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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 1992

Managing the Merger: Making It Work by Mirvis, Philip H.
Inflation and the Merchant Economy by Lyth, Peter J.
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance: 3 Volume Set by
Advances in Working Capital Management by
Währungsoptionsscheine: Grundlagen - Preisbildung - Strategien by Savelberg, Albert H.
Macroeconomic Theories and Policies for the 1990s: A Scandinavian Perspective by Jespersen, Jesper, Amoroso, Bruno
Risk, Portfolio Management and Capital Markets by Cooke, Terence E.
Political Risk Analysis Around the North Atlantic by Stapenhurst, Frederick
The Market: Practice and Policy by
Themes in Modern Macroeconomics by
Essays on Robertsonian Economics by
International Business and Global Integration: Empirical Studies by
Classical Theories of Money, Output and Inflation: A Study in Historical Economics by Green, Roy
General Equilibrium Economics: Space, Time and Money by Kuenne, Robert E.
The Latin American Debt by Jorge, Antonio
The Creation of the Modern Ministry of Finance in Siam, 1885-1910 by Brown, Ian
Studies in International Business by Buckley, Peter J.
Accountancy's Faulty Sums by Bhattacharya, Keron
The Alco: Strategic Issues in Asset/Liability Management by Whitley, Jacqueline
Financial Enterprise in South Africa Since 1950 by Jones, Stuart
Nonlinearities, Disequilibria and Simulation: Proceedings of the Arne Ryde Symposium on Quantitative Methods in the Stabilization of Macrodynamic Syst by
The Economics of High Inflation by Beckerman, Paul
Tax Harmonization and Financial Liberalization in Europe: Proceedings of Conferences Held by the Confederation of European Economic Associations in 19 by
Exchange-Rate Regimes and Currency Unions: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the Confederation of European Economic Associations at Frankfurt, Germa by
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations: Workers' Participation: Influence on Management Decision - Making by Labour in the Private Sector by Blanpain, Roger
Global Finance and Urban Living: A Study of Metropolitan Change by
Global Finance and Urban Living: A Study of Metropolitan Change by
Managing a Foreign Exchange Department: A Manual of Effective Practice; Second Edition by
Financial Instability and the International Debt Problem by McKenzie, George, Thomas, Stephen
New Issues in the Theory of Investment: Modernization and Persistence Effects by Savioz, Marcel
Market Volatility by Shiller, Robert J.
The Credit-Anstalt Crisis of 1931 by Schubert, Aurel
Finance and Financiers in European History 1880 1960 by
Competition and Currency: Essays on Free Banking and Money by White, Lawrence H.
Globalizing the GATT: The Soviet Union's Successor States, Eastern Europe, and the International Trading System by Haus, Leah A.
Never Out of Season by Hunter, David W.
International Business and Global Integration: Empirical Studies by
Strategic Management Accounting by Ward, Keith
Risikoproduktivität by Konrad, Kai A.
Money and Exchange in Europe and America, 1600-1775: A Handbook by McCusker, John J.
Einkommens- Und Konsumorientierte Steuersysteme: Wirkungen Auf Investition, Finanzierung Und Rechnungslegung by Schwinger, Reiner
Industrielle Planungstechniken: Eine Einführung by Schneider-Winden, Kurt
Value Added Reporting: Lessons for the United States by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed, Belkaoui, Ahmed R.
Advances in Public Interest Accounting by
Rivals beyond Trade by Encarnation, Dennis J.
Planung: 2 Konzepte Der Prozeß- Und Modellgestaltung by Schneeweiß, Christoph
Fraud Examination: Investigative and Audit Procedures by Wells, Joseph T.
Themes in Modern Macroeconomics by
The Elements of Accounting: An Introduction by Whittington, Geoffrey
Goodbye, Great Britain: The 1976 IMF Crisis by Cairncross, Alec, Burk, Kathleen
The Joyless Economy: The Psychology of Human Satisfaction by Scitovsky, Tibor
Studies in International Business by Buckley, Peter J.
Closed-End Investment Companies: Issues and Answers by Born, Gustav V. R., Anderson, Seth
Cross-Conditionality Banking Regulation and Third-World Debt by
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations: Employed or Self-Employed by Blanpain, Roger
The Corporate Board: Confronting the Paradoxes by Neubauer, F. -Friedrich, Demb, Ada, Neubauer, Franz-Freidrich
Entrepot Capitalism: Foreign Investment and the American Dream in the Twentieth Century by Geisst, Charles R.
Competitiveness in Banking by
Protecting Your Organization's Tax-Exempt Status: A Guide for Nonprofit Managers by Bookman, Mark
Cost Engineering for Effective Project Control by Ward, Sol A.
The All-Season Investor: Successful Strategies for Every Stage in the Business Cycle by Pring, Martin J.
Bankers in the Selling Role: A Consultative Guide to Cross-Selling Financial Services by Richardson, Linda
Money Management Strategies for Futures Traders by Balsara, Nauzer J.
