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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 2016

Internal Security Problems in Northeast India: Insurgency and Counter Insurgency In Assam Since 1985 by Pawar, Onkar
Chinas Economic Development Plan in Xinjiang and How it Affects Ethnic Instability by Naval Postgraduate School
Long-Term Care Reforms in OECD Countries by
Political Violence in Context: Time, Space and Milieu by
Between Nationalism and Europeanisation by Nancheva, Nevena
The Ethics of War: Second Edition by Coates, A. J.
The Abe Experiment and the Future of Japan: Don't Repeat History by Yamaguchi, Jiro, Banno, Junji
Not by Bread Alone: Russian Foreign Policy Under Putin by Nalbandov, Robert
Eagles Are Gathering by Miller, Merlin
The Neutron Bomb by Aquino Ph. D., Michael a.
The Defence Capabilities of Small States: Singapore and Taiwan's Responses to Strategic Desperation by Wu, Shang-Su
Narratives, Policy, and Change: The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of U.S. Narratives in Syria by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Coll
Balancing Congressional Needs for Classified Information: A Case Study of the Strategic Defense Initiative by U. S. Naval Academy
Strategic Improvements to TSA SPOT Program by Naval Postgraduate School
Contesting Security: Strategies and Logics by
U.S. Strategic Interests and Georgias Prospects for NATO Membership by Naval Postgraduate School
Windows of Opportunity: How Women Seize Peace Negotiations for Political Change by Anderson, Miriam J.
Target Markets: North Korea's Military Customers by Berger, Andrea
Al Qaeda Franchise: The Expansion of Al-Qaeda and Its Consequences by Mendelsohn, Barak
Reproductive States: Global Perspectives on the Invention and Implementation of Population Policy by
North Korea: Back on the State Sponsor of Terrorism List by Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferat
An Introduction to World Politics by Gibbons, Herbert Adams
The Politics of Inclusive Development: Policy, State Capacity, and Coalition Building by Teichman, Judith A.
The Evolution of Development Thinking: Governance, Economics, Assistance, and Security by Brewer, Garry D., Cheema, G. Shabbir, Ascher, William
ASEAN Economic Community: A Model for Asia-Wide Regional Integration? by
Export Empire by Gross, Stephen G.
Asymmetry and International Relationships by Womack, Brantly
Camp David: Peacemaking and Politics by Quandt, William B.
Asymmetry and International Relationships by Womack, Brantly
Conflict and Commerce in Maritime East Asia by Hang, Xing
Lords of Secrecy: The National Security Elite and America's Stealth Warfare by Horton, Scott
Big Ideas in Social Science by
Design Service Resources Guide: A Reference for U.S. Exporters by U. S. Department of Commerce
Recent Trends in U.S. Service Trade: 2015 Annual Report by United States International Trade Commis
A Commonsense Revolution by Bruce, Ben Murray
Annual Report on the Development of the Indian Ocean Region (2015): 21st Century Maritime Silk Road by
The Credibility of Sovereignty - The Political Fiction of a Concept by Pusterla, Elia R. G.
Drug Politics: Dirty Money and Democracies by Jordan, David J.
European Regulatory Agencies in EU Decision-Making: Between Expertise and Influence by Ossege, Christoph
International Relations and the Origins of the Pacific War by Unoki, Ko
The Levant in Turmoil: Syria, Palestine, and the Transformation of Middle Eastern Politics by
Singapore-China Relations: 50 Years by
Thorough Surveillance: The Genesis of Israeli Policies of Population Management, Surveillance and Political Control Towards the Palestinian Minority by Sa'di, Ahmad
The Politics of International Economic Law by
Modernity, Civilizations and the Truth by Solayappan, Kannan
Contemporary Chinese Rural Reform by Wu, Xiang
Political Theory for the Jewish People by Gans, Chaim
Heading East: Security, Trade, and Environment Between India and Southeast Asia by
Rewriting the Vietnam Narrative: Strategic Partnership Opportunities in Southeast Asia by United States Army War College
U.S. International Trade in Good and Service: March 2015 by U. S. Census Bureau
U.S.-Russia Relations: Refocus, Rebuild, Reenergize by United States Air Force
Multivariate Indicators of Terrorism Vulnerability in Africa by Air Force Institute of Technology
Indicators of Terrorism Vulnerability in Africa by Air Force Institute of Technology
Isis: war against Shia Militias in Irak by Power, Brad
A Dynamic Game on Network Topology for Counterinsurgency Applications by Air Force Institute of Technology
European External Action: The Making of EU Diplomacy in Kenya by Bachmann, Veit
Tishio La Ukombozi: Ubeberu Na Mapinduzi Zanzibar by Wilson, Amrit
Emotions in International Politics by
The Paris Attacks: A Strategic Shift by ISIS? by Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferat
Terrorist Financing: Kidnapping, Antiquities, Trafficking, and Private Donations by Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferat
Islamic Law and Transnational Diplomatic Law: A Quest for Complementarity in Divergent Legal Theories by Ismail, Muhammad-Basheer A.
