-First Century: The Twenty-Year Crisis by Jones, B., Williams, G.
Turkey Since 1970: Politics, Economics and Society by
Identities and Conflicts: The Mediterranean by
The 1999 Elections to the European Parliament by
The Origins of the Bilateral Okinawa Problem: Okinawa in Postwar US-Japan Relations, 1945-1952 by Eldridge, Robert D.
Bitter Flowers, Sweet Flowers: East Timor, Indonesia, and the World Community by
International Information: Documents, Publications, and Electronic Information of International Organizations by Hajnal, Peter
Risk-Taking in International Politics: Prospect Theory in American Foreign Policy by McDermott, Rose
Democracy in Europe by Siedentop, Larry
The Duke of Havana: Baseball, Cuba, and the Search for the American Dream by Sanchez, Ray, Fainaru, Steve
Die Deutsch-Französischen Beziehungen 1949-1963: Von Der Erbfeindschaft Zur Entente Élémentaire by Lappenküper, Ulrich
Multi-Level Governance and European Integration by Hooghe, Liesbet, Marks, Gary
The Politics of Europe: Monetary Union and Class by Bonefeld, W.
Diplomatic Theory from Machiavelli to Kissinger by Berridge, G., Keens-Soper, M., Otte, T.
Rag-Tags, Scum, Riff-Raff and Commies: The U.S. Intervention in the Dominican Republic, 1965-1966 by Chester, Eric Thomas
The Amoral Elephant: Globalization and the Struggle for Social Justice in the Twenty-First Century by Tabb, William K.
Trade, Development and Political Economy: Essays in Honour of Anne O. Krueger by
Trade, Development and Political Economy: Essays in Honour of Anne O. Krueger by
Beyond the Handshake: Multilateral Cooperation in the Arab-Israeli Peace Process, 1991-1996 by Kaye, Dalia Dassa
Just War or Just Peace ? ' Humanitarian Intervention and International Law ' by Chesterman, Simon
The Politics of the Euro-Zone: Stability or Breakdown? by Dyson, Kenneth
Adapting the United Nations to a Post-Modern Era: Lessons Learned by Knight, W.
Die Europäisierung Nationaler Gesellschaften by
Power and Conflict in the Age of Transparency by
Adapting the United Nations to a Post-Modern Era: Lessons Learned by Knight, W.
Arms Procurement Decision Making: Volume II: Chile, Greece, Malaysia, Poland, South Africa, and Taiwan by
Beyond the Handshake: Multilateral Cooperation in the Arab-Israeli Peace Process, 1991-1996 by Kaye, Dalia Dassa
American Policy and Northern Ireland: A Saga of Peacebuilding by Thompson, Joseph E.
The War for South Viet Nam, 1954-1975 by Joes, Anthony James
Frontiers of the European Union by Bort, E., Anderson, M.
The Whole World's Watching: Decarbonizing the Economy and Saving the World by Turner, Martyn, O'Connell, Brian
The War for South Viet Nam, 1954-1975 by Joes, Anthony
Great Debates at the United Nations: An Encyclopedia of Fifty Key Issues, 1945-2000 by Gorman, Robert F.
Reporting the Post-communist Revolution by Snyder, Robert
A History of Terrorism by Laqueur, Walter
Middle Kingdom: The United States and the World Since the End of the Cold War / L'Empire du milieu: Les États-Unis et le monde depuis by Vaïsse, Justin, Mélandri, Pierre
The Amoral Elephant: Globalization and the Struggle for Social Justice in the Twenty-First Century by Tabb, William K.
Central Asian Security: The New International Context by
Understanding European Foreign Policy by White, Brian
Combating Transnational Crime: Concepts, Activities and Responses by
Monitoring the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty: Source Location by
Hostage in Taipei: A True Story of Forgiveness and Hope by Alexander, McGill
Combating Transnational Crime: Concepts, Activities and Responses by
New Caribbean Thought: A Reader by
The Logic of Economic Reform in Russia by Hough, Jerry F.
The Social Construction of Europe by
Culture Matters: How Values Shape Human Progress by Huntington, Samuel P., Harrison, Lawrence E.
Handbook Of Research On The International Relations Of Latin America And The Caribbean by Atkins, G. Pope
Human Rights in Chinese Foreign Relations: Defining and Defending National Interests by Wan, Ming
War and Welfare: Europe and the United States, 1945 to the Present by Klausen, J.
Imperial Germany 1850-1918 by Feuchtwanger, Edgar
Organising Labour in Globalising Asia by
International Law in the Post-Cold War World: Essays in Memory of Li Haopei by
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