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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 1993

Das Wertpapiergeschäft: Basiswissen Für Auszubildende Und Einsteiger by Krettek, Gert
Planung Der Fertigungstiefe: Ein Hierarchischer Ansatz by Weiss, Manfred
Modernes Projektmanagement: Eine Anleitung Zur Effektiven Unterstützung Der Planung, Durchführung Und Steuerung Von Projekten by Wischnewski, Erik
Geldanlage mit Optionsscheinen by
Creative Accounting: The Effectiveness of Financial Reporting in the UK by Pijper, Trevor
Economic Decision-Making in a Changing World by
Capital Markets in the Development Process: The Case of Brazil by Welch, John H.
The Rise and Fall of Revenue Farming: Business Elites and the Emergence of the Modern State in Southeast Asia by Butcher, John, Dick, Howard
Cross-Border Entry in European Retail Financial Services: Determinants, Regulation and the Impact on Competition by Hoschka, Tobias C.
Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy: New Tracks for the 1990s by Frowen, S.
Price Stabilization in the 1990s: Domestic and International Policy Requirements by
Financial Strategies and Public Policies: Banking, Insurance and Industry by
Monetary and Fiscal Policy, the Exchange Rate and Foreign Wealth by Tirelli, Patrizio
Consumption and Development by James, Jeffrey
Financial and Monetary Integration in the European Economic Community: Legal, Institutional and Economic Aspects: General Bank Chair Lecturers 1991-19 by Stuyck, Jules H. V.
The Double Auction Market: Institutions, Theories, and Evidence by Rust, John, Friedman, Daniel
Kuwait - Fall & Rebirth by Al-Yahya, Mohammed A.
Handel, Geld Und Banken by Law, John
The Paradox of Continental Production by Jenkins, Barbara
Debt Reduction and Development: The Case of Mexico by Gooptu, Sudarshan
Transfer Pricing in the 1990s: Tax Management Perspectives by Tang, Roger Y. W.
Monetary Policy and Investment Opportunities by Nowak, Laura S.
Government Risk-Bearing: Proceedings of a Conference Held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, May 1991 by
Inflation by Rowlatt, P. a.
Monetary and Fiscal Policy, the Exchange Rate and Foreign Wealth by Tirelli, Patrizio
Monetary and Fiscal Policy, the Exchange Rate and Foreign Wealth by Tirelli, Patrizio
Elusive Stability: Essays in the History of International Finance, 1919 1939 by Eichengreen, Barry
Service Opportunities for Electric Utilities: Creating Differentiated Products by
Microstructure of World Trading Markets: A Special Issue of the Journal of Financial Services Research by
Good Money: A Guide to Profitable Social Investing in the '90s by Lowry, Ritchie P.
Liberty, Equality, and Efficiency by Meade, James E.
Wirtschaftsinformatik ′93: Innovative Anwendungen, Technologie, Integration. 8. - 10. März 1993, Münster by
Foreign Investment and Privatization in Eastern Europe by
Debt and Development by Corbridge, Stuart
Ersatz in the Confederacy: Shortages and Substitutes on the Southern Homefront by Massey, Mary Elizabeth
Keynes' General Theory of Interest: A Reconsideration by MacLachlan, Fiona
International Economic Arbitration by Berger, Klaus Peter
Cases in International Finance, Case Studies by Poniachek, Harvey A.
Monetary Policy in Developing Countries by
Theory and Application of the Interest Rate by Schwartz, Eli
Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management by Elder, Alexander
Cost-Effectiveness in the Nonprofit Sector: Methods and Examples from Leading Organizations by
Finanzierung Risikobehafteter Investitionsvorhaben: Eine Vertragstheoretische Untersuchung Idealtypischer Ausgestaltungen Eines Finanzierungsvetrages by Ewert, Jürgen
The New Europe: Evolving Economic and Financial Systems in East and West by
Grain Futures Contracts: An Economic Appraisal by Haddock, David, Kormendi, Roger C., Pirrong, S. Craig
Preferences and Democracy: Villa Colombella Papers by
Regulation for Revenue: The Political Economy of Land Use Exactions by Altshuler, Alan A., Gomez-Ibanez, Jose A., Howitt, Arnold M.
Who Bears the Lifetime Tax Burden? by Fullerton, Don, Rogers, Diane Lim
Brand Equity & Advertising: Advertising's Role in Building Strong Brands by Biel, Alexander L., Aaker, David A.
