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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 1999

Patterns of Gann by Cooley, Granville
Asian Contagion: The Causes And Consequences Of A Financial Crisis by Jackson, Karl
Exchange Rates and the Firm: Strategies to Manage Exposure and the Impact of Emu by Friberg, R.
Urban Land Reform in China by Hin, L.
The Current State of Macroeconomics: Leading Thinkers in Conversation by Usabiaga-Ibánez, C.
Toward a New International Financial Architecture: A Practical Post-Asia Agenda by Eichengreen, Barry
Global Equity Selection Strategies by
Managing Corporate Liquidity by
As We Forgive Our Debtors: Bankruptcy and Consumer Credit in America by Sullivan, Teresa a.
Ten Cents on the Dollar: Or the Bankruptcy Game by Rutberg, Sidney
The Cost of Rights: Why Liberty Depends on Taxes by Holmes, Stephen
Regulating Financial Markets:: A Critique and Some Proposals by Benston, George J.
The Next Level Essential Strategies for Achieving Breakthrough Growth by Wood, James B.
Study Guide to Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Trading Methods and Applications by Murphy, John J.
The Rise and Fall of the Conglomerate Kings by Sobel, Robert
Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets: A Comprehensive Guide to Trading Methods and Applications by Murphy, John J.
A Traitor to His Class: Robert A.G. Monks and the Battle to Change Corporate America by Rosenberg, Hilary
Risk Management and Analysis, Measuring and Modelling Financial Risk by
Central Banking in Theory and Practice by Blinder, Alan S.
Only Invst Gde You'll Ever Need (Span Ed) by Tobias, Tobias, Andrew P.
IMF Gold Sales in Perspective by Saxton, Jim, Vice Chairman Jim Saxton
Building a Modern Financial System: The Indonesian Experience by Cole, David
What Is an Exchange?: The Automation, Management, and Regulation of Financial Markets by Lee, Ruben
Advances in the Valuation and Management of Mortgage-Backed Securities by
Equity Flex Options: The Financial Engineer's Most Versatile Tool by Angel, James J., Gastineau, Gary L., Weber, Clifford J.
Essentials of Stochastic Finance: Facts, Models, Theory by Shiryaev, Albert N.
Why Companies Fail: Strategies for Detecting, Avoiding, and Profiting from Bankruptcy by Platt, Harlan D.
Bank Crises: Causes, Analysis and Prevention by
The Political Economy of Japanese Financial Markets: Myths Versus Realities by Beason, R., James, J.
Capital and Knowledge: Dynamics of Economic Structures with Non-Constant Returns by Zhang, Wei-Bin
Risk Management and Analysis, New Markets and Products by
The Intelligent Guide to Stock Market Investment by Littler, Kevin, Hudson, Robert, Keasey, Kevin
Finanzanalysen in Der Investitions- Und Finanzierungsberatung: Potential Und Problemadäquate Systemunterstützung by Schneider, Jochen
Currency Competition and Foreign Exchange Markets: The Dollar, the Yen and the Euro by Hartmann, Philipp, Philipp, Hartmann
Geldtheorie Und Geldpolitik in Europa: Eine Problemorientierte Einführung Mit Einem Kompendium Monetärer Fachbegriffe by Ketterer, Karl-Heinz, Kösters, Wim, Duwendag, Dieter
Financial Market Analytics by Teall, John
Money on the Move: The Revolution in International Finance Since 1980 by Solomon, Robert
1998-2000: Stock Market Crashes by Batra, Ravi
Profit Strategies: Unlocking Trading Performance with Money Management by Stendahl, David
Fiasco: The Inside Story of a Wall Street Trader by Partnoy, Frank
Consumer Culture and Modernity by Slater, Don
Getting Started in Technical Analysis by Schwager, Jack D.
Macro Trading and Investment Strategies: Macroeconomic Arbitrage in Global Markets by Burstein, Gabriel
Democratic Choice and Taxation by Hettich, Walter, Winer, Stanley L.
Investment Management for Insurers by
Handbook of Inflation Indexed Bonds by
The Return Generating Models in Global Finance by
Innovationsmanagement by
Money Demand in Europe by
Distressed Securities: Analyzing and Evaluating Market Potential and Investment Risk by Altman, Edward I.
