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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 2006

Intimate Ties, Bitter Struggles: The United States and Latin America Since 1945 by McPherson, Alan
Intimate Ties, Bitter Struggles: The United States and Latin America Since 1945 by McPherson, Alan
Scientific Uncertainty and the Politics of Whaling by Heazle, Michael
Making European Citizens: Civic Inclusion in a Transnational Context by
Republican Principles in International Law: The Fundamental Requirements of a Just World Order by Sellers, M.
The Ethics of Territorial Borders: Drawing Lines in the Shifting Sand by Williams, J.
Ulster Unionism and the Peace Process in Northern Ireland by Farrington, C.
Controlling Biochemical Weapons: Adapting Multilateral Arms Control for the 21st Century by Dando, M., Kelle, A., Nixdorff, K.
Cooperating on Competition in Transatlantic Economic Relations: The Politics of Dispute Prevention by Damro, C.
International Political Economy and Poststructural Politics by
Post-War Bosnia: Ethnicity, Inequality and Public Sector Governance by Bieber, F.
Rethinking the Roots of Terrorism by Franks, J.
The New Multilateralism in South African Diplomacy by
Britain, France and the Entente Cordiale Since 1904 by
Legitimating the European Union: Aspirations, Inputs and Performance by Mather, J.
Globalization, Self-Determination and Violent Conflict by
A Responsible Europe?: Ethical Foundations of Eu External Affairs by
The European Union at the United Nations: Intersecting Multilateralisms by
Legislative Politics and Economic Power in Russia by Chaisty, P.
The Europeanization of French Foreign Policy: France and the EU in East Asia by Wong, R.
The Anarchical Society in a Globalized World by
International Socialization in Europe: European Organizations, Political Conditionality and Democratic Change by Knobel, H., Schimmelfennig, F., Engert, S.
Memory, Trauma and World Politics: Reflections on the Relationship Between Past and Present by
Adjusting to Emu by Begg, I., Hodson, D., Ardy, B.
Global Forces and State Restructuring: Dynamics of State Formation and Collapse by Doornbos, M.
Understanding Conflict Between Russia and the EU: The Limits of Integration by Prozorov, S.
The Nation, Psychology, and International Politics, 1870-1919 by Sluga, G.
Illegal Immigration in Europe: Beyond Control by
Culture and Context in World Politics by Lawson, Stephanie
Multilevel Union Administration: The Transformation of Executive Politics in Europe by
A Stranger in Paris: Germany's Role in Republican France, 1870-1940 by Mitchell, Allan
Inventing the Axis of Evil: The Truth about North Korea, Iran, and Syria /]cbruce Cumings, Ervand Abrahamian, Moshe Maoz by Abrahamian, Ervand, Ma'oz, Moshe, Cumings, Bruce
Civil Servants and Public Policy: A Comparative Study of International Secretariats by McLaren, Robert I.
The European Union: A Critical Guide by McGiffen, Steven P.
Challenging Aid in Africa: Principles, Implementation, and Impact by Marriage, Zoë
Using History, Making British Policy: The Treasury and the Foreign Office, 1950-76 by Beck, P.
The Political Economy of International Trade: U.S. Trade Laws, Policy, and Social Cost by Chung, Jae Wan
The Political Economy of International Trade: U.S. Trade Laws, Policy, and Social Cost by Chung, Jae Wan
Global Restructuring, State, Capital and Labour: Contesting Neo-Gramscian Perspectives by Bonefeld, W., Bieler, A., Burnham, P.
Us Policy Towards Israel: The Role of Political Culture in Defining the 'Special Relationship' by Stephens, Elizabeth
Defcon-2: Standing on the Brink of Nuclear War During the Cuban Missile Crisis by Polmar, Norman
Continuing the Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996 by Grose, Peter
The Global Class War: How America's Bipartisan Elite Lost Our Future - And What It Will Take to Win It Back by Faux, Jeff
Defcon-2: Standing on the Brink of Nuclear War During the Cuban Missile Crisis by Polmar, Norman
Financing Islamic Terrorism by Dubitzky, Yves
How the Weak Win Wars: A Theory of Asymmetric Conflict by Arreguin-Toft, Ivan M.