Foreign Investment and Privatization in Eastern Europe by
Study Guide for Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management by Elder, Alexander
Shareholder Value: Key to Corporate Development by
Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial and Developing Societies by Jordan, William Chester
Who Owns Whom: The Southern African Edition by
S & L Hell: The People and the Politics Behind the $1 Trillion Savings and Loan Scandal by Day, Kathleen
Advances in Public Interest Accounting by
Comparative Tax Jurisprudence: Germany and Japan by Iizuka, Takeshi
Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations: Industrial Relations in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises by Biagi, H., Blanpain, Roger
Tax Treaties and Local Taxes by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Market Movers by Pack, Jay J., Cloverdale Press, Dunnan, Nancy
Superlearning Für Ingenieure Und Andere Führungskräfte by Nikol, Marisa
Monetary Policy in Europe After Maastricht by Rasmussen, Trans Brian, Noelling, Wilhelm
Monetary Theory and Thought: Essays in Honour of Don Patinkin by
International Finance: Contemporary Issues by
Understanding Interest Rate Swaps by Ludwig, Mary S.
Macro Accounting and Modern Money Supplies by Swanson, G. a.
Informationsgehalt Von Optionspreisen: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Der Preisbildung Am Markt Für Kaufoptionen Im Vorfeld Abnormaler Kursbewegungen Am by Hecker, Renate
Recent Research in Financial Modelling by
Modelling Reality and Personal Modelling by
Aesthetics and Economics by Mossetto, Gianfranco
Quantitative Methods for Portfolio Analysis: MTV Model Approach by Kariya, Takeaki, Kariya, T.
Reviving the American Dream: The Economy, the States, and the Federal Government by Rivlin, Alice M.
A Financial History of Western Europe by Kindleberger, Charles P.
Rechnergestütztes Bediensystem Für Einen Telemanipulator Zur Sanierung Von Gemauerten Abwasserkanälen by Schließmann, Kurt A.
Konturantastende Und Optoelektronische Koordinatenmeßgeräte Für Den Industriellen Einsatz by Rauh, Wolfgang
The Community Budget for an Economic and Monetary Union by Spahn, P.
The Community Budget for an Economic and Monetary Union by Spahn, P.
The Financial Revolution in England: A Study in the Development of Public Credit, 1688-1756 by Dickson, P. G. M.
European Monetary Union: Lessons from the Classical Gold Standard by Panic, M.
OTC Markets in Derivative Instruments by Cavalla, Nick
Off Balance Sheet Finance by Paterson, Ron
The Savings and Loan Crisis: An Annotated Bibliography by Talley, Pat L.
Southeast Asia in the Early Modern Era: Female Characters, Male Playwrights, and the Modern Stage by
Southeast Asia in the Early Modern Era: Female Characters, Male Playwrights, and the Modern Stage by
Capital Markets and Financial Intermediation by
Lineare Entscheidungsmodelle Zur Organisations- Und Personalplanung by Spengler, Thomas S.
Economic Trend Analysis for Executives and Investors by Schaefer, Howard G.
Organizational Culture in the Management of Mergers (Third) by Nahavandi, Afsaneh, Malekzadeh, Ali R.
Financial Management of Life Insurance Companies by
Building Societies: Structure, Performance and Change by McKillop, D., Ferguson, C.
The Handbook of Mortgage Banking: Trends, Opportunities, and Strategies by
Grundfragen der Bilanzierung by Heinhold, Michael
Dimensions of Law in the Service of Order: Origins of the Federal Income Tax, 1861-1913 by Stanley, Robert
Konzeption Für Ein Sensor- Und Steuerungssystem Zur Automatischen Führung Eines Walzenschrämladers Entlang Der Grenzlinie Von Kohle Und Nebengestein by Forster, Stephan
Ein Dreidimensionales Bildverarbeitungssystem Für Die Automatisierung Visueller Prüfvorgänge by Lu, Jianzhong
Political Economy of Government Debt: Symposium: Revised Papers by
Portfolio Theory and the Demand for Money by Thompson, Neil
The Politics of Global Debt by
The Politics of Global Debt by
Portfolio Theory and the Demand for Money by Thompson, Neil
Japanese Manufacturing Investment in Europe: Its Impact on the UK Economy by Strange, Roger
Multinational Corporations and the North American Free Trade Agreement by Twomey, Michael J.
Free Banking: Theory, History, and a Laissez-Faire Model by Sechrest, Larry J.
Introduction To The Us Income Tax System by Amico, Joseph C.
Assessing Bank Reform: FDICIA One Year Later by
Getting Rich Outside the Dollar by Weber, Christopher
Optionsmärkte Und Risikoallokation: Eine Computergestützte Analyse by Kaserer, Christoph
The Rise and Fall of Revenue Farming: Business Elites and the Emergence of the Modern State in Southeast Asia by Dick, Howard, Butcher, John
Market and Non-Market Hierarchies: Identity and Representation in Elizabethan England by Pitelis, Christos N.
