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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

International Relations in 2024

The Puppeteer by Menon, Ajit, Verma, Anil
Historical Claims: Struggle for Homeland by K, Olivia
From Conflict to Cooperation Understanding International Relations by Sita Nair
Seeking Stability Amidst Disorder: The Foreign Policies of Saudi Arabia, the Uae and Qatar, 2010-20 by Borck, Tobias
The Veiled Man by Le Queux, William
Care and the Pluriverse: Rethinking Global Ethics by Fitzgerald, Maggie
Broken Solidarities: How Open Global Governance Divides and Rules by Anderl, Felix
Espionage Black Book Nine: Secret Police Explained by Prunckun, Henry
Plagues, Cyborgs, and Supersoldiers: The Human Domain of War by de Bruhl, Brandon, Matthews, Luke J., Lee, Mary
Cyber Wargaming: Research and Education for Security in a Dangerous Digital World by
Theorizing Transboundary Waters in International Relations by
Handbook of Japan-Russia Relations by
God, Guns, and Sedition: Far-Right Terrorism in America by Hoffman, Bruce, Ware, Jacob
Cyber Wargaming: Research and Education for Security in a Dangerous Digital World by
Winning and Losing the Nuclear Peace: The Rise, Demise, and Revival of Arms Control by Krepon, Michael
China's Rise in the Global South: The Middle East, Africa, and Beijing's Alternative World Order by Murphy, Dawn C.
Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography by
Nationalism in Internationalism: Ireland's Relationship with the European Union by Holmes, Michael, Simpson, Kathryn
Science, Technology and Innovation Diplomacy in Developing Countries: Perceptions and Practice by
How Border Peripheries Are Changing the Nature of Arab States by
The History of China-Japan Relations: From Ancient World to Modern International Order by
Australia in the Anthropocene: War Against China by Paul, Erik
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Politics in the 22nd Century by
Bordering and Governmentality Around the Greek Islands by Spathopoulou, Aila
Legalization of International Law and Politics: Multi-Level Governance of Human Rights and Aggression by Mitchell, Stacey M., Carey
Deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Im Spannungsfeld Der Außen- Und Sicherheitspolitik: Frieden - Sicherheit - Entwicklung by
Statecraft and the Political Economy of Capitalism by Nelson, Scott G., Shelton, Joel T.
The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Border Journalism by
The Geography of Trade Liberalization: Peru's Free Trade Continuity in Comparative Perspective by Awapara, Omar
Antes Del Después by Pruna, Fernando
Rebooting Global International Society: Change, Contestation and Resilience by
Model United Nations: A Practical Guide by Krein, Anna-Theresia
The Inter- And Transnational Politics of Populism: Foreign Policy, Identity and Popular Sovereignty by Wojczewski, Thorsten
Nazis on the Potomac: The Top-Secret Intelligence Operation That Helped Win World War II by Sutton, Robert K.
Methodologies in Critical Terrorism Studies: Gaps and Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
The End of the American Empire: The Challenges and Choices Facing the United States in the Twenty-First Century - and the Positive Change Needed to Sa by Watts, Patrick
India's National Securitry Challenges by Vohra, N. N.
Raimo Väyrynen: A Pioneer in International Relations, Scholarship and Policy-Making: With a Foreword by Olli Rehn and a Preface by Allan Rosas by Väyrynen, Raimo
Intelligence Cooperation Under Multipolarity: Non-American Perspectives by
Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent Through Space, Part 4 by
Beyond 2%--NATO Partners, Institutions & Burden Management: Concepts, Risks & Models by Kimball, Anessa L.
The Institutional Topology of International Regime Complexes: Mapping Inter-Institutional Structures in Global Governance by Daßler, Benjamin
Living U.S.-China Relations: From Cold War to Cold War by Lampton, David M.
Problems of Political Secularism: Broken Politics, Unkind Cultures by Long, Kenneth J.
Peace Advocacy in the Shadow of War by Shor, Francis
La géopolitique mondial Contemporaine by Bensaid, Oualid
Mon regard sur le Burkina Faso, l'Afrique et le reste du monde: Un recueil de commentaires sur l'actualité publiés entre novembre 2021 et juin 2023 by Karantao, Kader Patrick
AI for Defense and Intelligence by Biltgen, Patrick T.