Terrorism and Democratic Stability by Holmes, Jennifer
Voices of the New Arab Public: Iraq, Al-Jazeera, and Middle East Politics Today by Lynch, Marc
Fair Trade for All: How Trade Can Promote Development by Stiglitz, Joseph E., Charlton, Andrew
Oil: A Concise Guide to the Most Important Product on Earth by Yeomans, Matthew
Israeli-Palestinian Peace Negotiations, 1999-2001: Within Reach by Sher, Gilead
Estimating Terrorism Risk by Willis, Henry H.
Guiding Future Homeland Security Policy Directions for Scientific Inquiry: Advances in Homeland Security, Vol. 2 by Amass, Sandra F.
A Cardboard Castle?: An Inside History of the Warsaw Pact, 1955-1991 by
Politics Is about Relationship: A Blueprint for the Citizens' Century by Saunders, H.
US Foreign Policy and the Horn of Africa by Woodward, Peter
Politics Is about Relationship: A Blueprint for the Citizens' Century by Saunders, H.
Winners and Losers in Globalization by De La Dehesa, Guillermo
Governance, Strategy and Policy: Seven Critical Essays by
Crescent of Crisis: U.S.-European Strategy for the Greater Middle East by
A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America by Schiff, Stacy
Al-Jazeera: The Inside Story of the Arab News Channel That Is Challenging the West by Miles, Hugh
A Farewell to Arms?: Beyond the Good Friday Agreement by Cox, Michael, Guelke, Adrian, Stephen, Fiona
Farewell to Arms?: Beyond the Good Friday Agreement by Cox, Michael, Guelke, Adrian, Stephen, Fiona
How Much Globalization Can We Bear? by Safranski, Rüdiger
Education, Globalization and the State in the Age of Terrorism by Peters, Michael A.
Religion and Politics in the International System Today by Hanson, Eric O.
The 2002 Dubrovka and 2004 Beslan Hostage Crises: A Critique of Russian Counter-Terrorism by Dunlop, John B.
Perspectives on U.S. Policy Toward North Korea: Stalemate or Checkmate by
Escalation and Negotiation in International Conflicts by
Escalation and Negotiation in International Conflicts by
Britain, Soviet Russia and the Collapse of the Versailles Order, 1919-1939 by Neilson, Keith
Power Shift: China and Asia's New Dynamics by
Italian Politics: Adjustment Under Duress by Bull, Martin J., Newell, James L.
Through Their Eyes: Foreign Correspondents in the United States by Hess, Stephen
Governance and Democracy: Comparing National, European and International Experiences by
The Study of World Politics: Volume 1: Theoretical and Methodological Challenges by Rosenau, James N.
Media, Terrorism, and Theory: A Reader by
The Politics of Good Intentions: History, Fear and Hypocrisy in the New World Order by Runciman, David
Religion and Politics in the International System Today by Hanson, Eric O.
India - From Regional to World Power by Kapur, Ashok
A Cloud Across the Pacific: Essays on the Clash Between Chinese and Western Political Theories Today by Metzger, Thomas
Beyond Japan: The Dynamics of East Asian Regionalism by
Germany's Uncertain Power: Foreign Policy of the Berlin Republic by
Germany's Uncertain Power: Foreign Policy of the Berlin Republic by
Beyond Japan: The Dynamics of East Asian Regionalism by
Politics of Terrorism: A Survey by
Changing France: The Politics That Markets Make by
Just and Unjust Interventions in World Politics: Public and Private by Lu, C.
Managing Network of Twenty-First Century Organisations by Goodwin, N., Perri, P., Peck, E.
Just and Unjust Interventions in World Politics: Public and Private by Lu, C.
Changing France: The Politics That Markets Make by
Election Campaigning in East and Southeast Asia: Globalization of Political Marketing by
High Stakes and Stakeholders: Oil Conflict and Security in Nigeria by Omeje, Kenneth
Punishment and Retribution by Zaibert, Leo
Media, Terrorism, and Theory: A Reader by
Reference Guide to Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism by Schott, Paul Allan
As Others See Us: The Causes and Consequences of Foreign Perceptions of America by Brooks, Stephen
Japan's Security Strategy in the Post-9/11 World: Embracing a New Realpolitik by Kliman, Daniel
Nomadic Empires: From Mongolia to the Danube by Chaliand, Gerard
The United States and the Caribbean: Transforming Hegemony and Sovereignty by Maingot, Anthony P., Lozano, Wilfredo
Power and Progress: American National Identity, the War of 1898, and the Rise of American Imperialism by McCartney, Paul T.