Introductory Financial Economics with Spreadsheets by Van de Panne, Cornelis
You Can Be a Stock Market Genius: Uncover the Secret Hiding Places of Stock Market Profits by Greenblatt, Joel
Alternative Entscheidungskonzepte in Der Banktheorie by Langer, Thomas
Besteuerung Von Personengesellschaften Im Verhältnis USA -- Deutschland by Mittermaier, Johannes E.
Capital Controls In Emerging Economies by Sweeney, Richard J., P. Ries Richard J. Swe, Christine
Capital Structure: Determination, Evaluation, and Accounting by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
Century of U.S. Capitalism in Latin America by O'Brien, Thomas
The Rich and Famous Money Book: Investment Strategies of Leading Celebrities by Chatzky, Jean Sherman
The Political Economy of Middle East Peace: The Impact of Competing Trade Agendas by
Analysis of Fincl Stmnts by Bernstein
Shared Services: Adding Value to the Business Units by Schulman, Donniel S., Harmer, Martin J., Dunleavy, John R.
A Living Wage: Notes of an Outsider in Nepal by Glickman, Lawrence B.
Money and the Space Economy by Martin, Ron
Money and the Space Economy by Martin, Ron
Financial Markets Tick by Tick by
Organisationale Lernprozesse: Begriff -- Merkmale -- Einflussfaktoren by
Stochastic Processes for Insurance and Finance by Rolski, Tomasz, Schmidli, Hanspeter, Schmidt, Volker
John P Kotter on What Leaders Really Do by Kotter, John P.
The Book of Investing Wisdom: Classic Writings by Great Stock-Pickers and Legends of Wall Street by
Pit Bull: Lessons from Wall Street's Champion Day Trader by Schwartz, Martin, Hempel, Amy
Psychology of Investing by Lifson, Lawrence E., Geist, Richard a.
Getting Started in Asset Allocation: Comprehensive Coverage Completely Up-To-Date by Gelb, Eric, Bresnan, Bill
World Class Selling by Holden, Jim
Empirical Research on the German Capital Market by
Corporate Social Awareness and Financial Outcomes by Unknown, Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
Electronic Day Traders' Secrets: Learn From the Best of the Best DayTraders by Friedfertig, Marc, West, George
International Monetary Cooperation Among the United States, Japan, and Germany by Iida, Keisuke
The Bank Merger Wave: The Economic Causes and Social Consequences of Financial Consolidation: The Economic Causes and Social Consequences of by Dymski, Gary
Foreign Aid: New Perspectives by
The Role of the State in Pension Provision: Employer, Regulator, Provider by
The Bank Merger Wave: The Economic Causes and Social Consequences of Financial Consolidation: The Economic Causes and Social Consequences of by Dymski, Gary
Getting Started in Online Investing by Bentley, Kassandra, Brown, David L.
The Exchange Stabilization Fund: Slush Money or War Chest? by Henning, C. Randall
Differenzengleichungen Und Diskrete Dynamische Systeme: Eine Einführung in Theorie Und Anwendungen by Krause, Ulrich, Nesemann, Tim
The Chanceellor Offshore Funds Manual by
Finanzpsychologie by
The Tax System in Industrialized Countries by
European Capital Market with a Single Currency by Dermine
EU Enlargement and Its Macroeconomic Effects in Eastern Europe: Currencies, Prices, Investment and Competitiveness by
Consuming Cultures: Power and Resistance by
The New Business of Football: Accountability and Finance in Football by Morrow, S.
The New Business of Football: Accountability and Finance in Football by Morrow, S.
Market Microstructure by Spulber, Daniel F.
The Economics of Globalization: Policy Perspectives from Public Economics by
The Unemotional Investor: Simple System for Beating the Market by Sheard, Robert
Day Trader C by Borsellino, Lewis
Consuming Cultures: Power and Resistance by
Finanzmarktökonometrie: Zeitstetige Systeme Und Ihre Anwendung in Ökonometrie Und Empirischer Kapitalmarktforschung by Singer, Hermann
The Social Meanings of Money and Property: In Search of a Talisman by Doyle, Kenneth O.
Value Investing: A Balanced Approach by Whitman, Martin J.