Brazil as a Rising Power: Intervention Norms and the Contestation of Global Order by
Should the West Engage Putin's Russia?: The Munk Debates by Applebaum, Anne, Cohen, Stephen F., Pozner, Vladimir
Global Flashpoints 2016: Crisis and Opportunity by
Bashar Al-Assad. The Web of Interests Surrounding Syria's Dictator by Eisen, Katharina
The Price of Oil by Radetzki, Marian, Aguilera, Roberto F.
Islamist Movements: Protégées of the Ayatollahs by Tanter, Raymond
Russian Engagement in the Western Hemisphere by Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere O.
Die Konstruktion Und Das Entscheidungssystem Der Europäischen Sicherheits- Und Verteidigungspolitik: Zwischen St. Malo Und Aceh by Breuer, Fabian
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (Ictr) Special Bibliography: 2015 by
Industrial Development Report: 2016: The Role of Technology and Innovation in Inclusive and Sustainable Industrial Development by
Framed as a Terrorist: My 14-Year Struggle to Prove My Innocence (Large Print Edition) by Khan, Mohammad Aamir, Haksar, Nandita
Eine Zusammenfassung von Dingwerth, Blauberger und Schneiders "Postnationale Demokratie. Eine Einführung am Beispiel von EU, WTO und UNO" by Grangl, Lukas
Die Leitlinien der israelischer Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Auswirkungen auf das Verhältnis zwischen Israel und Jordanien by Grave, Christoph
Prisoners of Reason by Amadae, S. M.
The International Diplomacy of Israel's Founders by Quigley, John
The Grand Strategy that Won the Cold War: Architecture of Triumph by
Indian Power Projection: Ambition, Arms and Influence by Joshi, Shashank
The Chinese Air Threat: Understanding the Reality by Chhatwal, Ravinder
Re-Visioning Terrorism: A Humanistic Perspective by
Spying Through a Glass Darkly: American Espionage Against the Soviet Union, 1945-1946 by Mark, Eduard, Alvarez, David
Domestic Regulations and U.S. Exports by U. S. International Trade Commission
Emp: Electromagnetic Pulse: Prepping for Tomorrow by Akart, Bobby
US Africa Command, Changing Security Dynamics, and Perceptions of U.S. Africa Policy by United States Government
The Effectiveness of Mao's Influence Operations at the Beginning of the Chinese Civil War by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Colle
Final Report on the audit of Peace Corps in Gambia by U. S. Peace Corps
The Search for a Cold War Grand Strategy by United States Army Command and General S.
Die voelkerrechtliche Klassifizierung bewaffneter Konflikte: Konflikttypen, Abgrenzungen sowie Rechtsfolgen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Planung und by Edlinger, Karl
Divergent Pathways: Turkey and the European Union: Re-Thinking the Dynamics of Turkish-European Union Relations by Müftüler-Baç, Meltem
Intelligence in the Rum War at Sea, 1920-1933 by Ensign, Uscg Lieutenant Eric S.
Political Influence of the Media in Developing Countries by
Anticipating Surprise: Analysis for Strategic Warning by Grabo, Cynthia M.
Warning Analysis for the Information Age: Rethinking the Intelligence Process by Bodnar, John W.
Post-Liberal Peace Transitions: Between Peace Formation and State Formation by Pogodda, Sandra, Richmond, Oliver P.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Davos Reader by Rose, Gideon
Handbook of Research on Impacts of International Business and Political Affairs on the Global Economy by
On War and Democracy by Kutz, Christopher
The Oakes Papers: Examinations on Inter-religious Communications, and religiosity. by Oakes Min, Corey T.
Attache Extraordinaire: Vernon A. Walters in Brazil by de Oliveira, Frank Márcio
Beneath the Surface: Intelligence Preparation of the Battlespace for Counterterrorism by Thomas, Usaf Major Troy S.
European Regulatory Agencies in Eu Decision-Making: Between Expertise and Influence by Ossege, Christoph
Capital and Coercion: The Economic and Military Processes that Have Shaped the World Economy, 1800-1990 by Kentor, Jeffrey D.
