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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 1996

Managing Bank Conversions: The Guide to Organizing, Controlling and Implementing Systems Conversions by Belasco, Kent S.
Maintaining a Competitive Workforce: Employer-Based Training in the Canadian Economy by Hum, Derek
Perspectives on the New Economics and Regulation of Telecommunications by Stanbury
Financial Securities: Market Equilibrium and Pricing by Bernard Dumas, Blaise Allaz
The Local State: Public Money and American Cities by Monkkonen, Eric H.
Sponsoring Im Investitionsgüterbereich: Möglichkeiten Des Optimalen Imagetransfers by Rieger, Jacqueline
Prozeßmanagement ALS Kernkompetenz: Wie Sie Business Reengineering Strategisch Nutzen Können by Frost, Jetta, Osterloh, Margit
Materialwirtschaft Und Einkauf by Tussing, Werner, Arnolds, Hans, Heege, Franz
Grundlagen Der Finanzierungspraxis by Garhammer, Christian
Financial Fragility, Debt and Economic Reforms by
Japan and the European Periphery by
Monetary Economics in the 1990s: The Henry Thornton Lectures, Numbers 9-17 by Capie, Forrest
Managing Retail Productivity and Profitability by Laffy, Dominic, Walters, David
Stability in the Financial System by Papadimitriou, Dimitris
Grundzüge Der Investitions- Und Finanzierungstheorie by Schmidt, Reinhard H., Terberger, Eva
The Witch Doctor of Wall Street by Parks, Robert H.
The New Finance:: Regulation and Financial Stability by Edwards, Franklin R.
Fundamental Issues in Consumption Taxation by Bradford, David F.
Scrooge Investing, Second Edition, Now Updated: The Barg. Hunt's Gde to Mre Th. 120 Things Youcando Tocut Cost Invest. by Skousen, Mark
Interest Rates and Budget Deficits: A Study of the Advanced Economies by Gupta, Kanhaya L., Moazzami, Bakhtiar
Foreign Direct Investment and Governments: Catalysts for economic restructuring by Narula, Rajneesh, Dunning, John
How to Beat the I.R.S. at Its Own Game: Strategies to Avoid--And Fight--An Audit by Aczel, Amir D.
Research in International Business and Finance by
The World Bank and Non-Governmental Organizations: The Limits of Apolitical Development by Nelson, P.
More Thinking about Credit by Donaldson, T. H.
Karriere Durch Bessere Kommunikation: Eine Stufe Zum Beruflichen Erfolg by Nikol, Marisa
Power in Motion by Winters, Jeffrey A.
Foreign Participation in China's Banking and Securities Markets by Lees, Francis a., Liaw, K. Thomas, Liaw, Thomas
Rethinking Our Centralized Monetary System: The Case for a System of Local Currencies by Solomon, Lewis D.
Managing Finance and Information: An Active Learning Approach by The Open Learning Foundation
International Monetary Economics by McCallum, Bennett T.
Learn to Earn by Rothchild, John, Lynch, Peter
Banks, Finance and Investment in Germany by Edwards, Jeremy, Jeremy, Edwards, Klaus, Fischer
Funding the Modern American State, 1941 1995: The Rise and Fall of the Era of Easy Finance by
Coping with Financial Fragility and Systemic Risk by
Monetary Policy in a Converging Europe: Papers and Proceedings of an International Workshop Organised by de Nederlandsche Bank and the Limburg Institu by
The Investor's Guide to the Net: Making Money Online by Farrell, Paul B.
Golden Fetters: The Gold Standard and the Great Depression, 1919-1939 by James, Harold, Eichengreen, Barry
EU and Us Banking in the 1990s by Pescetto, Gioia, Lewis, Alfred
Banking and Financial Control in Reforming Planned Economies by Yang, Haiqun
Real Estate Issues in the Health Care Industry: Proceedings of the First Annual Conference of the Health Care Real Estate Institute by
An Alternative Macroeconomic Theory: The Kaleckian Model and Post-Keynesian Economics by
Trading with the Odds by Kase, Cynthia A.