Interne Leveraged Buyouts: Strategien Zur Verbesserung Des Shareholder Value by
Global Instability: The Political Economy of World Economic Governance by
Foreign Investment in China by Li, F.
Tax Policy in the Real World by
Wall Street to Main Street: Charles Merrill and Middle-Class Investors by Perkins, Edwin J.
Tax Policy in the Real World by
Valuation of a Medical Practice by Sides, Rhonda W., Anderson, Gregory, Tinsley, Reed
Financial Sector Transformation by
Inner Game of Investing C by Niederman, Derrick
Complexity, Risk, and Financial Markets by Peters, Edgar E.
Ausbildungskompass Bankkaufleute: Tipps, Hinweise, Vorschriften Und Regeln Für Die Erfolgreiche Ausbildung Und Prüfung by Sommer, Wolfgang
The Rediscovered Benjamin Graham: Selected Writings of the Wall Street Legend by Lowe, Janet
The Trading Game by Jones, Ryan
Charting Twentieth-Century Monetary Policy: Herbert Hoover and Benjamin Strong, 1917-1927 by Wueschner, Silvano a.
Colombia: An Opening Economy? by
Ifa: The OECD Model Convention - 1997 and Beyond: Current Problems of the Permanent Establishment Definition: Current Problems of the Permanent Establ by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
The Labyrinth of Capital Gains Tax Policy: A Guide for the Perplexed by Burman, Leonard E.
Tax Policy and Investment by Hassett, Kevin
Interstate Fiscal Disparities in America: A Study of Trends and Causes by Qiao, Yuhua
The Theory of Monetary Institutions by White, Lawrence
Benjamin Graham Writings by Lowe, Janet
Beyond Value at Risk: The New Science of Risk Management by Dowd, Kevin
Financial Management: An Introduction by McMenamin, Jim
The Social Meanings of Money and Property: In Search of a Talisman by Doyle, Kenneth O.
Lead Us Into Temptation: The Triumph of American Materialism by Twitchell, James B.
Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers Into Friends and Friends Into Customers by Godin, Seth
Urban Land Reform in China by Hin, L.
The Generational Equity Debate by
The Gold Standard and Related Regimes: Collected Essays by Bordo, Michael D.
Issuer Perspectives on Securitization by Fabozzi, Frank J.
Analysis of Financial Statements by Fabozzi, Frank J., Peterson, Pamela P.
Duration, Convexity, and Other Bond Risk Measures by Fabozzi, Frank J.
The Role of Banks in Monitoring Firms: The Case of the Credit Mobilier by Paulet, Elisabeth
The Development of Equity Capital Markets in Transition Economies: Privatisation and Shareholder Rights by Willer, Dirk
Military Conscription: An Economic Analysis of the Labour Component in the Armed Forces by Duindam, Simon
Strategische Analyse Von Unternehmensakquisitionen: Das Beispiel Der Pharmazeutischen Industrie by Oehlrich, Marcus
The Equity Risk Premium: The Long-Run Future of the Stock Market by Cornell, Bradford
Emerging Markets Debt: An Analysis of the Secondary Market by Buckley, Ross P.
Land-Value Taxation: The Equitable Source of Public Finance by Wenzer, K. C.
Land-Value Taxation: The Equitable Source of Public Finance by Wenzer, K. C.
Financial Innovation by Molyneux, Philip, Shamroukh, Nidal
Buffettology: The Previously Unexplained Techniques That Have Made Warren Buffett the Worlds by Clark, David, Buffett, Mary
The Handbook of International Financial Terms by Moles, Peter, Terry, Nicholas
The Economics of James Steuart by
How Wall Street Works by Scott, David
Goldbugs and Greenbacks: The Antimonopoly Tradition and the Politics of Finance in America, 18651896 by Ritter, Gretchen
Private Equity: Examining the New Conglomerates of European Business by Temple, Peter
The Theory of Monetary Institutions by White, Lawrence
Political Economy of the Swiss National Bank by Jeitziner, Bruno
Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations and Their Applications by Ma, Jin, Yong, Jiongmin
Investing in Mutual Funds Using Fuzzy Logic by Peray, Kurt
Taxation in Britain Since 1660 by Douglas, R.
Strategies for the Online Day Trader by Gonzalez, Fernando
Finanzwissenschaft: Grundlagen staatlicher Verteilungspolitik by Bohnet, Armin
The End of Welfare?: Consequences of Federal Devolution for the Nation by Sawicky, Max B.
