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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 1995

Leasingverträge Optimal Gestalten: Vertragsformen, Vor- Und Nachteile Des Leasing, Steuerliche Analyse by Kroll, Michael, Gabele, Eduard
Foreign Direct Investment in the United States by Graham, Edward, Moran, Theodore, Oldenski, Lindsay
Bank- Und Sparkassenkaufleute: Bankwirtschaft Und Recht in Frage Und Antwort by Grill, Wolfgang
Investitionsplanung: Methoden - Modelle - Anwendungen by Betge, Peter
Financial Stability in a Changing Environment by
New Zealand: Market Liberalization in a Developed Economy by Massey, Patrick
The Banking System of Cyprus: Past, Present and Future by Phylaktis, Kate
Straight Talk on Money by Dolan, Ken
Productivity, Volume 2: International Comparisons of Economic Growth by Jorgenson, Dale W.
Exchange Rate Determination and Control by Radaelli, Giorgio
Banking Reform in Central Europe and the Former Soviet Union by
Real Options in Capital Investment: Models, Strategies, and Applications by
Property Taxes and Tax Revolts: The Legacy of Proposition 13 by O'Sullivan, Arthur
The Pension Fund Revolution by
Forecasting Profit by Metcalfe, Mike
Tax Law (Vol. 1) by White, Patricia D.
International Debt Reexamined by Cline, William
Corporate Tax on Distributions (Equalization Tax): Corporate Tax on Distributions by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Expressing America: A Critique of the Global Credit Card Society by Ritzer, George
Latin America's Economy: Diversity, Trends, and Conflicts by Helwege, Ann, Cardoso, Eliana
Informationsverarbeitung Und Preisbildung Am Aktien- Und Optionsmarkt: Eine Empirische Intraday-Untersuchung Zur Preisanpassungsgeschwindigkeit an Sch by Schäfer, Bernd
Corporate Bonds: Structure and Analysis by Fabozzi, Frank J., Wilson, Richard C.
Time-To-Build: Interrelated Investment and Labour Demand Modelling with Applications to Six OECD Countries by Peeters, Marga
Currencies and Crises by Krugman, Paul
Understanding Options by Quail, Rob
When Giants Converge: Role of US-Japan Direct Investment by Christelow, Dorothy B.
When Giants Converge: Role of US-Japan Direct Investment by Christelow, Dorothy B.
Vermögensverwaltung Mit Fondspicking by Heuft, Christoph, Andres, Volker
Where Are the Customers' Yachts? or a Good Hard Look at Wall Street by Schwed, Fred
The Central Bank and the Financial System by Goodhart, C.
Kundennähe in Dienstleistungsunternehmen: Empirische Analyse Von Banken by Zollner, Georg
Kauf Oder Produktion: Qualitätsvariation ALS Aktionsparameter Privater Haushalte by
The Anatomy of an International Monetary Regime: The Classical Gold Standard, 1880-1914 by Gallarotti, Guilio M.
The Dictionary of Derivatives by
Momentum, Direction, and Divergence by Blau, William
State and Local Tax Policies: A Comparative Handbook by Hy, Ronald J.
Taxation of Business Property: Is Uniformity Still a Valid Norm? by
Architekturmodelle Zur Planung Der Informationsverarbeitung Von Kreditinstituten by Schmalzl, Joachim
Qualiflex Version 2.3: A Software Package for Multi-Criteria Analysis by Linden, Jan Van Der, Stijnen, Henk
Double Your Profits: In Six Months or Less by Fifer, Bob
New Zealand: Market Liberalization in a Developed Economy by Massey, Patrick
Cost Estimator's Reference Manual by
The New Money Management: A Framework for Asset Allocation by Vince, Ralph
Investment Finance in Economic Development by Studart, Rogerio
Market Microstructure Theory by O'Hara, Maureen
Telekommunikation Und Vertikale Integration: Das Beispiel Des Bankwesens by Wieland, Bernhard
Kapitalmarkt Und Zeitkontinuierliche Bewertung by Schöbel, Rainer
The Japanese Main Bank System: Its Relevance for Developing and Transforming Economies by
Mathematical Finance by
The Oxford Book of Money by
International Economic Trend Analysis by Schaefer, Howard G.
The Cost of Capital: Theory and Estimation by Patterson, Cleveland S.
Bonus-Malus Systems in Automobile Insurance by Lemaire, Jean
The Pressures on American Monetary Policy by Havrilesky, Thomas
The Un and the Bretton Woods Institutions: New Challenges for the 21st Century by
The Un and the Bretton Woods Institutions: New Challenges for the 21st Century by
Foreign Investment in Chile: The Legal Framework for Business, the Foreign Investment Regime in Chile, Environmental System in Chile, Documents by Montt, Luis, Mayorga, Roberto
Options: An Introduction by Quail, Rob
The 100 Best Annuities You Can Buy by Williamson, Gordon K.
Repeated Games with Incomplete Information by Maschler, Michael, Aumann, Robert J.
Financial Models and Simulation by Chorafas, D.
