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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 2010

Introducing China: The World's Oldest Great Power Charts its Next Comeback by Huisken, Ron
Rising China: Opportunity or Strategic Challenge by
Peace and Stability in Afghanistan: The Way Ahead by
India Bangladesh Relations: The Way Ahead by Bammi (Retd), Lt Gen
Citizenship and Social Movements: Perspectives from the Global South by
Reappraising the Resort to Force: International Law, Jus AD Bellum and the War on Terror by Moir, Lindsay
World Orders, Development and Transformation by Sahle, E.
Borderland Russians: Identity, Narrative and International Relations by Hønneland, G.
Constrained Balancing: The Eu's Security Policy by Peters, D.
Europe, Regions and European Regionalism by Wyn Jones, Richard, Scully, Roger
Which Europe?: The Politics of Differentiated Integration by
Transnational Actors in Global Governance: Patterns, Explanations and Implications by Tallberg, Jonas, Jönsson, Christer
Democracy and Public-Private Partnerships in Global Governance by
Legitimacy Beyond the State?: Re-Examining the Democratic Credentials of Transnational Actors by Erman, Eva, Uhlin, Anders
The Greek-Turkish Conflict in the Aegean: Imagined Enemies by Heraclides, A.
The European Union as a Small Power: After the Post-Cold War by Toje, A.
Challenging Capacity Building: Comparative Perspectives by
Scientific Realism and International Relations by
Regulating Statehood: State Building and the Transformation of the Global Order by Hameiri, S.
War and the Transformation of Global Politics by Jabri, V.
Neoclassical Realism and Defence Reform in Post-Cold War Europe by Dyson, T.
Conflict in the Caucasus: Implications for International Legal Order by
Understanding Collective Political Violence by
Key Players and Regional Dynamics in Eurasia: The Return of the 'great Game' by
Corporate Social Responsibility and Regulatory Governance: Towards Inclusive Development? by
Security, Citizenship and Human Rights: Shared Values in Uncertain Times by McGhee, D.
Children's Rights in International Politics: The Transformative Power of Discourse by Holzscheiter, A.
Das Osmanische Reich von den Anfängen bis zur Gründung der Türkei by Güc, Tezer
Sustainable Diplomacies by
Nixon, Kissinger, and Allende: U.S. Involvement in the 1973 Coup in Chile by Qureshi, Lubna Z.
Peacemaker's Guide to Warmongers: Exposing Robert Spencer, David Horowitz, and Other Enemies of Peace by Yuksel, Edip
Dying Empire: U.S. Imperialism and Global Resistance by Shor, Francis
The International Humanitarian Order by Barnett, Michael
US Foreign Policy in Context: National Ideology from the Founders to the Bush Doctrine by Quinn, Adam
The International History of East Asia, 1900-1968: Trade, Ideology and the Quest for Order by
Superpower Rivalry and Conflict: The Long Shadow of the Cold War on the 21st Century by
Historical Dictionary of International Organizations by Schechter, Michael G.
A Woman's War: The Professional and Personal Journey of the Navy's First African American Female Intelligence Officer by McLaughlin, Pam, Harris, Gail
Pursuing Effective Multilateralism: The European Union, International Organisations and the Politics of Decision Making by Kissack, R.
The Political Economy of Sovereign Wealth Funds by Bahgat, Gawdat, Yi-Chong, Xu
The New Global Insecurity: How Terrorism, Environmental Collapse, Economic Inequalities, and Resource Shortages Are Changing Our World by Moghaddam, Fathali
Power Shifts and Global Governance: Challenges from South and North by
AI: Is There a New Cold War -P by
Revolutionary Negotiations: Indians, Empires, and Diplomats in the Founding of America by Sadosky, Leonard J.
The Future of China-Russia Relations by
Brazilian Foreign Policy in Changing Times: The Quest for Autonomy from Sarney to Lula by Cepaluni, Gabriel, Vigevani, Tullo
Eisenhower and Adenauer: Alliance Maintenance under Pressure, 1953-1960 by Brady, Steven J.
Colonization or Globalization?: Postcolonial Explorations of Imperial Expansion by
The Problem of Enforcement in International Law: Countermeasures, the Non-Injured State and the Idea of International Community by Katselli Proukaki, Elena
Harvard and the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (WCFIA): Foreign Policy Research Center and Incubator of Presidential Advisors by Wiarda, Howard J.