Global Values 101: A Short Course by
Japan's Security Strategy in the Post-9/11 World: Embracing a New Realpolitik by Kliman, Daniel
Governance of Integrated Product Policy: In Search of Sustainable Production and Consumption by
Integrated Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas in Central European Countries by
Syria, the United States, and the War on Terror in the Middle East by Rabil, Robert
Broken Promises?: The Argentine Crisis and Argentine Democracy by
International Security: Problems and Solutions by Morgan, Patrick M.
Europe and Iran: Perspectives on Non-Proliferation by
Manifesto for a New World Order by Monbiot, George
The Politics of Grand Strategy: Britain and France Prepare for War, 1904-1914 by Williamson, Samuel R., Jr.
The Global Environment and World Politics by Desombre, Elizabeth R.
German Disarmament After World War I: The Diplomacy of International Arms Inspection 1920-1931 by Shuster, Richard J.
Globalization and Global History by
Globalization and Global History by
American Foreign Policy: A Framework for Analysis by Chittick, William O.
Power in the Global Age: A New Global Political Economy by Beck, Ulrich
Political Theory of Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Case for the World State by Cabrera, Luis
The Myth of the Military-Nation: Militarism, Gender, and Education in Turkey by Altinay, A.
China and Vietnam: The Politics of Asymmetry by Womack, Brantly
Human Security and the UN: A Critical History by Khong, Yuen Foong, MacFarlane, S. Neil
Europäisierung Der Interessenvermittlung: Französische Wirtschaftsverbände Zwischen Beständigkeit Und Wandel by Quittkat, Christine
China and Vietnam by Womack, Brantly
Ronald Reagan and His Quest to Abolish Nuclear Weapons by Lettow, Paul
Exploring and Shaping International Futures by Hillebrand, Evan E., Hughes, Barry B.
Globalization & Identity: Cultural Diversity, Religion, and Citizenship by Lum, B.
Exploring and Shaping International Futures by Hughes, Barry B., Hillebrand, Evan E.
North Korea: 2005 and Beyond by
Language, Symbols, and the Media: Communication in the Aftermath of the World Trade Center Attack by Denton
Shattered Voices: Language, Violence, and the Work of Truth Commissions by Phelps, Teresa Godwin
The Bush Doctrine and the War on Terrorism: Global Responses, Global Consequences by
The Bush Doctrine and the War on Terrorism: Global Responses, Global Consequences by
Security as Practice: Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War by Hansen, Lene
Anglo-Scottish Relations, from 1603 to 1900 by
The Shield and the Cloak: The Security of the Commons by Hart, Gary
Understanding International Counter Terrorism: A Professional's Guide to the Operational Art by Hunsicker, A.
US-China Relations in the 21st Century: Power Transition and Peace by Zhu, Zhiqun
State Making in Asia by
From Deterrence to Engagement: The U.S. Defense Commitment to South Korea by Roehrig, Terence
The Shi'is of Jabal 'Amil and the New Lebanon: Community and Nation-State, 1918-1943 by Chalabi, T.
Leading to the 2003 Iraq War: The Global Media Debate by Nikolaev, Alexander G.
Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East: Directions and Policy Options in the New Century by Russell, J.
Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East: Directions and Policy Options in the New Century by Russell, J.
The Hidden History of Realism: A Genealogy of Power Politics by Molloy, S.
The Hidden History of Realism: A Genealogy of Power Politics by Molloy, S.
Women, Democracy, and Globalization in North America: A Comparative Study by
Leading to the 2003 Iraq War: The Global Media Debate by Nikolaev, Alexander G.
Women, Democracy, and Globalization in North America: A Comparative Study by
The Shi'is of Jabal 'Amil and the New Lebanon: Community and Nation-State, 1918-1943 by Chalabi, T.
