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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 2015

Connectivity And Integration In South Asia by B, Mohanan Pillai
International Perspectives on Terrorist Victimisation: An Interdisciplinary Approach by
Eco-Cities and the Transition to Low Carbon Economies by Caprotti, Federico
The Eu, ASEAN and Interregionalism: Regionalism Support and Norm Diffusion Between the EU and ASEAN by Allison, L.
The Maritime Dimension of European Security: Seapower and the European Union by Germond, B.
Security and the Turkey-EU Accession Process: Norms, Reforms and the Cyprus Issue by Martin, N.
The Role of Regional Organizations in Disaster Risk Management: A Strategy for Global Resilience by Hollis, S.
The Politics of Leverage in International Relations: Name, Shame, and Sanction by
The African Union's Role in Peacekeeping: Building on Lessons Learned from Security Operations by Badmus, Isiaka
The Responsibility to Protect and the Third Pillar: Legitimacy and Operationalization by
Disrupting Pathways to Genocide: The Process of Ideological Radicalization by Murray, E.
The Contested Identities of Ulster Protestants by
The European Union as a Diplomatic Actor by
Managing Crises, Making Peace: Towards a Strategic EU Vision for Security and Defense by
Public Opinion, Transatlantic Relations and the Use of Force by Isernia, P., Everts, P.
Power, Information Technology, and International Relations Theory: The Power and Politics of Us Foreign Policy and the Internet by McCarthy, D.
Conditionality and the Ambitions of Governance: Social Transformation in Southeastern Europe by Shelton, Joel T.
Jewish-Israeli National Identity and Dissidence: The Contradictions of Zionism and Resistance by Attwell, K.
The Transition of Global Order: Legitimacy and Contestation by Terhalle, M.
France and the Politics of European Economic and Monetary Union by Caton, V.
Russia's Postcolonial Identity: A Subaltern Empire in a Eurocentric World by Morozov, V.
European Integration and the Problem of the State: A Critique of the Bordering of Europe by Borg, Stefan
Indonesia's Ascent: Power, Leadership, and the Regional Order by
Youth in Conflict and Peacebuilding: Mobilization, Reintegration and Reconciliation by Özerdem, A., Podder, S.
Human Rights Protection in Global Politics: Responsibilities of States and Non-State Actors by
Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea: Navigating Rough Waters by
International Cooperation in the Development of Russia's Far East and Siberia by
European Union Foreign Policy: From Effectiveness to Functionality by Bickerton, C.
Recognition in International Relations: Rethinking a Political Concept in a Global Context by
Brazil's Emerging Role in Global Governance: Health, Food Security and Bioenergy by Fraundorfer, M.
Immigration and Citizenship in an Enlarged European Union: The Political Dynamics of Intra-EU Mobility by McMahon, Simon
The Substance of EU Democracy Promotion: Concepts and Cases by
Explaining Political Judgement by 6, Perri
Middle Powers in World Trade Diplomacy: India, South Africa and the Doha Development Agenda by Efstathopoulos, C.
Science Diplomacy: New Day or False Dawn? by
Genocide, Geopolitics and Transnational Networks: Con-textualising the destruction of the Unión Patriótica in Colombia by Gomez-Suarez, Andrei
Strategic Cultures and Security Policies in the Asia-Pacific by
Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations in an Era of Technological Change: Security, Economic and Cultural Dimensions by
On the Edge of the Cold War: American Diplomats and Spies in Postwar Prague by Lukes, Igor
Translating Evidence and Interpreting Testimony at a War Crimes Tribunal: Working in a Tug-Of-War by Elias-Bursac, Ellen
Inside War by Armao, Fabio
Countering Terrorism in Britain and France by Foley, Frank
Religion and Post-Conflict Statebuilding: Roman Catholic and Sunni Islamic Perspectives by Dragovic, Denis
International Relations In Global Era: Concept And Revision Of Public Diplomacy Around The World by Nali, Jalal
Immigration, Integration and Mobility: New Agendas in Migration Studies by Favell, Adrian
The Decline of Arab Unity: The Rise and Fall of the United Arab Republic by Podeh, Elie
Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in Africa: Fighting Insurgency from Al Shabaab, Ansar Dine and Boko Haram by Solomon, H.
Visual Propaganda and Extremism in the Online Environment by U. S. Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute
Russia's Contribution as a Partner in the War on Terrorism by U. S. Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute
Rising Powers and Multilateral Institutions by Lesage, Dries
The United Arab Emirates (UAE): Issues for U.S. Policy by Congressional Research Service
Canada-U.S. Relations: June 3, 2014 by Congressional Research Service
Turkey's New Regional Security Role: Implications for the United States by U. S. Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute
International Trade and Finance: Key Policy Issues for the 114th Congress by Congressional Research Service
Superpower Transformed: The Remaking of American Foreign Relations in the 1970s by Sargent, Daniel J.
Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands by Sakwa, Richard
El Salvador: Background and U.S. Relations by Seelke
The Weimar Century: German Émigrés and the Ideological Foundations of the Cold War by Greenberg, Udi
Winning the Peace: Australia's Campaign to Change the Asia-Pacific by Carr, Andrew
Introduction to International and Global Studies, Second Edition by Brown, Kimberley, Smallman, Shawn C.
Das Sicherheitsdilemma. Auswirkungen auf die Kooperationsmöglichkeiten zwischen Staaten in internationalen Beziehungen by Willenbacher, Philipp
Politische Mobilisierung und Kontrollstrukturen innerhalb der Guomindang-Herrschaft in China by Houswitschka, Anselm
Female Suicide Bombers by U. S. Army War College Press, Strategic Studies Institute
China-U.S. Trade Issues by Congressional Research Service
China's Economic Rise: History, Trends, Challenges, and Implications for the United States by Congressional Research Service
90 Minutes at Entebbe: The Full Inside Story of the Spectacular Israeli Counterterrorism Strike and the Daring Rescue of 103 Hostages by Stevenson, William
Asia's Cauldron: The South China Sea and the End of a Stable Pacific by Kaplan, Robert D.
Rare: The High-Stakes Race to Satisfy Our Need for the Scarcest Metals on Earth by Veronese, Keith
Noncomissioned Truth Of 9-11-2001 by Pimentel, Tomas
North Korea: Legislative Basis for U.S. Economic Sanctions by Congressional Research Service
Mental Health Response to Mass Violence and Terrorism by U. S. Department of Justice
The Muslims Are Coming: Islamophobia, Extremism, and the Domestic War on Terror by Kundnani, Arun
Security in Shared Neighbourhoods: Foreign Policy of Russia, Turkey and the EU by Simão, Licínia
Der Einfluss externer Interessen auf die Ministerialverwaltung: Eine Analyse aus demokratietheoretischer Perspektive by Callsen, Elisa
Das Demokratiedefizit der World Trade Organization (WTO) by Göbel, Jan
The Archipelago of Pain: The CIA and Torture since 9/11: Senate Committee Study of the CIA's Detention and Interrogation Program by Subcommittee, Senate
Verteilungsgerechtigkeit und Entwicklungspolitik: Inwiefern entspricht die Europäische Entwicklungspolitik den Grundsätzen der Gerechtigkeitstheorie n by S, Sandra
The US-Afghanistan Relations during Obama Era: Implications for Pakistan by Kakar, Allauddin
Kuba. Ein kommunistisch-totalitäres Regime? by S, Sandra
Obama and the New Left in Latin America by Nieto, Clara
Internet Use and Openness to Trade by U. S. International Trade Commission
The "Islamic State" Crisis and U.S. Policy by Congressional Research Service
Legalität Ohne Legitimität?: Carl Schmitts Kategorie Der Legitimität by
Wie standen Edmund Burke und der Marquis de Condorcet zur Französischen Revolution und dem Freiem Mandat? by Vahlenkamp, Jan
Kopenhagener Schule und Human Security: Ein Vergleich by Wittwer, Alexander
IG Metall und Ver.di - erfolgreich gescheitert? by Preidt, Patrick
Democrats Struggle for Power by Agaa, MR Hesham Ghonem
Warum die "echte" Demokratie weltweit so selten ist. Eine Erklärung auf Grundlage des Mehrebenenmodells nach Merkel und des Bertelsmann Transformation by Steinwachs, Konrad
The Globalists and the Islamists by Goodgame, Peter
Diskursive Interaktionsmuster Des Libanonkonflikts: Legitime Interventionen Und Unrechtmäßige Einmischungen by Moussa Nabo, Mitra
Grand Strategy in Theory and Practice by Martel, William C.
Grand Strategy in Theory and Practice by Martel, William C.
Afghanistan: Politics, Elections, and Government Performance by Congressional Research Service
The Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Torture - Special Extensive Edition Including Additional Views, Minority Views & Additional Minority Views by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
The Ethics of Insurgency by Gross, Michael L.
Patriotic Betrayal: The Inside Story of the Cia's Secret Campaign to Enroll American Students in the Crusade Against Communism by Paget, Karen M.
Human Rights Protection in Global Politics: Responsibilities of States and Non-State Actors by
Cuentos Chinos / Chinese Stories by Oppenheimer, Andres
Japan-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress by Congressional Research Service
The Five Disciplines of Intelligence Collection by Lowenthal, Mark M., Clark, Robert M.