Treasury Operations and the Foreign Exchange Challenge: A Guide to Risk Management Strategies for the New World Markets by Chorafas, Dimitris N.
Political Crisis/Fiscal Crisis: The Collapse and Revival of New York City by Shefter, Martin
Strömungstechnische Auslegung Reinraumtauglicher Fertigungseinrichtungen by Degenhart, Elmar
Canada and the Gold Standard by Dick, Trevor J. O., Floyd, John E.
Fiscal Policy, Taxation and the Financial System in an Increasingly Integrated Europe by
Contributions to Insurance Economics by
Developing Capital Markets in Eastern Europe: A Business Reference by Lindsay, Margie
Double Taxation Treaties Between Industrialised and Developing Countries; OECD and Un Models, a Comparison: A Comparison by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Marktgerechte Produktentwicklung by
Entscheidungswirkungen Von Bankbilanzen Am Aktienmarkt: Eine Empirische Untersuchung by Keller, Erich
2020 Vision by Davis, Stan
Mayors and Money: Fiscal Policy in New York and Chicago by Fuchs, Ester R.
Privatization and Investment in Sub-Saharan Africa by
Supplier Price Analysis: A Guide for Purchasing, Accounting, and Financial Analysts by Newman, Richard G.
Exchange-Rate Regimes and Currency Unions: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the Confederation of European Economic Associations at Frankfurt, Germa by
Exchange-Rate Regimes and Currency Unions: Proceedings of a Conference Held by the Confederation of European Economic Associations at Frankfurt, Germa by
International Public Finance: A New Perspective on Global Relations by Mendez, Ruben P.
Soft Coal, Hard Choices: The Economic Welfare of Bituminous Coal Miners, 1890-1930 by Fishback, Price V.
Bonus Options in Health Insurance by Zweifel, Peter
The Changing Market in Financial Services: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Economic Policy Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. by
Explaining Buyer Behavior: Central Concepts and Philosophy of Science Issues by O'Shaughnessy, John
Investor Response to Management Decisions: A Research-Based Analysis of Actions and Effects by Altman, Richard M.
Monetary and Fiscal Dynamics by Carlberg, Michael
Risk Management with Derivatives by
International Securities Lending by
Esops: Their Role in Corporate Finance and Performance by Wilson, Nicholas
Foreign Exchange: Functions, Limits and Risks by Whitley, Jackie
Teamfähige Personalstrukturen by
European Accountancy Yearbook 1992/93 by
Strategische Organisations-Entwicklung: Inhaltliche Und Methodische Konzepte Zum Lernen in Und Von Organisationen by Heimerl-Wagner, Peter
Die Deutsche Postbank Im Wettbewerb: Proceedings Der Konferenz "Die Deutsche Postbank Im Wettbewerb" Bonn, 9.-10. 10.1991 by
Trade and Investment Opportunities in China: The Current Commercial and Legal Framework by Larson, Milton, Shizhong, Dong, Zhang, Danian R.
Ein Informationssystem Für Instandhaltungsleitstellen by Sihn, Wilfried
Currency Use and Payment Patterns by Boeschoten, W. C.
Investment and Property Rights in Yugoslavia by Uvalic, Milica
Post Keynesian Monetary Economics by Rousseas
Post Keynesian Monetary Economics by Rousseas
The Mathematics of Money Management: Risk Analysis Techniques for Traders by Vince, Ralph
Investing with Your Conscience: How to Achieve High Returns Using Socially Responsible Investing by Harrington, John C.
Managed Futures in the Institutional Portfolio by
The Ernst & Young Guide to Total Cost Management by Ozan, Terrence R., Ostrenga, Michael R., Ernst &. Young Llp
Value: Its Measurement, Design, and Management by Shillito, M. Larry, de Marle, David J.
The Monetary Model of Exchange Rates and Cointegration: Estimation, Testing and Prediction by Gardeazabal, Javier, Regulez, Marta
Public Debt and Private Wealth: Debt, Capital Flight and the IMF in Sudan by Brown, Richard P. C.
Debt Politics After Independence: The Funding Conflict in Bolivia by Millington, Thomas
Foreign Investment Strategies in Restructuring Economies: Learning from Corporate Experiences in Chile by Kline, John
Research Solutions to the Financial Problems of Depository Institutions by Murphy, Austin
An Investor's Guide to the Korean Capital Market by Yoon, Tai-Soon, Kim, Il-Woon
Japanese Warrant Markets by Connolly, Kevin, Philips, George
From Slave South to New South: Public Policy in Nineteenth-Century Georgia by Wallenstein, Peter
Verfahren Zum Automatischen Palettieren Von Quaderförmigen Packstücken Im Beliebigen Sortenmix by Strommer, Walter M.
Konsumorientierte Reform Der Unternehmensbesteuerung by Kaiser, Monika
Market-Oriented Systemic Transformations in Eastern Europe by Welfens, Paul J. J.
