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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 2019

Political Parties in Sri Lanka: Change and Continuity by
Legitimacy of Power: The Permanence of Five in the Security Council by Sinha, Dilip
The South China Sea Arbitration: Understanding the Awards and Debating with China by Robles, Alfredo C.
Russia, the Eu, and the Eastern Partnership: Building Bridges or Digging Trenches? by Rotaru, Vasile
Tibet: The Last Months of a Free Nation India Tibet Relations (1947-1962): Part 1 by Arpi, Claude
Rise and Decline of the Post-Cold War International Order by
Energy, the Modern State, and the American World System by Gonzalez, George A.
Nato's Durability in a Post-Cold War World by Burton, Joe
New Perspectives on the International Order: No Longer Alone in This World by Badie, Bertrand
Civil Society Organisations, Governance and the Caribbean Community by Hinds, Kristina
Representations of European Citizenship Since 1951 by Pukallus, Stefanie
Global Responses to Conflict and Crisis in Syria and Yemen by Guidero, Amanda, Carter Hallward, Maia
The World Community and the Arab Spring by
Restaurant Chains in China: The Dilemma of Standardisation Versus Authenticity by de Vries, Henk J., Go, Frank M., Zeng, Guojun
Where are Europe's New Borders?: Critical Insights into Contemporary European Bordering by
On State Secession from International Law Perspectives by Lu, Jing
The Dynamics of Iranian Borders: Issues of Contention by
Geopolitics of the Outer Space: A European Perspective by Dobos, Bohumil
The Us-China Military and Defense Relationship During the Obama Presidency by Johnson, James
North Korea, Iran and the Challenge to International Order: A Comparative Perspective by McEachern, Patrick, O'Brien McEachern, Jaclyn
"Intelligence" vs. Common Sense: US and Israeli Intelligence Services and the "Not-So-Deep" State by Sapir, Avinoam
Modernisation in EU-Russian Relations: Past, Present and Future by
Challenges to Emerging and Established Powers: Brazil, the United Kingdom and Global Order by
Free Trade and its Enemies in France, 1814-1851 by Todd, David
Destined Statecraft: Eurasian Small Power Politics and Strategic Cultures in Geopolitical Shifts by Wong, Pak Nung
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Approaches to Peace by
Recentering Africa in International Relations: Beyond Lack, Peripherality, and Failure by
The Changing Face of Parties and Party Systems: A Study of Israel and India by Choudhary, Sunil K.
Meeting China Halfway: How to Defuse the Emerging US-China Rivalry by Goldstein, Lyle J.
Clinton Stories Merry Christmas by Thomsen, Eric
Sweden: From Neutrality to International Solidarity by Czarny, Ryszard M.
Neoliberalism in Multi-Disciplinary Perspective by
Counter-Terrorism Technologies: A Critical Assessment by Lehr, Peter
Risk and the Security-Development Nexus: The Policies of the Us, the UK and Canada by McConnon, Eamonn
Social Conflicts and Third Parties: Strategies of Conflict Resolution by Bercovitch, Jacob
The Sovieteast European Relationship in the Gorbachev Era: The Prospects for Adaptation by Braun, Aurel
Crossing the Line in Africa: Reconsidering and Unlimiting the Limits of Borders within a Contemporary Value by
Global Politics: A New Introduction by
Chemistry of Pyrotechnics: Basic Principles and Theory, Third Edition by Conkling, John A., Mocella, Chris
Chinese Scholars and Foreign Policy: Debating International Relations by
Breaking and Entering: The Extraordinary Story of a Hacker Called Alien by Smith, Jeremy N.
Why Wilson Matters: The Origin of American Liberal Internationalism and Its Crisis Today by Smith, Tony
Egypt after the Spring: Revolt and Reaction by
The Rule of Law in the United Nations Security Council Decision-Making Process: Turning the Focus Inwards by Elgebeily, Sherif
The New Eastern Mediterranean: Theory, Politics and States in a Volatile Era by
Mapping Migration, Identity, and Space by
China and the Middle East: Venturing Into the Maelstrom by Dorsey, James M.
Aftermath of the Ukrainian Crisis by
Citizen Spies: The Long Rise of America's Surveillance Society by Reeves, Joshua
Resurgence of Ideological Differences and Its Social Political Consequences, The: Case Studies of 36 Industrialized Countries by Zang, Leizhen
Mini-Manual of the Independent Counterterrorist, Fourth Edition by Godlewski, R. J.
