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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 1994

Exchange Rates and Corporate Performance by Amihud, Yakov
Can the Free Market Pick Winners?: What Determines Investment by Davidson, Paul
Das Wissen Für Bankkaufleute: Bankbetriebslehre Betriebswirtschaftslehre Bankrecht Wirtschaftsrecht Rechnungswesen, Organisation, Datenverarbeitung by Tänzer, Thomas, Esemann, Jörn, Lippe, Gerhard
Non-Market Controls and the Accountability of Public Enterprises in Tanzania by Mihyo, Paschal
Financial Engineering: A Handbook for Managing the Risk-Reward Relationship by Errington, Charles
Tax Havens for International Business by Starchild, Adam
Emerging Asian Fixed Income Markets by Banks, Erik
Options Explained² by Tompkins, Robert
The Economics of International Security: Essays in Honour of Jan Tinbergen by
Macroeconomic Models by Chirichiello, G.
Costing: An Introduction by Drury, Colin
The Economics of Financial Reform in Developing Countries by Bascom, Wilbert O.
Aspects of Distribution of Wealth and Income by
Debt and Adjustment in the World Economy: Structural Asymmetries in North-South Interactions by Vos, Rob
Can the Free Market Pick Winners?: What Determines Investment by Davidson, Paul
Portfolio Theory and Investment Management by Witt, Stephen, Fielding, John, Dobbins, Richard
Management of Corporate Acquisitions by
Tax Havens for International Business by Starchild, Adam
Small Firms in Global Competition by University of Southern California
Universal Banking in the United States: What Could We Gain? What Could We Lose? by Saunders, Anthony, Walters, Ingo
Economic Development of Japan: A Quantitative Survey by
Investment Under Uncertainty by Dixit, Robert K., Pindyck, Robert S.
Time Series Analysis by Hamilton, James D.
Understanding the Japanese Food and Agrimarket: A Multifaceted Opportunity by O'Rourke, Andrew D.
The Evolution of US Finance: v. 1: Federal Reserve Monetary Policy, 1915-35 by D'Arista, Jane W.
Italian Income Taxes Consolidated Text by Alegi, Peter C.
The Evolution of US Finance: v. 1: Federal Reserve Monetary Policy, 1915-35 by D'Arista, Jane W.
Naked Consumer: How Our Private Lives Become Public Commodities by Larson, Erik
The New Market Wizards: Conversations with America's Top Traders by Schwager, Jack D.
Fractal Market Analysis: Applying Chaos Theory to Investment and Economics by Peters, Edgar E.
Finanzmarktanwendungen Neuronaler Netze Und Ökonometrischer Verfahren: Ergebnisse Des 4. Karlsruher Ökonometrie-Workshops by
Is the Economic Cycle Still Alive?: Theory, Evidence and Policies by
Egalitarian Perspectives by Roemer, John E.
Advances in Taxation by
The Art of Monetary Policy by Daane, Dewey, Colander, David C.
The Evolution of US Finance: v. 2: Restructuring Institutions and Markets by D'Arista, Jane W.
The Evolution of US Finance: v. 2: Restructuring Institutions and Markets by D'Arista, Jane W.
Struggle and Survival on Wall St by Matthews, John O.
Chaos Theory in the Financial Markets by Trippi, Robert L.
The Search for Value: Measuring the Company's Cost of Capital by Ehrhardt, Michael C.
America: Who Really Pays the Taxes? by Barlett, Donald L.
Value Imperative: Managing for Superior Shareholder Returns by McTaggart, James M.
Directory of Banks of the Former Soviet Republics 1993/94 by
Forecasting Financial and Economic Cycles by Niemira, Michael P., Klein, Philip A.
Mergers and Acquisitions by Ernst &. Young Llp
Trader Vic II: Principles of Professional Speculation by Sperandeo, Victor
The Ernst & Young Guide to Financing for Growth by Ernst & Young Llp, Garner, Daniel R., Owen, Robert R.
Appraisal, Market Analysis and Public Policy in Real Estate: Essays in Honor of James A. Graaskamp by
Genetic Algorithms and Investment Strategies by Bauer, Richard J.
A Framework for Monetary Stability: Papers and Proceedings of an International Conference Organised by de Nederlandsche Bank and the Center for Econom by
Money Mischief: Episodes in Monetary History by Friedman, Milton
Taxing & Spending by
Bankbetriebslehre by Priewasser, Erich
Integriertes Finanzmanagement by Kreis, Rudolf
Logik kollektiver Entscheidungen by Nida-Rümelin, Julian, Kern, Lucian
Recht der Kreditfinanzierung by Reeb, Hartmut
The Ernst & Young Guide to Financing for Growth by Owen, Robert R., Ernst & Young Llp, Garner, Daniel R.
