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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 2008

Nuclear Matters in North Korea: Building a Multilateral Response for Future Stability in Northeast Asia by Schoff, James L., Perry, Charles M., Davis, Jacquelyn K.
The Specter of Munich: Reconsidering the Lessons of Appeasing Hitler by Record, Jeffrey
Transnational Islam and Regional Security: Cooperation and Diversity between Europe and North Africa by
Winning the War of Words: Selling the War on Terror from Afghanistan to Iraq by Mackiewicz Wolfe, Wojtek
War Torture Terror by
Global Change, Civil Society and the Northern Ireland Peace Process: Implementing the Political Settlement by
The Failure of the Middle East Peace Process?: A Comparative Analysis of Peace Implementation in Israel/Palestine, Northern Ireland and South Africa by Ben-Porat, Guy
Doing Security: Critical Reflections and an Agenda for Change by Button, M.
Humanitarian Intervention After Kosovo: Iraq, Darfur and the Record of Global Civil Society by Hehir, Aidan
Peace as Governance by Sriram, C.
Global Governance and Diplomacy: Worlds Apart? by Maley, William
Consumption and the Globalization Project: International Hegemony and the Annihilation of Time by Comor, E.
Transnationalization of Public Spheres by Peters, B., Weßler, H., Brüggemann, M.
Trade, Poverty and the Environment: The Eu, Cotonou and the African-Caribbean-Pacific Bloc by Flint, Adrian
Horizontal Inequalities and Conflict: Understanding Group Violence in Multiethnic Societies by
Foucault on Politics, Security and War by
New Humanitarianism: Britain and Sierra Leone, 1997-2003 by Schümer, T.
World Society and the Middle East: Reconstructions in Regional Politics by Stetter, S.
The Rise and Fall of Privatization in the Russian Oil Industry by Sim, S.
Democracy and Institutional Development: Spain in Comparative Theoretical Perspective by
The Critical Theory of Robert W. Cox by Leysens, A.
Our Man in Berlin: The Diary of Sir Eric Phipps, 1933-1937 by Johnson, G.
The Ultimate Experience: Battlefield Revelations and the Making of Modern War Culture, 1450-2000 by Harari, Y.
Post-NAFTA North America: Reshaping the Economic and Political Governance of a Changing Region by Morales, I.
Europe-Asia Relations: Building Multilateralisms by Balme, Richard, Bridges, Brian
The Rise of Neoliberalism in Advanced Capitalist Economies: A Materialist Analysis by King, J. E., Howard, M.
The Europeanization of Cyprus: Polity, Policies and Politics by Sepos, A.
Conflict Transformation and Social Change in Uganda: Remembering After Violence by Buckley-Zistel, Susanne
The Limits of Europeanization: Reform Capacity and Policy Conflict in Greece by Featherstone, K., Papadimitriou, D.
Internationalising China's Financial Markets by Schlichting, Svenja
The Boundaries of EU Enlargement: Finding a Place for Neighbours by
France on the World Stage: Nation State Strategies in the Global Era by
Stalin's Cold War: Soviet Foreign Policy, Democracy and Communism in Bulgaria, 1941-48 by Dimitrov, V.
Radical Islam and International Security: Challenges and Responses by
Disrupting Threat Finances: Using Financial Information to Disrupt Terrorist Organizations by Anderson, Wesley
Globalization and WMD Proliferation: Terrorism, Transnational Networks and International Security by
Governance in Post-Conflict Societies: Rebuilding Fragile States by
Power in World Politics by
The Jewish Law Annual Volume 17 by
China-US Relations Transformed: Perspectives and Strategic Interactions by
Rethinking Trafficking in Women: Politics Out of Security by Aradau, C.
Europe and Asia: Regions in Flux by
The Chinese Economic Renaissance: Apocalypse or Cornucopia? by Das, D.
Blue Collar Blues: Is Trade to Blame for Rising Us Income Inequality? by Lawrence, Robert
China as a Rising World Power and its Response to 'Globalization' by
The Political Economy of International Tax Governance by Rixen, T.
Epz Terrorism: The New World Disorder by Fotion, Nicholas, Kashnikov, Boris
Daydream Believers: How a Few Grand Ideas Wrecked American Power by Kaplan, Fred
Survival 49.4: Survival 49.4, Winter 2007 by
Inside the Jihad by Nasiri, Omar
Imperial Hubris: Why the West Is Losing the War on Terror by Scheuer, Michael
Die Stellung der Frau im Islam am Beispiel der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate by Böhm, Karolina
ASEAN by Severino, Rodolfo C.