La milito kaj la Internacio (1914) by Trocko, Leo
South African Foreign Policy: Identities, Intentions, and Directions by
The Legacy of the Good Friday Agreement: Northern Irish Politics, Culture and Art After 1998 by
Hollow Norms and the Responsibility to Protect by Hehir, Aidan
R2p and the Us Intervention in Libya by Tang Abomo, Paul
The Oxford Handbook of Women, Peace, and Security by
Geoeconomics and Geosecurities in the Indian Ocean Region by
Why Bother? by Aytaç, S. Erdem, Stokes, Susan C.
Why Bother? by Stokes, Susan C., Aytaç, S. Erdem
Toppling Foreign Governments: The Logic of Regime Change by Willard-Foster, Melissa
Fighting and Negotiating with Armed Groups: The Difficulty of Securing Strategic Outcomes by Puri, Samir
Inside the United Nations: Multilateral Diplomacy Up Close by Rosenthal, Gert
Brexit: History, Reasoning and Perspectives by
Non-Western Responses to Terrorism by
Non-Western Responses to Terrorism by
Intelligence in Vex: The UK & Eu Intelligence Agencies Operate in a State of Fret by Jalalzai, Musa Khan
Reintegrating Jihadist Extremist Detainees: Helping Extremist Offenders Back into Society by Weggemans, Daan, de Graaf, Beatrice
Gender and Diplomacy by
The Sage Handbook of Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery by
Thomas Hobbes's Conception of Peace: Civil Society and International Order by Jaede, Maximilian
Militant Buddhism: The Rise of Religious Violence in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Thailand by Lehr, Peter
Eu-Russia Energy Relations: A Discursive Approach by Tichý, Lukás
Global Defense Procurement and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter by Chapman, Bert
Weird IR: Deviant Cases in International Relations by Mislan, David Bell, Streich, Philip
Economics and Modern Warfare: The Invisible Fist of the Market by Taillard, Michael
Doing Qualitative Research in Politics: Integrating Theory Building and Policy Relevance by
Richard M. Nixon and European Integration: A Reappraisal by Nguyen, Hang Thi Thuy, Siracusa, Joseph M.
IR Theory, Historical Analogy, and Major Power War by Gardner, Hall
The Portrayal and Punishment of Terrorists in Western Media: Playing the Villain by Spens, Christiana
Regulating Global Security: Insights from Conventional and Unconventional Regimes by
Learning from Violent Extremist Attacks: Behavioural Sciences Insights for Practitioners and Policymakers by
Geopolitics by Other Means: The Indo-Pacific Reality by Miracola, Sergio, Berkofsky, Axel
Corporate Power, Class Conflict, and the Crisis of the New Globalization by Cox, Ronald W.
Contesting the Theological Foundations of Islamism and Violent Extremism by
Legal and Ethical Implications of Drone Warfare by
Attendant Lords: Bairam Khan and Abdur Rahim, Courtiers and Poets in Mughal India by Raghavan, T. C. a.
Migration Crises and the Structure of International Cooperation by Money, Jeannette, Lockhart, Sarah P.
On Absolute War: Terrorism and the Logic of Armed Conflict by Fleury, Eric
South Sudan's Civil War: Violence, Insurgency and Failed Peacemaking by Young, John
Translating International Women's Rights: The Cedaw Convention in Context by Zwingel, Susanne
Changing Song: The Marxist Manifestos of Nakano Shigeharu by Silverberg, Miriam
Changing Song: The Marxist Manifestos of Nakano Shigeharu by Silverberg, Miriam
Think Tanks, Foreign Policy and the Emerging Powers by
Texas: Houston by Rawls, Lea
Die Nicht-Entstehung Internationaler Normen: Permissive Effekte in Der Humanitären Rüstungskontrolle by Rosert, Elvira
Targeting Top Terrorists: Understanding Leadership Removal in Counterterrorism Strategy by Price, Bryan C.
Rebranding China: Contested Status Signaling in the Changing Global Order by Pu, Xiaoyu
In Their Own Words: Understanding Lashkar-E-Tayyaba by Fair, C. Christine
Targeting Top Terrorists: Understanding Leadership Removal in Counterterrorism Strategy by Price, Bryan C.