Section D for Destruction: Forerunner of SOE and Auxiliary Units by Atkin, Malcolm
2026 统一台湾:冲击,影响,和风险 by 叶其泉
What Do We Know about War? by
Дети-солдаты в Сьерра-Ле&#1086 by Аланис, Лу&#
Kindersoldaten in Sierra Leone by Alaniz, Luis Daniel
Les enfants soldats en Sierra Leone by Alaniz, Luis Daniel
Child soldiers in Sierra Leone by Alaniz, Luis Daniel
Bambini soldato in Sierra Leone by Alaniz, Luis Daniel
Crianças-soldados na Serra Leoa by Alaniz, Luis Daniel
The First Extraterrestrial Signal: The Global Reaction to the Signal from the Outer Space Aliens by Torrance, Paul
L'art de la guerre russe: Comment l'Occident a conduit l'Ukraine à l'échec by Baud, Jacques
The Russian Art of War: How the West Led Ukraine to Defeat by Baud, Jacques
The Guarded Age: Fortification in the Twenty-First Century by Betz, David J.
What We Say Goes: Conversations on U.S. Power in a Changing World by Chomsky, Noam
Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance by Chomsky, Noam
Global Discontents: Conversations on the Rising Threats to Democracy (the American Empire Project) by Chomsky, Noam
Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance by Chomsky, Noam
What Do We Know about War? by
The Italian State and International Terrorism, 1969-1986: The Lodo Moro by Lomellini, Valentine
The Guarded Age: Fortification in the Twenty-First Century by Betz, David J.
Global Discontents: Conversations on the Rising Threats to Democracy (the American Empire Project) by Chomsky, Noam
Catastrophic Diplomacy: Us Foreign Disaster Assistance in the American Century by Irwin, Julia F.
Catastrophic Diplomacy: Us Foreign Disaster Assistance in the American Century by Irwin, Julia F.
The Gulf Monarchies After the Arab Spring: Threats and Security by Bianco, Cinzia
China's World View: Demystifying China to Prevent Global Conflict by Li, David Daokui
Hacks, Leaks, and Revelations: The Art of Analyzing Hacked and Leaked Data by Lee, Micah
The Nazi Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill by Meltzer, Brad, Mensch, Josh
The Taliban Intelligence: Intelligence Services in a Non-Democratic State by Jalalzai, Musa Khan
Russia in the Pacific: The Quest for Great Power Recognition by Ziegler, Charles E.
The Prince Niccolò Machiavelli by Machiavelli, Niccolò
Anger Management: The Troubled Diplomatic Relationship between India and Pakistan by Bisaria, Ajay
Covid-19 in Palestine: The Settler Colonial Context by Naser-Najjab, Nadia
Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India by
Cancer Care in Pandemic Times: Building Inclusive Local Health Security in Africa and India by
Promoting Justice Across Borders: The Ethics of Reform Intervention by Rafanelli, Lucia M.
India's West Asia Policy by Shah, Mumtaz Ahmad
Japanese Diplomacy and East Asian International Politics, 1918-1931 by Hattori, Ryuji
التحديات العالمية والحل& by McNamara, Kevin James Joseph
Globalization in the 21st Century by Steger, Manfred B.
The Rise of Right-Wing Populist Parties and Reversal of Economic Reforms in Developing Democracies by Mukherjee, Bumba, Yadav, Vineeta
Statelet of Survivors: The Making of a Semi-Autonomous Region in Northeast Syria by Holmes, Amy Austin
Le Non-Dit de l'Execution Sommaire Du Colonel Kadhafi: Des vérités inédites sur l'assassinat du leader libyen par la mafia des multinationales Grand by Bosenge, Faustin
American Diplomacy's Public Dimension: Practitioners as Change Agents in Foreign Relations by Gregory, Bruce
Life Cycle Management of Military Commercial Derivative Aircraft: Improving FAA Certification, Implementation of Digital Engineering and Sustainment S by Dolan, Brian, Clayton, Brittany, Younossi, Obaid
Sipri Yearbook 2023: Armaments, Disarmament and International Security by Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Churchill's German Spy: Revelations on Appeasement, Operation Torch and Nazi Intelligence from Double Agent Harlequin by Tremain, David
Le Vrai Mobutu: Mythes et réalités de l'homme et de son système politique by Bosenge, Faustin
Moving Within Borders: Addressing the Potentials and Risks of Mass Migrations in Developing Countries by Ascher, William, Barter, Shane Joshua
Shifting Sands by Intelligence Unit, Gew
Nikki Haley's Journey: From Governor to Global Diplomat and Presidential Candidate by Wood, David I.
Venezuela - Dimensions of the Crisis: A Perspective on Democratic Backsliding by
Strategic Disruption by Special Operations Forces: A Concept for Proactive Campaigning Short of Traditional War by Tarini, Gabrielle, Heath, Timothy R., Robinson, Eric
Radicalization, Terrorism, and Countering Extremism: Theory and Practice by Ahmad, Haval, Christie, Kenneth
The Project-State and Its Rivals: A New History of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries by Maier, Charles S.