Harvard and the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (Wcfia): Foreign Policy Research Center and Incubator of Presidential Advisors by Wiarda, Howard J.
Prying Open Fortress Europe: The Turn to Sectoral Labor Migration by Caviedes, Alexander
The Bear Went Over the Mountain: Soviet Combat Tactics in Afghanistan by Grau, Lester W.
The War Within Islam: Niyaz Fatehpuri's Struggle Against Islamic Fundamentalism by Shahin, Juhi
Human Intelligence Collection: A Standard Operating Procedure for Interrogation Operations, Liason Operations, and Military Source Operations by Pennington, Daryl
Scotland and America, c.1600-c.1800 by Murdoch, Alexander
Truth Commissions and Transitional Societies: The Impact on Human Rights and Democracy by Wiebelhaus-Brahm, Eric
Dangerous Democracies and Partying Prime Ministers: Domestic Political Contexts and Foreign Policy by Atkinson, Chad
They Must Be Stopped by Gabriel, Brigitte
Piracy and Maritime Crime: Historical and Modern Case Studies (Naval War College Press Newport Papers, Number 35) by
Testing the President's Hypothesis by Carley, Stephen
Regimetheorie und Kyoto-Protokoll by Osterheld, Steffi
Der Bürgerkrieg in Sri Lanka: Deskription und Analyse by Mohr, Oliver
Brauchen wir eine Weltumweltorganisation? by Rohde, Gerrit
The Power of Legitimacy: Assessing the Role of Norms in Crisis Bargaining by Gelpi, Christopher
Regionalisation and Interregionalism in a Post-globalisation and Post-American Era by Doan, Xuan Loc
Shaping Foreign Policy in Times of Crisis by Scharf, Michael P., Williams, Paul R.
Global Energy Governance: The New Rules of the Game by
Shaping Foreign Policy in Times of Crisis by Scharf, Michael P., Williams, Paul R.
Do European Defence initiatives threaten NATO? by Lynch, Grattan
Europe's Ghost: Tolerance, Jihadism, and the Crisis in the West by Radu, Michael
The Turkish-Israeli Relationship: Changing Ties of Middle Eastern Outsiders by Bengio, O.
The Inheritance: The World Obama Confronts and the Challenges to American Power by Sanger, David E.
Presidential Command: Power, Leadership, and the Making of Foreign Policy from Richard Nixon to George W. Bush by Rodman, Peter W.
New Systems Theories of World Politics by
Politics in France and Europe by
Ethics, Authority, and War: Non-State Actors and the Just War Tradition by
Europe's Greece: A Giant in the Making by Kalaitzidis, A.
The World Views of the Us Presidential Election by
Europe's Greece: A Giant in the Making by Kalaitzidis, A.
The World Views of the Us Presidential Election by
The Role of Business in Global Governance: Corporations as Norm-Entrepreneurs by Rieth, L., Schwindenhammer, S., Flohr, A.
Sudan - An Analysis of the British Colonial Policy and its Legacy by Duhnkrack, Sophie
Influence of Foreign Policy to the EU Accession Process by Selic, Ana
Superpower Competition and Crisis Prevention in the Third World by
Soviet Policy Towards Japan: An Analysis of Trends in the 1970s and 1980s by Robertson, Myles L. C.
Britain's Policy for West German Rearmament 1950 1955 by Dockrill, Saki
India's War on Terror by
Canadian Foreign Policy in Critical Perspective by
Party Politics in the Western Balkans by
Voices in Refuge: Stories from Sudanese Refugees in Cairo by
Evaluating Climate Change and Development by
Borderlines and Borderlands: Political Oddities at the Edge of the Nation-State by
Borderlines and Borderlands: Political Oddities at the Edge of the Nation-State by
Conflict Resolution of the Boruca Hydro-Energy Project by Jones, Lauren E., Haffar, Warren R., Carls, Jurgen
At the Core: The United Nation's Tragically Massive Corruption and How It Affects You by Pierce, M. M.
New Central Asia, The: The Regional Impact of International Actors by
Justifying Ballistic Missile Defence by Peoples, Columba
Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going?: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly by Tahernia, Cyrus
African American Politics by King, Kendra
Scotland and America, c.1600-c.1800 by Murdoch, Alexander
Greenpeace Österreich by Pinamonti, Carlo
Economists with Guns: Authoritarian Development and U.S.-Indonesian Relations, 1960-1968 by Simpson, Bradley R.