Bytes, Bombs, and Spies: The Strategic Dimensions of Offensive Cyber Operations by
Liberate: Animal Liberation Above The Law, Stories And Lessons On The Animal Liberation Front, Animal Rights Activism, & The Ani by Young, Peter
By More Than Providence: Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific Since 1783 by Green, Michael
The Unwinding of Apartheid: Uk-South African Relations, 1986-1990: Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series III, Volume XI by
Terrorism: An International Perspective by Martin, Clarence Gus a., Prager, Fynnwin
Invasion in the Shadows: How one country invaded another by indoctrinating its population by Diaz, Raul Alberto
Unfinished Business: The Politics of 'Dissident' Irish Republicanism by McGlinchey, Marisa
Public Ethics at the European Commission: Politics, Reform and Individual Views by Nastase, Andreea
Hegemony and Resistance around the Iranian Nuclear Programme: Analysing Chinese, Russian and Turkish Foreign Policies by Pieper, Moritz
US National Cybersecurity: International Politics, Concepts and Organization by
Unfinished Business: The Politics of 'Dissident' Irish Republicanism by McGlinchey, Marisa
Kenya Election Results Data and History 1888 - 2017: Governments and Parliaments by Omeri, Richard Ing'wali
Gender Transitions Along Borders: The Northern Borderlands of Mexico and Morocco by
Governing Diasporas in International Relations: The Transnational Politics of Croatia and Former Yugoslavia by Ragazzi, Francesco
Uncertain Future: The Jcpoa and Iran's Nuclear and Missile Programmes by Izewicz, Paulina, Fitzpatrick, Mark, Elleman, Michael
Britain, Nasser and the Balance of Power in the Middle East, 1952-1977: From the Eygptian Revolution to the Six Day War by McNamara, Robert
Lobbying in the European Union: Strategies, Dynamics and Trends by
EU Funds in the New Member States: Party Politicization, Administrative Capacities, and Absorption Problems After Accession by Hagemann, Christian
Modern Diplomacy by Barston, R. P.
The United States and the Taliban Before and After 9/11 by Cristol, Jonathan
Alexander L. George: A Pioneer in Political and Social Sciences: With a Foreword by Dan Caldwell by
North American Strategic Defense in the 21st Century:: Security and Sovereignty in an Uncertain World by
Politics and Violence in Central America and the Caribbean by Warnecke-Berger, Hannes
The Order of Victimhood: Violence, Hierarchy and Building Peace in Northern Ireland by Jankowitz, Sarah E.
Political Symbols and National Identity in Timor-Leste by Arthur, Catherine E.
Trump and the Iranian Islamists: The Threat to World Peace by Adibi MD, Siamak a.
The Rise of International Capital: Indonesian Conglomerates in ASEAN by Al-Fadhat, Faris
Counterintelligence Theory and Practice by Prunckun, Hank
Counterintelligence Theory and Practice by Prunckun, Hank
Paulin Hountondji: African Philosophy as Critical Universalism by Dübgen, Franziska, Skupien, Stefan
How China Is Reshaping the Global Economy: Development Impacts in Africa and Latin America by Jenkins, Rhys
Modern Diplomacy by Barston, R. P.
Politische Morde: Die Fortsetzung des Kriegs mit anderen Mitteln? by Thaller, Georg Erwin
Crimilegal Orders, Governance and Armed Conflict by Schultze-Kraft, Markus
Representation, Recognition and Respect in World Politics: The Case of Iran-Us Relations by Duncombe, Constance
We Want to Negotiate: The Secret World of Kidnapping, Hostages and Ransom by Simon, Joel
Cult of the Irrelevant: The Waning Influence of Social Science on National Security by Desch, Michael C.
Global Justice and Climate Governance: Bridging Theory and Practice by Dietzel, Alix
Kurdish Alevis and the Case of Dersim: Historical and Contemporary Insights by
Spy Pilot: Francis Gary Powers, the U-2 Incident, and a Controversial Cold War Legacy by Powers, Francy Gary, Dunnavant, Keith
International Organization by Kruck, Andreas, Rittberger, Volker, Zangl, Bernhard
Domination and Global Political Justice: Conceptual, Historical and Institutional Perspectives by
Researching Non-state Actors in International Security: Theory and Practice by
Countering Insurgencies and Violent Extremism in South and South East Asia by
International Trade in Goods: Evidence from Transaction Data by Wagner, Joachim
The European Union, the World Bank and the Policymaking of Aid: Cooperation among Developers by Baroncelli, Eugenia
Iran's Foreign Policy in the South Caucasus: Relations with Azerbaijan and Armenia by Kouhi-Esfahani, Marzieh
Order Wars and Floating Balance: How the Rising Powers Are Reshaping Our Worldview in the Twenty-First Century by Herberg-Rothe, Andreas, Son, Key-Young
The Official History of the UK Strategic Nuclear Deterrent: Volume II: The Labour Government and the Polaris Programme, 1964-1970 by Jones, Matthew
Decision-Making in American Foreign Policy by Blankshain, Jessica D., Cooper, David A., Gvosdev, Nikolas K.