High Inflation: The Arne Ryde Memorial Lectures by Heymann, Daniel, Leijonhufvud, Axel
Gesellschafter-Fremdfinanzierung Der Gmbh: Eigenkapitalersetzende Darlehen, Forderungsverzichte Und -Verluste Im Bilanz- Und Ertragsteuerrecht by
Öffentliche Finanzen und Finanzpolitik in Berlin 1945-1961 by Zschaler, Frank
International Economics II: International Monetary Theory and Open-Economy Macroeconomics by Gandolfo, Giancarlo
Economic Systems and State Finance by
International Economic Integration by
Futures: Fundamental Analysis by Schwager, Jack D., Turner, Steven C.
Style Investing: Unique Insight Into Equity Management by Bernstein, Richard
Emerging Patterns of East Asian Investment in China: From Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong: From Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong by Croix, Sumner J. La
Emerging Patterns of East Asian Investment in China: From Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong: From Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong by Croix, Sumner J. La
Hedge Funds: Investment and Portfolio Strategies for the Institutional Investor by Lederman, Jess, Lederman Jess, Klein Robert
Understanding Interdependence: The Macroeconomics of the Open Economy by
Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten Eines Floatenden Lombardsatzes by Tomfort, Andre
Die Performance Der Europäischen Währungsordnung: Eine Analyse Der Interessenstrukturen Im Ews by Lord, Thomas
Die Geldpolitische Konzeption Der Banque de France Und Der Deutschen Bundesbank by Disch, Wolfgang
Finanzinnovationen Und Geldpolitik by Ludes, Ernst
Clarence Dillon: A Wall Street Enigma by Perez, Robert C., Willett, Edward F.
Securitization: Redefining the Bank by Feeney, Paul W.
Applied Valuation by Butler, Diane
Grundlagen der Wohnungsbaufinanzierung by Jenkis, Helmut W.
Die Redepflicht Des Konzernabschlußprüfers: Krisenwarnung ALS Element Zur Unterstützung Der Aufsichtsratsarbeit by
Political Credibility and Economic Development by Weder, Beatrice, Borner, Silvio, Brunetti, Aymo
Doing Business in Less Developed Countries: Financial Opportunities and Risks by Rahnama-Moghadam, Mashaalah, Samavati, Hedayeh, Dilts, David A.
Dax-Future-Arbitrage: Eine Theroetische Und Empirische Untersuchung by Merz, Frederic
Abgabenordnung und Finanzgerichtsordnung by Schurmann, Walter, Bähr, Horst
Collecting in a Consumer Society by Belk, Russell W.
Capital Controls, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy in the World Economy by
Changing Values in Medieval Scotland by Gemmill, Elizabeth
The Exchange Rate System and the IMF: A Modest Agenda by Goldstein, Morris
Die Flexibilität Von Betriebsvereinbarungen Zur Arbeitszeit by Wild, Bernhard
Asian Money Markets by Scott, Hal S.
Asset Allocation Techniques and Financial Market Timing by Aby, Carroll, Vaughn, Donald
New Advances in Financial Economics by
Trainingsbuch Finanzwissenschaft by Kerschbamer, Rudolf
Die Optionsbewertung an Der Deutschen Terminbörse: Eine Empirische Analyse by Köpke, Torsten
The Economics of Informational Decentralization: Complexity, Efficiency, and Stability: Essays in Honor of Stanley Reiter by
Trust und Anstalt als Rechtsformen liechtensteinischen Rechts by Bauer, Carsten
Fraktales Unternehmen: Gewinnen Im Wettbewerb -- Impulse Und Erfahrungsaustausch by
The Foreign Investment Debate:: Opening Markets Abroad or Closing Markets at Home? by Junkins, Jerry J.
Uk/German Tax Treaty: A Practical Guide by Burkert, Manfred, Peake, Robert
Financial Risk Management: From Reconstruction to Reagan by Jorian, Philippe, Khoury, Sarkis Joseph
Activity-Based Models for Cost Management Systems by Lewis, Ronald
Business Process Reengineering: Grundlagen -- Gestaltungsempfehlungen -- Vorgehensmodell by
The United States and Global Capital Shortages: The Problem and Possible Solutions by Gordon, Sara L.
Soros on Soros: Staying Ahead of the Curve by Soros, George
Advances in Public Interest Accounting by
The Tithe Maps of England and Wales by Kain, Roger J. P., Oliver, Richard R.
Manipulation on Trial by Williams, Jeffrey
Advances in Taxation by
Public Economics and the Environment in an Imperfect World by
Global Financial System by Crane, Dwight B., Bodie, Zvi, Crazne, Dwight B.
What Role for Currency Boards? by Williamson, John
Distributional Analysis of Tax Policy by Bradford, David F.
Ifa: The Taxation of Employee Fringe Benefits by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Ifa: Environmental Taxes and Charges: Environmental Taxes and Charges by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Ifa: How Domestic Anti-Avoidance Rules Affect Double Taxation Conventions: How Domestic Anti-Avoidance Rules Affect Double Taxation Conventions by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Basic Cost Engineering by Müller, Mike, Humphreys, Kenneth K.