African American Politics by King, Kendra
Legitimität und Effektivität der Sea Shepherd Conservation Society by Treffert, Tom
The South in World Politics by Alden, C., Morphet, S., Vieira, M.
World Trade Organization by Bohne, E.
The South in World Politics by Morphet, S., Vieira, M., Alden, C.
Asean's Cooperative Security Enterprise: Norms and Interests in the ASEAN Regional Forum by Katsumata, H.
Palgrave Advances in Peacebuilding: Critical Developments and Approaches by
Asean's Cooperative Security Enterprise: Norms and Interests in the ASEAN Regional Forum by Katsumata, H.
The Politics of Economic Regionalism: Explaining Regional Economic Integration in East Asia by Cai, K.
Palgrave Advances in Peacebuilding: Critical Developments and Approaches by
The World Trade Organization: Institutional Development and Reform by Bohne, E.
The Politics of Economic Regionalism: Explaining Regional Economic Integration in East Asia by Cai, K.
Securing Europe: European Security in an American Epoch by Watanabe, L.
Petrostate: Putin, Power, and the New Russia by Goldman, Marshall I.
Annihilation from Within: The Ultimate Threat to Nations by Iklé, Fred Charles
The Other Side of the Mountain: Mujahideen Tactics in the Soviet-Afghan War by Grau, Lester W., Jalali, Ali Ahmad
Welchen Einfluss hat die Religion im Leben der kosovarischen Gesellschaft? by Arifi, Dritero
Normative Ansätze zum Konzept Global Governance by Rohde, Gerrit, Behrendt, Inga
Regionale Wirtschaftsverbände: NAFTA, MERCOSUR, ASEAN und EU by Maichel, Alois
The New Global Insecurity: How Terrorism, Environmental Collapse, Economic Inequalities, and Resource Shortages Are Changing Our World by Moghaddam, Fathali
A Theory of Foreign Policy by Palmer, Glenn, Morgan, T. Clifton
Free Trade Reimagined: The World Division of Labor and the Method of Economics by Unger, Roberto Mangabeira
Framing Europe: Attitudes to European Integration in Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom by Medrano, Juan Díez
Justifying Ballistic Missile Defence by Peoples, Columba
Politische Identität Und Soziales Europa: Parteikonzeptionen Und Bürgereinstellungen in Deutschland, Großbritannien Und Polen by Schildberg, Cäcilie
Die Europäische Union Nach Dem Vertrag Von Lissabon by
Militärische Auslandseinsätze: Die Entscheidungen Europäischer Staaten Zwischen 2000 Und 2006 by Viehrig, Henrike
Vergesellschaftung an Europas Binnengrenzen: Eine Vergleichende Studie Zu Den Bedingungen Sozialer Integration by Roose, Jochen
One Alliance, Two Lenses: U.S.-Korea Relations in a New Era by Shin, Gi-Wook
One Alliance, Two Lenses: U.S.-Korea Relations in a New Era by Shin, Gi-Wook
Toughing It Out in Afghanistan by Sherjan, Hassina, O'Hanlon, Michael E.
Securing Africa: Post-9/11 Discourses on Terrorism by
The Failure of Democratic Nation Building: Ideology Meets Evolution by Peterson, S., Somit, A.
Channels of Power: The UN Security Council and U.S. Statecraft in Iraq by Thompson, Alexander
The King Of Hedjaz And Arab Independence (1917) by Maude, Stanley
The Diplomatic Relations Between Cromwell And Charles X. Gustavus Of Sweden (1897) by Jones, Guernsey
The Lauderdale Papers V3: 1673-1679 (1885) by Lauderdale, John Maitland
The Harmony Of Interests: Agricultural, Manufacturing, And Commercial (1851) by Carey, Henry Charles
The Awakening Of China (1907) by Martin, William Alexander Parsons
The Postalization Of The Telephone: Hearing Before The Committee On The Post Office And Post Roads (1915) by Committee on Post Office and Post Roads
Letters To E. G. S. Stanley, Upon The Existing Treaties With France And America, As Regards Their Rights Of Fishery (1834) by Young, George Renny
The Dingley Tariff (1897) by Dingley, Nelson
The Kingdom That Must Be Built (1919) by Carey, Walter Julius, Coles, C. E.