Two Steps Forward, One Step Back: The Pattern of Russian Liberal Reforms and its Implications for Russia and the United States by Naval Postgraduate School
The Ethics of War: Second Edition by Coates, A. J.
Evolving Identity Politics and Cross-Strait Relations: Bridging Theories of International Relations and Nationalism by Zuo, Y.
The Polythink Syndrome: U.S. Foreign Policy Decisions on 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Isis by Wayne, Carly, Mintz, Alex
Globalization of American Fear Culture: The Empire in the Twenty-First Century by Skoll, Geoffrey R.
The Asian Developmental State: Reexaminations and New Departures by
The Religious Roots of the Syrian Conflict: The Remaking of the Fertile Crescent by Tomass, Mark
Federalism in South Asia by Singh, Mahendra Prasad, Kukreja, Veena
The Polythink Syndrome: U.S. Foreign Policy Decisions on 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Isis by Mintz, Alex, Wayne, Carly
Reasserting America in the 1970s: U.S. Public Diplomacy and the Rebuilding of America's Image Abroad by
The Ascent of Globalisation by Blutstein, Harry
Imperial Secrets: Remapping the Mind of Empire by Kelley, Patrick A.
Camp David Accords by Kamel, Mohamed Ibrahim
The Politics of EU Accession: Turkish Challenges and Central European Experiences by
Truth Recovery and Transitional Justice: Deferring human rights issues by Kovras, Iosif
EU Enlargement and Socialization: Turkey and Cyprus by Engert, Stefan
Peacebuilding and Rule of Law in Africa: Just Peace? by
Britain and Saudi Arabia, 1925-1939 by Leatherdale, Clive
Empire of Political Thought: Indigenous Australians and the Language of Colonial Government by Buchan, Bruce
State Building and International Intervention in Bosnia by Belloni, Roberto
Detente in Europe, 1972-1976: Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series III, Volume III by
India's National Security: Annual Review 2010 by
India's National Security: Annual Review 2012 by
Partition and the South Asian Diaspora: Extending the Subcontinent by Ghosh, Papiya
Boko Haram: The Socio-Economic Drivers by Asuelime, Lucky E., Onapajo, Hakeem, David, Ojochenemi J.
The Soviet Union and Syria by Karsh, Efraim
Ethnic Mobilisation and Violence in Northeast India by Saikia, Pahi
Politics of the Global Economic Crisis: Regulation, Responsibility and Radicalism by Chaulia, Sreeram
The Role of the State: BRICS National Systems of Innovation by
India and the Republic of Korea: Engaged Democracies by Tayal, Skand R.
India's Grand Strategy: History, Theory, Cases by
Participolis: Consent and Contention in Neoliberal Urban India by
India's Strategic Culture: The Making of National Security Policy by Paranjpe, Shrikant
Security and South Asia: Ideas, Institutions and Initiatives by
A Resurgent China: South Asian Perspectives by
Interrogating International Relations: India's Strategic Practice and the Return of History by Vivekanandan, Jayashree
Contemporary India and South Africa: Legacies, Identities, Dilemmas by
Global Justice: Critical Perspectives by
India's Nuclear Debate: Exceptionalism and the Bomb by Malik, Priyanjali
Semantics of Statebuilding: Language, meanings and sovereignty by
Indo-Us Nuclear Deal: Seeking Synergy in Bilateralism by
Macht und Gewalt. Anwendung der Theorie Hannah Arendts auf die Revolution in Ägypten 2011 by Kuhn, Kristin
Albaniens möglicher Beitritt zur EU. Zwischen innerstaatlichem Europa-Idealismus und Stabilisierungserwägungen der EU?: Stand der Europäisierung im La by Gjura, Dora
Regionale Hegemonie oder Selbstüberschätzung? Der Auftritt Nigerias im liberianischen Bürgerkrieg by Wege, Elisa Lina
Anglo-German Relations and the Protestant Cause: Elizabethan Foreign Policy and Pan-Protestantism by Gehring, David
Ethics and the Future of Spying: Technology, National Security and Intelligence Collection by
The Ethics of Intelligence: A New Framework by Bellaby, Ross W.
Political Determinants of Income Inequality in Emerging Democracies by Kawanaka, Takeshi, Hazama, Yasushi
Weltregionen Im Globalen Zeitalter by List, Martin
Russia's Foreign Policy: Change and Continuity in National Identity by Tsygankov, Andrei P.