World War III: The Hour of Our Death by Salera, Phil
The Long War Ahead and the Short War Upon Us: Imperfect Civilization, Perfect Barbarism, and Wmd Terror by Wohlsetter, John C., Wohlstetter, John
Governance in Ruanda unter dem Regime von Paul Kagame: Ein Weg zu einer stabilen Demokratie? by Raschdorff, Pierrot
Toward a New World Order by Ama, Carlos Del, Del Ama, Carlos
From Berlin to Baghdad: America's Search for Purpose in the Post-Cold War World by Brands, Hal
Realism Reconsidered: The Legacy of Hans Morgenthau in International Relations by
Realism Reconsidered: The Legacy of Hans Morgenthau in International Relations by
On Global Order Power, Values, and the Constitution of International Society (Paperback) by Hurrell, Andrew
Theory of World Security by Booth, Ken
Accountability of Armed Opposition Groups in International Law by Zegveld, Liesbeth
Human Rights and Structural Adjustment by Cingranelli, David, Abouharb, M. Rodwan
How International Law Works: A Rational Choice Theory by Guzman, Andrew T.
Because They Hate by Gabriel, Brigitte
Human Rights at the UN: The Political History of Universal Justice by Zaidi, Sarah, Normand, Roger
Letter From The Governor Enclosing A Communication From Richard M. Young, As Agent Of The State Of Illinois, For Negotiating Loans For The Illinois An by Young, Richard Montgomery
The Assassination Of Abraham Lincoln And The Attempted Assassination Of William H. Seward And Frederick W. Seward V2 (1867) by U S Government Printing Office
National Respon Global Justice Opt C by Miller
Die "demokratische Methode" konkurrierender Eliten nach Joseph A. Schumpeter - Darstellung, Kritik und pragmatische Relevanz für das 21. Jahrhundert by Grimme, Thomas
Thinking Beyond War: Civil-Military Relations and Why America Fails to Win the Peace by Wilson, I.
Geopolitical Exotica: Tibet in Western Imagination Volume 30 by Anand, Dibyesh
Civilizational Identity: The Production and Reproduction of 'Civilizations' in International Relations by
Pathbreakers: Small European Countries Responding to Globalisation and Deglobalisation by
Victorian Visions of Global Order: Empire and International Relations in Nineteenth-Century Political Thought by
Human Rights and Structural Adjustment by Cingranelli, David, Abouharb, M. Rodwan, M. Rodwan, Abouharb
The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons Since 1945 by Tannenwald, Nina
The Peacemaker by De Vries, Aidan
The Politics of American Foreign Aid by O'Leary, Michael
Domesticating the World: African Consumerism and the Genealogies of Globalization Volume 6 by Prestholdt, Jeremy
Embattled Garrisons: Comparative Base Politics and American Globalism by Calder, Kent E.
Die USA, die NATO und der Krieg um den Kosovo: Ein neorealistischer Erklärungsversuch des Kriegsausbruchs by Kreß, Christian
Prinzipale Und Agenten in Zwei-Ebenen-Spielen: Die Innerstaatlichen Restriktionen Der Europapolitik Großbritanniens Unter Tony Blair by Oppermann, Kai
Struggle for a Better South: The Southern Student Organizing Committee, 1964-1969 by Michel, G.
The Politics of Intelligence and American Wars with Iraq by Seliktar, O.
Vom Plan Zum Markt: Parteipolitik Und Privatisierungsprozesse in Osteuropa by Eckert, Florian
Domesticating the World: African Consumerism and the Genealogies of Globalization Volume 6 by Prestholdt, Jeremy
Die NATO - Transformation, Aufgaben, Ziele by Hauser, Gunther
Global Warming: Looking Beyond Kyoto by
Our Man in Berlin: The Diary of Sir Eric Phipps, 1933-1937 by Johnson, G.
Global Obligations for the Right to Food by
Global Obligations for the Right to Food by
U.S. National Security: A Reference Handbook by Watson, Cynthia
Der palästinensische Terrorismus: Ursachen des Wandels vom ethnisch-nationalistischen zum religiös motivierten Terrorismus by Meyer, Marius
The Strategic Defense Initiative by Reiss, Edward
Systems in Crisis: New Imperatives of High Politics at Century's End by Doran, Charles F.