Trading Currency Cross Rates: Proven Trading Strategies from a Leading International Currency Trader and a Noted Expert on Futures and Options by Stein, Jon, Klopfenstein, Gary
The Investor's Quotient: The Psychology of Successful Investing in Commodities & Stocks by Bernstein, Jake
Fixed-Income Arbitrage: Analytical Techniques and Strategies by Wong, M. Anthony
Open Economy Dynamics by Carlberg, Michael
Trader Vic--Methods of a Wall Street Master by Sperandeo, Victor
The European Carbon Tax: An Economic Assessment by Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
The Law and Finance of Corporate Insider Trading: Theory and Evidence by Arshadi, Nasser, Arshadi, Hamid, Eyssell, Thomas H.
Does Foreign Exchange Intervention Work? by Dominguez, Kathryn, Frankel, Jeffrey
Money and the Modern Mind: Georg Simmel's Philosophy of Money by Poggi, Gianfranco
Finanzierung Und Investition by Rautenberg, Hans G.
The Politics of Global Debt by
Portfolio Theory and the Demand for Money by Thompson, Neil
The Selection Process for Capital Projects by Lang, Hans J., Merino, Donald N.
An Introduction to Western Financial Markets by Valdez, Stephen
Creative Accounting: The Effectiveness of Financial Reporting in the UK by Pijper, Trevor
Financial Statement Analysis: The Investor's Self-Study to Interpreting & Analyzing Financial Statements, Revised Edition by Woelfel, Charles J.
The Next Twenty-Five Years of Public Choice by
Making Decisions about Liability and Insurance: A Special Issue of the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty by
Urban Finance Under Siege by Bonello, Frank J., Swartz, Thomas R.
Urban Finance Under Siege by Swartz, Thomas R., Bonello, Frank J.
The Economic Foundations of Government by Holcombe, Randall G.
Attention, Attitude, and Affect in Response To Advertising by
Russian Currency and Finance: A Currency Board Approach to Reform by Jonung, Lars, Hanke, Steve H., Schuler, Kurt
The Guide to Understanding Financial Statements by Costales, S. B.
Business Taxation in Ontario by
Policy Issues of Currency Unio by
Adjustment and Growth in the European Monetary Union by
The National Debt Conclusion: Establishing the Debt Repayment Plan by Steadman, Charles W.
Insurance, Risk Management, and Public Policy: Essays in Memory of Robert I. Mehr by
Investment Mathematics and Statistics by Adams, A., Bloomfield, D., Booth, P. M.
Public Economics & International Trade: Essays in Honour of Professor Hirofumi Shibata by
An Introduction to Western Financial Markets by Valdez, Stephen
The GATT Uruguay Round: A Negotiating History 1986-1992 by Stewart, Terance P.
Funding Your Future: The Only Guide to Mutual Funds You'll Ever Need by Clements, Jonathan
Monetary Policy in the United States: An Intellectual and Institutional History by Timberlake, Richard H.
Money and Banking: Issues for the Twenty-First Century by
Money and Banking: Issues for the Twenty-First Century by
Monetary Theory and Monetary Policy: New Tracks for the 1990s by Frowen, S.
Principles of Property Investment and Pricing by Fraser, Will
Wege Aus Der Krise: Geschäftsprozeßoptimierung Und Informationslogistik by
Monetary Regimes in Transition by Capie, Forrest, Michael D., Bordo, Forrest, Capie
Exchange Rate Management in Interdependent Economies: From Williamsburg to Louvre by Fabian, Silke
Steuerarbitrage, Kapitalmarktgleichgewicht Und Unternehmensfinanzierung by Raab, Martin
Transfer Pricing and Valuation in Corporate Taxation: Federal Legislation vs. Administrative Practice by King, Elizabeth
Ein Sequentielles Empirisches Allgemeines Gleichgewichtsmodell Zur Beurteilung Von Steuerreformprogrammen by Duschek, Klaus-Jürgen
Commodity Options: Spectacular Profits with Limited Risk by Spears, Larry D.
Helping the Federal Reserve Work Smarter by Santow, Leonard Jay
The Changing Environment of International Financial Markets: Issues and Analysis by
Is the Economic Cycle Still Alive?: Theory, Evidence and Policies by
Fair Taxation in a Changing World by Ontario Fair Tax Commission 1993
Fairness in Taxation: Exploring the Principles by
Taxation in a Sub-National Jurisdiction by
Understanding Swaps by Kapner, Kenneth R., Marshall, John F.
Trading Applications of Japanese Candlestick Charting by Wagner, Gary S., Matheny, Bradley L.
Fibonacci Applications and Strategies for Traders by Fischer, Robert
Winner Take All by Gallacher, William R.
Japan's Public Sector: How the Government Is Financed by
Reforming Financial Institutions and Markets in the United States: Towards Rebuilding a Safe and More Efficient System by