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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 1989

Inside Investment Banking, Second Edition by Bloch, Ernest
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations: Trade Union Democracy and Industrial Relations by Blanpain, Roger
Bank- Und Sparkassenkaufleute: Bankwirtschaft Und Recht in Frage Und Antwort by Grill, Wolfgang, Perczynski, Hans
Das Beratungs- Und Verkaufsgespräch in Banken: Bankleistungen Erfolgreich Verkaufen by Geyer, Günther
Möglichkeiten Und Restriktionen Einer Berücksichtigung Von Sonderbedarfen Im Länderfinanzausgleich by Kops, Manfred
Finanzmanagement: Theorie und Politik der Unternehmensfinanzierung by Süchting, Joachim
Die Ertragsteuern by Rose, Gerd
Incomes Policies: Papers Prepared for a Conference of the International Economic Association by
The Case for a New ECU: Towards Another Monetary System by Riboud, Jacques
Open-Economy Monetary Economics by Burnstein, M. L.
Monetarism and the Demise of Keynesian Economics by Steele, G. R.
A Guide to the Saudi Arabian Economy by Presley, John R., Westaway, Tony
Inflation and Income Distribution in Capitalist Crisis by Kregel, J. a.
The ECU and European Monetary Integration by Grauwe, P. De
Theory of Markets by Allingham, Michael G.
Keynes, Investment Theory and the Economic Slowdown: The Role of Replacement Investment and Q-Ratios by Perelman, Michael
Tax Evasion and the Black Economy by Pyle, David J.
Signale, Bubbles Und Rationale Anlagestrategien Auf Kapitalmärkten by Gruber, Andreas
Das Assessment-Center-Verfahren Der Eignungsbeurteilung: Sein Aufbau, Seine Anwendung Und Sein Aussagegehalt by
Implementing Networks in Banking and Financial Services by Chorafas, Dimitris N., Steinmann, Heinrich
Macroeconomic Policy and Economic Interdependence by
Monetary Reform and Cooperation Theory by Macesich, George
Lebenswegorientierte Planung Technischer Systeme by Neubauer, Heinz
Systemgrenzen Im Management Von Institutionen: Der Beitrag Der Weichen Systemmethodik Zum Problembearbeiten by Bülow, Irmela
Corporate Financial Services in Wales 1989 by
Financing the World Economy in the Nineties by
Money by
Keynes's Monetary Theory: A Different Interpretation by Meltzer, Allan H.
The Value-Added Tax: Orthodoxy and New Thinking by
Using Surveys to Value Public Goods: The Contingent Valuation Method by Carson, Richard T., Mitchell, Robert Cameron
Managing the Dollar: From the Plaza to the Louvre by Funabashi, Yoichi
Trade Policy and Market Structure by Krugman, Paul, Helpman, Elhanan
British Business in Asia Since 1860 by
The International Adjustment Process: New Perspectives, Recent Experience and Future Challanges for the Financial System by
Latin American Debt and Adjustment: External Shocks and Macroeconomic Policies by
Contemporary Public Finance by Gianaris, Nicholas
Friends in High Places: The Bechtel Story: The Most Secret Corporation and How It Engineered the World by McCartney, Laton
Das 1 × 1 Des Zeitmanagement by Seiwert, L. J.
The Ethics of Organizational Transformation: Mergers, Takeovers, and Corporate Restructuring by
U.S. Trade Deficit: Causes, Consequences, and Cures: Proceedings of the Twelth Annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Lo by
Optimal Dynamic Investment Policies of a Value Maximizing Firm by Kort, Peter M.
Equity, Incentives, and Taxation by Tillmann, Georg
The Impact of Intergovernmental Grants on the Aggregate Public Sector by Schwallie, Daniel P.
Equity Market Development in Developing Countries by Sudweeks, Bryan Lorin
Money, Information and Uncertainty by Cbe, Charles Goodhart
Money, Interest and Capital: A Study in the Foundations of Monetary Theory by Rogers, Colin
Keynes, Investment Theory and the Economic Slowdown: The Role of Replacement Investment and Q-Ratios by Perelman, Michael
Bank Mergers: Current Issues and Perspectives by
Lagerhaltung: Modelle Und Methoden by Bartmann, Dieter, Beckmann, Martin J.
Myths and Realities of Foreign Investment in Poor Countries: The Modern Leviathan in the Third World by Rothgeb, John M., Jr.
