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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 2017

Word Mastery: A Course In Phonics For The First Three Grades by Akin, Florence
The World Set Free: A Story Of Mankind by Wells, H. G.
The World Set Free: A Story Of Mankind by Wells, H. G.
An Outline History Of Tioga And Bradford Counties In Pennsylvania, Chemung, Steuben, Tioga, Tompkins And Schuyler In New York by L. Sexton, John
Isis: Kill the Caliph by Power, Brad
Fit for Service: Meeting the demand of the Asian middle class by Bragg, Andrew
India's Water Security Challenges by Murada, Vishal
Red Sun: Travels in Naxalite Country by Sudeep, Chakravarti
The Absent Superpower: The Shale Revolution and a World Without America by Zeihan, Peter
Allama Mashriqi's Sons & Daughters: British India's Young Freedom Fighters by Yousaf, Nasim
Illuminaten Blut - Geld - Krieg: Wie ein Netzwerk von Geheimorganisationen den Weltstaat errichtet by Lacroft, Anton
Radicalization: Why Some People Choose the Path of Violence by Khosrokhavar, Farhad
Negotiating Trade Liberalization in Argentina and Chile: When Policy creates Politics by Bianculli, Andrea C.
Europe's Last Chance: Why the European States Must Form a More Perfect Union by Verhofstadt, Guy
Countering Terrorism by Lafree, Gary, Crenshaw, Martha
The Big Stick: The Limits of Soft Power and the Necessity of Military Force by Cohen, Eliot a.
How to Resolve Conflict: A Practical Mediation Manual by Gilman, James E.
How to Resolve Conflict: A Practical Mediation Manual by Gilman, James E.
Governing Africa: 3D Analysis of the African Union's Performance by Tieku, Thomas Kwasi
America's Great Game: The Cia's Secret Arabists and the Shaping of the Modern Middle East by Wilford, Hugh
Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the Arab Region 2015-2016 by
Regional Nuclear Dynamics by Subcommittee on Strategic Forces of the
Religions and Migrations in the Black Sea Region by
The United Nations and the Politics of Selective Humanitarian Intervention by Binder, Martin
China Threat: Perceptions Myths by
Catholic Politics in Europe: 1918 - 1945 by Conway, Martin
Human Rights and Gender Politics: Asia-Pacific Perspectives by
The Muslim's handbook to understanding China: Compilation of Question & Answers issued by Hizb Ut Tahrir & its Ameer, the eminent scholar Sheikh Ata b by Abu Rashta, Ata Bin Khalil
Indo-American Relation During UPA-I Government by Mir, Feroze Ahmad
Research Outline for China's Cultural Soft Power by Zhang, Guozuo
The Third Century: U.S.-Latin American Relations Since 1889 by Gilderhus, Mark T., Lafevor, David C., LaRosa, Michael J.
Humanity the Future Report: Short and Brief by Jackson, Ennis C.
Paternalism Beyond Borders by
International Relations by Lawson, Stephanie
Geographies, Genders and Geopolitics of James Bond by Dodds, Klaus, Funnell, Lisa
Creating Man's Future: Executive Intelligence Review; Volume 44, Issue 1 by Larouche Jr, Lyndon H.
The Road to World War III: Can the Dark forces of anti-Freedom trump Humanity? by D, Chirag
Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections by National Intelligence Council, Office of the Director of National Intel
China's Rise and Changing Order in East Asia by
Defiant for America by Ducheine, Mike
Benghazi Attacks: Investigative Update by Committee on Oversight and Government Re
Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community: February 3, 2016 by Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections by Assessment, Intelligence Community
Stopping Terror Finance: Securing the U.S. Financial Sector by U. S. House of Representatives, Task Force to Investigate Terrorism F., Committee on Financial Services
President Trump: How Donald Trump's Proposed Policies Will Shape the USA and World in 2017 and Beyond by Robson, Tony
Arme Und Reiche Städte: Ursachen Der Varianz Kommunaler Haushaltslagen by Seuberlich, Marc
Arming Asia: Technonationalism and Its Impact on Local Defense Industries by Bitzinger, Richard
U.S. International Trade Policy: An Introduction by Sawyer, W.
Dragon on Our Doorstep: Managing China Through Military Power by Sawhney, Pravin
Acting Globally: Memoirs of Brazil's Assertive Foreign Policy by Amorim, Celso
Resolving Structural Conflicts: How Violent Systems Can Be Transformed by Rubenstein, Richard E.