Propaganda, Censorship and Irish Neutrality in the Second World War by Cole, Robert
The Wto Anti-Dumping Agreement: A Commentary by Vermulst, Edwin
Total Cold War: Eisenhower's Secret Propaganda Battle at Home and Abroad by Osgood, Kenneth
Perspectives on U.S. Policy Toward North Korea: Stalemate or Checkmate by
Total Cold War: Eisenhower's Secret Propaganda Battle at Home and Abroad by Osgood, Kenneth
Global Forces and State Restructuring: Dynamics of State Formation and Collapse by Doornbos, M.
France and Iraq: Oil, Arms and French Policy Making in the Middle East by Styan, David
How To Win The War In Iraq by Gonzalez, Salvador A.
Caught in the Middle East: U.S. Policy Toward the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1945-1961 by Hahn, Peter L.
Missile Defense and American Security 2003: Proceedings from the 2003 Conference on Missile Defenses and American Security by
The Psychology of Nuclear Proliferation: Identity, Emotions and Foreign Policy by Hymans, Jacques E. C.
Ethnic Realignments: A Comparative Study of Government Influences on Identity by Hoddie, Matthew
Coming of Age: German Foreign Policy since 1945 by Haftendorn, Helga
Citizens Abroad by Brand, Laurie A.
International Security: Problems and Solutions by Morgan, Patrick M.
Democratic Wars: Looking at the Dark Side of Democratic Peace by
Ulster Unionism and the Peace Process in Northern Ireland by Farrington, C.
Anti-Apartheid and the Emergence of a Global Civil Society by Thörn, H.
A Need to Know: The Clandestine History of a CIA Family by Goodall, H. L., Jr.
Constitutionalising Europe: Processes and Practices by Longo, Michael
The Science of Campaigns (2006): English Translation - Vol 2 by Beijing National Defense University
Global Shadows: Africa in the Neoliberal World Order by Ferguson, James
Our America and Theirs: Kennedy and the Alliance for Progress - The Debate on Free Trade by Guevara, Ernesto Che
Preventing Catastrophic Nuclear Terrorism by Ferguson, Charles D.
Saudi Arabia in the Balance: Political Economy, Society, Foreign Affairs by
Islam Without Fear: Egypt and the New Islamists by Baker, Raymond William
Charting Transnational Democracy: Beyond Global Arrogance by
Trial Justice: The International Criminal Court and the Lord's Resistance Army by Allen, Tim
The Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: An Insider's Perspective by Hansen, Keith A.
Terrorism and the Constitution: Sacrificing Civil Liberties in the Name of National Security by Cole, David, Dempsey, James X.
Charting Transnational Democracy: Beyond Global Arrogance by
Mission to Algiers: Diplomacy by Engagement by Hume, Cameron R.
Mission to Algiers: Diplomacy by Engagement by Hume, Cameron R.
Terrorism and the State PB: Rethinking the Rules of State Responsibility by Becker, Tal
What Holds Europe Together? by Michalski, Krzysztof
Prelude to Terror: The Rogue CIA and the Legacy of America's Private Intelligence Network by Trento, Joseph J.
Trial Justice by Allen, Tim
Divided Cities: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 2003 by
The United States Contested: American Unilateralism and European Discontent by
Ethnic Realignment: A Comparative Study of Government Influences on Identity by Hoddie, Matthew
American Intergovernmental Relations: A Fragmented Federal Polity by Stephens, G. Ross, Wikstrom, Nelson
With Us or Against Us: Studies in Global Anti-Americanism by Lacorne, D., Judt, T.
With Us or Against Us: Studies in Global Anti-Americanism by Judt, T., Lacorne, D.
Sword & Salve: Confronting New Wars and Humanitarian Crises by Weiss, Thomas G., Hoffman, Peter J.
Troublemakers or Peacemakers?: Youth and Post-Accord Peace Building by
Troublemakers or Peacemakers?: Youth and Post-Accord Peace Building by
Engaging India: Diplomacy, Democracy, and the Bomb by Talbott, Strobe
Negotiating Trade: Developing Countries in the Wto and NAFTA by
The Psychology of Nuclear Proliferation: Identity, Emotions and Foreign Policy by Hymans, Jacques E. C.
Negotiating Trade: Developing Countries in the Wto and NAFTA by
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