Financial Reform in China by
Demand System Specification and Estimation by Wales, Terence J., Pollak, Robert A.
Disney & His Worlds by Bryman, Alan
Big Bets Gone Bad: Derivatives and Bankruptcy in Orange County. the Largest Municipal Failure in U.S. History by Jorion, Philippe
The Management of Investment Decisions by Trone, Donald, Allbright, Williaim
Economic and Monetary Union in Europe: Moving Beyond Maastricht by Kenen, Peter B.
Exchange Rate Economics by Isard, Peter
The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives: A Student Introduction by Wilmott, P., Howson, Susan, Wilmott, Paul
Exchange Rate Economics by Isard, Peter
Capital Markets and Financial Intermediation by
Ressourceneinsatzplanung Bei Werkstattproduktion by Weingarten, Ulrich
Self-Defense Finance: For Small Businesses by Yegge, Wilbur M.
The Portable MBA in Investment by Bernstein, Peter L.
Ausgewählte Probleme Der Produktionsplanung: Modellierung, Komplexität Und Neuere Lösungsmöglichkeiten by Brüggemann, Wolfgang
Karriereberatung: Leser Fragen -- VDI-Nachrichten Antworten by Mell, Heiko
The World Bank and Non-Governmental Organizations: The Limits of Apolitical Development by Nelson, P.
Dax-Future-Arbitrage: Eine Kritische Analyse by
Japan in the International Financial System by Iwami, T.
Exchange Rate Parity for Trade and Development by Yotopoulos, Pan A.
Targeting the Foreign Direct Investor: Strategic Motivation, Investment Size, and Developing Country Investment-Attraction Packages by Coyne Sr, Edward J.
Financial Conglomerates: New Rules for New Players? by
Initial Public Offerings: Findings and Theories by Beard, T. Randolph, Born, Jeffery A., Anderson, Seth
The Causes and Costs of Depository Institution Failures by
The Bretton Woods-GATT System: Retrospect and Prospect After Fifty Years by Kirshner, Orin
The Bretton Woods-GATT System: Retrospect and Prospect After Fifty Years by Kirshner, Orin
Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management by
Transaktionskostenansatz Der Entstehung Der Unternehmensorganisation by Windsperger, Josef
Ifa: International Taxation of Dividends Reconsidered in Light of Corporate Tax Integration: International Taxation of Dividends Reconsidered by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
The Investment Club Book by Wasik, John F.
Japan and the New World Order: Global Investments, Trade and Finance by Steven, Rob
Votes and Budgets: Comparative Studies in Accountable Governance in the South by
International Macroeconomics by Pikoulakis, Emmanouel
Financial Conglomerates: New Rules for New Players? by
The Changing Capital Markets of East Asia by
Artificial Intelligence in Finance & Investing: State-of-the-Art Technologies for Securities Selection and Portfolio Management by Trippi, Robert R.
The Lessons of Israel's Great Inflation by Barkai, Haim
Perpetuating the Pork Barrel: Policy Subsystems and American Democracy by Stein, Robert M.
Public Economics by Myles, Gareth, Gareth D., Myles
Japanese Banking: A History, 1859 1959 by Tamaki, Norio
Japan and the New World Order: Global Investments, Trade and Finance by Steven, Rob
East-West Technology Transfer: New Perspectives and Human Resources by
Florida Land Boom: Speculation, Money, and the Banks by Frazer, William J., Guthrie, John
Strategic Risk: A State-Defined Approach by Ruefli, Timothy W., Collins, James M.
Financing Capital Market Intermediaries in East and Southeast Asia by Scott, Hal S., Wellons, Philip a.
The Logic of International Restructuring: The Management of Dependencies in Rival Industrial Complexes by Ruigrok, Winfried, Van Tulder, Rob
The Logic of International Restructuring: The Management of Dependencies in Rival Industrial Complexes by Van Tulder, Rob, Ruigrok, Winfried
Advances in Financial Economics by
International Monetary Systems in Historical Perspective by Reis, Jaime
Building Strong Brands by Aaker, David A.
The Treasury and Whitehall: The Planning and Control of Public Expenditure, 1976-1993 by Thain, Colin, Wright, Maurice
Multinational Investment and Economic Structure: Globalisation and Competitiveness by Narula, Rajneesh
Technical Analysis by Schwager, Jack D.
The Economic and Social Environment for Tax Reform by
Export Finance: Risks, Structures, and Documentation by Willsher, Richard
Zum Preiszusammenhang Zwischen Kassa -- Und Futuresmärkten: Der Einfluß Der Glattstellungsoption by Kempf, Alexander
International Monetary and Financial System by
Food Choice and the Consumer by Marshall, David W.
Consumer Attitudes Toward Credit Insurance by Staten, Michael E., Barron, John M.
The Liberalization of Capital Movements in Europe: The Monetary Committee and Financial Integration, 1958-1994 by Bakker, Age, Bakker, A. F. P.