New infotainment Technologies in the Home: Demand-side Perspectives by
Ifa: Secondary Adjustments and Related Aspects of Transfer Pricing Corrections: Secondary Adjustments and Related Aspects of Transfer Pricing Correcti by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Benjamin Graham on Value Investing: Lessons from the Dean of Wall Street by Lowe, Janet
Exchange Rates and Prices: The Case of Australian Manufactured Imports by Menon, Jayant
Interest Rate Dynamics, Derivatives Pricing, and Risk Management by Chen, Lin
Financial Liberalization and Investment by Gupta, Kanhaya, Lensink, Robert
Accounting and Financial Fundamentals for NonFinancial Executives by Sweeney, Allen, Rachlin, Robert
Capital Asset Pricing Model Mit Konsumtion: Eine Gleichgewichtstheoretische Untersuchung by
Advances in Futures and Options Research by
Research in Finance by
Strong Managers, Weak Owners: The Political Roots of American Corporate Finance by Roe, Mark J.
Law and Practice of Offshore Banking and Finance by Kwaw, Edmund M.
Advances in Working Capital Management by
Money in Motion: The Post-Keynesian and Circulation Approaches by
Money in Motion: The Post-Keynesian and Circulation Approaches by
Asia Pacific Derivative Markets by Banks, Erik
Corporate Bankruptcy: Economic and Legal Perspectives by
Corporate Bankruptcy: Economic and Legal Perspectives by
Competitive Governments by Breton, Albert
Derivative Finanzinstrumente: Vom Europäischen Zum Exotischen by Willnow, Joachim
Essays on Money, Banking, and Regulation: Essays in Honour of C. J. Oort by
Finance for the Nonfinancial Manager by Spiro, Herbert T.
States and the Reemergence of Global Finance: From Bretton Woods to the 1990s by Helleiner, Eric
The Worst Tax?: A History of the Property Tax in America by Fisher, Glenn W.
The Philippine Economy: Stray Cat of East Asia?: Finance, Adjustment and Structure by Vos, Rob, Yap, Josef T.
Chaos Und Zufall Am Deutschen Aktienmarkt: Eine Studie Über Nichtlineare Dynamiken, Volatilität Und Effizienz by Elsner, Jürgen
Modelling Techniques for Financial Markets and Bank Management by
Debt Wish: Entrepreneurial Cities, U.S. Federalism, and Economic Development by Sbragia, Alberta
Debt Games: Strategic Interaction in International Debt Rescheduling by Vinod K., Aggarwal, Aggrawal, Vinod K., Aggarwal, Vinod K.
Managing Retail Productivity and Profitability by Laffy, Dominic, Walters, David
Risk Management in Volatile Financial Markets by
Food Choice, Acceptance and Consumption by Meiselman, Herbert L., Macfie, H. J. H.
Aggregate Money Demand Functions: Empirical Applications in Cointegrated Systems by Hoffman, Dennis L., Rasche, Robert H.
Leo Melamed: Escape to the Futures by Melamed, Leo
The Intuitive Trader: Developing Your Inner Trading Wisdom by Koppel, Robert
Understanding Return on Investment by Friedlob, George T., Plewa, Franklin J.
Financial Management by Quail, Rob, Rodriguez, Ricardo J.
Study Guide to Accompany Fundamental Analysis by Turner, Steven C., Schwager, Jack D.
Finanzmarktanalyse Und- Prognose Mit Innovativen Quantitativen Verfahren: Ergebnisse Des 5. Karlsruher Ökonometrie-Workshops by
Practice of Multinational Banking: Macro-Policy Issues and Key International Concepts, Second Edition by Khambata, Dara
Michael Sivy's Rules of Investing: How to Pick Stocks Like a Pro by Sivy, Michael
Megatrends in Retail Real Estate by
Environmental Fiscal Reform and Unemployment by
Management and Control of Foreign Exchange Risk by Jacque, Laurent L.
Debt Games: Strategic Interaction in International Debt Rescheduling by Vinod K., Aggarwal, Grrarwal, Vinod K., Aggarwal, Vinod K.
Schaum's Outline of Mathematics of Finance by Brown Robert, Zima, Petr, Zima
Effizienzkonzepte Und Nutzentheoretische Ansätze Zur Lösung Stochastischer Entscheidungsmodelle by Riess, Markus
Chaostheorie by Loistl, Otto
In-House Banken ALS Finanzintermediäre by Zimmermann, Felix A.
Post Keynesian Economics: Debt, Distribution, and the Macro Economy by Palley, T.