The Transformation of South Korea: Reform and Reconstitution in the Sixth Republic Under Roh Tae Woo, 1987-1992 by Bedeski, Robert
Trading on the Edge: Neural, Genetic, and Fuzzy Systems for Chaotic Financial Markets by
The Law and Structure of the International Financial System: Regulation in the United States, EEC, and Japan by Friedland, John
The Regional Distribution of Foreign Manufacturing Investment in the UK by Hill, Stephen, Munday, Max
Neue Impulse Für Eine Erfolgreiche Unternehmensführung: Customer Focus -- Business Reengineering by
Private Money and Public Currencies: The Sixteenth Century Challenge: The Sixteenth Century Challenge by Xambeau, M- T. Boyer-, Azodi, A.
The Budget Puzzle: Understanding Federal Spending by Schick, Allen, Muris, Timothy J., Cogan, John F.
Money of the Mind: How the 1980s Got That Way by Grant, James L.
The Economics of Financial Reform in Developing Countries by Bascom, Wilbert O.
Privatization: Investing in State-Owned Enterprises Around the World by Ernst &. Young Llp
Financial Modelling: Recent Research by
The Alchemy of Finance: Reading the Mind of the Market by Soros, George
Beating the Street by Lynch, Peter
A History of Money: From AD 800 by Chown, John F.
How Credit-money Shapes the Economy: The United States in a Global System: The United States in a Global System by Guttmann, Robert
European Single Market: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Harmonization by
How Credit-money Shapes the Economy: The United States in a Global System: The United States in a Global System by Guttmann, Robert
Cultural Economics and Cultural Policies by
Macroeconomic Models by Chirichiello, G.
The Prudent Management of Modern U.S. Banks: Redefining Responsibility by Taylor, Jeremy F., Taylor, Marilyn
Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Lefèvre, Edwin
Financial Engineering: A Handbook for Managing the Risk-Reward Relationship by Errington, Charles
Classics in the Theory of Public Finance by
Geld und Kredit by Fuhrmann, Wilfried
How to Use Financial Statements: A Guide to Understanding the Numbers by Bandler, James
Aspects of Distribution of Wealth + Income by
Monetary and Fiscal Policy, Volume 1: Credibility by
Britain and the Sterling Area: From Devaluation to Convertibility in the 1950s by Schenk, Catherine
Further Perspectives in Financial Integration in Europe: Reports Presented at the Brussels Meeting of the International Faculty for Corporate Market L by
Advance Ruling: Practice and Legality: Practice and Legality by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Capital Markets and Corporate Governance by
Distortion Theory of Macroeconomic Forecasting: A Guide for Economists and Investors by Marquard, Steven
Setting Standards for Financial Reporting: FASB and the Struggle for Control of a Critical Process by Van Riper, Robert
Finanzanalyse by Kerth, Albin
Tax Progressivity and Income Inequality by
Cost-Benefit Analysis by
Financial Repression and Economic Reform in China by Li, Kui-Wai
Private Money and Public Currencies: The Sixteenth Century Challenge: The Sixteenth Century Challenge by Xambeau, M- T. Boyer-, Azodi, A.
Public Goods, Public Enterprise, Public Choice: Theoretical Foundations of the Contemporary Attack on Government by Orchard, Lionel, Stretton, Hugh
Betriebliche Finanzierung by Swoboda, Peter
Public Goods, Public Enterprise, Public Choice: Theoretical Foundations of the Contemporary Attack on Government by Stretton, Hugh, Orchard, Lionel
International Capital Mobility and External Account Determination by Makin, Anthony J.
International Capital Markets and American Economic Growth, 1820-1914 by Davis, Lance E., Cull, Robert J.
Exchange Rate Policy and Interdependence by
Capital Mobility by
Die Leistungsbeurteilung ALS Führungsmittel by Lattmann, Charles
Varieties of Monetary Reforms: Lessons and Experiences on the Road to Monetary Union by
Currencies and Politics in the United States, Germany, and Japan by Henning, C. Randall
Estimating Equilibrium Exchange Rates by
Grundzüge Der Unternehmensbesteuerung by Schneider, Dieter
Global and Multinational Advertising by
Helping the Federal Reserve Work Smarter by Santow, Leonard Jay
Downscoping by Hoskisson, Robert E., Koskisson, Robert E.