Trump's Triumph: The Drumbeats of World War III. by D, Chirag
Why Wilson Matters: The Origin of American Liberal Internationalism and Its Crisis Today by Smith, Tony
Losing an Empire, Finding a Role: British Foreign Policy Since 1945 by Sanders, David, Houghton, David
The Eagle and the Crown: Americans and the British Monarchy by Prochaska, Frank
Resistance: European Resistance to the Nazis, 1940-1945 by Foot, M. R. D.
The Cause of All Nations: An International History of the American Civil War by Doyle, Don H.
Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World's Best Writers by Whitney, Joel
Sweet Talk: Paternalism and Collective Action in North-South Trade Relations by Singh, J. P.
Sweet Talk: Paternalism and Collective Action in North-South Trade Relations by Singh, J. P.
Divine Politics: Through The Love And Divine Justice by Escauriza Hempel Onor, Eleonor Elizabeth
Power and Law in International Society: International Relations as the Sociology of International Law by Klamberg, Mark
Violence and Civilization in the Western States-Systems by Linklater, Andrew
Tryst with Perfidy by Davar, Kamal
Debating Foreign Policy in the Renaissance: Speeches on War and Peace by Francesco Guicciardini by
An American Vision for the Middle East by Abramson Phd Jd, Bruce D.
The Politics of Eurasianism: Identity, Popular Culture and Russia's Foreign Policy by
Perspectives in Waging Conflicts Constructively: Cases, Concepts, and Practice by
Perspectives in Waging Conflicts Constructively: Cases, Concepts, and Practice by
Japans Weg in den Revisionismus von 1919 bis 1934: Analyse aus der Perspektive der Theorie der sozialen Identität und der Balance-of-Threat-Theorie by Wacker, Constantin
The World Since 1945: An International History by Gilbert, Mark, Bell, P. M. H.
United Nations in the Contemporary World by Whittaker, David J.
Near Abroad: Putin, the West and the Contest Over Ukraine and the Caucasus by Toal, Gerard
Push Back: Sri Lanka's Dance with Global Governance by Large, Judith
Peace, Development and Community: The Look East Imagination of India with Special Reference to Northeast India by Lahiri, Imankalyan
Weaponisation of Space: An Inevitable Reality and Plausible Fallout by Patil, P. a.
The Carpetbaggers of Kabul and Other American-Afghan Entanglements: Intimate Development, Geopolitics, and the Currency of Gender and Grief by Lehr, Rachel, Fluri, Jennifer L.
The Carpetbaggers of Kabul and Other American-Afghan Entanglements: Intimate Development, Geopolitics, and the Currency of Gender and Grief by Lehr, Rachel, Fluri, Jennifer L.
The Mediatization of Foreign Policy, Political Decision-Making and Humanitarian Intervention by Brommesson, Douglas, Ekengren, Ann-Marie
Nuclear Weapons and Coercive Diplomacy by Sechser, Todd S.
Babel Inc.: Multiculturalism, Globalisation, and the New World Order by Bolton, Kerry
Promoting National Priorities in EU Foreign Policy: The Czech Republic's Foreign Policy in the EU by Weiss, Tomas
Foreign Policy at the Periphery: The Shifting Margins of Us International Relations Since World War II by
Nixon's Back Channel to Moscow: Confidential Diplomacy and Détente by Moss, Richard A.
Combating Terrorism: The Legality, Utility and Morality of Coercion by Colonel David Astin, U. S. Army War College
Country Reports on Terrorism 2014 by Bureau of Counterterrorism, United States Department of State
The Endless Quest for Israeli-Palestinian Peace: A Reflection from No Man's Land by Serry, Robert
Refugee Economies by Betts, Alexander
Al-Qaeda's Revenge: The 2004 Madrid Train Bombings by Reinares, Fernando
Contract, Status, and Fiduciary Law by
Buda's Wagon: A Brief History of the Car Bomb by Davis, Mike
Rethinking International Protection: The Sovereign, the State, the Refugee by Puggioni, Raffaela
Understanding International Law through Moot Courts: Genocide, Torture, Habeas Corpus, Chemical Weapons, and the Responsibility to Protect by Mitchell, Stacey M., Carey, Henry F.
Security in the Persian Gulf Region by Shayan, Fatemeh
Developing Africa: Concepts and Practices in Twentieth-Century Colonialism by
Vladimir Poutine & l'Eurasie by Parvulesco, Jean
Torture And The War On Terrorism: Time To Think The Unthinkable? by U. S. Army War College, Lieutenant Colonel Douglas a. Galipeau
The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1867-1918 by Mason, John W.