Je Suis Charlie by Stowe, Tyler
Internet Use and Openness to Trade by U. S. International Trade Commission
Das Schottland-Referendum: Hintergrundinformationen Und Einordnung by Sturm, Roland
Technikeinsatz Und Verlagerungsprozesse in Unternehmensnetzwerken: Die Organisation Von Callcenter-Dienstleistungen in Deutschland by Longen, Jessica
Culture, Diversity and Heritage: Major Studies by Arizpe, Lourdes
Intelligence Authorization Legislation for FY2014 and FY2015: Provisions, Status, Intelligence Community Framework by Congressional Research Service
The U.S.-EU Beef Hormone Dispute by Congressional Research Service
Brazil: Political and Economic Situation and U.S. Relations by Congressional Research Service
"All Necessary Means": Employing CIA Operatives in a Warfighting Role Alongside Special Operations Forces by U. S. Army War College
Rechtsextreme bzw. rechtspopulistische Parteien in Frankreich, Italien und Bulgarien by Klotz, Thomas Michael
China's Military Power: A Net Assessment by Bakshi, G. D.
George Yeo on Bonsai, Banyan and the Tao by
The Improbable War: China, the United States and Logic of Great Power Conflict by Coker, Christopher
Les Mondialistes et les Islamistes by Goodgame, Peter
The Triumph of Improvisation: Gorbachev's Adaptability, Reagan's Engagement, and the End of the Cold War by Wilson, James Graham
European Security in NATO's Shadow by Hofmann, Stephanie C.
U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services by United States Census Bureau
Thailand: Food and Agricultural Import Regulations and Standards by United States Department of Agriculture
Dictionnaire Manuel de Diplomatie et de Droit International: Public et Prive by Calvo, Charles
Dictionnaire Manuel de Diplomatie et de Droit International: Public et Prive by Calvo, Charles
Other Men Will Come: How the Military-Industrial Complex Gained Control of the U.S. Government by Dieter, Wolf Christoph
Jewish-Israeli National Identity and Dissidence: The Contradictions of Zionism and Resistance by Attwell, K.
Political Preferences and the Aging of Populations: Political-Economy Explanations of Pension Reform by Pamp, Oliver
Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in UN Peacekeeping: An Analysis of Risk and Prevention Factors by Neudorfer, Kelly
Participative democracy in transition countries. The Macedonian case by Ananiev, Jovan
Der Einfluss wissenschaftlicher Politikberatung in den Enquete-Kommissionen des Deutschen Bundestages: Wissenschaft und Politik im politischen Prozess by Kater, Thorsten
Dwight Eisenhower and American Foreign Policy during the 1960s: An American Lion in Winter by Filipink, Richard M.
State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs: FY2015 Budget and Appropriations by Congressional Research Service
The New Global Context by Rose, Gideon
Die Beziehung zwischen Medien und Terrorismus unter besonderer Betrachtung der Anschläge in Madrid 2004 by S, Sandra
Cold War Diplomat: Inside U.S. Diplomacy 1981-2011 by Glass, George a.
Arms Control and Missile Defense: Explaining Success and Failure in U.S.- Russian Cooperation by Naval Postgraduate School
China-India Relations: Tensions Persist Despite Growing Cooperation by U. S. -China Economic and Security Review
Strengthening Democratic Local Governance (SDLG) Program in Bangladesh: Work Plan 2014-15 by United States Agency for International D.
Food Security Governance: Empowering Communities, Regulating Corporations by McKeon, Nora
The Ethics of Insurgency by Gross, Michael L.
Turkey's New Foreign Policy: Davutoglu, the AKP and the Pursuit of Regional Order by Stein, Aaron
Cultural Relativism and International Politics by Robbins, Derek
Beyond the Wire: A Soldier's Perspective on the Iraq War by Bryan, Ross
Counterinsurgency in Crisis: Britain and the Challenges of Modern Warfare by Ucko, David, Egnell, Robert
Is the American Century Over? by Nye, Joseph S.
Variationen Über Die Vielen Frieden: Band 3: Elicitive Conflict Mapping by Dietrich, Wolfgang
Transpacific Rebalancing: Implications for Trade and Economic Growth by
Curso de Política y Ética para el Ciudadano Venezolano by Blanco Rivero, José Javier
Boston Strong: A City's Triumph Over Tragedy by Sherman, Casey, Wedge, Dave
Radikalisierung von Terrorismusakteuren. Daniel Schneider und die Sauerlandgruppe by Kater, Thorsten
Afghanistan: Post-Taliban Governance, Security, and U.S. Policy by Congressional Research Service
Föderalismusreform für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Dietrich, Björn
Die Partizipationsfunktionen. Gründe und Formen politischen Engagements by Bräunig, Lars
Die Vetospielertheorie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft by Sonnenschein, Katharina
"Der unsichtbare Händedruck": Unternehmenslobbyismus zwischen legitimer Interessenvertretung und Korruption?: Komplexes Entscheiden (Professional Pu by
Conflict Resolution and Ontological Security: Peace Anxieties by
Critical Approaches to International Security by Fierke, Karin M.