The Anglo-Venezuelan Controversy: And The Monroe Doctrine, Statement Of Facts And Memorandum (1888) by Johnes, Edward Rodolph
The German Empire Of Today: Outlines Of Its Formation And Development (1902) by Veritas
The Navies Of The World: Their Present State And Future Capabilities (1859) by Busk, Hans
The Question Of The Bahama Jurisdiction Over The Turk's Islands: Discussed In A Letter To The Honorable Speaker (1803) by Isocrates
International Discord on Population and Development by Kantner, J.
Indigenous Diplomacies by Beier, J.
China's Automotive Modernization: The Party-State and Multinational Corporations by Chin, G.
Rethinking Popular Representation by
Rethinking Popular Representation by
The Politics of Ethnic Separatism in Russia and Georgia by George, J.
China's Automotive Modernization: The Party-State and Multinational Corporations by Chin, G.
Debating the War of Ideas by
Indigenous Diplomacies by Beier, J.
Enhancing Regional Trade Integration in Southeast Europe by Lucas, Robert, Martin, Philip, Handjiski, Borko
Portugal e Itália: relações diplomáticas (1943-1974) by de Matos, Vera
China's Elite Politics: Governance and Democratization by Bo, Zhiyue
Nationalism in the Troubled Triangle: Cyprus, Greece and Turkey by
Vergleichende Rezension: Internationale Beziehungen (Hartmann) im Vergleich zu Theories of World Politics - The Globalization of World Politics by Döring, Till
Nationalism in the Troubled Triangle: Cyprus, Greece and Turkey by
Understanding Violent Radicalisation: Terrorist and Jihadist Movements in Europe by
Dying Empire: U.S. Imperialism and Global Resistance by Shor, Francis
Turkey's Entente with Israel and Azerbaijan: State Identity and Security in the Middle East and Caucasus by Murinson, Alexander
Women, Civil Society and the Geopolitics of Democratization by Horn, Denise M.
Truth Commissions and Transitional Societies: The Impact on Human Rights and Democracy by Wiebelhaus-Brahm, Eric
Economic Growth, the Environment and International Relations: The Growth Paradigm by Purdey, Stephen J.
Coping and Conformity in World Politics by Dyer, Hugh C.
Globalization: A Reader by
Getting to Yes in Korea by Clemens, Walter C., Jr.
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO): Creating Norms for a Complex World by Singh, J. P.
Committee Governance in the European Union by
Snitch!: A History of the Modern Intelligence Informer by Hewitt, Steve
Palestinian and Israeli Public Opinion: The Public Imperative in the Second Intifada by Shamir, Jacob, Shikaki, Khalil
Cybercrime: Criminal Threats from Cyberspace by Brenner, Susan
Strategic Shortfall: The Somalia Syndrome and the March to 9/11 by Patman, Robert
Understanding Violent Radicalisation: Terrorist and Jihadist Movements in Europe by
The International Politics of Mass Atrocities: The Case of Darfur by
Competing Chinese Political Visions: Hong Kong vs. Beijing on Democracy by Lo, Sonny
China Restored: The Middle Kingdom Looks to 2020 and Beyond by Anderson, Eric
Kaliningrad im Wandel? by Holbreich, Paulina
Understanding Life in the Borderlands: Boundaries in Depth and in Motion by
Regionale Wirtschaftsintegration in Nordamerika - das NAFTA by Maichel, Alois
Mexico and the United States: Ambivalent Vistas by Brescia, Michael M., Raat, W. Dirk
Understanding Life in the Borderlands: Boundaries in Depth and in Motion by
Mitterrand, the End of the Cold War, and German Unification by Bozo, Frédéric
The European Parliament's Committees: National Party Influence and Legislative Empowerment by Whitaker, Richard
The Globalization of the Cold War: Diplomacy and Local Confrontation, 1975-85 by
Snitch!: A History of the Modern Intelligence Informer by Hewitt, Steve
Der Konflikt um die Westsahara - Die MINURSO - eine 'Mission Impossible'? by Döring, Till
Non-Western International Relations Theory: Perspectives on and Beyond Asia by
Critical Thinking and Intelligence Analysis (Second Edition) by National Defense Intelligence College, Moore, David T.
Nuclear Proliferation in South Asia: Crisis Behaviour and the Bomb by
NATO 2008 - Die Ergebnisse von Bukarest im bündnispolitischen Kontext by Baumann, Sebastian
EU External Governance: Projecting EU Rules beyond Membership by
The Crimes Of Empire: Rogue Superpower and World Domination by Boggs, Carl
See More