Britain and Latin America: A Changing Relationship by
East Germany and Detente: Building Authority After the Wall by McAdams, A. James
Soviet-British Relations Since the 1970s by
Japanese Diplomacy in the 1950s: From Isolation to Integration by
Soviet Policy Towards South Asia Since 1970 by Racioppi, Linda
Theory of World Security by Booth, Ken
Between East and West: Israel's Foreign Policy Orientation 1948 1956 by Bialer, Uri
From Polaris to Trident: The Development of Us Fleet Ballistic Missile Technology by Spinardi, Graham
The Domestic Analogy and World Order Proposals by Suganami, Hidemi
My Dear Mr. Stalin: The Complete Correspondence of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph V. Stalin by
Beyond the Facade by
Auf Dem Weg Zu Einer Neuen Weltordnung by Del Ama, Carlos
Counterinsurgency and the Global War on Terror: Military Culture and Irregular War by Cassidy, Robert M.
The Evolution of the Trade Regime: Politics, Law, and Economics of the GATT and the Wto by Goldstein, Judith L., Josling, Timothy E., Barton, John H.
Democratic Imperialism: Democratization vs. Islamization by Younos, Farid
Democratic Imperialism: Democratization vs. Islamization by Younos, Farid
Securing the State: Reforming the National Security Decisionmaking Process at the Civil-Military Nexus by Gibson, Christopher P.
Towards a New Liberal Internationalism: The International Theory of J. A. Hobson by Long, David
The Information Revolution and World Politics by Hanson, Elizabeth C.
Capital, Power, and Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean by
Capital, Power, and Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean by
Strategic Rivalries in World Politics by Colaresi, Michael P., Rasler, Karen, Thompson, William R.
The British Monarchy and Ireland by Loughlin, James
Strategic Rivalries in World Politics by Rasler, Karen, Thompson, William R., Colaresi, Michael P.
The Soviet-East German Military Alliance by Douglas a., MacGregor, MacGregor, Douglas A.
Another Japan Is Possible: New Social Movements and Global Citizenship Education by
Another Japan Is Possible: New Social Movements and Global Citizenship Education by
Global Multi-Level Governance: European and East Asian Leadership by de Prado, César
An Immodest Proposal for Ending and Winning the War on Terror: A Curmudgeon's Plan for Survival by Lalor, Gene
An Immodest Proposal for Ending and Winning the War on Terror: A Curmudgeon's Plan for Survival by Lalor, Gene
A Chronology of European Security and Defence 1945-2006 by Lindley-French, Julian
Epz Terrorism: The New World Disorder by Lekea, Joanne K., Fotion, Nicholas, Kashnikov, Boris
Guys and Guns Amok: Domestic Terrorism and School Shootings from the Oklahoma City Bombing to the Virginia Tech Massacre by Kellner, Douglas
Parteienkonstellationen und Stabilität der Regierungen in Polen by Bednarz, Katarzyna Angelika
Neopopulismus in Lateinamerika - Das Beispiel Bolivien by Greßhöner, Kristine
Leaderless Jihad: Terror Networks in the Twenty-First Century by Sageman, Marc
Identities, Discourses and Experiences: Young People of North African Origin in France by Kiwan, Nadia
Strategic Challenges: America's Global Security Agenda by Flanagan, Stephen J., Schear, James A.
State Building and International Intervention in Bosnia by Belloni, Roberto
Multilateralism and Security Institutions in an Era of Globalization by
Unlikely Allies: Britain, America and the Victorian Origins of the Special Relationship by Campbell, Duncan
Music and Conflict Transformation: Harmonies and Dissonances in Geopolitics by Urbain, Olivier
Peace Operations and Global Order by
Intelligence, Crises and Security: Prospects and Retrospects by
Ethics and International Relat by Graham, Gordon
Globalization as Evolutionary Process: Modeling Global Change by
Regionalisation and Global Governance: The Taming of Globalisation? by
Causes and Consequences of International Conflict: Data, Methods and Theory by
Globalization as Evolutionary Process: Modeling Global Change by
The Globalization of Terror: The Challenge of Al-Qaida and the Response of the International Community by Shay, Shaul
Bait and Switch: Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy by Mertus, Julie A.
Strategic Challenges: America's Global Security Agenda by Schear, James A., Flanagan, Stephen J.
Undoing Saddam: From Occupation to Sovereignty in Northern Iraq by Bowen, Wayne H.