Whither Southeast Asia Terrorism? by Acharya, Arabinda
The New US Strategy towards Asia: Adapting to the American Pivot by
Conflict Management in International Missions: A field guide by Ofstad, Olav
Yemen: Background and U.S. Relations by Congressional Research Service
The Vortex of Violence: and why we are losing the war on climate change by Lister, Kevin
Japanese and Russian Politics: Polar Opposites or Something in Common? by
Japanese and Korean Politics: Alone and Apart from Each Other by
Periphery: Israel's Search for Middle East Allies by Alpher, Yossi
Transnationalization and Regulatory Change in the EU's Eastern Neighbourhood: Ukraine between Brussels and Moscow by Langbein, Julia
Development and Politics in the Third World. The Causes of the Major Constitutional Human Rights Violations in Jamaica by Ashley, Kavoy
Digital Diplomacy: Conversations on Innovation in Foreign Policy by Sandre, Andreas
The Concept of the State in International Relations: Philosophy, Sovereignty and Cosmopolitanism by
Recollections: Collected Essays by Amadi, Phyl
Israel La Guerra Asimetrica Y El Terrorismo Global by Mederos, Ricardo Robaina
Politics: The Key Concepts by Harrison, Lisa, Little, Adrian, Lock, Ed
Re-Imagining North Korea in International Politics: Problems and alternatives by Choi, Shine
Civil Society and World Regions: How Citizens Are Reshaping Regional Governance in Times of Crisis by
Die Alternative Für Deutschland: Aufstieg Und Gesellschaftliche Repräsentanz Einer Rechten Populistischen Partei by Bebnowski, David
"Früher, Entschiedener Und Substantieller"?: Die Neue Debatte Über Deutschlands Außenpolitik by
Assault on International Law by Ohlin, Jens David
Military Intelligence by Finnegan, John Patrick
Food Security Governance: Empowering Communities, Regulating Corporations by McKeon, Nora
Illegale Einwanderung in die USA: Am Beispiel der mexikanischen Bevölkerung by Leitermann, Judith
The Ethics of Nuclear Weapons Dissemination: Moral Dilemmas of Aspiration, Avoidance and Prevention by Doyle II, Thomas E.
State Strategies in International Bargaining by McKibben, Heather Elko
Iran: U.S. Concerns and Policy Responses by Congressional Research Service
Little Britain?: Twenty-First Century Strategy for a Middling European Power by Lindley-French, Julian
War and Society in Afghanistan: From the Mughals to the Americans, 1500-2013 by Roy, Kaushik
Sensemaking: A Structure for an Intelligence Revolution by National Defense Intelligence College
Mexico's Oil and Gas Sector: Background, Reform Efforts, and Implications for the United States by Congressional Research Service
The Evolution of Terrorist Propaganda: The Paris Attack and Social Media by House of Representatives, Committee on F.
A State in Denial: Pakistan's Misguided and Dangerous Crusade by Verghese, B. G.
Britain and Arab Unity: A Documentary History from the Treaty of Versailles to the End of World War II by Rizk, Younan Labib
Politics: The Key Concepts by Harrison, Lisa, Little, Adrian, Lock, Ed
Power, Information Technology, and International Relations Theory: The Power and Politics of Us Foreign Policy and the Internet by McCarthy, D.
The European External Action Service and National Foreign Ministries: Convergence or Divergence? by
Demokratie, Transition und Regimewandel. Ein Vergleich der Regierung Brasiliens unter José Sarney und Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva by Preidt, Patrick
Wie kann individuelle Freiheit zum Weltstaat führen? by Boehm, Martin
U.S. Natural Gas Exports: New Opportunities, Uncertain Outcomes by Congressional Research Service
Iran Sanctions by Congressional Research Service
Latin America and the Caribbean: Key Issues for the 114th Congress by Congressional Research Service
Politik und Demokratie im Zeitalter der Rationalisierung nach Max Weber by Esser, Anno
Volkspartei CDU. Organisationsstruktur, politisches Programm und gesellschaftliche Positionierung by Wittwer, Alexander
The European External Action Service and National Foreign Ministries: Convergence or Divergence? by
The Private Correspondence of Sir Benjamin Keene, K.B. by
Humanity's Children: ICC Jurisprudence and the Failure to Address the Genocidal Forcible Transfer of Children by Grover, Sonja C.
Sir William Trumbull in Paris: 1685 1686 by Clark, Ruth
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