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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 1991

Public Sector Economics by Brown, C. V., Jackson, Peter M.
Handbuch Des Investmentsparens by Päsler, Rüdiger H.
Atlas Geld Und Wertpapiere: Handel Der Banken Mit Geld Und Wertpapieren by Diedrigkeit, Rüdiger
Geldanlage in Steueroasen: Bankgeheimnis Vermögenssicherung Renditechancen by Winteler, Ernst-Uwe
Exchange Rate Management: Theory and Evidence: The UK Experience by Pilbeam, Keith
A Stable External Currency for Europe by Riboud, Jacques
Moral Issues and Multinational Corporations by Elfstrom, Gerard
War Finance, Reconstruction, Hyperinflation and Stabilization in Hungary, 1938-48 by Siklos, Pierre L.
An Essay on Money and Distribution by Pivetti, Massimo
Aktienindizes in Deutschland: Entstehung, Anwendungsbereiche, Indexhandel by Rühle, Alf-Sibrand
Wicksell's Monetary Theory by
Inflation, Open Economies and Resources: The Collected Writings of Paul Davidson, Volume 2 by
The Economics of the Single European ACT by
The New Art of Central Banking by Burstein, M. L.
Investitionsplanung: Methoden -- Modelle -- Anwendungen by Betge, Peter
Hoffnungswerte: Ungeregelte Ansprüche Aus Wertpapieremissionen VOR 1945 Und Ihre Entschädigung Nach Der Wiedervereinigung by Glasemann, Hans-Georg, Korsch, Ingo
Die Substanzsteuern by Rose, Gerd
The Barclays Guide to Financial Management for the Small Business by Wilson, Peter
Bidders and Targets: Mergers and Acquisitions in the U.S. by Shepro, Richard W., Herzel, Leo
Handbook of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy by
Readings in State and Local Public Finance by
Design to Cost by Wood, William P., Michaels, Jack V.
The Investment Banking Handbook by Williamson, J. Peter
Investing in Emerging Growth Stocks: Making Money with Tomorrow's Blue Chips by Broadfoot, James W.
The Practical Guide to Joint Ventures and Corporate Alliances: How to Form, How to Organize, How to Operate by Lynch, Robert Porter
Principles of Engineering Economy by Ireson, W. Grant, Grant, Eugene L., Leavenworth, Richard S.
Portfolio Management Formulas: Mathematical Trading Methods for the Futures, Options, and Stock Markets by Vince, Ralph
After the Breakup: Assessing the New Post-AT&T Divestiture Era by
World Debt and Stability by Macesich, George
The Public Debt of the United States: An Historical Perspective, 1775-1990 by Stabile, Donald, Cantor, Jeffrey a., Stabile, Donald R.
Financial Services in Wales 1991 by
Heroic with Grace: Legendary Women of Japan by Irie Mulhern, Chieko
Markets and Politicians: Politicized Economic Choice by
Dynamics of Inflation: An Analysis of the Relations between Inflation, Public-sector Financial Fragility, Expectations, and Profit Margins by Kandir, Antonio
United States Tax Treaties (1991) by Van Raad, Kees
Financial Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Debt: The Case of Water and Power Investments by Vaughan Jones, C., Jones, C. Vaughan, Jones, Clive Vaughan
The Money Supply Process: A Comparative Analysis by Dimitrijevic, Dimitrije, Macesich, George
The Great Savings and Loan Debacle (Special Analysis, 91-1) by Barth, James R.
Proposition 13: A Ten-Year Retrospective by
Current Issues in Monetary Policy in the United States and Japan: The Predictability of Money Demand by Grivoyannis, Elias C.
Advances in Small Business Finance by
International Competitiveness in Financial Services: A Special Issue of the Journal of Financial Services Research by
From AD Hoc to Routine: A Case Study in Medieval Bureaucracy by Kittell, Ellen E.
Wall Street by Werner, Walter, Smith, Steven
The Keepers of Finance: U.S. Financial Leadership at the Crossroads by Taylor, Marilyn, Taylor, Jeremy F.
The Great Myths of 1929 and the Lessons to Be Learned by Bierman, Harold
A Theory of Production for the Financial Firm by Hancock, Diana
Regulatory Finance: Financial Foundations of Rate of Return Regulation by Thompson, Howard E.
Competition and Innovation in Postal Services by
Negative Political Advertising: Coming of Age by Johnson-Cartee, Karen S., Copeland, Gary
East-West Financial Relations by Zloch-Christy, Iliana
Computer Simulation in Financial Risk Management: A Guide for Business Planners and Strategists by Nersesian, Roy L.