Singapore in the Global System: Relationship, Structure and Change by Preston, Peter
Private Militärdienstleister - Eine Bedrohung des staatlichen Gewaltmonopols? by Neubüser, Felix
Regionalisation and Global Governance: The Taming of Globalisation? by
Globalisation, Public Opinion and the State: Western Europe and East and Southeast Asia by
The Center Holds: UN Reform for 21st-Century Challenges by Mizner, Nadia
Trade and Development in a Globalized World: The Unfair Trade Problem in U.S.DThai Trade Relations by Chinapandhu, Benjamas, Rothgeb, John M.
Practicing Public Diplomacy: A Cold War Odyssey by Richmond, Yale
True Sons of the Republic: European Immigrants in the Union Army by Ã-Fele, Martin
Central Banking Governance in the European Union: A Comparative Analysis by Quaglia, Lucia
Global Power: India's Foreign Policy 1947-2006 by Jain, B. M.
The China Fantasy: Why Capitalism Will Not Bring Democracy to China by Mann, James
Medienpolitik in Polen by Budzinski, Nicole
Three Nights in Havana by Wright, Robert a.
Thinking Like a Terrorist: Insights of a Former FBI Undercover Agent by German, Michael E.
Soul-Sick Nation: An Astrologer's View of America by Murray, Jessica
Reforming Nuclear Export Controls: What Future for the Nuclear Suppliers Group? by Anthony, Ian, Fedchenko, Vitaly, Ahlstrom, Christer
Korea by Bluth, Christoph
The Information Revolution and World Politics by Hanson, Elizabeth C.
Israel und die Türkei. Welche Rolle spielt ihre Kooperation für den Friedensprozess im Nahen Osten? by Kayhan, Kamuran
The Nuclear Taboo: The United States and the Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons Since 1945 by Tannenwald, Nina
Odd Markets in Japanese History: Law and Economic Growth by Ramseyer, J. Mark
The Secret History of Al Qaeda, Updated Edition by Atwan, Abdel Bari
Zivilgesellschaft und Millenium Development Goals by Wurzer, C., Fritsch, A., Bacher, S.
The Problem of China (with footnotes and index) by Russell, Bertrand
Legal Geography of Yugoslavia's Disintegration by Ana S. Trbovich
The Iran Threat: President Ahmadinejad and the Coming Nuclear Crisis by Jafarzadeh, Alireza
Conservatize Me: A Lifelong Lefty's Attempt to Love God, Guns, Reagan, & Toby Keith by Moe, John
Man in the Shadows: Inside the Middle East Crisis with a Man Who Led the Mossad by Halevy, Efraim
The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism by Russell, Bertrand
The Fight Against Terrorism and Crisis Management in the Western Balkans by
Transforming Mozambique: The Politics of Privatization, 1975 2000 by M. Anne, Pitcher, Pitcher, M. Anne
Occupational Hazards by Edelstein, David M.
The Enemy At Home: The Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11 by D'Souza, Dinesh
Occupational Hazards by Edelstein, David M.
Soft Power in Foreign Policy - The U.S. and the Wars Against Iraq in 1991 and 2003 by Reinold, Theresa
Agents of Bioterrorism: Pathogens and Their Weaponization by Zubay, Geoffrey
Rethinking Trafficking in Women: Politics Out of Security by Aradau, C.
Bait and Switch: Human Rights and U.S. Foreign Policy by Mertus, Julie A.
Towards an Era of Development: The Globalization of Socialism and Christian Democracy, 1945-1965 by Van Kemseke, Peter
Containment: Rebuilding a Strategy Against Global Terror by Shapiro, Ian
Global Democracy: The Case for a World Government by Tännsjö, Torbjörn
The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism by Russell, Bertrand
Object-Based Image Analysis and Treaty Verification: New Approaches in Remote Sensing - Applied to Nuclear Facilities in Iran by Menz, Gunter, Nussbaum, Sven
Global Democracy: The Case for a World Government by Tännsjö, Torbjörn
The Legitimate Use of Military Force: The Just War Tradition and the Customary Law of Armed Conflict by
Eve of Destruction: The Coming Age of Preventive War by Nichols, Thomas M.
Folgt aus der demokratischen Verfasstheit eines Staates automatisch ein friedliches Außenverhalten? by Kacprzycki, Martin
Grenzer oder Nachbarn?: Über den Stand einer grenzübergreifenden regionalen Identität an der Oder by Pester, Erik
Das Präsidium in Bosnien-Herzegowina by Jugo, Muhamed
Trading With Mexico (1921) by Thompson, Wallace
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