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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 1988

Advances in Taxation by
Materialwirtschaft Und Einkauf: Praktische Einführung Und Entscheidungshilfe by Arnolds, Hans
Euronotes Und Euro Commercial Paper ALS Finanzinnovationen: Vom Ruf Zum Ecp by Klaus, Michael
Keynes Aus Nachkeynesscher Sicht: Zum 50. Erscheinungsjahr Der "Allgemeinen Theorie" Von John Maynard Keynes by
Projektmanagement: Eine Antwort Auf Die Hierarchiekrise? by Heintel, Peter, Krainz, Ewald E.
The Economics of Public Debt: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association at Stanford, California by
Foreign Direct Investment by Smaller UK Firms: The Success and Failure of First-Time Investors Abroad by Thurwell, Jane, Buckley, Peter J., Newbould, Geral D. D.
Implementing Networks in Banking and Financial Services by Chorafas, Dimitris N., Steinmann, Heinrich
Foreign Investment, Debt and Economic Growth in Latin America by Jorge, Antonio, Salazar-Carrillo, Jorge
Managing Global Money: Essays in International Financial Economics by Bird, Graham
Die Substanzsteuern by Rose, Gerd
Währungspolitik by Lechner, Hans
Outside Moscow: Power Politics and Budgetary Policy in the Soviet Republics by Bahry, Donna
Supply-Side Portfolio Strategies by
Das Homogene Packproblem in Der Betriebswirtschaftlichen Logistik by Exeler, Heinrich
Security Analysis: Fifth Edition by Cottle, Sidney, Murray, Roger F., Block, Frank E.
Stan Weinstein's Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets by Weinstein, Stan
The Political Economy of Rent-Seeking by
International Banking and Financial Systems: A Comparison by Mullineux, Andrew W.
The Investment Performance of Corporate Pension Plans: Why They Do Not Beat the Market Regularly by Finney, Louis D., Logue, Dennis E., Berkowitz, Stephen A.
Three Worlds of Labour Economics by Mangum, Garth L., Philips, P.
Three Worlds of Labour Economics by Philips, P., Mangum, Garth L.
Feedback: A New Framework for Macroeconomic Policy by Kendrick, David Andrew
Empirical Modeling of Exchange Rate Dynamics by Diebold, Francis X.
Der Jahresabschluß Der Unternehmung by Franz, Klaus-Peter
The Quest for National and Global Economic Stability by
Uneasy Compromise: Problems of a Hybrid Income-Consumption Tax by
Studies in Capital Formation in the United Kingdom 1750-1920 by
The Structure of British Industry by
Handbook of Money and Capital Markets by Gart, Alan
Dynamic Firm and Investor Behaviour Under Progressive Personal Taxation by Schijndel, Geert-Jan C. T. Van
Effective Control of Currency Risks by Von Pfeil, Enzio
Sanctity Versus Sovereignty: The United States and the Nationalization of Natural Resource Investments by Rodman, Kenneth
Barriers to Full Employment by Matzner, Egon, Roncaglia, Alessandro, Kregel, J. a.
Consumer Safety Regulation: Putting a Price on Life and Limb by Asch, Peter
Classical Insurance Solvency Theory by
Psychology of Everyday Things by Norman, Don
Barriers to Full Employment: Papers from a Conference Sponsored by the Labour Market Policy Section of the International Institute of Management of by Roncaglia, Alessandro, Matzner, Egon, Kregel, J. a.
The Management of Corporate Business Units: Portfolio Strategies for Turbulent Times by Nevaer, Louis, Deck, Steven
Die Bank in Der Krise Ihres Schuldners: Eine Entscheidungsorientierte Analyse by Staroßom, Heiko
Knights, Raiders, and Targets by
International Capital Movements by Kindleberber, Charles P.
Foundations in Public Economics by Starrett, David a.
Economic Analysis of Information and Contracts: Essays in Honor of John E. Butterworth by
Automatic Government: The Politics of Indexation by Weaver, R. Kent
Decision Support Systems in Finance and Accounting by Heymann, H. G., Bloom, Robert, Heymann, Hans
National Income+economic Progress by Van Hoa, Tran, Perkins, J. O. N., Ironmonger, Duncan
Sequential Binary Investment Decisions: A Bayesian Approach by Jammernegg, Werner
Security Markets: Stochastic Models by
Financial Forecasting and Planning: A Guide for Accounting, Marketing, and Planning Managers by Garrison, Sharon H., Davidson, Wallace N., Garrison, Michael A.
Market Power and the Economy: Industrial, Corporate, Governmental, and Political Aspects by
Taxation and Human Rights by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
The Corporate Director's Financial Handbook by Fertakis, John P.
The Investment Side of Corporate Cash Management by March, Robert T.
Small Business, Banks, and Sba Loan Guarantees: Subsidizing the Weak or Bridging a Credit Gap? by Rhyne, Elisabeth Holmes
The Economics of Public Debt: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the International Economic Association at Stanford, California by
The Japanese Stock Market: Pricing Systems and Accounting Information by Sakakibara, Shigeki, Yamaji, Hidetoshi, Sakurai, Hisakatsu
Real Estate: Investment and Financial Strategy by Chinloy, P.
African Capitalism: The Struggle for Ascendency by Kennedy, Paul M.
Reform Of Local Govt Finance by Paddison, Ronan, Bailey, S. J.
The Indebted Society: Credit and Default in the 1980s by Ford, Janet
The Crash Put Simply: Oct-87 by Dunn, Ruben J., Morris, John
Monetary Theory and Policy: Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Monetary Economics and Banking Held in Aix-En-Provence, France, by
The ECU and European Monetary Integration by Grauwe, P. De
Public Choice by
Financial Risk: Theory, Evidence and Implications: Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Lo by
Workers' Compensation Insurance Pricing: Current Programs and Proposed Reforms by
Explaining Metals Prices: Economic Analysis of Metals Markets in the 1980s and 1990s by MacAvoy, Paul W.
Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions and the Law: A General Introduction by Horn, Norbert
Coping with the Latin American Debt by
Venturing Abroad: Innovation by U.S. Multinationals by Schuller, Frank C.
Factors Determining External Debt: An Intertemporal Study by Rübel, Gerhard
Managing Global Money: Essays in International Financial Economics by Bird Graham
Non-Life Insurance Mathematics by Straub, Erwin
Monetary Policy in Pacific Basin Countries: Papers Presented at a Conference Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco by
International Commodity Market Models and Policy Analysis by
Theory of Valuation: Frontiers of Modern Financial Theory by
Financial Structure in Small Business: Theory, Tests and Applications by Wijst, Dominicus Van Der
Rural Credit: Lessons for Rural Bankers and Policy Makers by Padmanabhan, K. P.