The Alco: Strategic Issues in Asset/Liability Management by Whitley, Jacqueline
Cycles of Inflation and Deflation: Money, Debt, and the 1990s by Skene, G. Leigh
Finanzwissenschaft I by Rosen, Harvey S., Windisch, Rupert
Triangular Arbitrage in the Foreign Exchange Market: Inefficiencies, Technology, and Investment Opportunities by Mavrides, Mario
Sales Taxation: Critical Issues in Policy and Administration by
Money Supply and Deficit Financing in Economic Development by Shahin, Wassim N.
European Corporate Strategy: Heading for 2000 by Landreth, Oliver L.
Permanent Establishment: Erosion of a Tax Treaty Principle by Skaar, Arvid S.
Advances in Taxation by
The Re-Emerging Securities Market in China by Grub, Phillip D., Xia, Mei, Lin, Jian Hai
Theorie der Parafiski by
Competitive Cost-Based Pricing Systems for Modern Manufacturing by Campbell, Robert J.
Investment Strategy and State and Local Economic Policy by Canto, Victor A., Laffer, Arthur B., Webb, Robert I.
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance: 3 Volume Set by
Monetary Policy and Politics: Rules Versus Discretion by Macesich, George
Modellbildung Bei Mehrfachzielen: Prozeßorganisation, Verfahren Mit Fuzzy-Sets Und Anwendungsbeispiele Aus Der Personaleinsatzplanung by Meier, Kersten
Taiwan's Financial Markets and Institutions: The Legal and Financial Issues of Deregulation and Internationalization by Semkow, Brian
Accountancy's Faulty Sums by Bhattacharya, Keron
Industrielle Kostenrechnung by Franz, Klaus P. F., Ahlert, Dieter
Exchange Rate Targets and Currency Bands by
The Future of American Banking by Barth, James R., Brumbaugh, R. Dan, Litan, Robert E.
Financial Risk Management in Banking: The Theory and Application of Asset and Liability Management by Van, Gelder Joni, Uyemura, Dennis, Uyemura Dennis
Classical Theories of Money, Output and Inflation: A Study in Historical Economics by Green, Roy
The Economics of the Financial System by Bain, A. D.
Continuous-Time Finance by Merton, Robert C.
Classical Theories of Money, Output and Inflation: A Study in Historical Economics by Green, Roy
The Psychology of Smart Investing: Meeting the 6 Mental Challenges by Epstein, Ira, Garfield, David
Fixed-Income Synthetic Assets: Packaging, Pricing, and Trading Strategies for Financial Professionals by Beaumont, Perry H.
Option Market Making: Trading and Risk Analysis for the Financial and Commodity Option Markets by Baird, Allen Jan
Nutzwert-Kosten-Analyse: Eine Entscheidungshilfe by Rinza, Peter
Montage Von Pressverbindungen Mit Industrierobotern by Würtz, Günther
A Contrarian Strategy for Growth Stock Investing: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Evidence by Quorum, Peters, Donald J.
Public Finance in Small Open Economies: The Caribbean Experience by Howard, Michael
Monetary Policy in Developed Economies by Fratianni, Michelle
Britain in the International Economy, 1870-1939 by
Regulation and the Nature of Postal and Delivery Services by
Design and Reform of Taxation Policy by
Free Trade Within North America: Expanding Trade for Prosperity: Proceedings of the 1991 Conference on the Southwest Economy Sponsored by the Federal by
Financial Integration in Europe by Benink, Harold A., Benink, Harald A., Benink, H. a.
The Yen Appreciation and International Economy by Das, Dilip K.
Simulation Von Informationsprozessen Auf Idealtypischen Börsenmärkten by Hamann, Thomas
World Debt and the Human Condition: Structural Adjustment and the Right to Development by
State Taxation of Business: Issues and Policy Options by
The Treatment of Intangibles: A Banker's View by Donaldson, T. H.
Economic Development in the Context of China by Tisdell, C.
Erfolgreiche Strategieplanung Und Moderne Führungstechniken by Gaiser, Hans
Business Finance in Less Developed Capital Markets by
Latin American Debt and the Politics of International Finance by Oliveri, Ernest J.
An Analysis and History of Inflation by Paarlberg, Don
Bewertung Festverzinslicher Wertpapiere Am Deutschen Rentenmarkt by Lassak, Günter
Financing Women's Enterprise: Beyond Barriers and Bias by Oppenoorth, Harry, Hilhorst, Thea
The Credit Risk of Financial Instruments by Banks, Erik
From the Debt Crisis to Sustainable Development: Changing Perspectives on North-South Relationships by
For Good and Evil: The Impact of Taxes on the Course of Civilization by Adams, Charles
Workers' Compensation Insurance: Claim Costs, Prices, and Regulation by
The Economics of Saving by
The Meaning of Ludwig Von Mises: Contributions in Economics, Epistemology, Sociology, and Political Philosophy by
The Pressures on American Monetary Policy by Havrilesky, Thomas
Empirical Approaches to Fiscal Policy Modelling by