Direkte Demokratie und ihre Auswirkungen auf die politische Partizipationsbereitschaft der Bürger: Die Schweiz und Deutschland im Vergleich by Leonhardt, Benjamin
The Separation of Power in Venezuela under Hugo Chávez: A Critical Review by Najim, Nadine
Using Industry Analysis for Strategic Intelligence: Capabilities and Strategic Intent by Howe, Chuck
Who Watches the Watchmen?: The Conflict Between National Security and Freedom of the Press by Ross, Gary
The Creation of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency: Congress's Role as Overseer by Miles, Anne Daugherty
Understanding Public Diplomacy in East Asia: Middle Power Democracies and Emerging Powers in a Troubled Region by
Chaturanga by Katen, Andrew C.
US Foreign Policy and Global Standing in the 21st Century: Realities and Perceptions by
An Indiscreet Chronicle from the Pacific by Weale, B. L. Putnam
Martin Wight on Fortune and Irony in Politics by Chiaruzzi, M.
Recognition and Global Politics: Critical Encounters Between State and World by
Dividing Hispaniola: The Dominican Republic's Border Campaign Against Haiti, 1930-1961 by Paulino, Edward
The Blue Planet: Informal International Police Networks and National Intelligence by Bayer, Michael D.
Managing the Private Spies: The Use of Commercial Augmentation for Intelligence Operations by Voelz, U. S. Army Major Glenn James
The Efficacy of U.S. and U.S.S.R Arms Transfer for the Maintenance of Regime Stability in the Third World by Naval Postgraduate School
Yemen Arab Republic: Agricultural Sector Assessment by U. S. Agency for International Develpment
The Coast Guard Intelligence Program Enters the Intelligence Community by Wirth, Kevin E.
Unlimited Impossibilities: Intelligence Support to the Deepwater Horizon Response by Telfer, Uscg Capt Erich M.
Registering the Human Terrain: A Valuation of Cadastre by Batson, Douglas E.
Out of Bounds: Innovation and Change in Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis by Osborne, Deborah
Shakespeare for Analysts: Literature and Intelligence by White, Jeffrey
L'Europe des citoyens et la citoyenneté européenne: Évolutions, limites et perspectives by
Pba 203 Illusions Terrorism & Counter C by English
Humanitarian Invasion by Nunan, Timothy
'Corpitalism': Politics, Politicians and 'the Others' Volume Two by Antonio, Anthony
Intelligence Management in the Americas by Hirane (Editor), Carolina Sancho, Swenson (Editor), Russell G.
Intelligence Professionalism in the Americas by Swenson (Editor), Russell G., Lemozy (Editor), Susana C.
Learning With Professionals: Selected Works from the Joint Military Intelligence College by Brownfeld, Solveig, Lightfoot, James E., Major, James S.
'Home-Grown' Jihad: Understanding Islamist Terrorism in the Us and UK by Mullins, Samuel John
State Terrorism and the Politics of Memory in Latin America: Transmissions Across The Generations of Post-Dictatorship Uruguay, 1984-2004 by Fried Amilivia, Gabriela
Security in Cyberspace: Targeting Nations, Infrastructures, Individuals by
The Al-Qaeda Doctrine: The Framing and Evolution of the Leadership's Public Discourse by Holbrook, Donald
David Bruce and Diplomatic Practice: An American Ambassador in London, 1961-9 by Young, John W.
Technology and Innovation Report 2015: Fostering Innovation Policies for Industrial Development by
Arab Revolution in the 21st Century?: Lessons from Egypt and Tunisia by Fergany, Nader
The Routledge Handbook of Ethnic Conflict by
Finding Leaders: Preparing the Intelligence Community for Succession Management by Hatfield, E. L.
A Muslim Archipelago: Islam and Politics in Southeast Asia by Gross, Max L.
Global War On Terrorism: Analyzing The Strategic Threat by College, Joint Military Intelligence
International Trade Statistics: 2014: Trade by Product by
Walls of Indifference: Immigration and the Militarization of the Us-Mexico Border by Torres, Nicole I.
Witnesses to Terror: Understanding the Meanings and Consequences of Terrorism by Howie, L.
Political and Legal Perspectives of the EU Eastern Partnership Policy by
Can't We All Just Get Along?: Improving the Law Enforcement-Intelligence Community Relationship by College, National Defense Intelligence
Confounding Powers by Brenner, William J.
American Justice in Taiwan: The 1957 Riots and Cold War Foreign Policy by Craft, Stephen G.
The Counterterrorism Strategy Against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant: Are We on the Right Path? by Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Cap
A Flourishing Craft: Teaching Intelligence Studies by College, Joint Military Intelligence
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