Stewardship Ethics in Debt Management by Mohon, Roy
Essentials of United States Taxation by Doernberg, Richard L., Abrams, Howard E.
Credit Risk Measurement: New Approaches to Value- At-Risk and Other Paradigms by Saunders, Anthony
Global Bargain Hunting: The Investor's Guide to Profits in Emerging Markets by Mei, J. P., Malkiel, Burton G.
Cases in Consumer Behaviour by
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations: Structures and Analysis by Fabozzi, Frank J., Ramsey, Chuck
Asset-Backed Finanzierungen Und Handelsbilanzielle Zuordnung by Turwitt, Mathias
Money Illusion and Strategic Complementarity as Causes of Monetary Non-Neutrality by Tyran, Jean-Robert
Kreditrationierung in Entwicklungsländern: Empirische Ergebnisse Für Den Marokkanischen Kreditmarkt by Oulad-Youssef, Nordin
Eat the Rich: A Treatise on Economics by O'Rourke, P. J.
Exchange Rates and the Firm: Strategies to Manage Exposure and the Impact of Emu by Friberg, R.
Fair Shares: The Future of Shareholder Power and Responsibility by Charkham, Jonathan, Simpson, Anne
Übungen Für Bankkaufleute by Lippe, Gerhard
The Current State of Macroeconomics: Leading Thinkers in Conversation by Usabiaga-Ibánez, C.
Economics as a Science of Human Behaviour: Towards a New Social Science Paradigm by Frey, Bruno S.
Central Banking, Monetary Policies, and the Implications for Transition Economies by
Project Financing and the International Financial Markets by Buljevich, Esteban C., Park, Yoon S.
American Commercial Banks in Corporate Finance: 1924-1941: A Study in Banking Concentrations by Kang Tia, Go
Public Principles of Public Debt by Buchanan, James M.
Public Principles of Public Debt: A Defense and Restatement by Buchanan, James M.
Selected Issues in European Tax Law: The Legal Character of Vat and the Application of General Principles of Justice by Albregtse, Dirk, Kogels, Hans
Capital Ideas and Market Realities: Option Replication, Investor Behavior, and Stock Market Crashes by Jacobs, Bruce I.
Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective by Antonides, Gerrit, Van Raaij, W. Fred
Quick Response: Managing the Supply Chain to Meet Consumer Demand by Lowson, Bob, King, Russell, Hunter, Alan
Financial Cryptography: Third International Conference, Fc'99 Anguilla, British West Indies, February 22-25, 1999 Proceedings by
Islamic Finance: Theory and Practice by Mills, P., Presley, J.
Handbook of Business Valuation by
Rent, Resources, Technologies by Pellizzari, Fausta, Quadrio Curzio, Alberto
Political Economy of Money: Emerging Fiat Monetary Regime by Macesich, George
Art and Science of Business Valuation by Boger, Michael B., Link, Albert N.
Frontier Emerging Equity Markets Securities Price Behavior and Valuation by Kratz, Oliver S.
Risk Management and Regulation in Banking: Proceedings of the International Conference on Risk Management and Regulation in Banking (1997) by
Financial Ethics by McCosh, Andrew
Financial Markets and Development: The Crisis in Emerging Markets by
Bootstrap Capital: Microenterprises and the American Poor by Servon, Lisa J.
The Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Guide to Personal Investing by Gardiner, Robert M.
International Economic Law, 3rd Revised Edition by Seidl-Hohenveldern, Ignaz
European Fiscal Studies: Pension Systems in the European Union: Competition and Tax Aspects by Dietvorst, Gerry, Stevens, Leo, Drabbe, Humbert
Security Analysis on Wall Street: A Comprehensive Guide to Today's Valuation Methods, Univ. Edition by Hooke, Jeffrey C.
The Politics of the Asian Economic Crisis by
The Politics of the Asian Economic Crisis by
Commodities and Capabilities by Sen, Amartya
The Real Deal: The History and Future of Social Security by Shoven, John B., Schieber, Sylvester J.
Einführung in Die Makroökonomische Theorie by Nissen, Hans-Peter
Investment, Growth and Employment: Perspectives for Policy by
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