The Project-State and Its Rivals: A New History of the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries by Maier, Charles S.
Improving the Effectiveness of U.S. Coast Guard International-Affairs Efforts by Hoch, Emily, Weilant, Sarah, Savitz, Scott
A Treatise on Government: Or: Politics by Aristotle
Latin American Foreign Policies in the New World Order: The Active Non-Alignment Option by
The Channel Islands in Anglo-French Relations, 1689-1918 by Préneuf, Jean de, Lambert, Andrew, Partridge, Colin
A Life in the American Century by Nye, Joseph S.
Pegasus: How a Spy in Your Pocket Threatens the End of Privacy, Dignity, and Democracy by Richard, Laurent, Rigaud, Sandrine
Big Intel: How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains by Waller, J. Michael
Big Intel: How the CIA Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains by Waller, J. Michael
American Girls: One Woman's Journey Into the Islamic State and Her Sister's Fight to Bring Her Home by Roy, Jessica
Bandwagoning in International Relations: China, Russia, and Their Neighbors by Motin, Dylan
The Resilience of Parliamentary Politics in Kuwait: Parliament, Rentierism, and Society by Freer, Courtney
Foreign Policy and Security Strategy by Wight, Martin
Navigating the Tension Between Sovereignty and Self-Determination in Postcolonial Africa: Blueprints for the Midcentury by Aka, Philip C.
George Yeo: Musings (in 3 Volumes) by Yeo, George Yong-Boon
Terrorismo Mapuche en la República Argentina by Anunziato, Luis
China and Iran Readjust Relations: Economic Implications of the Suspended Nuclear Deal by Azad, Shirzad
Living U.S.-China Relations: From Cold War to Cold War by Lampton, David M.
Drones, Force and Law by Wheeler, Nicholas J., Dunn, David Hastings
Drones, Force and Law by Wheeler, Nicholas J., Dunn, David Hastings
The Language of Violent Jihad by Vessey, Rachelle, McEnery, Tony, Baker, Paul
Political Geography: Approaches, Concepts, Futures by Jackman, Anna, Squire, Rachael
Political Geography: Approaches, Concepts, Futures by Squire, Rachael, Jackman, Anna
Global Governance in the New Era: Concepts and Approaches by
Centrist Anti-Establishment Parties and Their Struggle for Survival by Engler, Sarah
From Empires To Nations: Geopolitics by Sheroy, Ehsan
The Dawn of War in South Korea (1947-1950): The South Korean Workers' Party and the April Third Massacre by Jo, Kyu-Hyun
Party People: Candidates and Party Evolution by Sikk, Allan, Köker, Philipp
The Biological Weapons Taboo by Bentley, Michelle
Moss, Fletcher and Isaacs on the EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings by
Controlling Territory, Controlling Voters: The Electoral Geography of African Campaign Violence by Wahman, Michael
The Iran Nuclear Deal: Non-Proliferation and Us-Iran Conflict Resolution by Khan, Saira
Africa's Right to Development in a Climate-Constrained World by Mbeva, Kennedy, Makomere, Reuben, Atela, Joanes
Multiple Loyalitaten Und Transterritorialitat: Aufstieg Und Fall Des Diplomaten Johann Christoph Von Urbich (1653-1715) by Stuber, Regina
Gcc Hydrocarbon Economies and Covid: Old Trends, New Realities by
Cambodia-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Towards a Community with a Shared Future by
Flawed Democracy and Development: A Jamaica Case Study by
Eurasia, India and the Spaces in Between by
Torture in the National Security Imagination by Athey, Stephanie
The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China by Ward, Jonathan D. T.
Gun Country: Gun Capitalism, Culture, and Control in Cold War America by McKevitt, Andrew C.
Gun Country: Gun Capitalism, Culture, and Control in Cold War America by McKevitt, Andrew C.
The Fire of the Gods: The Evolutionary History of Nuclear Age - Part 3 - 1970-1980: by Narang, Rajat
Diplomacy, Extremism and Development: The Triumph of Diplomacy: From Conflict Zones to Sustainable Futures by Akoh, Baudouin Ngah
Rehabilitation, Deradicalization, and Reintegration of Militants: A Case Study from Swat Valley by Khan, Ilam
Political Community in Minority Language Writing: Claiming Difference, Seeking Commonality by Carlin, Patrick
Building a Human Security Diplomacy: Strategies for Strengthening the Canada-China Relationship by Christie, Kenneth, Hanlon, Robert J.