Das Verschuldungsproblem Der Dritten Welt by Schlichting, Georg
Financial Factors in Economic Stabilization and Growth by
Der Schweizer Aktienmarkt: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Im Lichte Der Neueren Effizienzmarkt-Diskussion by Theurillat, Michael J.
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting by
Integration and Stabilization: A Monetary View by Macesich, George
Foreign Direct Investment in a Changing Global Political Economy by
Global Capital, National State and the Politics of Money by
Finanzwissenschaft: Grundlagen der Stabilisierungspolitik by Zameck, Walburga Von
Post Keynesian Economics: Debt, Distribution and the Macro Economy by Palley, T.
Option Strategies: Profit-Making Techniques for Stock, Stock Index, and Commodity Options by Smith, Courtney
Inflation and Investment Controls in China by Huang, Yasheng
Accounting and Science: Natural Inquiry and Commercial Reason by
Fairness and Efficiency in the Flat Tax by Rabushka, Alvin
Offshore Trusts: The Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business Special Issue, 1995 by Campbell, Dennis
European Fiscal Studies: Towards a Dual Income Tax? Scandinavian and Austrian Experiences by Sorensen, Peter B., Kåre P. Hagen, Kåre P. Hagen, Mutén, Leif, Sorensen, Peter B.
Trading 101: How to Trade Like a Pro by Harris, Sunny J.
International Money and Foreign Exchange Markets: An Introduction by Walmsley, Julian
The Financial System Under Stress: An Architecture for the New World Economy by Uzan, Marc
The Tobin Tax: Coping with Financial Volatility by
Stability in the Financial System by Papadimitriou, Dimitris
Dumping Aus Marktökonomischer Sicht by
Handling Customer Disconfirmations: A Model of the Service Provider's Response Process by
Methoden Zur Messung Und Beeinflussung Der Dienstleistungsqualität: Feedback- Und Anreizsysteme in Beherbergungsunternehmen by
Ein Kapitalmarktmodell Unter Ambiguität by Eisenberger, Roselies
Beyond the Numbers: Foreign Direct Investment in the United States by
The Taxation of Multinational Corporations by
Due Diligence Techniques and Analysis: Critical Questions for Business Decisions by Bing, Gordon
Managing and Disclosing Risks of Investing in Derivatives by Brown, Meredith M.
Resources, Deprivation, and Poverty by Nolan, Brian, Whelan, Christopher T.
Money and Capital Markets: Pricing, yields and analysis by Sherris, Michael
Emerging Financial Markets and the Role of International Financial Organizations by Norton, Joseph J.
Trading Without Fear: Eliminating Emotional Decisions with Arms Trading Strategies by Arms, Richard W.
Die Internationale Anwendung Des Börsenrechts: Völkerrechtlicher Rahmen Und Kollisionsrechtliche PRAXIS in Deutschland, England Und Den USA by Schuster, Gunnar
Financial Markets by Rodriguez, Ricardo J., Quail, Rob
Derivatives for Decision Makers: Strategic Management Issues by Crawford, George, Sen, Bidyut
Due Diligence Techniques and Analysis: Critical Questions for Business Decisions by Bing, Gordon
The Market Value Process: Bridging Customer & Shareholder Value by Cleland, Alan S., Bruno, Albert V.
After Liberalisation: A Vision of Europe in the Global Economy of the Twenty-First Century by Gentle, Christopher J. S.
Economics for a Civilized Society by Davidson, G.
Dollars Through the Doors: A Pre-1930 History of Bank Marketing in America by Germain, Richard
Cost Management of Capital Projects by Heinze, Kurt
Financial Reform by
Bankbetriebslehre by Betge, Peter
The Ethics of Accounting and Finance: Trust, Responsibility, and Control by
Chaos and Order in the Capital Markets: A New View of Cycles, Prices, and Market Volatility by Peters, Edgar E.
Money Doesn't Grow on Trees by Dutton, Mark, Speed, Breck
The Crawling Band as an Exchange Rate Regime: Lessons from Chile, Colombia, and Israel by Williamson, John
The Venture Adventure: Strategies for Thriving in the Jungle of Entrepreneurship by Bernstein, Daryl
Competition and Finance: A Reinterpretation of Financial and Monetary Economics by Dowd, Kevin
A History of Money: From AD 800 by Chown, John F.