Money and the Meaning of Life by Needleman, Jacob
Accounting for Effective Decision Making: A Manager's Guide to Corporate, Financial, and Cost Reporting by Mellmen, Martin
Economic Policy, Exchange Rates and the International System by Corden, W. Max, W Max Corden
Monthly Interest Amortization Tables: Interest Rates of 2% to 25.75%, Loan Amounts of $50 to $300,000, Terms Up to 40 Years by Delphi
A Framework for Monetary Stability: Papers and Proceedings of an International Conference Organised by de Nederlandsche Bank and the Center for Econom by
Money, Interest, and Banking in Economic Development by Fry, Maxwell J.
Executives Living Abroad: A Guide to Tax Planning in 37 Jurisdiction by Deloitte Touche
The Competitive Advantages of Far Eastern Business by
Geldanlage Mit Optionsscheinen by
Bogle on Mutual Funds: New Perspectives for the Intelligent Investor by Bogle, John
Foreign Joint Ventures in Contemporary China by Roehrig, Michael F.
Monetary Policy and the Design of Financial Institutions in China,1978-90 by Jin, S.
Kompensationsgeschäfte Im Internationalen Marketing: Eine Analyse Von Handelsformen Auf Gegenseitigkeit Und Möglichkeiten Zu Ihrer Optimalen Gestaltun by Fantapie Altobelli, Claudia
Global Asset Allocation: Techniques for Optimizing Portfolio Management by
Damodaran on Valuation, Study Guide: Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance by Damodaran, Aswath
The New Science of Technical Analysis by DeMark, Thomas R.
Accounting as Social and Institutional Practice by
State Lotteries and Legalized Gambling: Painless Revenue or Painful Mirage by McGowan, Richard
Measurement of Food Preferences by Macfie, H. J. H., Thomson, D. M. H.
Adjusting to Volatile Energy Prices by Verleger Jr, Philip
Harmonization of Corporate Taxes in the EC: Proceedings of a Seminar Held in Florence, Italy, in 1993 During the 47th Congress of the International Fi by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Tax Reform and the Cost of Capital: An International Comparison by
Income and Employment in Theory and Practice by
The Banking System of Cyprus: Past, Present and Future by Phylaktis, Kate
Options Explained by Tompkins, Robert (Miverva Consultants
Introduction to Valuation by Richmond, David
Applying for Research Funding: Getting Started and Getting Funded by Ries, Joanne B.
Emerging Asian Fixed Income Markets by Banks, Erik
Strategic Acquisitions: A Guide to Growing and Enhancing the Value of Your Business by Robinson, Bruce R.
Foreign Exchange Black Markets in Latin America by Grosse, Robert E.
Ernst and Young Guide to Performance Measurement for Financial Institutions: Methods for Managing Business Results by Ernst & Young Llp
Operations Research Models in Quantitative Finance: Proceedings of the XIII Meeting Euro Working Group for Financial Modeling University of Cyprus, Ni by
The International Monetary System by
Securities Arbitration for Brokers, Attorneys, and Investors by Grant, J. Kirkland
Directory of Banks of the Former Soviet Republics 1993/94 by
Financial Regulation in the Global Economy by Litan, Robert E., Herring, Richard J.
Advances in Taxation by
Taxation in an Integrating World by Tanzi, Vito
Financial Regulation in the Global Economy by Herring, Richard, Litan, Robert E.
Global Portfolio Diversification: Risk Management, Market Microstructure, and Implementation Issues by
Global Capital, National State and the Politics of Money by
Monetary Reform in Former Socialist Economies by Macesich, George
Financial Reform in Central and Eastern Europe by
Beyond Candlesticks: New Japanese Charting Techniques Revealed by Nison, Steve
Panic-Proof Investing: Lessons in Profitable Investing from a Market Wizard by Basso, Thomas F.
New World of Microenterprise Finance: Building Healthy Financial Institutions for the Poor by
Unternehmen Mit Unterschiedlicher Auftragsstruktur: Finanzierung Und Investition by
Ermittlung Der Zinsstruktur: Evaluierung Alternativer Verfahren Für Den Österreichischen Rentenmarkt by
Taxes as Instruments of Public Policy by Maslove, Allan M.
Issues in Taxation of Individuals by
Taxation and the Distribution of Income by
Gospels of Wealth: How the Rich Portray Their Lives by Schervish, Paul G.
Internal Sources of Development Finance: Concepts, Issues, and Strategies by Kumar, P. C.
The Australian Trade Practices ACT 1974: Proscriptions and Prescriptions for a More Competitive Economy by