Hyperwar: Conflict and Competition in the AI Century by Work, Robert O., Husain, Amir, Allen, John R.
Globalization in the 21st Century by Steger, Manfred B.
The Trade Weapon: How Weaponizing Trade Threatens Growth, Public Health and the Climate Transition by Heydon, Ken
The Decisive Decade: American Grand Strategy for Triumph Over China by Ward, Jonathan D. T.
Torture in the National Security Imagination by Athey, Stephanie
The Balkan Wars: Ottoman Perspectives by
Free Speech and Turbulent Freedom: The Dangerous Allure of Censorship in the Digital Era by Glennon, Michael J.
The Trade Weapon: How Weaponizing Trade Threatens Growth, Public Health and the Climate Transition by Heydon, Ken
Critical Security Studies in the Digital Age: Social Media and Security by Downing, Joseph
Music and Cultural Diplomacy in the Middle East: Geopolitical Re-Configurations for the 21st Century by
Ukraine entre guerre et paix by Baud, Jacques
The Principles of The Counter Terrorism Process: A Guide for the New Guard of Counter-Terrorism Professionals by Gawel, David
Opération Z by Baud, Jacques
Energy Transitions in the Middle East: Challenges and Opportunities by
Transnational Broadcasting in the Indo Pacific: The Battle for Trusted News and Information by
Terrorist Criminal Enterprises: Financing Terrorism Through Organized Crime by
National Security Surveillance in Southern Africa: An Anti-Capitalist Perspective by Duncan, Jane
Religious Minorities in Iraq: Co-Existence, Faith and Recovery After Isis by Corticelli, Maria Rita
Energy Transitions in the Middle East: Challenges and Opportunities by
Poutine: maître du jeu ? by Baud, Jacques
The Horn Engaging the Gulf: Economic Diplomacy and Statecraft in Regional Relations by Ylönen, Aleksi
Oil, Nationalism and British Policy in Iran: The End of Informal Empire, 1941-53 by Taylor, Jack
Weaponizing Cyberspace: Inside Russia's Hostile Activities by Sambaluk, Nicholas Michael
Robustness and Fragility of Political Orders by
Ethnomusicology and Cultural Diplomacy by
The European Union and Post-Dayton Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Democratic Consolidation by Seyaz, Adnan
The Future of China's Development and Globalization: Views from Ambassadors to China by
Global Governance and Advocacy Compass: a Handbook for 2024 by Banerjee, Priyasa, Oliviera, Francisca, Polkar, Sam
EU Justice and Home Affairs Law: Volume II: EU Criminal Law, Policing, and Civil Law by Peers, Steve
The Future of China's Development and Globalization: Views from Ambassadors to China by
Media and Feminist Protest in Iran: My Camera Is My Weapon by May, Layla
L'affaire Navalny: Le complotisme au service de la politique étrangère by Baud, Jacques
Gouverner par le chaos: Ingénierie sociale et mondialisation by Cerise, Lucien
Human Uses of Outer Space: Return to the Moon by
Assisting International Justice: Cooperation Between Un Peace Operations and the International Criminal Court in the Democratic Republic of Congo by Buitelaar, Tom
Ten Years of Boko Haram in Nigeria: The Dynamics and Counterinsurgency Challenges by
Arab-Israel Normalisation of Ties: Global Perspectives by
Exchanges and Mutual Learning Among Asian Civilizations by Wang, Linggui, Zhao, Jianglin
The Australia-Japan Defence and Security Relationship 1945-2021: Making a Friend of a Former Foe by McDermott, Peter
Regional and International Cooperation in South America After COVID: Challenges and Opportunities Post-pandemic by
Positive Security: Collective Life in an Uncertain World by Gjørv, Gunhild Hoogensen, Bilgic, Ali
Space and Time in Thai-Lao Relations: Borderlands in International Relations by Wisaijorn, Thanachate
Reconfiguring the Global Governance of Climate Change by Warren, Brittaney, Kirton, John J., Kokotsis, Ella
Rethinking Post-Cold War Russian-Latin American Relations by
Role Theory and Russian Foreign Policy: Rolling Changes in National Role Conceptions by Strycharz, Damian
The Routledge Handbook on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations by
International Legitimacy and the Domestic Use of Force: A New Theoretical Framework by Price, Megan
Ideologies in Action: Morphological Adaptation and Political Ideas by
State-Private Networks and Intelligence Theory: From Cold War Liberalism to Neoconservatism by Griffin, Tom
The Strategic Options of Middle Powers in the Asia-Pacific by
Mainland China's Taiwan Policy: From Peaceful Development to Selective Engagement by Qiang, Xin
See More