The Future of the International Monetary System: Change, Coordination of Instability? by Hamouda, Omar F., Rowley, Robin, Wolf, Bernard M.
The Predators' Ball: The Inside Story of Drexel Burnham and the Rise of the Junkbond Raiders by Bruck, Connie
Optimale Gestaltung Von Mehrprodukt-Distributionssystemen: Modelle -- Methoden -- Anwendungen by Paraschis, Ioannis N.
Die Deutsche Geldnachfrage: Empirische Ergebnisse Zu Den Eigenschaften Von Feedback- Und Forward-Looking-Geldnachfragemodellen by Bohl, Martin T.
Monetarism and the Demise of Keynesian Economics by Steele, G. R.
The Banking System in Troubled Times: New Issues of Stability and Continuity by Taylor, Jeremy F.
Finanzanalyse: Grundlagen Der Markttechnischen Analyse by Stöttner, Rainer
Taxpayer Compliance, Volume 2: Social Science Perspectives by
Taxpayer Compliance, Volume 1: An Agenda for Research by
International Banking and Financial Centers by
Partnership Between Small and Large Firms by
A European Central Bank? by
Economic Development and World Debt by
Cost Analysis Applications of Economics and Operations Research: Proceedings of the Institute of Cost Analysis National Conference, Washington, D.C., by
Automatisiertes Lackieren Mit Steuerbaren Spritzpistolen by Ortlieb, Konrad A.
The Economics of Foreign Exchange by Douch, Nick
Inside the Us Treasury Market by Wann, Peter
Debt Disaster?: Banks, Government and Multilaterals Confront the Crisis by Weeks, John F.
Advances in Taxation by
Third World Debt: The Next Phase by
Of Rule and Revenue: Volume 13 by Levi, Margaret
Money, Credit and Prices in Keynesian Perspective by
Capital and the State in Nigeria by Ohiorhenuan, John F. E.
Free Banking and Monetary Reform by Glasner, David
The Economics of Special Privilege and Rent Seeking by Tullock, G.
Financial Models of Insurance Solvency by
Real Interest Rates and Investment and Borrowing Strategy by Spiro, Peter S.
The Design and Implementation of Administrative Controls: A Guide for Financial Executives by Fertakis, John P.
Money and Its Use in Medieval Europe by Spufford, Peter
Financial Futures and Options: A Guide to Markets, Applications, and Strategies by Petzel, Todd E.
A Market Theory of Money by Hicks, John
A Critique of Neoclassical Macroeconomics by Weeks, John
A Critique of Neoclassical Macroeconomics by Weeks, John
The Economic Function of Futures Markets by Williams, Jeffrey, Jeffrey C., Williams
Überbetriebliche Vermögensbeteiligung by Schöner, Manfred A.
Finance by
The Japanese Financial System by
Origins of the Federal Reserve System: Money, Class, and Corporate Capitalism, 1890-1913 by Livingston, James
The Collected Papers of Franco Modigliani, Volume 1: Essays in Macroeconomics by Modigliani, Franco
The Collected Papers of Franco Modigliani, Volume 5: Savings, Deficits, Inflation, and Financial Theory by Modigliani, Franco
Redefining Excellence: The Financial Performance of America's Best-Run Companies by Ghosh, Arvin, Ghosh, Arabinda
Incomes Policies: Papers Prepared for a Conference of the International Economic Association by
Money and the Morality of Exchange by
Money and the Morality of Exchange by
The U.S. Payment System: Efficiency, Risk and the Role of the Federal Reserve: Proceedings of a Symposium on the U.S. Payment System Sponsored by the by
The Arms Index (Trin Index): An Introduction to Volume Analysis by Arms Jr, Richard W.
Die Aufgabe Der Personalabteilung in Einer Sich Wandelnden Umwelt: Festgabe Für Peter Benz Zum 60. Geburtstag by
Why People Buy by O'Shaughnessy, John
Reflections on Money by
The Economics of Mutual Fund Markets: Competition Versus Regulation by Baumol, William, Goldfeld, Stephen M., Gordon, LILLI A.
The Stock Market: Bubbles, Volatility, and Chaos by
Neomonetarismus: Kritische Untersuchungen Einer Konservativen Staatsmonopolistischen Wirtschaftslehre by Braun, Manfred, Krause, Günter, Müller, Klaus