Corporate Lease Analysis: A Guide to Concepts and Evaluation by Johns, Helene, Nunnally, Bennie, Plath, Donald
Progress in Decision, Utility and Risk Theory by
America's Ailing Cities: Fiscal Health and the Design of Urban Policy by Ladd, Helen F., Yinger, John
New Treatise on Accompaniment: With the Harpsichord, the Organ, and with Other Instruments by Saint-Lambert, Michel De, Saint Lambert, Monsieur de
Tax Incentives In Developing Countries And International Taxation by Viherkenttä, Timo
Reclaiming Capital by Gunn, Hazel, Gunn, Christopher
Corporate Operational Analysis: A Procedure for Evaluating Key Factors in Internal Operations, Acquisitions, and Takeovers by Anderson, Jerry W., Camealy, John B.
Reclaiming Capital by Gunn, Christopher, Gunn, Hazel
An Essay on Money and Distribution by Pivetti, Massimo
Why Bank Regulation Failed: Designing a Bank Regulatory Strategy for the 1990s by Garten, Helen A.
Congress, Human Nature, and the Federal Debt: Essays on the Political Psychology of Deficit Spending by Brembeck, Cole Speicher
Managing the Insolvency Risk of Insurance Companies: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Insurance Solvency by
Electronic Money Flows: The Molding of a New Financial Order by Solomon, Elinor
Chronic Inflation in an Industrializing Economy: The Brazilian Experience by Parkin, Vincent
Money and Mind by Klebanow, Sheila Ed., Klebanow, Sheila, Lowenkopf, Eugene L.
Buy a Business (for Very Little Cash) by Mancuso, Joseph R.
The Collected Writings of Paul Davidson (Vol. 2) by Davidson, Louise
Stock Market Primer by Rosenberg, Claude N.
Stochastic Models and Option Values: Applications to Resources, Environment and Investment Problems by
Bund Options by Tompkins, Robert
International Securitisation: The Scope, Development and Future Outlook for Asset-Backed Finance by Shaw, Zoe
Bunds and Bund Futures by Pohlmann, Mark, Corrigan, Daniel
Essays in Macroeconomics of an Open Economy by Gehrels, Franz
Exchange Rate Determination and Optimal Economic Policy Under Various Exchange Rate Regimes by Jong, Eelke de
The Money Markets of Developing East Asia by Emery, Robert F.
Risk Management Auf Spekulativen Märkten: Pc-Gestützte Rohstoffpreis- Und Devisenkurssicherung Für Kleine Und Mittlere Unternehmen by Wiethoff, Hartmut
Global Competition in Capital Goods: An American Perspective by Eckley, Robert S.
Taxation in the People's Republic of China by Li, Jinyan
Environmental Protection: Public or Private Choice by
Arbitrage: Elements of Financial Economics by Allingham, Michael G.
Finance at the Frontier: Debt Capacity and the Role of Credit in the Private Economy by Von Pischke, J. D.
CIM-Orientiertes Rechnungswesen: Bausteine Zu Einem System Controlling by Raas, Fredy, Siegwart, Hans
Broadcasting Finance in Transition: A Comparative Handbook by
The International Monetary System: History, Institutions, Analyses by Carbaugh, Robert J., Fan, Liang-Shing
Aufbau Und Einsatz Eines Mobilen Roboters Mit Unabhängiger Lokomotions- Und Manipulationskomponente by Naber, Helmut
Explaining Economic Policy Failure: Japan in the 1969-1971 International Monetary Crisis by Angel, Robert
Arbitrage Und Die Bewertung Von Zinssatzoptionen by Sandmann, Klaus
A Guide to International Financial Derivatives by Feeney, Francis
The Theory and Practice of Tax Reform in Developing Countries by Ahmad, Ehtisham, Stern, Nicholas, Ahmad, Etisham
Theory and Practice of Tax Ref by Stern, Nicholas, Ahmad, Etisham, Ahmad, Ehtisham
High Rollers: Inside the Savings and Loan Debacle by Lowy, Martin
Governing Banking's Future: Markets vs. Regulation by
An International Comparison of Workers' Compensation by Williams, C. Arthur
The New GATT Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations: Legal and Economic Problems by Petersmann, Ernst-Ulrich
Tax Treaties and Domestic Legislation by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Multinational Investment in Developing Countries: A Study of Taxation and Nationalization by Andersson, Thomas
Planung: Systemanalytische Und Entscheidungstheoretische Grundlagen by Schneeweiß, Christoph
Personalbedarfsplanung: Anlagenorientierte Personalbedarfsplanung Für Kontinuierliche Fertigungsprozesse by Sent, Bernd
Latin American Debt in the 1990s: Lessons from the Past and Forecasts for the Future by
Corporate Resource Allocation: Financial, Strategic and Organizational Perspectives by Tomkins, Cyril
Rechnungslegung Der Unternehmen Und Kapitalmarkt Aus Informationsökonomischer Sicht by Hartmann-Wendels, Thomas
Fundamentals of Petroleum Trading by Razavi, Hossein, Fesharaki, Fereidun
Portfolio Selection: Efficient Diversification of Investments by Markowitz, Harry M.