Chinese Diaspora and Mainland China by Tracy, N., Lever-Tracy, C., Ip, D.
Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk by Bernstein, Peter L.
Investment Decision Making in the Private and Public Sectors by Beenhakker, Henri L.
The Economics of Financial Markets by Houthakker, Hendrik S.
Hierarchische Aushandlungen in Organisationen by Homburg, Carsten
Werteingrenzung Und Bewertung Von Devisenoptionen by
Asset-Backed Securities by
Straight Talk about Mutual Funds by Vujovich, Dian
The CFO Handbook by Haskins, Mark E., Makela, Benjamin
Privatization and Capital Market Development: Strategies to Promote Economic Growth by McLindon, Michael P., Reich, Blaize
Advances in Taxation by
Bewerbungstechnik: Leitfaden Für Studien-, Bewerbungs- Und Karrierestrategie by Audehm, Dieter, Nikol, Ulrich
Accident and Design: Contemporary Debates on Risk Management by
Accident and Design: Contemporary Debates on Risk Management by
Egalitarian Perspectives: Essays in Philosophical Economics by Roemer, John E.
Multinationality and Firm Performance by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
Financial Risk and Derivatives: A Special Issue of the Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Theory by
Economic Effects of Fundamental Tax Reform by
The Right Way to Invest in Mutual Funds by Updegrave, Walter L.
Mathematical Methods in Risk Theory by Bühlmann, Hans
Forecasting Financial Markets: Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and Asset Management by
Innovation Pragmatisch Steigern: So Werden Sie Erfolgreich by Horn, Wolfgang
Tax Progressivity and Income Inequality by
Gestaltung Gebrauchstauglicher Anwendungssysteme: Modellierung Und Konzeption Organisations- Und Aufgabenangemessener Software by
Monetary Policy, a Market Price Approach by Johnson, Manuel H., Keleher, Robert E.
Foreign Investment and Political Conflict in Developing Countries by Rothgeb, John M., Jr.
Investor's Business Daily Guide to the Markets by Investor's Business Daily
Security Analysis: The Classic 1934 Edition by Graham, Benjamin, Dodd, David
Public Policies and the Japanese Economy: Savings, Investments, Unemployment, Inequality by Tachibanaki, Toshiaki
Walras's Market Models by Walker, Donald A.
Financial Optimization by Zenios
Gabler Bank Lexikon: Bank, Börse, Finanzierung by
Cases in Financial Management by Dunkelberg, John S., Sulock, Joseph M.
Financial Development and Economic Growth: Theory and Experiences from Developing Countries by
Ifa: Dividend Access Shares (Stapled Stock): Dividend Access Shares (Stapled Stock) by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Principles of Political Economy and Taxation by Ricardo, David
Applied Cost Engineering by Lorenzoni, A. B., Clark, Forrest
Generalized Optimal Stopping Problems and Financial Markets by Wong, Dennis
Dual Restructuring: A Two-Way Route to Survival and Competitive Advantage by Kroger, Fritz
Securities Lending and Repurchase Agreements by
Building Economics: Appraisal and Control of Building Design Cost and Efficiency by Seeley, Ivor H.
The Offshore Interface: Tax Havens in the Global Economy by Hampton, Mark P.
Patentinformationen Für Die Strategische Planung Von Forschung Und Entwicklung by
Liberalisierung in Südostasiatischen Volkswirtschaften: Glaubwürdigkeit ALS Kritischer Erfolgsfaktor in Der Deregulierung Von Finanzsystemen by
Risikofaktoren Und Preisbildung Am Deutschen Aktienmarkt by Lockert, Gerd
Advances in Futures and Options Research by
Public Finance in an Overlapping Generations Economy by Ihori, T.
Union Mergers in Hard Times by Chaison, Gary N.
International Money: Postwar Trends and Theories by de Grauwe, Paul
Research in Finance by
Optimal Consumption and Investment with Bankruptcy by Sethi, Suresh P.
The Economics, Law, and Public Policy of Market Power Manipulation by Pirrong, S. Craig
It's When You Sell That Counts by Cassidy, Donald L.
Setting National Priorities: Budget Choices for the Next Century by
Smash the Pyramid by Doyle, William
Monetary Economics in the 1990s: The Henry Thornton Lectures, Numbers 9-17 by Capie, Forrest
Economists and the Financial Markets by Brown, Brendan
See More