Gender and Public Participation in Afghanistan: Aid, Transparency and Accountability by Najimi, Bashirullah
Peace Photography by Möller, Frank
The Myth of Mao Zedong and Modern Insurgency by Grice, Francis
Authoritarian Elections and Opposition Groups in the Arab World by Buttorff, Gail J.
Populism and World Politics: Exploring Inter- And Transnational Dimensions by
Nation Failure, Ethnic Elites, and Balance of Power: The International Administration of Kosova by Rama, Shinasi A.
Terrorism and Nationalism in the United Kingdom: The Absence of Noise by Brooke, Nick
The Bbc, the 'War on Terror' and the Discursive Construction of Terrorism: Representing Al-Qaeda by Ahmad, Jared
The Era of Private Peacemakers: A New Dialogic Approach to Mediation by Lehti, Marko
Normative Readings of the Belt and Road Initiative: Road to New Paradigms by
Nato, Civilisation and Individuals: The Unconscious Dimension of International Security by Da Mota, Sarah
Multinational Rapid Response Mechanisms: From Institutional Proliferation to Institutional Exploitation by
Israel and the Cold War: Diplomacy, Strategy and the Policy of the Periphery at the United Nations by Patten, Howard A.
Hezbollah: Socialisation and Its Tragic Ironies by Saouli, Adham
Decision-Making in American Foreign Policy by Blankshain, Jessica D., Cooper, David A., Gvosdev, Nikolas K.
Corporeal Peacebuilding: Mundane Bodies and Temporal Transitions by Väyrynen, Tarja
Fringe Regionalism: When Peripheries Become Regions by Mattheis, Frank, Raineri, Luca, Russo, Alessandra
India and Japan: Assessing the Strategic Partnership by
Engaging the Ottoman Empire: Vexed Mediations, 1690-1815 by O'Quinn, Daniel
China, Taiwan and the Offshore Islands: Together with an Implication for Outer Mongolia and Sino-Soviet Relations by Stolper, Thomas E.
A Political Sociology of Regionalisms: Perspectives for a Comparison by Parthenay, Kevin
Atlantic Lives: A Comparative Approach to Early America by Shannon, Timothy
Global Diplomacy and International Society by Spies, Yolanda Kemp
Fear and Uncertainty in Europe: The Return to Realism? by
The United Kingdom's Defence After Brexit: Britain's Alliances, Coalitions, and Partnerships by
Women, Development and Peacebuilding in Africa: Stories from Uganda by Ball, Jennifer
Local Ownership in Asian Peacebuilding: Development of Local Peacebuilding Models by Lee, Sungyong
The Kingdom and the Republic: Sovereign Hawaiʻi and the Early United States by Arista, Noelani
Revival: Crises of Governance in Asia and Africa (2001) by Quadir, Fahimul, MacLean, Sandra J.
Preventing the Proliferation of Wmds: Measuring the Success of Un Security Council Resolution 1540 by
New Regional Initiatives in China's Foreign Policy: The Incoming Pluralism of Global Governance by Dian, Matteo, Menegazzi, Silvia
Promoting Canadian Studies Abroad: Soft Power and Cultural Diplomacy by
Strategy-Making in the EU: From Foreign and Security Policy to External Action by Morillas, Pol
Nigerian Yearbook of International Law 2017 by
International Organization in the Anarchical Society: The Institutional Structure of World Order by
Why Paramilitary Operations Fail by Krishnan, Armin
The Future of East Asia by
Syria: From National Independence to Proxy War by
Moscow Station: Die CIA im Reich des Bösen by Thaller, Georg Erwin
Post-Digital Cultures of the Far Right: Online Actions and Offline Consequences in Europe and the Us by
Public Service Excellence in the 21st Century by
Atlantic Lives: A Comparative Approach to Early America by Shannon, Timothy
Diamond Mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Effects of the Kimberley Certification Process Scheme by Maydan, Maria Voorhees
The American Terrorist: Everything You Need to Know to be a Subject Matter Expert by Ellis, David H., Oroszi, Terry
The American Terrorist: Everything You Need to Know to be a Subject Matter Expert by Ellis, David H., Oroszi, Terry
My Nationalist Pony by Dew, Buttercup
The Digitalization of Public Diplomacy by Manor, Ilan
Revival: Communication and Cultural Domination (1976) by Schiller, Herbert I.
Writing a Research Paper in Political Science: A Practical Guide to Inquiry, Structure, and Methods by Baglione, Lisa A.
Revival: The Europeanisation of Refugee Policies (2001): Between Human Rights and Internal Security by Lavenex, Sandra
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