Managing the Franc Poincaré by Mouré, Kenneth
Foreign Direct Investment in China by Lin, Jian Hai, Grub, Phillip Donald, Grub, Philip
Innovations in Dequity Financing by Chen, Andrew H., Kensinger, John W.
The Strategy and Consistency of Federal Reserve Monetary Policy, 1924-1933 by Wheelock, David C.
Bank Marketing for the 90's: New Ideas from 55 of the Best Marketers in Banking by Wright, Don
Service Selling: A Guide to Increasing Sales and Profits in Consumer Financial Services by Stemper, Robert G.
The Complete Guide to Convertible Securities Worldwide by Zubulake, Laura A.
Selling Short: Risks, Rewards, and Strategies for Short Selling Stocks, Options, and Futures by Walker, Joseph a.
Trading and Investing in Bond Options: Risk Management, Arbitrage, and Value Investing by Wong, M. Anthony
Intermarket Technical Analysis: Trading Strategies for the Global Stock, Bond, Commodity, and Currency Markets by Murphy, John J.
Managing Brand Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a Brand Name by Aaker, David A.
Financial Control for Your Hotel by Coltman, Michael M.
The Economics of the Single European ACT by
Zahlungsbilanz und Wechselkurstheorie by Größl, Ingrid
Writing Business Plans That Get Results by Odonnell
The Economic Consequences of State Lotteries by Borg, Mary O., Mason, Paul M., Shapiro, Stephen L.
How to Make Bigger Profits by Mogano, M. C.
How to Make Bigger Profits by Mogano, M. C.
Japan and the Global Economy: Issues and Trends in the 1990s by
Business Cycles: Theories, Evidence and Analysis by
Lending and Borrowing in Ancient Athens by Millett, Paul, Paul, Millett
International Capital Movements and the Developing World: The Case of Taiwan by Kuo, Chich-Heng, Heng Kuo, Chich
Japanese Banking and Investment in the United States: An Assessment of Their Impact Upon U.S. Markets and Institutions by
Foundations of Insurance Economics: Readings in Economics and Finance by
Regulating International Financial Markets: Issues and Policies by
The Economics of Smoking by Tollison, Robert D., Wagner, Richard E.
Hyperinflation and Stabilization in Postsocialist Economies by Koodko, Grzegorz W., Kolodko, G. W., Gotz-Kozierkiewicz, Danuta
Einführung in die internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen by Sell, Axel
The Economics of High Inflation by Beckerman, Paul
Software-Architekturen Im Unternehmen: Komponenten, Modelle, Werkzeuge Und Methoden by
Economics of State and Local Government by Raimondo, Henry
Financial Instability and the International Debt Problem by Thomas, Stephen, McKenzie, George
The Financial Revolution 1660 - 1750 by Roseveare, Henry G.
Economics of State and Local Government by Raimondo, Henry John
The Economics of Innovation in the Telecommunications Industry by McNamara, John R.
Banking Structures in Major Countries by
Mortgage Revenue Bonds: Housing Markets, Home Buyers and Public Policy by
Balance-Of-Payments Theory and the United Kingdom Experience by Gibson, Heather D., Thirlwall, A. P.
Balance-Of-Payments Theory and the United Kingdom Experience by Thirlwall, A. P., Gibson, Heather D.
Evolution of the International and Regional Monetary Systems: Essays in Honour of Robert Triffin by
The Social Viability of Money: Competitive Equilibria and the Core of Overlapping Generations Economies by Esteban, Joan
Evolution of the International and Regional Monetary Systems: Essays in Honour of Robert Triffin by
Technical Traders Guide to Computer Analysis of the Futures Markets by LeBeau, Charles, Lucas, David W.
Health Economics Worldwide by