Theories of International Relations and Northern Ireland by
Strategy in War and Peace: A Critical Introduction by Edwards, Aaron
Back Channel Negotiation: Secrecy in the Middle East Peace Process by Wanis-St John, Anthony
Democratisation in the Himalayas: Interests, Conflicts, and Negotiations by
Debating U.S.-Cuban Relations: How Should We Now Play Ball? by
Insider Threats by
Attempt to Uproot Sunni-Arab Influence: A Geo-Strategic Analysis of the Western, Israeli and Iranian Quest for Domination by Kéchichian, Joseph A.
Attempt to Uproot Sunni-Arab Influence: A Geo-Strategic Analysis of the Western, Israeli and Iranian Quest for Domination by Kéchichian, Joseph A.
The EU and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 1971-2013: In Pursuit of a Just Peace by Persson, Anders
Insider Threats by
Stilwell and the American Experience in China: 1911-1945 by Tuchman, Barbara W.
Decentralization and Rural Development in Indonesia by Sutiyo, Maharjan, Keshav Lall
Pakistan and Islamic Militancy in South Asia by Ramsey, Syed
Combating Internet-Enabled Terrorism: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Stacey, Emily
British Intelligence and Hitler's Empire in the Soviet Union, 1941-1945 by Wheatley, Ben
Herbert C. Kelman: A Pioneer in the Social Psychology of Conflict Analysis and Resolution by
Crush the British Empire: Executive Intelligence Review; Volume 44, Issue 4 by Larouche Jr, Lyndon H.
Eigenheit und politische Position der Schweiz by Schulze, Juergen H.
Economic and Social Impacts of Food Self-Reliance in the Caribbean by Dorodnykh, Ekaterina
Summits & Regional Governance: The Americas in Comparative Perspective by
The Afghan Papers: Committing Britain to War in Helmand, 2005-06 by Clarke, Michael
The Post-Imperial Age: The Great Powers and the Wider World: International Relations Since 1945: a history in two volumes by Dunbabin, J. P. D.
The Politics of Eurasianism: Identity, Popular Culture and Russia's Foreign Policy by
British Regionalism and Devolution: The Challenges of State Reform and European Integration by
The Splitting Image: Exposing the Secret World of Doubles, Decoys, and Impostor-Replacements by Foster, Tina
War and Peace in Sudan: A Tale of Two Countries by Khalid, Mansour
The Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force: Search for Legitimacy by
Merlion and Mt. Fuji, The: 50 Years of Singapore-Japan Relations by Lim, Tai Wei
Merlion and Mt. Fuji, The: 50 Years of Singapore-Japan Relations by Lim, Tai Wei
Reversing the Race to Global Destruction: Abandoning the Politics of Greed by Gillett, Roy
Post-Hegemonic Regionalism in the Americas: Toward a Pacific-Atlantic Divide? by
International Security and Peacebuilding: Africa, the Middle East, and Europe by
International Security and Peacebuilding: Africa, the Middle East, and Europe by
Civil Wars and Third-Party Interventions in Africa by Mattoon, Audrey
American Compassion in India: Government Obstacles by Committee on Foreign Affairs House of Re
Debating U.S.-Cuban Relations: How Should We Now Play Ball? by
Turkey's Cold War: Foreign Policy and Western Alignment in the Modern Republic by Çalis, Saban Halis
Crisis Among the Great Powers: The Concert of Europe and the Eastern Question by Sedivý, Miroslav
Women in Modern Terrorism: From Liberation Wars to Global Jihad and the Islamic State by Davis, Jessica
Women in Modern Terrorism: From Liberation Wars to Global Jihad and the Islamic State by Davis, Jessica
Quién Domina El Mundo?/ Who Rules the World? by Chomsky, Noam
Sub-Regional Cooperation in South Asia: India, Sri Lanka and Maldives by
Social Networks, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism: Radical and Connected by
The Politics of Humanitarian Technology: Good Intentions, Unintended Consequences and Insecurity by Jacobsen, Katja Lindskov
The European Defence Agency: Arming Europe by
Critical Capacity Development by Danquah, Joseph Kwadwo, Analoui, Farhad
Polar Politics and the Deals of the Century: The US and Russia in the Arctic and Antarctic by Craig, Kern
Financing Terrorism: Case Studies by
The Rise of China and the Chinese Overseas: A Study of Beijing's Changing Policy in Southeast Asia and Beyond by Suryadinata, Leo
Unleashing Demons: The Inside Story of Brexit by Oliver, Craig
International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect: The Humanitarian Crisis in Syria by
Space Policy in Developing Countries: The Search for Security and Development on the Final Frontier by Harding, Robert
Dynamics of the Arab-Israel Conflict: Past and Present: Intellectual Odyssey II by Brecher, Michael
Diaspora as Cultures of Cooperation: Global and Local Perspectives by
Asia in International Relations: Unlearning Imperial Power Relations by
Lessons from Fallen Civilizations: The Way Forward: The United States is Losing the War on Terror. What Are the Steps to Restore America's Strength? by Kelley, Larry
India and Its Neighbours: Renewed Threats and New Directions by Shah, S. K.
Leading From Behind: The Obama Doctrine and the U.S. Retreat From International Affairs by London, Herbert I.
How NATO Adapts: Strategy and Organization in the Atlantic Alliance Since 1950 by Johnston, Seth A.
Cycles in Us Foreign Policy Since the Cold War by Henriksen, Thomas H.
United States Law and Policy on Transitional Justice: Principles, Politics, and Pragmatics by Kaufman, Zachary D.
Asia in International Relations: Unlearning Imperial Power Relations by
Screening the System: Exposing Security Clearance Dangers by Deutscher, Martha Louise
The Cybersecurity Dilemma: Hacking, Trust and Fear Between Nations by Buchanan, Ben
Be Vigilant But Not Afraid: The Farewell Speeches of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama by Obama, Barack, Obama, Michelle
Nazi Germany and the Arab World by Nicosia, Francis R.
The Making of International Human Rights by Jensen, Steven L. B.
Governing Borderless Threats by Hameiri, Shahar, Jones, Lee
Strategic Analysis in Support of International Policy Making: Case Studies in Achieving Analytical Relevance by
Defiant for America: Determined to Restore America's Greatness by Ducheine, Mike
Corruption and Governance in Africa: Swaziland, Kenya, Nigeria by Hope Sr, Kempe Ronald
Energy Security and Environmental Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere by
Dispute Settlement Reports 2015: Volume 7, Pages 3565-4082 by World Trade Organization
Dispute Settlement Reports 2015: Volume 6, Pages 3115-3564 by World Trade Organization
Dispute Settlement Reports 2015: Volume 5, Pages 2457-3114 by World Trade Organization
Dispute Settlement Reports 2015 by World Trade Organization
Herrschaft in Den Internationalen Beziehungen by
Revisionismus in Der Internationalen Politik: Warum Sich Aufsteigende Mächte Gegen Die Etablierte Ordnung Wenden by
The Politics of Haunting and Memory in International Relations by Auchter, Jessica
The Environment and International Relations by O'Neill, Kate
South Korea's Changing Foreign Policy: The Impact of Democratization and Globalization by Hwang, Wonjae
The Lysenko Controversy as a Global Phenomenon, Volume 1: Genetics and Agriculture in the Soviet Union and Beyond by
Tolerating Terrorism in the West: An International Survey by Gal-Or, Noemi
Immigration Detention: The migration of a policy and its human impact by
Governing Transboundary Waters: Canada, the United States, and Indigenous Communities by Norman, Emma S.
Nordic Cooperation: A European region in transition by
United States of Jihad: Who Are America's Homegrown Terrorists, and How Do We Stop Them? by Bergen, Peter
The United Arab Emirates: Power, Politics and Policy-Making by Ulrichsen, Kristian
Engaged Neutrality: An Evolved Approach to the Cold War by
The Brutalization of the World: From the Retreat of States to Decivilization by Laroche, Josepha
Global Environmental Institutions by Desombre, Elizabeth R.
The American Insurgent by Faragher, Michael P.
The Energy Transition: An Overview of the True Challenge of the 21st Century by Petit, Vincent
Reassessing Order and Disorder in the Middle East: Regional Imbalance or Disintegration? by
Iran and China: A New Approach to Their Bilateral Relations by Azad, Shirzad
Safe Zone: A Response to Large-Scale Refugee Outflows and Human Suffering by Çetinkaya, Lokman B.
The Baloch Conflict with Iran and Pakistan: Aspects of a National Liberation Struggle by Dashti, Naseer
International Treasures: Canberra's Embassies by Hart, Dorothy
The Baloch Conflict with Iran and Pakistan: Aspects of a National Liberation Struggle by Dashti, Naseer
East German Intelligence and Ireland, 1949-90: Espionage, Terrorism and Diplomacy by de Wiel, Jérôme
The Long Détente: Changing Concepts of Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1950s-1980s by
What's the Point of International Relations? by
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